

在 clove中文產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,945的網紅營養師環環- 郭環棻,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 昨天蔡總統的一則貼文提到,給選手的便當不能使用丁香,朋友立刻私訊問我為何🤣🤣🤣 讓環環我因此花了一些時間看了文獻、國際新聞跟WADA相關資料,整理成下面的資訊,有興趣的朋友可以參閱: WADA的運動禁藥目前有10項,在這次丁香(Clove)中所富含的成份為:Higenamine(中文翻作:去甲烏...

 同時也有6部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過56萬的網紅kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】,也在其Youtube影片中提到,English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen. 有中文字幕。請按下畫面上的字幕按鈕選擇。 한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요. ◆こっタソ動物園チャンネル 新し...

clove中文 在 ANDY DARK Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 07:15:02

【蟶子意式老鼠粉Passatelli w/ Razor Clams】 受到名廚Massimo Bottura在MasterClass裡分享過的一道意大利北部意粉菜式— passatelli的啟發,所以先前亦在煮食節目中分享過我這個用上魚湯再配搭蟶子的版本。(其實passatelli就是passat...

clove中文 在 營養師環環 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-10 22:25:11

昨天蔡總統的一則貼文提到,給選手的便當不能使用丁香,朋友立刻私訊問我為何🤣🤣🤣 讓環環我因此花了一些時間看了文獻、國際新聞跟WADA相關資料,整理成下面的資訊,有興趣的朋友可以參閱: WADA的運動禁藥目前有10項,在這次丁香(Clove)中所富含的成份為:Higenamine(中文翻作:去甲烏...

  • clove中文 在 營養師環環- 郭環棻 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-07-30 20:50:28
    有 88 人按讚



    WADA的運動禁藥目前有10項,在這次丁香(Clove)中所富含的成份為:Higenamine(中文翻作:去甲烏藥鹼‭ ,‬另外兩種Norcoclaurine 和 demethylcoclaurine 也是同一種植物成分的不同名稱)原本是氣喘的藥物,在2017年由世界運動禁藥管制機構新增至S3大類當中,在體內有血管舒張、強心、支氣管擴張、興奮劑的作用。跟之前瘦肉精都是屬於S3類,食用後刺激腎上腺素受體上升,讓選手比較不容易感受到疲累、痠痛、低體脂等爭議。雖然人在比賽當下也會因興奮而腎上腺素分泌增多,但是畢竟分泌有上限,當使用含此S3禁藥物質可放鬆控制氣道的肌肉,讓運動員的肺部吸入更多氧氣並提高表現。

    在禁藥分類上屬於S3的 β2作用劑(或稱為β2致效劑)屬於無論是賽內或賽外都不能使用的項目

    當年為何WADA會這麼晚才在2017新增Higenamine 呢?

    因為利法國足球球員馬馬杜·薩科 (Mamadou Sakho) 在 2016 年 4 月被檢測出 Higenamine 呈陽性,並被處以 30 天的歐洲比賽禁賽期。當時提出抗議認為 Higenamine 在 WADA 的指導方針中沒有明確列為β2作用劑,因此禁賽令被推翻,後來還拿到了WADA的賠償金。

    在長跑圈當中肯亞選手菲利普·坎戈戈 (Philip Kangogo) 也在2019年4月的馬拉松賽後雖然是第三名,因為吃了母親準備的草藥而導致尿液中驗到Higenamine去甲烏藥鹼,將他禁賽。美國舉重運動員馬修·麥卡洛 (Matthew McCullough) 因2020年7月比賽後在尿液中同時驗到higenamine跟瘦肉精的殘留而被美國反興奮劑機構 (USADA) 禁賽 20 個月。

    去甲烏藥鹼在傳統草藥中屬於蠻常見的成分,包含東奧日本當地的『南天喉糖(Nanten-nodo-ame)』當中也有此成分,同時Higenamine 在加拿大、美國和歐盟也是一種合法的食品補充劑,因此出國真的不要亂亂買~就算要買也要看清楚成分標示~不小心無意間就吃到了~~

