[爆卦]chewed out synonym是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇chewed out synonym鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在chewed out synonym這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 chewed產品中有46篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Hapa Eikaiwa,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ================================= どのくらい怒ってる?「説教する」「叱る」「怒鳴る」を英語で言うと ================================= 辞書を引くと「叱る」= “Scold” と訳されていますが、実際はこの単語、ネイティブの日常会...

 同時也有21部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過29萬的網紅ASMR Cham,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Eight types of role-plays packed into one video 💫 I don't usually shoot such fast whispering videos, so it was refreshing! !! And it was fun to be ab...

chewed 在 Chummy Tummy ?◯? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 15:38:31

// 𝐁 𝐋 𝐔 𝐄 𝐒 𝐔 𝐏 𝐑 𝐄 𝐌 𝐄 𓉱 ⁡ - 𝑺𝑬𝑻 𝑩𝑹𝑼𝑵𝑪𝑯 $258 - ⁡ ➀ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐬 𝑛𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑜 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑒𝑠𝑒, 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠, 𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 you can’t go wrong with simple crispy tater tot...

  • chewed 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-03-21 06:00:02
    有 54 人按讚

    辞書を引くと「叱る」= “Scold” と訳されていますが、実際はこの単語、ネイティブの日常会話では(アメリカでは)使われることはほとんどありません。今日はアメリカ人が口にする「叱る・怒る」の表現を、その叱り(怒り)具合に応じてご紹介したいと思います。
    1) Get mad at someone
    日常会話で最も頻繁に使われる「叱る」の表現は Get mad at someoneになります。Get madは「怒る」ことを意味しますが、「怒って叱る」のニュアンスが含まれます。ポイントは Getを使う事です。Get madは相手を叱る行為を表しますが、Be動詞を使用し、「I'm mad at him.」と表現すると、相手に腹を立てている「気持ち」を表すことになります。
    ✔「彼/彼女を叱る・怒る」 → “I got mad at him.”
    ✔「(私は)叱られた・怒られた」 → “He/she got mad at me.”
    ✔「◯◯のことで叱る・怒る」 → “I got mad at him/her for _____.”
    I got mad at my son for lying.
    My teacher got mad at me today.
    My boss got angry at me for being late.
    2) Yell at someone
    Yellは「怒鳴る」や「叫ぶ」を意味する単語で、激怒して相手を叱るニュアンスがあります。Madよりも怒っている状態を表し、「怒鳴って叱る・怒る」ことがポイントになります。叱る場合はYell at someone、叱られる場合Get yelled atになります。
    ✔「彼/彼女を叱る・怒る」 → “I yelled at him/her.”
    ✔「(私は)叱られた・怒られた」 → “I got yelled at.”
    ✔「◯◯さんに叱られた・怒られた」 → “I got yelled at by _____.”
    ✔「◯◯のことで叱る・怒る」 → “I yelled at him/her for _____.”
    The teacher yelled at the student for cheating.
    I got yelled at by my boss today.
    I got yelled at by my wife for coming home late.
    3) Chew someone out
    Chew someone outは、人を厳しく叱ることを表すスラングです。Chewは「噛む」を意味する単語で、叱っている時に口を動かすことが多い事がこの言葉の由来です。また、Chew outは権力を持っている人が部下などを叱るシチュエーションでよく使われます。軍曹が兵隊を怒鳴って叱る状況をイメージしたら分かりやすいと思います。
    ✔「彼/彼女を叱る・怒る」 → “I chewed him/her out.”
    ✔「(私は)叱られた・怒られた」 → “I got chewed out.”
    ✔「◯◯さんに叱られた・怒られた」 → “I got chewed out by _____.”
    ✔「◯◯のことで叱る・怒る」 → “I chewed him/her out for _____.”
    Brian chewed him out.
    We got chewed out by our C.E.O.
    She chewed him out for driving drunk.
    4) Lecture someone
    人に説教をすることを英語で Lectureと表します。叱るというよりは言い聞かせるニュアンスです。親が子供に、先生が生徒に、上司が部下になど、立場が上の人が下の人へ教訓などを教える(説教する)ときに使われます。「説教をする」は、Lecture someoneまたは Give someone a lectureと表します。
    ✔「彼/彼女を説教する」 → “I lectured him/her.” または “I gave him/her a lecture.”
    ✔「(私は)説教された」 → “I got lectured.”
    ✔「◯◯さんに説教された」 → “I got lectured by _____.”
    ✔「◯◯のことで叱る・怒る」 → “I lectured him/her about _____.”
    I got lectured by my parents last night.
    This is not a lecture. I just want to talk to you.
    Don't lecture me about my career.

