

在 christianity中文產品中有11篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅JAMES 楊永聰,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Good Night (晚安) 👇中文版本在英文下👇 This song’s about 3 months’ old. I posted a few weeks ago that I recorded a new song I’d written for a TV show theme son...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅Khalil Fong 方大同,也在其Youtube影片中提到,2013年4月8日,方大同出席香港中文大學多元文化節開幕禮,與中大校長沈祖堯教授一起分享他們的信仰和世界觀。 Khalil Fong and Prof Joseph Sung, the Vice Chancellor of Chinese University of Hong Kong, share...

  • christianity中文 在 JAMES 楊永聰 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-03 21:03:00
    有 93 人按讚

    Good Night (晚安)


    This song’s about 3 months’ old. I posted a few weeks ago that I recorded a new song I’d written for a TV show theme song. Good Night is actually the song I wrote for that TV show, but they chose a different song of mine instead.

    The show has quite a dark theme, so the song’s verse is quite dissonant and menacing. I tried to imagine what happens when an evil person dies - do fallen angels take him down to Hell? If so, why would a truly evil person be punished there? More likely the demons would enjoy his company and appreciate his wrongdoings, but also mourn his passing because he cannot continue doing terrible things on Earth.

    What makes someone become a monster – is it intrinsic, or created behaviour? Do they know what they are doing is wrong and try to stop themselves, is it uncontrollable? If so, do they regret what they do, do they hate themselves for it? If so, then they are also victims, and death may be a relief to them. So the chorus lyrics are about a descent into Hell, but they also represent relief of worldly pain, hence the lighter melody.

    I then started thinking about forgiveness - if Christianity says anyone is capable of redemption, then why can’t an evil person love and be loved? I tried to represent this by putting a dissonant verse melody and notes at odds with the lyrics, which are quite sweet, and show that some even this monster is cared for on his death bed, and will be missed.

    This was written just as Covid-19 was getting very serious, and I guess the situation affected what I wrote.


    電視劇的主題有點黑暗,所以這首歌也是比較沉重的。我在想,罪惡的人死了之後到底會什麼發生。是墮落天使見到他, 把他的靈魂帶去地獄嗎?如果那個人真的罪惡那為什麼下去是種懲罰?魔鬼跟罪惡的人應該彼此欣賞吧,很開心在一起,魔鬼也應該不希望這個壞人離開凡間,因為在地球上,罪惡的人可以做魔鬼喜歡看的事。

    魔鬼又是怎麼來的呢? 是與生俱來的嗎,還是後天遇到什麼讓他變成魔鬼?魔鬼知道他們在做惡嗎,還是無意的,無法控制的?如果說不能控制,那他們會後悔自己做過的惡嗎,或者會因此恨自己嗎?如果會,那魔鬼其實很可憐的,他們也是受害者,死亡對魔鬼來說有可能也是減輕他的負擔。所以雖然副歌的歌詞代表這個惡人下地獄,旋律還是比較輕快的。

    然後我在想,寬恕是什麼? 如果基督教說所有的人,不管有多罪惡都可以被救贖,那為什麼這個罪惡的人不值得被愛? 所以雖然主歌的旋律比較沉重,歌詞其實比較甜蜜,罪惡的人快死掉的時候還會有人陪著他,愛上他。

    我寫這首歌的時候,剛好是新冠狀病毒很嚴重的時間, 我覺得這也有影響到這首歌的歌詞和旋律。

    Lyrics 歌詞:

    Blossom falling early, watched from our bed,
    Gently, you stroke my hair and kiss my head,

    Knowing what you love you cannot keep,
    Your hot tears fall and burn,
    they sear my cheeks,

    The cards are down,
    Read them and weep,
    Read them and weep

    Fallen angels guide me,
    Lay roses at my feet,
    As I’m slowly fading,
    they cradle me as they weep

    She knows (I can’t breathe), she knows;

    I’ll soon be gone

    Delirious dreams give way to serene strains,
    A quiet sadness lurks ‘midst their sweet refrain,

    The cards are down,
    Read them and weep,
    Read them and weep

    Now the light shines through me, shade soothes my aching limbs,
    Lost soul released into the arms of keening Seraphim

    She knows (I can’t breathe), she knows (I can’t breathe), she knows

    That I’m gone.

    Gibson SJ100
    Korg Tuner
    Zvex Superduper
    68 Pedals Klone
    Zoom MS50

    Sennheiser MD431 MK1
    Cusack Pedal Cracker
    HoF 1
    Both into Saramonics Smart Rig+
    iPhone 5SE

  • christianity中文 在 黃之鋒 Joshua Wong Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-08-20 13:08:53
    有 1,733 人按讚

    【FOX NEWS訪問】

    首先,想解釋返點解個大字標題會無啦啦寫住「HONG KONG ACTIVIST WILING TO MEET WITH PRESIDENT XI」,查實就唔係我本人想見習近平,呢段必須要同大家交代清楚!

    只係,早前我retweet Donald Trump喺Twitter話「習近平應該同香港示威者見面」時暗諷咁寫左句「歡迎『習帝』嚟香港喺集會現場公開咁見示威者🤗」,結果主持就有咁既解讀,仲話「Joshua is willing to follow up on President Trump’s proposal!」……真不愧為Trump最鐘意睇既電視台。

    另外,兩個月來做左過百次電視訪問,第一次喺緊湊得嗰既幾分鐘Live電視訪問裡面,會有主持問「What role does religion & Christianity play in protest」,聽到果陣都覺得……啊果然係foxnews,一定有唔少福音派既共和黨支持者睇(笑)。





    【The calm before the storm】

    1. Over the past 24 hours or so, both President Trump and Vice President Pence have spoken out with grave concern over the situation in Hong Kong.

    2. We face extreme uncertainty over whether the Chinese army will intervene. How should HKers react when they wake up and see tanks rumlbing along Queen's Road Central?

    3. The 1.7 million Hong Kongers who took to the streets this past weekend has shown President Xi that our movement is far from over.

    4. As he looks forward to the 70th anniversary of the PRC’s founding, he has good reasons to authorize a swift crackdown on Hong Kong despite the economic risk.

    5. The White House must put Hong Kong’s human rights front and center in this new round of trade talks with Chinese representatives.

    6. Hong Kong is on the brink of bloodshed. God bless Hong Kong

  • christianity中文 在 旅行熱炒店Podcast Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-04-01 03:25:12
    有 0 人按讚

    An Armenian Community Excursion: the Mysterious Oriental Church, and Authentic Gourmet
    (Blog post in both English and Mandarin!!)



    Armenia has always been a unique country to me. It's considered the first Christian state in human history, but its Christianity is quite different from the Christianity we're familiar with; it was once a powerful empire, but unfortunately became the target of the first "genocide" in the 20th century. Boston is one of the US cities with Armenian agglomeration. As I happened to be free last Sunday, I went to an Armenian church and tried a local restaurant, trying to know more about this unique people...

    中文: http://blog.jeromeyang.com/2019/03/blog-post_31.html
    English: http://blog.jeromeyang.com/2019/03/an-armenian-community-excursion.html

  • christianity中文 在 Khalil Fong 方大同 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2013-04-23 14:15:23

    Khalil Fong and Prof Joseph Sung, the Vice Chancellor of Chinese University of Hong Kong, shared their faith and world views in the opening ceremony of the Diversity-in-Asia Fest on 8 April 2013.

    方大同Facebook專頁 Khalil Fong Official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/soulboykhalilfong