    Higenamine 在某些國外市售補充劑每份含有多達 60 毫克的 higenamine - 每天超過 100 毫克。根據台灣運動禁藥管制學會的資料中指出以下植物可能含有Higenamine:
    • Aconite 烏頭屬
    • Annona squamosal 釋迦
    • Nandina domestica 南天
    • Tinospora crispa 波葉青牛膽
    • Nelumbo nucifera; lotus seeds 蓮子及蓮子心


    #營養師環環 #丁香 #運動員 #東奧 #營養師 #運動禁藥
    #中華隊加油 #一起成為中華隊 #中華隊
    #去甲基烏藥鹼 #蔡英文 #台灣加油 #東京奧運

  • clove中文 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-28 21:51:54
    有 367 人按讚

    #食況轉播 #法式套餐家庭秀






    在家享用法式套餐,這組meal kit,是我至今開箱過最接近fine dining的一組。用這種方式與大家見面的餐廳,則是位於台中的「L’Atelier par Yao」,翻成中文就是,「曜的工作坊」。


    主廚是江曜宇,高餐畢業生,曾至瑞典、英國、法國修業,待過倫敦的「The Clove Club」與巴黎的「Frenchie」。去年因疫情從巴黎返台,籌備自己的餐廳 L’Atelier par Yao,即將開幕時,卻碰上台灣疫情升級。

    這樣的創業起點,肯定永生難忘。在這裡為餐廳團隊打氣,十分盼望,能在不久的將來踏進L’Atelier par Yao。

    L’Atelier @ Home FoodBox
    訂購請洽 L'Atelier par Yao

  • clove中文 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-04-17 20:58:46
    有 10,208 人按讚



    20210417 live recipes

    材料: 桂花魚或其他魚,帶甜咸酸菜,大豆芽 ,泡椒 ,辣椒干,花椒 ,薑,蔥,紅辣椒,花椒
    醃魚肉味料: 鹽少許,一隻蛋白,胡椒粉少許
    做法: 1 燒熱鑊落油,猛火煎香魚骨,鹽少許,加滾水煮至湯濃白隔起魚骨
    2 魚肉加鹽拌勻至感覺有些膠質後加一隻蛋白,胡椒粉少許拌勻待用
    3 咸酸菜片薄切塊,白鑊炒至乾身
    4 落油將薑絲,蔥頭,泡椒,大豆芽,咸酸菜炒香
    5 開火煲熱魚湯落魚肉加鹽,菇粉各少許稍滾,魚肉鏟起放做法 4 面上,繼而淋上魚湯加一匙白醋
    6 燒熱鑊落油爆香辣椒干及花椒後倒入酸菜魚湯內,紅椒粒,蔥花飾面

    肥媽 Maria Cordero
    YouTube Live – April 17, 2021 Recipe English Version
    Hot and Sour Fish Soup with Pickled Mustard Greens
    (YouTube video starts at 1:33.)
    Fish - 1 large sea bass (or your choice of fish)
    (Separate the meat from the bones and head. Thinly slice the meat at 45-degree angle into bite size pieces. For larger pieces, make a slit in the center of each slice. Set aside.)

    Chinese pickled mustard green (“syun choi” or “hum choi”) - 1 package
    (Important to choose ones that are SWEET tasting instead of salty.)
    (Slice horizontally into half then slice vertically into pieces. Pat dry then pan fry them without oil until dry and fragrant. Transfer to a bowl. Set aside.)

    Chinese pickled green chili (“pao jiao”) - 1 jar
    Ginger shreds
    Garlic pieces
    Bean sprouts
    Salt - to taste
    Mushroom seasoning powder - to taste
    White vinegar - 1 tbsp

    Potato starch noodles or glass noodles “fensi” - optional to add into the soup

    Fish soup base ingredients:
    Fish bones
    Fish head
    Ginger slices - for frying the fish bones and head
    Ginger slices - for making the soup
    A dash of salt
    Very hot boiling water (to make the fish soup creamy white)

    Marinade fish meat ingredients:
    Salt - a dash
    Egg white - 1
    White pepper - a dash

    Garnish ingredient:
    Dried chili
    Sichuan peppercorns
    Green onion pieces
    Fresh red chili pieces
    Sichuan peppercorn oil

    1. In a bowl, add in all the fish meat, a dash of salt, and thoroughly mix until slightly sticky. Add in 1 egg white, a dash white pepper, and mix well. Set aside.

