

在 classmates意思產品中有12篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過5,361的網紅練健輝 Lian Kien Hui,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 整理一年內所看過的院線片已成為每年歲末的儀式,今年因為疫情的關係,看片量稍微減少,但還是有達到每年的目標(100部) 先謝謝一些特映會和包場邀請的片商和公司! 今年的觀影心得就是,華語片依舊很弱,相較2019年也沒有太多驚喜,倒是有些影展沒有被看見的電影滿有意思的,也蠻希望導演可以持續探索和堅持的...


classmates意思 在 Yung Chi Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 19:07:47

· 「同學麥娜絲 Classmates Minus」 · 麥娜絲就是「minus 」,減少的意思,我覺得這部電影可能30歲以後的人看了才能get到導演想表達的意思。 - 從小到大「同學」就只有在國小、國中、高中以及大學這些階段會有,又取決於你在哪一個階段會找到一群真正交心的朋友,這真的很難說對吧~隨...

  • classmates意思 在 練健輝 Lian Kien Hui Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-31 12:57:06
    有 42 人按讚





    《金都 My Prince Edward》黃綺琳
    《怪胎 I Weirdo》廖明毅
    《誤殺 Sheep Without A Shepherd》柯汶利
    《消失的情人節 My Missing Valentine》陳玉勳
    《熱帶雨 Wet Season》陳哲藝
    《蚵豐村 Ohong Village》林龍吟
    《菠蘿蜜 Boluomi》廖克發、陳雪甄
    《佔領立法會 Taking Back The Legislature》香港紀錄片工作者
    《南巫 The Story Of Southern Islet》張吉安
    《同學麥娜絲 Classmates Minus》黃敬堯
    《孤味 Little Big Women》許承傑
    《阿紫 The Good Daughter》吳郁瑩
    《少年的你 Better Days》曾國祥
    《惡之畫 The Painting Of Evil》陳永錤
    《幻愛 Beyond The Dream》周冠威
    《無聲 The Silent Forest》柯貞年
    《叔叔 Suk Suk》楊曜愷
    《刻在你心底的名字 Your Name Engraved Herein》柳廣輝
    《親愛的房客 Dear Tenant》鄭有傑


    《燃燒女子的畫像 Portrait Of A Lady On Fire》Céline Sciamma
    《靈魂急轉彎 Soul》Peter Docter
    《就愛斷捨離 Happy Old Year》Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit
    《蘿莉破壞王 System Crasher》Nora Fingscheidt
    《外出偷馬 Out Stealing Horses》Hans Petter Moland
    《緝毒風暴 Just 6.5》Saeed Roustayi
    《美國工廠 American Factory》Steven Bognar and Julia Reichert
    《閉嘴!彈琴 Shut Up And Play The Piano》Philipp Jedicke
    《少年阿罕默德 Young Ahmed》Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne
    《寂靜之死 Begining》Dea Kulumbegashvili
    《當愛離開時 After Love》Aleem Khan
    《殺戮荒村 Bacurau》Kleber Mendonça Filho and Juliano Dornelles
    《超級網紅真裸告白 Searching Eva》Pia Hellenthal
    《看不見的目擊者 Blind Witness》森淳一
    《1917》Sir Samuel Alexander
    《你的鳥兒會唱歌 And Your Bird Can Sing》三宅唱
    《我的媽媽開Gay Bar Stage Mother》Thom Fitzgerald
    《她們 Little Women》Greta Gerwig
    《千日千夜 About Endlessness》Roy Andersson
    《蘋果的記憶 Apples》Christos Nikou
    《小狼居家守則 The Wolves》Samuel Kishi
    《戀你在他方 I Carry You With Me》Heidi Ewing
    《聽見心聲音 Listen》Ana Rocha
    《真實 The Truth》是枝裕和
    《大地蜜語 Honeyland》Tamara Kotevska, Ljubomir Stefanov
    《悲慘世界 Les Miserables》Ladj Ly


    《阿基拉 Akira》Katsuhiro Ôtomo
    《海上鋼琴師 The Legend of 1990》Giuseppe Tornatore
    《末代皇帝 The Last Emperor》Bernardo Bertolucci
    《藍色恐懼 Perfect Blue》今敏
    《東京教父 Tokyo Godfathers》今敏
    《中央車站 Central Station》Walter Salles
    《美麗佳人歐蘭朵 Orlando》Sally Potter
    《在黑暗中漫舞 Dancer In The Dark》Lars von Trier
    《蘇州河 Suzhou River》婁燁
    《教會 The Mission》Roland Joffé
    《綠洲 Oasis》李滄東
    《海上花 Flowers Of Shanghai》侯孝賢
    《鳥人 Birdy》Alan Parker
    《名揚四海 Fame》Alan Parker
    《卡比莉亞之夜 Le notti di Cabiria》Federico Fellini
    《八又二分之一 8 1/2》Federico Fellini
    《大路 La strada》Federico Fellini
    《阿瑪珂德 Amarcord》Federico Fellini
    《小牛 I vitelloni》Federico Fellini
    《生活的甜蜜 La dolcevita》Federico Fellini
    《感官世界 In The Realm Of The Senses》大島渚
    《俘虜 Merry Chirstmas,Mr.Lawrence》大島渚
    《春天的故事 A Tale Of Springtime》Éric Rohmer
    《夏天的故事 A Tale Of Summer》Éric Rohmer
    《秋天的故事 A Tale Of Autumn》Éric Rohmer
    《冬天的故事 A Tale Of Winter》Éric Rohmer