  • chewed 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-24 08:48:01
    有 3,056 人按讚


    Boris Johnson今日要鄭重回應記者提問,話唔會趕走狗狗Diyln(“The dog stays”)。

    話說自從Boris Johnson嘅未婚妻收養狗狗Diyln入住首相府之後,經常四圍行黎行去大小二便,甚至試過响其中一個員工嘅手袋上面便便。Dilyn又會咬首相府裡面啲古董傢俬,要Boris Johnson私人比錢找數維修。

    去到上個星期,响Boris Johnson同其他內閣大臣開關於外交嘅重要會議嘅時候,Dilyn竟然唔知响邊搵咗本古董書,當玩具擔去放响Boris Johnson腳邊要同佢玩。根據有份開會嘅人引述,當時肥波嬲到著晒火爆粗,

    “For God’s sake, I’m going to get another £1,000 repair bill! Someone please shoot that fxxxxxx dog!”




    《The Telegraph》'Someone please shoot that dog!' orders Boris Johnson, after Dilyn chewed priceless books and furniture
    《The Times》No reshuffle for Dilyn the dog, says Boris Johnson



    "Road to Freedom",見証英國政治人物嘅急速修正能力

  • chewed 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-01-23 20:57:27
    有 16,327 人按讚


    查詢What’s App 5282 4360
    訂購What’s App 9038 6920
    📌SANISWISS 消毒套餐
    Whatsapp 落單
    nine9Nine9 Shop
    👉VIP Code : MAMA20
    📱Whatsapp:+852 94002845
    2021123 Live recipes 中英對照
    特別鳴謝Easycook 義工團,咁快就做起食譜🙇‍♀️



    📌 黑朱古力180g
    📌 雞蛋4隻
    📌 糖霜少許
    📌 士多啤梨1粒

    1. 黑朱古力放在碗內,弄碎,之後放入微波爐叮2分鐘,或用熱水墊底溶解朱古力。
    2. 雞蛋分開蛋黃和蛋白。4份蛋白用電動打蛋器打至白泡狀。備用。
    3. 4份蛋黃分別放在4小碗。朱古力叮好取出,先攪勻,之後放入第1份蛋黃,不停攪均,再放入第2份蛋黃一起不停攪勻,之後第3份蛋黃,再第4份蛋黃,如此類推,直至完全攪勻。
    4. 打好了的蛋白遂少逐少分數次加入在朱古力漿內,完全攪勻。
    5. 準備焗盤,盤底掃油,盤側邊圍上牛油紙,焗爐放熱水,焗盤坐底,以140度焗20分鐘。
    6. 時間到,取出朱古力蛋糕,糖霜篩在蛋糕面上,再加上士多啤梨作裝飾,即成。

    提示:1. 朱古力可選用牛奶朱古力
    2. 蛋黃放入朱古力漿時,要快手攪勻。
    3. 如果用鑊蒸,隔水蒸40 – 45分鐘。

    English Version
    Easy Flourless Chocolate Cake
    (YouTube video starts at 25:36.)
    Egg yolks - 4 (to be added one at a time)
    Sweetened chocolate bars - 180g (your choice of dark chocolate or milk chocolate. Break into small pieces and melt them in the microwave for 2 minutes or use a double boiler.)

    Egg whites - 4 (beat until stiff peak)

    6 inch cake pan

    Garnish ingredient:
    Icing sugar
    Ice cream - optional


    1. In a stand mixer bowl, add in 4 egg whites, and beat until stiff peak. Set aside.

    2. In a separate big bowl, add in room temperature melted chocolate, 1 egg yolk, and mix well by stirring quickly in one direction.

    3. Continue with the remaining 3 egg yolks by adding in ONE AT A TIME until you get a smooth chocolate batter.

    4. Add a bit of beaten egg whites from the stand mixer bowl into the chocolate batter and mix well to get a nice consistency as the beaten egg whites.

    5. Pour the entire chocolate batter into the beaten egg whites in the stand mixer bowl, and mix well. Make sure all egg whites are incorporated into the chocolate batter.

    6. Transfer to a 6 inch cake pan greased and lined with parchment paper.

    7. Bake by using water bath at 160C (320F) for about 20 minutes or less with a tray of water at the bottom of your oven or underneath the baking pan. Adjust the time and temperature accordingly to your oven. You can also steam it for 40 to 45 minutes.

