

在 clinging中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,450的網紅黃之盈心理師的暖心園地,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [書籍推薦]重磅經典-依附 #心理學革命性經典著作 #JohnBowlby #1111好好買 兩段依戀的影片,改寫了英國醫院的陪床規定! 在20世紀40.50年代的英國,是規定父母不准陪床的,第一段影片是一位約莫3.4歲的小女孩,他住院大概七天,每天媽媽只能短暫探視,隨著時間推移,等到小女孩出院時,...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過38萬的網紅CH Music Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《春はゆく/ marie》 marie 作詞:aimerrhythm 作曲:横山裕章 編曲:玉井健二、百田留衣 歌:Aimer 翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel) 意譯:CH(CH Music Channel) English Translation: LyricalJourneys ...

clinging中文 在 TeenyMunchies - Kids Meals 兒童餐 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-04-04 19:48:55

中文請往下▼ A simple egg and toast breakfast where the egg won’t slide off! Swipe to see what I did 👉 ⠀⠀ On A’s Plate: - Steamed Carrot - Watermelon - Egg ...

  • clinging中文 在 黃之盈心理師的暖心園地 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-11 20:16:59
    有 31 人按讚

    踩在巨人的肩膀上,看見母嬰之間的關聯,是非常有趣且溫馨的;嬰兒從大約八個月大的時候,開始不罷休的爭奪父母的注意力,當他的身體可以移動,並且確認我和母親是不同客體時,焦慮會伴隨而來,而「是否被回應」的不安全感和脆弱也伴隨而來,嬰兒在父母身邊的第一個訊號是(Approach)跟隨、第二個訊號是(clinging)攀附,第三種是非營養性的抓握或吸吮乳頭(non-nutritional sucking or nipple-grasping)當主要照顧的人移動位置,他的感官就會開始搜尋。他會用爬行、拖著腳走、"奔跑(感覺好可愛)"極力地嘗試達到那個目標。在呼喚和回應之間,John Bowlby設置了不同地實驗,讓不同情境下的行為,自然地反應在親子互動中,進而進行彼此引發依附的了解。
    依附理論讓我們看見,早年的互動模式,在我們身上畫下的日日刻痕,卻也提供了有依據的素材,了解人類對愛的行為其來有自,對於如何表達愛,如何收愛,在行為組織背後,看見更寬廣的日積月累,包括從期待、失望、鼓起勇氣、再試一次、決定是否再相信、沮喪、無望,對世界拒絕(或相信)這條內在運作模式如何形成。這麼經典的書籍,提供給對依附有興趣的你,從日常人類的行為,可窺見一二,也從中了解照顧者對於依附對象,其實也有矛盾和焦慮,只要我們開始敏覺孩子、敏覺自己,就有機會 #給予彼此不一樣的回應,進而透過這段關係,茁壯彼此!
    太經典不得不推,期待Bowlby #經典第二回 的說書紀錄吧!
    #下一彈 #分離焦慮 #好書大家讀 #私藏經典不落遺珠

    #小樹文化 #博客來雙11優惠

  • clinging中文 在 Capcom Asia Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-05-10 08:31:19
    有 289 人按讚

    《Monster Hunter World: Iceborne》新資訊1:遊戲介紹

    MHW的超大型擴充內容《Monster Hunter World: Iceborne》的PS4版將於2019年9月6日全球同日發售,本日開始接受預約!亞洲版獨佔繁簡中文字幕!

    新等級:於「初階」和「進階」之上追加新的任務等級「Master Rank」,將會有新的素材,比進階等級更棘手的魔物亦會等著玩家來挑戰!






    “Monster Hunter World: Iceborne” New Info 1: Game Introduction

    “Monster Hunter World: Iceborne”, massive expansion DLC for MHW, will be coming to PS4 worldwide on September 6, 2019! Pre-order available from TODAY!

    New Rank: A new rank named “Master Rank” will be added above the existing low and high ranks. New materials and formidable monsters are available in this rank.

    New Locale: The Research Commission ventures out into a new ice-cold region known as the "Hoarfrost Reach." Hoarfrost Reach has a variety of different areas. As you continue your investigations, you'll uncover more parts of the map, eventually culminating in the largest locale in Monster Hunter: World!

