

在 charms中文產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 隨著台灣晶片在世界有著舉足輕重的地位後,大家開始好奇究竟是怎麼一回事,而BBC發現了「乖乖Kuai Kuai」的神秘力量⋯⋯ 中文翻譯: https://www.ettoday.net/amp/amp_news.php7?news_id=1961419&from=m.facebook.com 連包...

 同時也有253部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過19萬的網紅RinRin Doll,也在其Youtube影片中提到,チャンネル登録 SUBSCRIBE → http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=rinrindolly ENGLISH CHANNEL 英語チャンネル → https://www.youtube.com/rinrindolljapan ...

charms中文 在 GirlStyle 女生日常 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-13 12:55:00

Follow @girlstyle.presslogic J·K·羅琳宣布要出4本《哈利波特》短篇新書 . 《哈利波特》可說是陪伴著我們長大,不少麻瓜都對這魔法世界充滿好奇,J·K·羅琳自 1997 年開始創作的《哈利波特》(Harry Potter)小說系列,從「神秘的魔法石」到「死神的聖物」總共...

charms中文 在 Lamie Yang Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 23:31:12

Subject of today:Tasting Note:Sense of smell Smell is the most evocative among the senses, and yet I have no idea about the biological science side ...

  • charms中文 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-16 09:14:11
    有 3,411 人按讚

    隨著台灣晶片在世界有著舉足輕重的地位後,大家開始好奇究竟是怎麼一回事,而BBC發現了「乖乖Kuai Kuai」的神秘力量⋯⋯



  • charms中文 在 Jessie Chung锺潔希 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-07-20 16:44:02
    有 3,033 人按讚

    Symphony Theatre proudly presents the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions”, an adaptation of the most celebrated classical Chinese novel! 💥💥




    ❤锺洁希曾演出《七步诗》、《月光》、《音乐盒》、《别说爱错》话剧等…精湛的演技受到媒体与观众的肯定,演出的话剧更是场场爆满,大受观众的欢迎与认可。 李安田自小在美国和台湾两地成长,属于性格派演员,并且曾在美国受过名师指导拍摄及导演。马杰飞曾经演出《音乐盒》话剧与《别说爱错》话剧,他也是多部电影、短片和MV男主角,深受大众喜爱。马杰飞也是一名导演,他将要推出的力作是与李安田导演携手执导的一部话剧名为《没有泪的天空》。马杰飞、李安田、林霆坚都是在大学主修戏剧及音乐表演系。

    ❤ “四大名著” 之一《红楼梦》描绘了人生百态, 是一部能够体现中华民族文化与智慧的经典完美结合著作。《红楼梦》话剧根据史实与原著改编,以荣国府为背景,情节以贾宝玉和林黛玉之间的故事贯穿全剧。

    ❤ 值得一提的是,许多人提到红楼梦中的林黛玉,都会觉得她就是柔弱的化身。事实上,林黛玉是一个勇敢聪慧的女子,她比任何红楼梦中的女子更加敢于挑战世俗。 很多人把林黛玉比喻为水芙蓉,只因这种植物有 “出淤泥而不染” 的赞誉。贾宝玉与林黛玉纯真又刻骨铭心的爱情,更是红楼最凄美动人的故事。至于林黛玉的眼泪,绝不能简单地理解为眼泪代表柔弱,就像王熙凤用银子来修炼自己在世俗中的能力一样,或许林黛玉她是用一生的眼泪来修炼爱情。

    ❤ 《红楼梦》话剧首次搬上大马舞台,带观众走进《红楼梦》的世界,体会《红楼梦》的深刻内涵,享受红楼作品的美学呈现,让观众深刻体验古典名著的艺术魅力。同时,透过根据史实与原著改编的《红楼梦》话剧,想带大家更深一层的认识出淤泥而不染的贾宝玉与林黛玉。❤🧡💛💚💙💜


    [第一场] 24/07/2020(五)
    [第二场] 25/07/2020(六)
    [第三场] 26/07/2020(日)
    [第四场] 31/07/2020(五)
    [第五场] 01/08/2020(六)
    [第六场] 02/08/2020(日)
    【联络号码】012-642 0336(负责人梁小姐)

    想要购买话剧入门票🤩?请点击这里 :
    📲📲📲https://wa.link/1zlg05 (012-642 0336)

    Symphony Theatre proudly presents the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions”, an adaptation of the most celebrated classical Chinese novel! 💥💥

    ❤ “The Dream of Red Mansions”, an early, lengthy masterpiece, is about to be performed in Malaysia for the first time in drama form. With the play based on the original historical novel of the same name, Symphony Theatre is bound to portray for you an unforgettable, passionate, and heart-rending love story.