    8. Garnish with icing sugar and strawberries. Serve.


    肥牛片 一包(大約$20片)
    金菇 兩包(切掉根部,洗乾淨,抹乾水份)

    椒鹽粉 適量
    鹽 適量
    胡椒粉 適量胡椒粉
    紅椒粉 適量(可不用)

    1. 肥牛片灑上少許椒鹽粉和鹽
    2. 每片肥牛卷入一小撮金菇後,放入氣炸鍋焗盆內,再灑上調味料,跟着噴油在肥牛卷上,然後放入氣炸鍋,用攝氏200度焗3至4分鐘

    English Version
    Enoki Mushroom Beef Rolls
    (YouTube video starts at 39:18.)
    Sliced fatty beef slices - (or use pork tenderloin slices or lamb slices)

    Filling ingredient:
    Enoki mushrooms
    Carrot shreds - optional
    Blanched Gai Lan stems - optional
    Asparagus - optional

    Seasoning ingredients:
    Szechuan pepper salt
    Red chili powder

    1. Roll each beef slice with enoki mushrooms filling.

    2. Optional to season the beef slices with Szechuan pepper salt, red chili powder, and/or salt before rolling or after rolling.

    3. Place a parchment paper in the air dryer basket, spray a layer of oil, place beef rolls on top and spray another layer of oil on top.

    4. Air fry for 3 minutes for medium-well or 4 minutes for well done at 200C (393F).

    5. Transfer to serving plate. Serve.


    材料:芋頭一斤四兩,蝦米隨意,冬菇3隻,瑤柱4-5粒,一孖臘腸,粘米粉160g, 粟粉4湯匙,芝麻同蔥適量

    調味料: 五香粉一茶匙,固體植物油一湯匙半,鹽及糖各半茶匙,白胡椒粉半茶匙多些
    準備: 配料蝦米,冬菇,瑤柱用水浸軟切細,(水留用), 臘腸切細粒
    粉漿: 用浸過配料的水幾粘米粉同粟粉攪勻,粉漿水大概700ml






    English Version
    Taro Cake
    (YouTube video starts at 0:53.)
    Taro - about 1 kg and pick the lightest ones for more starchy-texture. Cut half into strips and the other half into cubes. This will have a different bite texture when steamed. Must be pan-fried until fragrant and golden brown with extra oil than usual.

    Dried shrimps - preferable buy the cheapest and smallest kinds. Clean and soak to rehydrate (save the soaking liquid), and chop into small pieces.

    Dried mushrooms - 3 big ones. Clean and soak to rehydrate (save the soaking liquid) and chop into small pieces.

    Dried scallops - about 4 -5. Clean and soak to rehydrate (save the soaking liquid) and cut horizontally sideway to shorten the strands then loosen into small pieces.

    Chinese sausages - 2 clean and chop into small pieces

    Chinese cured pork strips (“Lap Yuk”) - optional

    Binding batter ingredients:
    Rice flour - 160g – 180g
    Corn flour/starch - 4 tbsp (or use “Teng Mein” flour 4 tbsp or less. This will prevent the taro cake from coming apart.)
    Saved soaking liquid from dried shrimps, mushrooms, and scallops - about 3 cups (If you do not have 3 cups just compensate with more water.)

    Water - about 1 ½ cups or more depending on how much the taro absorbs the liquid. The more starchy-texture the taro has the more liquid it absorbs.

    Seasoning ingredients:
    Vegetable shortening - 1 ½ tbsp (or use lard. This is for smoothness in taste)
    Five-spice powder - 1 tsp
    White pepper - heaping ½ tsp
    Salt - ½ tsp but not too much
    Sugar - ½ tsp

    Garnish ingredients:
    White sesame seeds
    Green onion pieces


    1. In a bowl, add in saved soaking liquid from dried shrimps, mushrooms, scallops, and mix well. Add in rice flour, cornflour, and mix well. Set aside

    2. Heat up a wok, add more oil than usual. Add in all taro pieces and fry until fragrant and golden brown. Transfer to serving plate. Set aside.

    3. In the same wok, add in oil, dried shrimps, Chinese sausage pieces, and fry until fragrant.

    4. Add in mushroom pieces, and fry until fragrant.

    5. Lastly, add in dried scallops, and fry briefly to avoid toughness when chewed.

    6. Add in vegetable shortening, five-spice powder, white pepper, sugar, and mix well.

    7. Return fried taro pieces back to the work and mix well.

    8. Add in 1 cup of water, mix well, cover wok with lid, and bring to a boil.

    9. Add another ½ cup of water, mix well, and bring to a boil.

    10. Add in binding batter prepared in Step 1. Mix well. The mixture will slowly thicken. Add more water now if you find it too thick.

    11. Transfer to a steam proof OILED container.

    12. Steam for about 35 to 40 minutes.

    Note: Best to pan fry them the next day.