    2. Heat up a wok to very hot and add oil. Sprinkle in a dash of salt, add in ginger slices, and add in fish bones and head to make the soup base. Fry them until fragrant and golden brown on HIGH heat, and remove the ginger slices.

    3. Add in very hot boiling water, add ginger slices, and bring it to a boil and cook until creamy white. Turn off heat and remove all the fish bones and head and pour the soup through a strainer into a bowl.

    4. Return the soup back to the wok and add in marinated fish meat prepared in Step 1 and simmer until cooked. Add in salt and mushroom seasoning powder to taste. Set aside.

    5. Heat up a wok, add in oil. Add in ginger shreds, garlic pieces, Chinese pickled green chili, and stir fry until fragrant. Add in bean sprouts, Chinese pickled mustard greens, and mix well. Add in cooked fish meat and fish soup.

    6. Drizzle in 1 tbsp of white vinegar.

    7. Heat up a separate frying pan, and add oil. Add in dried chili, Sichuan peppercorns, and pour on top of the soup.

    8. Garnish with fresh red chili and green onion pieces.

    9. Drizzle Sichuan peppercorn oil on top.


    材料: 牛肉,青紅辣椒,咸菜
    香料: 薑一片,蒜一粒
    醃料: 糖少許,胡椒粉少許,鼔油,生粉適量
    做法: 1 牛肉先醃備用
    2 落油爆香薑,蒜,青紅辣椒,落牛肉炒,最後加咸菜炒勻即可
    備註: 咸菜有二隻,一帶甜,另一帶咸,今次是帶甜

    肥媽 Maria Cordero
    YouTube Live – April 17, 2021 Recipe English Version
    Stir Fried Beef with Pickled Mustard Greens
    (YouTube video starts at 26:56.)
    Beef steak slices
    (You can replace with beef tenderloin or pork.)

    Chinese pickled mustard green (“syun choi” or “hum choi”) - 1 package
    (Important to choose ones that are SWEET tasting instead of salty.)
    (If you are using the SALTY type, just add more sugar.)
    (Slice horizontally into half then slice vertically into pieces. Pat dry then pan fry them without oil until dry and fragrant. Transfer to a bowl. Set aside.)

    Red and green sweet bell peppers - sliced
    Minced ginger
    Minced garlic - 1 clove

    Marinade beef ingredients:
    Cooking oil
    Light soya sauce
    White pepper
    Corn starch / flour

    1. In a bowl, add in sliced beef steak, cooking oil, sugar, light soya sauce, white pepper, corn starch, and mix well. Set aside.

    2. Heat up a wok, add oil. Add in minced ginger, minced garlic, red and green sweet bell pepper slices, marinated beef slices, and briefly stir fry until fragrant. Transfer to a bowl. Set aside.

    3. Heat up the wok, add Chinese pickled mustard greens. Optional to add sugar now if you find it salty.

    4. Return the partially cooked beef back to the wok, and mix well. Transfer to serving plate. Serve.



    凍滾水 250 ml
    奶 250 ml
    魚膠粉 35 gr (可改用魚膠片5-6片)
    沙糖 100 gr (可依個人喜好加減)
    棷奶 1罐
    芒果 2-3個

    1. 凍滾水、奶 、魚膠粉、沙糖放入煲內,開中大火煮,邊煮邊輕輕攪拌至魚膠粉和糖完全溶解。
    2. 加入棷奶,攪拌至混合後關火,放涼備用。注意:加入棷奶後不要煮太久,以避免油水分解。
    3. 芒果去皮切粗條或粗粒,排放入糕盆內,倒入已放涼棷奶混合液,蓋好後放入雪櫃雪至硬身便可

    肥媽 Maria Cordero
    YouTube Live – April 17, 2021 Recipe English Version
    Mango Coconut Pudding
    (YouTube video starts at 35:35.)
    Drinking water - 250ml (do not use tap water)
    Milk - 250ml
    Gelatin powder - 35g (or replace with agar agar)
    Sugar - 100g or to taste
    Coconut milk - 1 can
    (Add in last to avoid the oil separating, which will result in two layers when pudding is set.)