    ❤This time, Symphony Theatre invited Jessie Chung to take the stage as lead actress, portraying the pure and unadulterated Lin Daiyu. The lead actor, Terry Lim, was chosen out of a ton of applicants from around the world. Joining the ranks is lead actor of “Meant to Be”, the romantic, princelike American director Paul Lee and lead actor of “Music Box”, the charismatic heartthrob Jeffrey Beh!

    💥 8 Reasons Why You Should Watch 💥
    ✨ This marks the first public performance of the stage play “The Dream of Red Mansions” in Malaysia
    ✨ “The Dream of Red Mansions” is based on the original historical novel
    ✨ International artist Jessie Chung takes the stage with many experienced actors
    ✨ Stage backdrops created through the latest 3D technology for stunning, lifelike environments
    ✨ American musician brought on board to compose the theme song and soundtrack
    ✨ Accompanied by realistic sound effects and professional background music
    ✨ Stage design incorporates exquisite ancient Chinese elements and props
    ✨Actors wear elegant, refined, majestic and authentic period costumes

    ❤Jessie Chung has performed in stage plays including “The Quatrain of Seven Steps”, “Moonlight”, “Music Box”, “Meant to Be” and more. Her superb acting skills caught the attention of the media and audience alike. She is known for her sold-out performances that are popular with and praised by theatregoers. Paul Lee, who was raised between the U.S. and Taiwan grew to be a character actor and has learned the craft of cinematography and directing under a few renowned in instructors in the U.S. Jeffrey Beh, who has starred in the stage plays “Music Box” and “Meant to Be”, has also starred in several films, short films and music videos that are well-received. Jeffrey Beh is also a director, and he will be directing alongside Paul Lee in an upcoming masterpiece of his, the stage play “Tearless Sky”. Jeffrey Beh, Paul Lee, and Terry Lim all majored in performing arts and music.

    ❤One of the Four Great Classical Novels, “The Dream of Red Mansions” depicts various aspects of life and is a comprehensive, literary work that embodies the culture and wisdom of the Chinese. “The Dream of Red Mansions” was adapted from true historical events and traces the bittersweet tragedy at the Rong Mansion between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu.

    ❤It is worth mentioning that many people believe for Lin Daiyu of “The Dream of Red Mansions” to be the epitome of frailty. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Lin Daiyu was a brave and intelligent woman who dared—more than any woman in “The Dream of Red Mansions”—to challenge the worldliness around her. Many liken Lin Daiyu to a lotus, because the flower is known to grow out of the mud unsoiled. The pure and unforgettable love between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu is the most poignant and moving story in “The Dream of Red Mansions”. As for Lin Daiyu’s tears, they should not be simply understood as symbols of weakness. Just as Wang Xifeng used money to perfect her materialistic ways, perhaps Lin Daiyu used a lifetime of tears to perfect her love.

    ❤ “The Dream of Red Mansions” is set to be staged in Malaysia for the first time, and will transport the audience into the world of the original novel so they can feel its profound literary treasures, enjoy its aesthetical presentation, and experience intensely the artistic charms of this classical masterpiece. Moreover, through the stage adaptation of the original historical novel—“The Dream of Red Mansions”—we hope that everyone will have a deeper understanding of Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu, who kept their purity even in a filthy world.

    ❤ “The Dream of Red Mansions” debuts on July 24 at Symphony Theatre. This stage play presented by Symphony Theatre will allow you to intensely experience the artistic charms of this classical masterpiece. Don’t miss it!