  • chewed 在 ASMR Cham Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-03 11:39:40

    Eight types of role-plays packed into one video 💫

    I don't usually shoot such fast whispering videos, so it was refreshing! !! And it was fun to be able to play many roles in one video ✨

    It's a secret that I chewed words several times 🤣

    I hope you enjoy it 💓

    Click the bell to have notifications, like & subscribe :)

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    00:00 Hair Salon
    01:09 Measuring Your Face
    02:17 Eye Doctor
    03:28 Drawing You
    04:18 Make Up
    06:02 Dentist
    06:43 Ear Cleaning
    07:33 Scalp Massage

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  • chewed 在 Hapa 英会話 Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-04-28 19:00:01

    辞書を引くと「叱る」= “Scold” と訳されていますが、実際はこの単語、ネイティブの日常会話では(アメリカでは)使われることはほとんどありません。今日はアメリカ人が口にする「叱る・怒る」の表現を、その叱り(怒り)具合に応じてご紹介したいと思います。

    1. Get mad at someone「◯◯を叱る」 0:59
    ・I got mad at my son for being rude to others.(私の息子は失礼な態度を取っていたので叱りました)
    ・My teacher got mad at me today.(今日先生に叱られました)
    ・My boss got angry at me for being late.(遅刻をしたので上司に怒られました)

    2. Yell at someone 「◯◯を怒鳴りつける」 3:03
    ・The teacher yelled at the student for cheating.(先生はカンニングをした生徒を大声で叱りました)
    ・I got yelled at by my boss today.(上司に怒鳴られました)
    ・I got yelled at by my wife for coming home late.(帰りが遅いと奥さんに叱られました)

    3. Chew someone out「◯◯を厳しく叱る」 4:26
    ・The manager was really upset and she chewed everybody out.(マネージャーはすごく腹を立てていてみんなを叱りました)
    ・We got chewed out by our C.E.O.(会長に厳しく叱られました)
    ・She chewed him out for driving drunk.(彼が飲酒運転したことに彼女は激怒しました)

    4. Lecture someone「◯◯を説教する」 5:17
    ・I got lectured by my parents last night.(昨晩、親に説教されました)
    ・This is not a lecture. I just want to talk to you.(これは説教ではありません。話しをしたいだけです)
    ・Don’t lecture me about my career.(私のキャリアについて説教しないでください)


    ☆【Hapa Buddies】Hapa英会話オンラインコミュニティ

     ・インスタ: https://www.instagram.com/hapaeikaiwa

    ☆ Spotifyオリジナル番組「English Mindset」
    英語力ゼロで海外に飛び出したアスリートやクリエーター、留学経験なしの経営者などをゲストに迎え、インタビューを通して英語習得のカギとなった彼らの思考ロジックに迫る番組。 http://spoti.fi/HapaENGLISHMINDSET



  • chewed 在 Zermatt Neo Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-02-10 20:57:52

    For this episode, we headed down to Chicken Up to DESTROY an All You Can Eat Chicken Wing Buffet! Chicken Up is a Korean-themed restaurant located at Buangkok that offers a host of Korean cuisine and specialises in Korean-style Chicken Wings. They offer an All-Day Chicken Wing Buffet at $25 for Men and $20 for Women with the Buffet also including Kimchi Fries, Truffle Fries and Spam Rice Balls.

    The chicken wings came in original, yangnyum, soya and spicy yangnyum flavours. Each wing was huge and meticulously fried and seasoned. The concept of blandness did not exist during this buffet - in fact the wings were so flavourful that flavour fatigue kicked in very quickly after an extremely enjoyable first few wings. The winning tactic was to rotate through all the flavours to mitigate this.

    The original had no sauce but was well-salted, with a rich chicken flavour and moist interior. I normally do not like yangnyum sauce for being too cloying, but this version balanced the sweetness very well. The spicy version was also not too strong but came with a noticeable kick. I enjoyed the soya version the most. It came glistening with an inviting black coating that did not disappoint on the palate. As expected from Chicken Up, it was not overpoweringly salty but right on the edge of the cliff. The Spam Rice Balls were also very good – each ball being packed with umami goodness that burst in your mouth as you chewed through. The Kimchi Fries were heavily loaded with a spicy mayo sauce with chunks of beef piled high.

    This All You Can Eat Chicken Wing Buffet was extremely worth it given the cost and we certainly made the most of it. It has enough variety for you to switch around with to mitigate flavour fatigue and eat to your limit while not lacking in quality. Each wing came piping hot and crispy, made to order. The only thing missing was a good glass of soju/beer to wash down the Chicken Wings with. Head down to Chicken Up for outstanding Korean-style Chicken Wings!

    Visit Chicken Up at:
    Blk 277C Compassvale Link
    #01-13 (Unit 2A)
    Singapore 543277

    Connect with us!
    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/zermattneofls
    Instagram - http://instagram.com/zermattneo

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    5 Purvis Street, #01-03, Singapore