    New Monster & Fan Favourite Monster:
    ‧Velkhana- An elder dragon with the power to freeze all. According to ancient legend, it can freely control the cold, and unleash an icy blast of breath.
    ‧Nargacuga - A flying wyvern covered in pitch black fur. It is extremely agile, especially on the ground, moving with explosive bursts of speed.

    Evolved Hunting Actions: Clutch claw is an extension of the slinger, allowing you to grapple onto monsters using a sharp, claw-shaped hook. When clinging onto a monster, new maneuvers become available to you, such as controlling the monster's movement. Another new move: Slinger Burst lets you fire a powerful shot at the cost of some range. This is a great way to make monsters flinch!

    More info on: www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
    MHW:I Special Program Archive: https://youtu.be/848okcNXaFA
    ※ Steam Version Coming This Winter.

  • clinging中文 在 貓的成長美股異想世界 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-08-06 18:06:58
    有 77 人按讚


    川普前幾天說, 以後的移民要在移民美國時, 就要會說英文. 經濟學人這篇文章講的挺好: 其實移民移居美國後, 早晚都會說英文的.

    在我身上其實也應證了這說法. 旅居美國十幾年, 雖然平常有跟此地的台灣同胞保持互動, 但因為身處在美語環境, 也為了生存下去, 所以我漸漸地習慣說英文, 聽英文歌, 看美國電視, 看原文書. 我也很清楚地意識到, 自己的母語(中文)能力在退化中. 所以我前幾年開始接英翻中的case, 而兩年前也開始藉著寫中文個股分析與開部落格來彌補這問題. 很多時候不是我故意在秀英文, 而是我真的不知道該用甚麼中文字來表達意思了, 或是我覺得用英文能夠更傳神地表達我的想法.

    "Rather than refusing to learn English, today’s immigrants actually abandon their first language much more readily than previous generations. German, the language spoken by the president’s ancestors, is a case in point. Germans arrived in America in big waves in the middle of the 19th century. Generations later, they were still speaking German at home; a small number were even monolingual in German despite being born in America. Only with America’s entry into the first world war did German-speakers drop their suddenly unpopular language.

    Today the typical pattern is that the arriving generation speaks little English, or learns it imperfectly; the first children born in America are bilingual, but English-dominant, and their children hardly speak the heritage language. This is as true of Hispanics as it is of speakers of smaller languages—and all without a lecture from the White House."

    DONALD TRUMP’s young administration is adept at one particular manoeuvre. Whenever the president is having a terrible time in the press, for some embarrassing statement, interview or imbroglio, the White House announces a far-reaching policy designed to stoke up his nationalist base while infuriating his opponents. In February it was the proposed ban on visitors from seven mainly Muslim countries. Last month it was the announcement on Twitter that he would not let transgender soldiers serve in the military.

    In each case, the new policy tends to hurt people who can be portrayed as threatening outsiders to ordinary Americans who work hard and pay their taxes. Yesterday’s announcement to back a months-old plan to overhaul America’s immigration rules falls in the same category. If implemented, it would reward applicants with sought-after job skills who already speak English, at the expense of low-skilled workers without language skills.

    This may seem perfectly sensible: after all, skilled immigrants are a good thing. But as an ongoing shortage of farm workers in California shows, unskilled immigrants are just as crucial. Equally, it is a good thing if immigrants speak English. But they need not speak it before arrival: as it is impossible to participate fully in American life without speaking English, the incentive to learn it quickly is overwhelming.

    The administration’s emphasis on English skills therefore harks back to an old myth that the linguistic make-up of America, which has been an English-dominant country for a long time, is changing: that the status of English is somehow threatened, especially by Spanish, but more generally by the notion that English is no longer needed in the economy.

    The myth goes something like this: today’s immigrants want to come to America to isolate themselves into communities that do not speak English. American policy tacitly encourages this by not being tough enough in requiring English. In the past, immigrants happily learned English quickly; “my grandpa came here from the old country but he refused to speak his old language; he insisted on getting by in his broken English until he was fluent.” But today’s immigrants no longer do so, as multiculturalism has replaced the melting pot.
    All of this is wrong. America began as a thin band of English colonies clinging to the eastern coast, vastly outnumbered by speakers of other languages. The foreign-born percentage of the population peaked not last year—the administration likes to talk of “unprecedented” numbers—but in 1890, when the share of foreign-born residents was at an all-time high of 14.8%. This proportion has risen again after declining in the mid-20th century (it stood at 12.9% in the 2010 census). America today has multilingual big cities with their voting instructions in Korean, Chinese and Russian.