    📅🗓️ Six shows have been scheduled; the performance dates are as follows: 🏹🏹🏹
    First show: Friday, July 24, 2020
    Second show: Saturday, July 25, 2020
    Third show: Sunday, July 26, 2020
    Fourth show: Friday, July 31, 2020
    Fifth show: Saturday August 1, 2020
    Sixth show: Sunday, August 2, 2020
    Venue: Symphony Theatre
    Showtime: 8 p.m. ⏳
    Contact number: 012-642 0336 (Representative Ms. Leong)
    Performed in Mandarin with English surtitles

    Want to purchase tickets? 🤩 Visit the following link:
    📲📲📲 https://wa.link/lck748 (012-642 0336)

    The show is a fundraiser organized by the Malaysia Naturopathic Association (MNA) to help cancer patients in need. Stay tuned on Jessie’s Facebook for more updates and information!

  • charms中文 在 君子馬蘭頭 - Ivan Li 李聲揚 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2019-11-06 10:40:43
    有 68 人按讚



    1. 哈哈,Pandora股價大插(穿珠珠嗰間,唔係聽歌),唔知做乜好心涼,其實唔關我事。當然又係業績麻麻地,仲話下年都唔掂。唔知關唔關示威事。應該唔多關,因為香港應唔佔好多,況且你睇LVMH,香港銷售係大跌,但全集團一樣超勁(http://bit.ly/2PP3Kpz)。

    2. Pandora真係一隻港女(OK,其實係大中華女,或者亞細亞女)概念股。記得當年(2015)我睇時,澳洲佔7%收入,其他亞洲(包埋中國同香港)都只係9%,冇細分。事隔三年,中國(當然包埋香港)就已經佔9%,加埋其他亞洲(包括澳洲)就超過兩成。而家中國收入已經高過澳洲50%。

    3. 再深入啲睇到,其實絶大多數地方銷售都係倒退嘅,真係靠中國(再講一次,包埋香港)一命救全家,先保住成個收入唔使跌。又,你見到,在原產地丹麥,就真係冇人買的。咩話,丹麥丁屎咁大可以有幾多生意?我好相信香港鼻屎咁大,生意多過丹麥好多,可見香港人幾咁有錢(或者幾咁窮,因為聞說有錢就唔買Pandora)

    4. 亦都留意,Pandora在中國,其實都仲係不入流的,講緊市場佔有率1%都冇。但,中國業務都夠一命救全家。可以睇到中國市場有幾重要,亦好難怪啲公司要跪低。你根本唔使做market leader,食餅碎都多過你丹麥成罐曲奇餅。

    5. 當年最經典嘅場面,就係每年情人節前夕(又名小三節,所以其實應該2月12日去影,因為係小三節前夕)(http://bit.ly/33kTU2K),我去啲大商場,見到一個個港男排隊,臨急抱佛腳,個個面色蒼白眼神散渙咁。為乜?梗係為全年其他日子嘅幸福啦。成班好似睇聖鬥士星矢,中咗「積屍氣冥界波」等落黃泉啲中陰身咁(有冇話你知埃汾係巨蟹座的?)。而我本人就真係一次都冇買過。又,眼利嘅你應留意到,其實張相入面好多係女人。最尾解。

    6. 然後我見到,嘩,Pandora開到屯門元朗都有(OK,交易廣場係冇的,Fact check撚可以休矣),甚至拉脫維亞斯洛伐克都有(!)。望下隻嘢先。

    7. 先講講,官方當然好多講法,但對我嚟講Pandora就係朱義盛穿珠仔扮名牌。諗呢條橋嘅真係天才。你可以想像到,Pandora嘅profit margin相當高。有幾高?純利率講緊22%。你覺得唔係好高?咁的確低過麥當勞好多。不過LV講緊都不過係15%,Kering(姑池母公司)都係咁上下,Tiffany講緊12%。可見Pandora食水幾咁深,同埋買嘅有幾咁水魚。唯一可以匹敵嘅係名牌中嘅名牌,愛瑪士,純利率近25%的。當然買家唔會覺得搵笨,講過N次,貴嘢靚嘢就唔會抵的。

