

在 chips食物產品中有312篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【健康危機】高血壓是身體響起警號 ⭐高血壓會引起多種致命疾病 ⭐養成定期量血壓習慣 #星期四食材 小心高鈉食物 高血壓是一種動脈血壓升高的慢性疾病,分為原發性及續發性,續發性高血壓有明確病因,例如懷孕、內分泌異常、腎病等;而原發性高血壓與遺傳、年齡、體重等有關,如果父母都患有高血壓,子女遺傳機率...

 同時也有63部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過37萬的網紅KosmoFit,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🤗在下方可以找到影片中分享的各種產品的連結👇 https://tw.iherb.com/pr/nature-s-path-organic-smart-bran-10-6-oz-300-g/71303?rcode=KOSMOFIT https://tw.iherb.com/pr/general-m...

chips食物 在 grassrootseaters • 草根食堂? Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-24 02:53:44

《Oasis Bar & Grill🌿新增菜式 水準依然✨》 Oasis 由開業到而家已經去過幾次,每次都覺得幾好食😋,好一段時間冇去最近發現出咗新菜式又即刻去試一試🤟🏻。 . 📍柚子牛油蜜糖雞翼($78) Honey Yuzu Butter Wings 雞翼表面炸過,口感香脆,外面淋上濃郁香甜嘅柚...

chips食物 在 [ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ] Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 11:45:45

《爆多芝士墨西哥夾餅🧀🥙》 | 有晚想食墨西哥菜 搵到呢間係尖沙咀嘅新餐廳 餐廳嘅裝潢好華麗 掛滿哂吊燈 油畫 仲有個大酒櫃 同bar位 環境好大 好多都係打卡位📸 枱與枱之前又唔會好密 坐得好舒服 餐廳以墨西哥菜混合東南亞及西式嘅元素 除咗經典嘅墨西哥菜式 例如墨西哥餡餅🥙捲餅🌯墨西哥脆片之外 ...

chips食物 在 Dodo & Meimei 的美食玩樂遊記??‍♀️ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-10 16:28:15

《望住🌅維港海景high tea🥰》 早幾日約左朋友去呢間係尖沙咀海港城嘅意式餐廳,聽講佢嘅環境好正食物又高質,所以就黎試下😜🤪一坐低就覺得好chill好relax, 因為張枱正正係對住個海🌊好好view🤩 🔻 咸點有6款,有海膽撻、牛角包配龍蝦沙律/牛油果醬、三文魚三文治配魚子醬、朱古力macar...

  • chips食物 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-09 18:42:47
    有 264 人按讚




    白麵包 — 「無味」的白麵包加入鹽及酸度調節劑乙酸鈉等製作
    麵條 — 杯麵鈉含量高,有些乾麵條鈉含量也不少
    燒味 — 燒味製作時加入大量調味料
    醬料 — 豉油、蠔油、雞粉、鹵水汁、魚露、蝦醬等都是高鈉調味料
    罐頭 — 為延長罐頭保質期製作時添加鹽分
    湯 — 湯底味道越濃郁,鈉含量就越高
    醃製食品 — 火腿、香腸、午餐肉、榨菜、泡菜、鹹蛋等都是高鈉食物
    零食 — 薯片、蝦片、餅乾、魷魚絲等小小一片鈉含量都很高

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Beware of high-sodium foods
    Hypertension is a chronic disease related the pressure of blood pushing against the arteries. There are two types of hypertension — primary and secondary. Secondary hypertension has apparent causes, for instance, pregnancy, endocrine disorders, and kidney problems. On the other hand, primary or essential hypertension is associated with hereditary, age, and weight.

    If both parents suffer from hypertension, their children have a 60% chance of inheriting it. Chances of having hypertension would also increase with age. If you are at risk, do observe and adjust your lifestyle and dietary habits to keep hypertension at bay.

    People always tell us that eating extremely salty food can cause hypertension. The main culprit of hypertension is actually sodium, which does not only exist in salt, but also foods that are not even salty. Therefore, keep an eye on the nutritional label of foods before buying them. The World Health Organization suggests that an adult should consume less than 2000mg of sodium per day. This is equivalent to less than one teaspoon of salt.

