

在 clang英文產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, EEC小說選讀:The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 福爾摩斯 Chapter 2 (p32~45) "帶斑紋的繩子"竟然是......!!?? 至於兇手,俐媽有猜到喔^^ ...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過131萬的網紅YOYOTV,也在其Youtube影片中提到,YOYO點點名最新完整版►►https://bit.ly/2ORbaKl 【歌詞 lyrics】 Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga Clang Clang Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga Chugga Cla...

  • clang英文 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的精選貼文

    2014-10-19 11:13:10
    有 312 人按讚

    EEC小說選讀:The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 福爾摩斯 Chapter 2 (p32~45)

    <3 俐媽英文教室:
    p. 32
    補充:whistle (v.)(n.) (吹)口哨/ clang (v.) 金屬碰撞發出鏗鏘聲
    p. 33
    單字2. a matter of life and death 至關生死的事務
    單字7. be supposed to V = should V 應該...
    單字8. motive (n.) 動機 (比:motivation n. 動力)
    單字10. put the cart before the horse 本末倒置
    p. 35
    單字3. assure + sb. + of N/that S + V 向...保證...
    單字5. hit the ceiling 暴怒
    p. 36
    補充:stepfather (n.) 繼父/ a couple of Ns 數個...
    p. 37
    單字2. be attached to N 附屬於...;附著於...;依戀...
    p. 39
    單字1. vitality (n.) 活力
    單字7. yell at 對...叫喊 (介系詞at有"瞄準""針對"之意)
    p. 40
    單字3. so as to V 為了...(只能放在句中)
    單字10. faint (a.) 微弱的;(v.) 昏倒
    p. 41
    單字13. violate (v.) 違反
    單字16. horrible (a.) 恐怖的/ horrify (v.) 使驚嚇
    p. 42
    單字1. still (a.) 靜止不動的
    單字11. declaration (n.) 宣佈
    p. 44
    單字1. statement (n.) 說明
    單字2. exotic (a.) 外來的;異國的(比:erotic a. 情色的)
    單字5. play a trick on N 對...惡作劇
    單字7. take a bite 咬一口

  • clang英文 在 鍾文音 Chung Wenyin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2014-08-31 09:35:00
    有 44 人按讚

    he watches the sky, the strings of flight that shrink even the world

    以我的英文名字(wen)諧音(when)寫成的敘事詩:~~from Santa Fe Art institute Resident(不具名之詩饋贈者,我快成了其他創作者的繆思了,而我的繆思之神卻遲遲未來,靈感枯竭,召喚繆思Recall of God Muse!)

    There is no time when
    A man shakes sounding like anger, but is in fear
    His son taken to an island
    Told, visit. but only a few hours now and then
    There is no time when
    out of the blue she takes him in--knowing he is part broken
    he can barely rise to accept her gift, shocked that comfort still lives, surprised that he was seen at all through the murk of his troubles
    she gives him a taste a smell that says even storm winds carry the perfume from a distant paradise then whispers you might go there one day

    There is no time when
    to ride birds takes fists of treasure pulled from baskets of of wood chips and and shredded paper—weeds grow seeds but no fruit, intentions do not spoon out delicious soup to her bowl
    the man looks around dizzying precipice on every side no place to go and rain is coming
    he watches the sky, the strings of flight that shrink even the world—a mile of ribbon carefully wound is only as long as a grasshopper from toe to eye
    There is no time when
    waiting she misses her ferry, the one that crosses a straight to the festival—he asks too much if she misses the dancing
    for she touched his hand gently interrupting his ears banged with hammers on iron, when, sparing his skin from an envelope of scalding steam
    when is snow deep and complex, ten thousand stacks of geometry and then multiplied by ten million and more—each as soft as the inner part of bread and as bright as polished silver

    when deep snow was a bed of rest and awake. When the soft sound muffling of a perfect winter day shut in and off from the world to allow only gentle precipitation
    he grew and when deeper still piled comfort up around him, and never missed the snowflakes caught on a reaching tongue, he smiled but there was no time
    this pleasure unlikely does it make a meal? One to allow her surviving a long wait—when she has done all the giving, and yes he thanks her for his ears were spared of bleeding from the clang, his skin was not peeled off by the heat like a tomato dipped in the boiling pot
    When is snow a bandage, when is the beam that stiffens and keeps the roof from collapse, there is not enough time for when