    Fresh mangos - cut into your choice of designs. (Cubes or strips or floral.)
    (Cut into THICK pieces to avoid pieces from moving.)

    1. In a cooking pot, add in drinking water, milk, gelatin powder, sugar, and cook until sugar and gelatine have melted and little bubbles appear by continue stirring.

    2. Add in coconut milk and taste test for sweetness.

    3. Let it cool down to room temperature.

    4. In a mould, add in fresh mango pieces on the bottom layer then pour coconut milk mixture on top.

    5. Put in the refrigerator to set.

    6. Cut into cubes. Serve.

    To create mango layers:
    Optional to layer mango pieces on the bottom of the mould then refrigerate until they are a bit dehydrated and stick to the mould. This is to prevent them from moving or floating.

    Once the mango pieces are set on the bottom of the mould, pour half of the coconut milk mixture in and set in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

    After 30 minutes, or once the pudding is set, add the remaining mango pieces, coconut milk mixture, and refrigerate it until set and firm. You may create more than 2 layers.

    Once set, loosen the pudding from the mould and transfer to a serving plate with the bottom of the pudding facing upward displaying the mango pieces design. Slice and serve.

  • clove中文 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-10 16:00:01

    English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen.
    한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요.


    Thank you for watching
    I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


    [Ingredients] (Preservation period: about 3 days refrigerated)
    ● Eggplants: 2
    ● Enoki mushrooms: 1/2 bunch
    ● Scallion: 1/2
    ● Soy sauce: 2 tablespoons
    ● Mirin: 1 tablespoon
    ● Noodle soup(3 to 4 times concentrated): 1 teaspoon
    ● Dou ban jiang: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon (gochujang is also okay)
    ● Tian men jiang: 1 teaspoon
    ● Sugar: 1 teaspoon
    ● Vinegar: 1 tablespoon
    ● Garlic: 1 clove (you can use the tube type)
    ● About the same amount of ginger as garlic (you can use the tube type)
    ● Sesame oil: 1 teaspoon
    ● Rice oil: 2 tablespoons (you can use sesame oil or olive oil)
    ● Roasted sesame seeds
    ● Nam Pla: 1 teaspoon (It's good enough without it)
    ● Scallions and Ra-yu, to taste
    ※If you don't like the spiciness, replace Dou ban jiang with miso.
    ※If you don't have Tian men jiange, add 1 teaspoon miso and 1 teaspoon sugar.
    This is a recipe that makes seasonal eggplant super tasty and easy to make without breaking a sweat, even on a hot day!
    I made "Amazingly Yummy Addictive Enoki & Eggplant".
    I'm sure you'll agree that the flavor, richness, and aroma of this dish is unbelievable.
    I can't believe I made this dish just by microwave it. I can eat as many as I want!
    The leftover sauce can be used for pork shabu, dumplings, or tofu.
    It's very convenient once you learn how to make it☺
    Please try to make it!


    #JapaneseCooking #超やべぇやみつきエノキ茄子 #こっタソの自由気ままに #やみつき無限そうめん #JapaneseCuisine #Ramen #超やべぇやみつき大葉茄子 #茄子 #가지 #Eggplant #金針菇 #팽이버섯 #EnokiMushroom #AmazinglyYummy #JMT #油炸 #튀김 #다이어트 #減肥 #低糖質おつまみ #糖質制限レシピ #ヤセ筋 #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエットレシピ #激痩せ #ロカボレシピ #dietfood #lowcarbdiet #dietrecipe #晩ごはんレシピ #ご飯泥棒 #おかず #極上レシピ #ワンパンレシピ #時短レシピ #おうちごはん #至福の料理 #ご飯のお供 #太らないレシピ #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #大食い #男ウケ料理 #晩酌 #自炊 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #作り置き #Bento #recipesfordinner #マツコの知らない世界 #WithMe #Eazyrecipe #モッパン #から揚げ #唯一無二の絶品レシピ #こっタソ動物園

  • clove中文 在 kottaso cook【kottaso Recipe】 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-07-24 16:00:08

    English subtitles are available. Click the subtitle button on the screen.
    한국어 자막이 있습니다. 화면의 자막버튼에서 한국어를 선택해주세요.