    Foods that are high in sodium:
    White bread — contains salt and acidity regulator like sodium acetates
    Noodles — cup noodles and some dried noodles have high sodium content
    Roasted foods — spices and seasonings are ingredients used to enrich the flavor of roasted foods
    Sauces — soy sauce, oyster sauce, chicken stock powder, braised and brined sauce, fish sauce, and shrimp paste are all high in sodium
    Canned foods — sodium is added to canned foods to extend their shelf life
    Soup — soup that is rich in flavor normally contains a lot of sodium
    Pickled foods — ham, hot dog, luncheon meat, pickled mustard, and salted egg are high-sodium foods
    Snacks — potato chips, prawn crackers, biscuits, and even dried shredded squid are high in sodium

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

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  • chips食物 在 Ginny x 紐西蘭創業記 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-02 18:05:04
    有 50 人按讚


    我只能說: 這個Meat on chips可以排全紐西蘭第一名!!超好吃,簡直要瘋掉!雖然我把它拍的超沒有食慾感,但是跟我本人一樣充滿內涵(真的有啦!)


    Anyway,我要說這個Meat on chips,我也不知道該怎麼翻譯比較好,肉在薯條上???(拜託不要diss我 我只是介紹不負責翻譯🙏),這個好像也不算是英系食物,一般都是在中東類型的快餐店,就是有賣沙威瑪的地方會賣這個,可以挑自己喜歡的肉類,牛羊豬雞都有,再選擇喜歡的醬料,大概就是subway你會挑的那些醬,接著決定要不要加上牽絲起司或起司醬,全部放在薯條上就完成啦😜

    像我今天點的這個是pull pork 豬肉絲+ Gravy肉汁+ 大蒜美乃滋+ 起司醬,我真的愛他愛得要命,可能因為是很基本的食物我也沒見過有人介紹過這個,覺得滿可惜這個平民美食的說,如果在台灣不知道能不能放滷肉還是雞肉絲,應該也很好吃,可惜沒有海鮮口味,不然我還不買爆!!

  • chips食物 在 Luke I am your mother 英國小人妻 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-02 09:08:32
    有 138 人按讚


    雖然我每次都喜歡揶揄英國是食物沙漠國家,但做人還是要公道一點,其實在英國除了Fish n chips 還是有很多隱藏在巷弄裡的美食啊!





    所以回到了英國,讓我第一個跑外食的,就是這間Bristol很有名的 #Pieminister

    tip: 建議白天來喔!

  • chips食物 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的精選貼文

    2021-07-31 20:15:00

    Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make the crispy and golden Belgian fries and the most classic sauce andalouse.

    Frites are the most famous and popular snack in the world, but are far more than just a snack in Belgium, it’s a national Belgian symbol. Even Though people called it “French fries”. But believe it or not, these golden brown and crispy fries might be a Belgian creation.

    In this video, we are going to tell you the secret to making the perfect Belgian fries. There is no fancy skill to make these crispy fries, the only tip is double-fried. So easy, right? By the way, once the fries are ready to golden perfection, don’t forget to try the most classic sauce with it. We strongly recommend sauce andalouse, which is a mix of peppers, mayonnaise, tomato paste, also the most famous topping with fries in Belgium. Let’s get started.

    📍 Please follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/  
    📍 Welcome to follow me on FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio/

    How to make Belgian Fries and Sauce Andalouse

    📍  Ingredients
    ☞ For fries
    large potato 1, about 260~280g
    salt 1g
    sunflower oil or any deep-frying oil

    ☞ For Sauce andalouse
    mayonnaise 125g
    salt 0.8g (about ⅛ tbs)
    tomato paste 14g (about 1 tbs)
    onion 9g (about 1tbs)
    red pepper 9g (about 1tbs)
    green pepper 9g (about 1tbs)
    fresh lemon juice 4g (about ½ tbs)

    📍 Instructions
    ☞ For Sauce Andalouse
    1. Chop red pepper, green pepper and onion finely.
    2. In a medium bowl with mayonnaise, add the tomato paste, black pepper, salt, chili powder, finely chopped onion, red pepper, green pepper and lemon juice, then mix all the ingredients together. Cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for at least one hour.

    ☞ For fries
    3. Brush and rinse potatoes under cool water, then peel the skin and dry it in a clean dish towel.
    4. Cut the potatoes into discs in 1cm thickness, then cut the discs into fries into 1cm squares.
    5. Wash them in cold water two or three times until the water just becomes clear.
    6. Dry them with a towel or kitchen paper until they are completely dry.
    7. Pour the oil in a deep fryer and when the temperature reaches 150°C, fry the potatoes for 3 minutes.
    8. Take the fries out of the fryer and transfer them into a baking tray which is lined with kitchen paper. Let the kitchen paper absorb the excess oil. Let the fries cool down for about 20 minutes.
    9. Reheat the fryer to reach 190°C, and fry the fries for 2-3 minutes or until they are crispy and golden.
    10. Take them out of the oil. Sprinkle it with salt. Serve with Sauce Andalouse.
    00:00 opening
    00:34 Ingredients
    01:27 How to make sauce andalouse
    03:29 prepare potatoes
    06:10 first fry
    08:40 final fry

