BARE | One of the biggest honors I have leading women is the privilege to create experiences for growth and belonging.
It’s a chance to reclaim and ...
BARE | One of the biggest honors I have leading women is the privilege to create experiences for growth and belonging.
It’s a chance to reclaim and sit in the vulnerable, a chance to strip off and heal again, a chance to remember that there is fire in the wounding and that always and always, our collective pain births our collective power.
Each retreat, whether it is ten women or fifty is a sacred space of @hannahpatricialo and I trusting each other to go into the deep.
We sit for hours and days in my little apartment, crafting and writing and asking again and again what do they need? Where do they need to go?
Leaving and cleaving a little part of our hearts with each workshop because the work takes us there and unless we do the work, we cannot teach the work.
We too have skeletons in our closets and it is at these retreats that we are the most vulnerable and bared open because we know these women too deserve to know and learn and feel that we all have our scars that shape and hide and hurt and love.
From our first workshop in the jungles of Kuala Kubu Bahru to the rice paddy fields of Bali in February, I am a better mother, wife, business owner, specialist, because of this experience.
And it’s all because one visionary believed in us. Our team that supports us, our husbands and partners that wait for us, our clients that go to bat for us, our teeny tinies that believe so fiercely in our not enoughs, our women that have come through these doors.
We are in the hundreds now, but they each feel precious to us. Seen. Loved. Whole. Individual. The circle would not have been the same if even one was missing. Thank you for letting me do my most honest work yet and for trusting us to go into the deep w you.
What would you like to learn? Where has your scars taken you? What is holding you back?
#supparetreat #womensretreat #authenticleadership #rachealkwacz #hannahpatricia
cleaving 在 國家衛生研究院-論壇 Facebook 的最讚貼文
SARS-CoV-2約有25種蛋白質參與感染宿主及病毒複製的過程,其中包含在感染初期與宿主ACE2受體結合的棘蛋白(Spike protein)、可裂解病毒或人類蛋白質的蛋白酶 (proteases)、負責合成病毒RNA的RNA聚合酶 (RNA polymerase) 及RNA切割核糖核酸內切酶( RNA-cleaving endoribonuclease)。若有藥物可以和這些病毒蛋白質結合,便能影響其功能,進一步阻斷病毒後續的感染及複製。
有別於傳統費時耗工的新藥研發過程,近來以電腦運算進行結構模擬的藥物開發方法(computational structure-based drug discovery)大幅加快了新藥的研發。
此技術以分子動力學 (molecular-dynamics simulation)及整體對接(ensemble docking)方法,模擬測試藥物與目標病毒蛋白的動態對接鍵結狀況,從中挑選最有希望抑制病毒的藥物。
目前,已有許多具阻斷棘蛋白潛力的化合物被挑選出,其抑制活病毒的能力也正在評估中。最後,篩選出候選藥物或化合物後,則需進行「動物實驗」和「人體實驗」驗證其療效。面對疫情,人工智慧的大數據模擬分析是我們研發藥物的強大助力。(「財團法人國家衛生研究院」吳綺容醫師 摘要整理 ➥
📋 How to Discover Antiviral Drugs Quickly (2020/05/20)+中文摘要轉譯
■ Author:
Jerry M. Parks, Jeremy C. Smith.
■ Link:
(The New England Journal of Medicine)
疾病管制署 - 1922防疫達人
cleaving 在 史丹福狂想曲 Facebook 的最讚貼文
呢個研究好有趣呀,係一種醫TTP嘅新藥Caplacizumab,佢原理係抑制溫韋伯氏因子(Von Willebrand factor)同血小板嘅交互作用,有興趣嘅朋友不妨睇吓😝😉
In thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), autoantibodies inhibit activity of the von Willebrand factor–cleaving protease ADAMTS13, which leads to platelet consumption in VWF–platelet aggregates and microvascular thrombosis. The ensuing tissue ischemia and multiorgan dysfunction may result in thromboembolic events and death. Read the full abstract:
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