    Thank you for watching
    I want to deliver delicious Japanese-food recipes to the world


    【Ingredients】 (Preservation period: about 4 days refrigerated)
    ● Cucumber: 5
    ● Daikon Radish: 1/3
    ● Carrot: 3
    ● Shiso leaves: 10
    ● 1 bunch of scallions
    ● Salt (For cleaning the cucumbers)
    ● Noodle soup (3 to 4 times concentrated): 2 teaspoons (You can also use white soup stock)
    ● Soy sauce: 1 tablespoon
    ● Nam Pla: 1 tablespoon
    ● Gochujang: 1 teaspoon (If you like it spicy, you can add more)
    ● Sake: 50ml
    ● Mirin: 50ml
    ● Ginger: about twice as much as garlic
    ● Garlic: 1 clove
    ● Sugar: 1 teaspoon (you can use LAKANTO for even less sugar)
    ● Korean chili pepper (coarse): 1&1/2 to 2 tablespoons (if you use regular chili pepper, the same amount will be too spicy, so be sure to taste and adjust the amount)
    ● Bonito powder: 1/2 to 2/3 tablespoon.
    ● Salted kelp: 1 tablespoon if available
    ● Sesame oil: 2 teaspoons
    ● Roasted sesame seeds: as desired
    ※ If you like spicy food, please add more gochujang or chili pepper.
    ※ If you don't like it spicy, replace gochujang with regular miso.
    ※ If you don't like Nam Pla, you can change it to soy sauce.
    ※ Be sure to taste it at the end to determine the intensity of the flavor.
    You can eat it endlessly even in hot summer.
    I made "Amazingly Yummy Hot Cucumbers".
    The name says "hot," but you can adjust the spiciness to your liking, and with this amount, it's not that hot.
    The carrots and daikon radish that have absorbed the flavor of the various broths are just too good, and the cucumber that you eat with it is just superb!
    You can eat unlimited amounts of rice, sake, and meat! It's so addictive!
    By the way, you can also pickle other summer vegetables such as okra.
    All you have to do is to dip them in the special sauce!!
    It's very easy to make, so please try it.
    I recommend using a lot of carrots and daikon lol


    #こっタソの自由気ままに #漬けるだけ #超やべぇやみつきHOTキュウリ #オイキムチ #超やべぇキュウリ #きゅうりの1/2本漬け #きゅうりの一本漬け #超やべぇ野菜漬け #やみつき野菜 #きゅうり浅漬け #にんじん #大根 #Cucumber #DaikonRadish #Carrot #오이 #무 #단근 #小黄瓜 #白萝卜 #红萝卜 #JapanesePickles #野菜漬け #perilla #PickledVegetables #低糖質おつまみ #糖質制限レシピ #ヤセ筋 #低糖質レシピ #ヘルシー #ダイエットレシピ #激痩せ #ロカボレシピ #dietfood #lowcarbdiet #dietrecipe #晩ごはんレシピ #ご飯泥棒 #おかず #極上レシピ #ワンパンレシピ #時短レシピ #おうちごはん #至福の料理 #ご飯のお供 #太らないレシピ #やみつきレシピ #酒のつまみ #簡単つまみ #こっタソレシピ #男飯レシピ #mukbang #먹방 #男子ごはん #HomeCooking #StayHome #大食い #男ウケ料理 #晩酌 #自炊 #酒の肴 #簡単レシピ #弁当 #作り置き #Bento #recipesfordinner #マツコの知らない世界 #WithMe #Eazyrecipe #モッパン #から揚げ #唯一無二の絶品レシピ #こっタソ動物園 #JapaneseCuisine

  • clove中文 在 Nora Hsu- Barrel Leaf Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-02-10 18:30:00

    最近在台灣還是覺得有一點冷,來分享 2 道全植的暖心蔬食料理食譜!
    I'm still feeling the cold weather in Taiwan, so here are 2 cozy vegan meal recipes!