    8. 然後睇下股價,Pandora真係來回地獄又折返人間。2012–2016年,升咗廿倍咁滯!但到2016年到而家,跌七成幾,五十蚊升上一千蚊跌返落嚟三舊水。未慢慢睇,但你大約估到,呢啲咁朱義盛嘅玩法,唔持續得好耐,因為人地識得抄。人地見咁多水魚,窮買窮賣之嘛,窮人冇嘢多,但人口多。廿蚊成本買你三十蚊,只要夠多人,可能好過八百成本買一千蚊。Tiffany本身已經唔係好高檔(埃汾買得嘅可以有幾高?),但一樣再出啲再平嘅嘢,咪搶到你生意,你cheap我都cheap,cheap到你都驚。

    9. 上篇寫Fitbit寫過啦,公司再垃圾去到某個位就吸引(http://bit.ly/2C4jeOy),我懷疑都遲早有人諗買Pandora。LVMH買唔成Tiffany,可以諗諗佢(http://bit.ly/36hKK9h)。太cheap?扯,Tiffany 都唔係貴嘢啦(埃汾買得嘅可以有幾貴?),就係貪佢唔貴,補足返LVHM未有嘅砌圖。怕唔怕影響集團形象?咪就因為咁所以要保留原本品牌咯,東海堂都貴過美心西餅啦,幾時見美心西餅搵架妹賣廣告?

    10. 講返,Pandora一年收入講緊近34億美金(下同),純利就7億半,市值50億美金。Tiffany呢?其實收入45億,純利甚至得6億左右,市值就150億。(順手講埋,Swarovski一年收入都係咁上下,但純利唔知,冇上市,家族嘢)

    11. 你睇,幾有趣?Tiffany收入高過Pandora 三成,但落袋嘅純利仲要低過Pandora少少(都話利錢低),但又市值等於人地三倍。當然係因為收購炒咗上嚟,但仲有好多其他嘢。Or something is wrong?

    12. 當然亦見到,Pandora係單位數市盈率,Tiffany廿幾近三倍。固然不能直接Pandora Charms同Return to Tiffany比。但,係咪完全乜都冇得比?收購者錢就得一舊,買得邊個(當然可以why not both),等於港男錢就得一舊,買得邊樣(當然可以why not both)。但女嚟講,亦可以係一條受Pandora一條受Tiffany,但點冇咁易why not both啦下話?

    13. 我個人嘅直覺係,Pandora係幾抵買的。唔係指啲貨(又一好公司不等於好產品嘅例證)(http://bit.ly/2mgSztv),亦唔係指隻股票,我指係作為收購對象。固然梗係經營有啲問題先搞到股價跌七八成,但去到呢啲位啦喎。你唔識經營,唔緊要。LVMH識嘛。你班管理層咪袋錢走人,由更識得玩呢盤嘢嘅人上咯,係咁架喎。

    14. 買唔到Tiffany,咪買Pandora咯,你係LVMH可以咁,當然亦可以why not both。港男就唔好試了。我指唔好買唔到Tiffany就買Pandora,why not both係可以的

    15. 呀,彩蛋,in case 有人唔知,Pandora係……丹麥公司(其實上面有提)。所以股價係丹麥克郎(未用歐元咯),亦係哥本哈根指數20隻成份股之一。由公司名嘅Pandora A/S亦睇到丹麥嘢,嘉士伯馬士基等都係A/S。等於德國嘅BMW AG,法國嘅Hermès International S.A.,意大利嘅飛甩雞毛S.p.A. (唔好讀成spa,亦留意大細階),英國嘅HSBC plc,日本嘅任天堂株式會社咁

    16. 彩蛋2,都係知咗冇耐,日文嘅株式会社其實直譯德文(而唔係英文或中文或自己作出嚟)AG.日本以前(講緊戰前了)讀醫全部用德文教,必學德文,聞說而家醫科仲保留好多德文字。如是我聞

    17. 彩蛋3,真係曼德拉效應,我成日講,但發現原來自己冇影過小三節(或小三節前夕)嘅港男相。倒係在日本見過。港男小三節積屍氣冥界波買Pandora,日本仔一樣白色情人節前買排隊買Godiva。講緊小倉咋,都咁Q多人,唔係福岡唔係東京。不過,買盒Godiva斷估點都平過買Pandora

    18. 彩蛋4: 原來囡囡有張Pandora嘅卡!但我冇買過!好可疑!仲要睇下個編號!仲可疑!(不過聽聞其實唔係順冧把嘅,亦可能只係咁啱嗰期revamp新會員制,或者係咁啱續會)