  • chips食物 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-24 20:15:01

    嗨!大家好,我是 Cassandre, 今天的『食不相瞞』要跟大家分享每個人都很熟悉,但對於要怎麼把它做得好吃又感到陌生的美味炸物:「比利時薯條/Belgian Fries」,強烈推薦大家一定要試做看看,在比利時就著薯條必吃的國民 Sauce「安達魯斯醬(Sauce andalouse)」。

    很多人以為薯條是美國人的食物,但從薯條的英文名字 French Fries 看來,似乎又是來自於法國,但炸薯條真正的起源,非常有可能是比利時喔。
    比利時宣稱他們才是薯條始祖,早在17世紀時因為季節因素,漁貨量不足,他們就開始炸薯條來吃,這可是比起任何國家都來得早呢!並表示當年是因為美國大兵在比利時法語區吃到好吃的炸薯條,因法語區講的是法文,因此傳到美國後就成了French Fries,是天大的誤會。關於這點,比利時跟法國在聯合國還正在爭議中。

    傳統上比利時薯條是使用 Bintje 品種,不過亞洲比較難找到,所以我們使用的是適合油炸、體型略大的粉質馬鈴薯來製作。


    📍 我們的IG: https://www.instagram.com/sweetdumplingofficial/
    📍 我們的FB: https://www.facebook.com/sweet.dumpling.studio/

    這支影片還會有無人聲的 #ASMR​​​​​​ 版本,敬請期待。

    ☞ 份量:薯條 2 人份,醬汁約 4~5 人份
    📍 材料  Ingredients
    ☞ 薯條
    大顆馬鈴薯  一顆,約260~280g
    鹽 1g
    葵花油 適量(任何炸油皆可)

    ☞ 安達魯斯醬
    美乃茲 125g
    鹽 0.8g (約1/8大匙)
    番茄糊 14g (約1大匙)
    洋蔥碎 9g (約1大匙)
    紅椒碎 9g (約1大匙)
    青椒碎 9g (約1大匙)
    新鮮檸檬汁 4g (約1/2大匙)

    📍 做法 Instructions
    ☞ 安達魯斯醬
    1. 把紅椒、青椒跟洋蔥切成細小的丁狀,各取 9 克
    2. 在裝有美乃茲的碗裡,加入番茄糊(不是番茄醬哦)、黑胡椒、鹽、辣椒粉、紅椒碎、青椒碎、洋蔥碎與檸檬汁,然後充份混勻並覆蓋保鮮膜,放進冰箱冷藏最少一小時,再來享用。

    ☞ 薯條
    3. 把馬鈴薯刷洗乾淨並去皮,然後用布巾或廚房紙巾吸乾表面滑滑的液體
    4. 接著把馬鈴薯切成一公分粗細的長條狀
    5. 把切好的馬鈴薯條放在大盆裡加冷水漂洗 2-3 次,直到水變的清徹
    6. 用廚房紙巾或餐巾布徹底吸乾水分
    7. 炸鍋裡倒入足量的油量,當油溫到達150°C時,將擦乾的薯條放入炸籃油炸三分鐘,要點是不要炸到上色,目的只是炸軟。
    8. 時間到取出薯條,並放在舖有廚房紙巾的平盤上,用另外紙巾吸走多餘的油份,然後讓它室溫放涼最少 20 分鐘,也可以冷藏半小時
    9. 第二次油炸,等油溫到達190°C後,再次放入薯條,大概約炸 2-3 分鐘或薯條呈現金黃酥脆的狀態就可以瀝油撈出
    10. 在炸到金黃酥脆的薯條上撒上薄鹽,並充份混勻,可以單吃或搭配安達魯斯醬享用
    影片章節 :
    00:00 開場
    00:34 食材介紹
    01:27 製作安達魯斯醬(sauce andalouse)
    03:29 處理馬鈴薯
    06:10 比利時薯條第一次油炸
    08:40 比利時薯條第二次油炸
    11:11 製作比利時炸薯條的技巧分享與注意事項
    更詳盡的作法與 Tips,可以參考我們的食譜網站喔:


    本片是以 Panasonic Lumix GX85/GX80 4K 影片拍攝。
    Panasonic LEICA DG SUMMILUX 15mm F1.7,
    Panasonic LUMIX G 25mm F1.7 ASPH.

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