    ❤ Nora

    ✗ 我的食譜電子書 (限時優惠)- http://bit.ly/nora-ebook-bundle

    » Why & How I became Vegan - https://youtu.be/Jtjf87f7s4Y
    » 我如何變成全植飲食者 - https://youtu.be/Jtjf87f7s4Y

    • Instagram: barrelleaf

    • E-mail: nora@barrelleaf.com
    • Facebook - http://fb.me/barrelleafstoastnotebook
    • Website - https://www.barrelleaf.com/
    ✗ Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/barrelleaf

    RECIPES 食譜 [中文於英文下方]

    #1 Rosé Sauce Lentil Stew - http://bit.ly/vegan-lentil-stew-en

    #2 Japanese Potato Curry
    1/2 Tbsp oil
    1.5 Tbsp brown rice flour https://iherb.co/MgtSWpUv
    1/4 large onion
    1/2 medium carrots
    A slice of ginger
    1 huge garlic clove (or 2-3 small ones)
    2 potatoes ~200g
    1/2 apples
    100 g mushrooms
    salt, to taste
    ground black pepper, to taste
    2 Tbsp curry powder
    1 tsp Garam Masala, optional
    1/8 tsp clove
    1/4 tsp cinnamon
    350 ml vegetable stock or water, plus more if needed
    2-3 tsp coconut amino https://iherb.co/hMqDwptn

    #1 全植粉紅醬扁豆燉煮 - http://bit.ly/rose-lentil-stew

    #2 日式馬鈴薯咖哩
    1/2 Tbsp 油
    1.5 Tbsp 糙米粉 https://iherb.co/MgtSWpUv
    1/4 大洋蔥
    1/2 中型紅蘿蔔
    1 塊薑片
    1 個超大蒜瓣 (或 2-3 小個)
    2 顆馬鈴薯 ~200 g
    1/2 顆蘋果
    100 g 任一種菇
    鹽, 試味道添加
    黑胡椒, 試味道添加
    2 Tbsp 咖哩粉
    1 tsp 瑪莎拉, 非必要
    1/8 tsp 丁香粉
    1/4 tsp 肉桂粉
    350 ml 蔬菜高湯或水, 視情況再添加
    2-3 tsp 椰香調味醬 https://iherb.co/hMqDwptn

    • Food processor - https://amzn.to/2WyvG0N
    • Blender - https://amzn.to/2WXFKBY
    • Blender Container - https://amzn.to/2PIjGHG
    • Grinder - https://amzn.to/2NOsaf2
    • Sauté Pan - https://amzn.to/2ntgnLc
    • Air-tight containers - https://amzn.to/2K87U9V
    • Mason jars - https://amzn.to/2WPofUj
    • My Kitchen Staples - https://www.barrelleaf.com/shop/

    常用器具 (2019)
    • 食物處理機 - http://bit.ly/nora-magimix
    • 調理機 - https://amzn.to/2WXFKBY
    • 小調理杯 - https://amzn.to/2PIjGHG
    • 研磨機 - https://shopsquare.co/2a1sv
    • 不沾炒鍋 - http://bit.ly/woll-28-pan
    • 密封盒 - https://igrape.net/2U_TZ
    • 密封罐 - https://ibestfun.net/2Q_aC


    I often buy ingredients on iHerb
    Get 5-10% Off with Code: MOK5777

    我常在 iHerb 上採買食材
    用折扣碼 MOK5777 享 9-95 折

    可能對你有幫助 HELPFUL LINKS

    • 常用器具 & 食材 - https://www.barrelleaf.com/shop/
    • 常見問答 - https://www.barrelleaf.com/recipe-measurement/
    • iHerb 購物︱經驗&開箱 - https://www.barrelleaf.com/iherb-first-buy/
    • iHerb 購物 9-95折折扣碼「MOK5777」- http://www.iherb.com/?rcode=MOK5777
    • 音樂 - https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/mcrmf4/

    Music - https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/mcrmf4/

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