    《戀戀小情歌 God Help The Girl》Stuart Murdoch
    《困獸之網 The Net》金基德
    《再見了,唇 Farewell Song》塩田明彥
    《霍爾的移動城堡 Howl’s Moving Castle》宮崎駿
    《風之谷 Nausicaä of The Valley Of The Wind》宮崎駿
    《再會吧!青春小鳥 Have A Song On Your Lips》三木孝浩
    《不即不離 Absent Without Leave》廖克發
    《心靈圍籬 Fences》Denzel Hayes Washington Jr.
    《玉子 Okja》奉俊昊
    《Nang Nak》Nonzee Nimibutr
    《Little Voice》Mark Herman
    《Electric Dreams》Steve Barron
    《地下鐵 Subway》Luc Besson
    《五月風暴 Après mai》Olivier Assayas
    《夜晚還年輕 Tangerine》Sean Baker

    #影集/ #電視劇

    《闇 Dark》
    《普通人 Normal People》
    《好萊塢 Hollywood》
    《后翼棄兵 The Queen’s Gambit》
    《鬼滅の刃 Demon Slayer: Kimetsu No Yaiba》
    《紙房子 La Casa De Papel》
    《誰是被害者 The Victims' Game》
    《返校 Detention》


  • classmates意思 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-11-23 19:57:20
    有 542 人按讚



    对待中学孩子- 大人就是顾问
    讲师:李启岗 #秀丽随笔
    How to communicate with children?
    0-6 parent need to control kids
    6-12 parent need to assist kids in school, life, relationship with classmates
    12-18 parent need to give advice once in awhile
    Good luck parent

  • classmates意思 在 羅比媽的育兒與實驗廚房 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-05-08 00:47:32
    有 178 人按讚



    最震撼的一課---美國教室。(English Version below)



    派翠莎女士:沒錯! 我們要拍手叫好,大家一起來! 鼓掌!!




    再指著其他的女孩們, 一個個問道: 你們為什麼都不去摔倒? 為什麼不去嘗試? 為什麼不敢冒險? 大家都應該向她學習,我們一起謝謝她這麼認真!





    The most shocking lesson - the American classroom.

    At the end of the ballet class on Saturday morning, the teacher asked everyone to spin, jump, and dance through the classroom elegantly. One group after another, following the beautiful classical music tempo, no matter what happens, always smiling, and looking fabulous. The class is full of all kinds of students, 8 year old blonde girl, 10 year old Chinese american girl, 12 year old South Asian american girl, 23 year old Korean girl, 27 year old African american girl, 29 year old Taiwanese moi, 35 years old blonde male classmate, 40-year-oldish red-haired temperament hot mom, happy ladies in their fifties ...etc. The teacher is called "Ms. Patricia", who is a sixty-something blonde, the most knowledgeable woman I have seen with super-strong body, the most experienced in teaching, very dramatic, incredibly humorous, and girl, she loves to gossip. She has also been practicing ballet for more than 50 years, and insisting on teaching for six to eight hours a day.

    While the very last group was finishing up their turns, the red-haired hot mom lost her balance and fell to the floor, making a bump. She blushed, and smiled a little embarrassed, making this "Voila" gesture, and then stood up. On the other hand I felt a little embarrassed for her, so I smiled nervously and soon turned my head away because I wasn't sure what kind of expression I should've been reacting.
    At this time, the teacher walked over, rubbing her both hands together, looking entertained and glanced at the girls in her elite class. She shouted: Girls, what do we do when someone falls in our tech class?

    All the girls under the age of 16 started to clap their hands and show genuine admiration.

    Ms. Patricia: That's right! We clap! Everyone come together! Applaud!!

    The audience applauded and cheered for the hot mom who stood up after she fell.

    Ms. Patricia went on: Usually at this time, the teacher will go to the other girls and say...

    Acting while walking over to a beautiful girl who is the most advanced in the class, and pointed to the hot mom and said: she tried. She dared to try, risking the possibility of falling, trying harder moves, in order to become better and making more progress.

    Then she pointed to other girls, one by one, asking: Why don't you fall? Why don't you try? Why not taking risks? Everyone should learn from her, and we thank her for trying so hard!

    I almost burst into tears.

    I instantly understood where the confident expressions that have always been on the faces of American classmates came from. Every single moment, doesn't matter what other people think, do not be afraid of falling, not afraid of failure, and only try to focus on this moment of effort, are you doing enough? Because only your effort is important, and nothing else is worth worrying. Falling means you are trying, trying means that you are closer to progress, and feeling comfortable doesn't let you go any further.

    I wished that someone had said something like this to motivate me when I was a child who fell hard and using it as a good educational opportunity to encourage everyone else to try. But nothing is ever too late, this is the most shocking lesson (in the best way) I have learned in the United States after almost three years. By the way, in the next couple of days it'd be three years since I moved from home.
    Just wanted to share with you, this.



  • classmates意思 在 コバにゃんチャンネル Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-10-01 13:19:08

  • classmates意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-10-01 13:10:45

  • classmates意思 在 大象中醫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-10-01 13:09:56