    Historically, this is the norm rather than the exception: the years from 1925 to 1965, when immigration was almost completely cut off, were unusual. But those born from the 1940s to the 1960s became used to the low numbers of foreign-born residents, regarding this state as normal. That in turn supported a belief that America has always naturally belonged completely to English.
    For most of its history, America was precisely the “polyglot boardinghouse” Teddy Roosevelt once worried it would become. That history has turned out very well not just for America, but for English—the most successful language in the history of the world. Along with American power, English has spread around the globe. At home, wave after wave after wave of immigrants to America have not only learned English but forgotten the languages their parents brought with them.

    Rather than refusing to learn English, today’s immigrants actually abandon their first language much more readily than previous generations. German, the language spoken by the president’s ancestors, is a case in point. Germans arrived in America in big waves in the middle of the 19th century. Generations later, they were still speaking German at home; a small number were even monolingual in German despite being born in America. Only with America’s entry into the first world war did German-speakers drop their suddenly unpopular language.

    Today the typical pattern is that the arriving generation speaks little English, or learns it imperfectly; the first children born in America are bilingual, but English-dominant, and their children hardly speak the heritage language. This is as true of Hispanics as it is of speakers of smaller languages—and all without a lecture from the White House.

  • clinging中文 在 CH Music Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-24 02:12:40

    《春はゆく/ marie》
    翻譯:澄野(CH Music Channel)
    意譯:CH(CH Music Channel)
    English Translation: LyricalJourneys


    Copyright Info:
    Be aware this channel is for promotion purpose only without any illegal profit. All music's ownership belongs to the original creators.
    Please support the original creator.


    If you like my videos, please click like and subscribe! Thx :)


    Check my Facebook page for more information!

    背景 / Background - シソ3日目西A-36a - オーケストラガールズ :

    中文翻譯 / Chinese Translation :

    英文翻譯 / English Translation :

    日文歌詞 / Japanese Lyrics :
    毎夜 深紅の宴 泡沫に抱かれて
    14の時にすぐに 迷子のまま

    覚えのない言葉と 偽りの首飾りすら

    奪われることを恐れて 与えられること忘れて
    10月の雨に打たれて 目を閉じた その時に
    何を手に入れるのだろう? 教えてよ marie

    毎夜 指輪の森で あの風に吹かれて
    12の唄 紡いで 夢見ていた

    縋る様に抱き合う 平然と狼狽ですら

    麗しき天で結ばれ この地上で引き裂かれて
    光を消していく 愛おしい日々
    飾られた椅子に腰掛け 振り払うその腕に
    何を手に入れるのだろう? 教えてよ marie

    繋ぐために捨ててきた 境界を越えて
    脱ぎ捨て去った白いドレスは 今も泣いてるの?

    奪われることを恐れて 与えられること忘れて
    10月の雨に打たれて 目を閉じた その時に
    何を手に入れるのだろう? 教えてよ marie

    中文歌詞 / Chinese Lyrics :








    英文歌詞 / English Lyrics :
    Every night, the banquet in crimson
    as if enclosed in a water bubble
    Soon as she turned fourteen
    still as a lost child

    Words not remembered and
    even the fake necklace
    I’m conveying someone’s sadness
    whose painting hung on the wall

    Fear for what was taken
    Forget about the things given
    I will tell of the beautiful days of the end
    Drenched by the rain in October
    The time when you finally closed your eyes
    What have you actually achieved?
    Please tell me, Marie

    In the ring-shaped forest
    while being blown by the wind
    Spin the twelve songs
    and saw a dream

    To embrace as if clinging onto something
    Even as for the calmness and confusion
    I’m conveying the brilliance of the time
    depicted by the picture on the wall

    To be tied to a beautiful point
    to be torn up of the ground
    Lovely days where lights will be gone
    Sitting on the decorated chair
    shaking off that arm
    What have you actually achieved?
    Please tell me, Marie

    Abandoned to connect
    overcoming boundaries
    The white dress being cast off
    is still crying now

    Fear for what was taken
    Forget about the things given
    I will tell of the beautiful days of the end
    Drenched by the rain in October
    The time when you finally closed your eyes
    What have you actually achieved?
    Please tell me, Marie

