[爆卦]chaos is a ladder意思是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇chaos is a ladder意思鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在chaos is a ladder意思這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者desertm9 (龍龍)看板EAseries標題[閒聊] GOT裡最喜歡的臺詞?時間Thu J...

冰與火那麼多經典臺詞,每次看的都很入戲!!! 不知道各位最喜歡的臺詞是???

1st. The Mountain: Then I smashed her head in like this!

2nd. Bolton: The Lannisters send their regards.

3rd. The Hound: Fxxk the kings guard, fxxk the city, fxxk the king!

Ygritte: He didn't do that thing you did with your tongue.

For the night is dark and full of terrors.

Tyrion: I have always been your son.

Petyer: I have only loved one woman ...only one ...my entire life....your sist

可惜第五六集除了Hold the door以外都沒什麼好學的欸...

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1467892913.A.A9C.html
ps20012001: 提利昂:「所有侏儒在他們的父親眼裡都是私生子。」 07/07 20:05
MeowMarch: Where r my dragond??? 07/07 20:05
ps20012001: 這句話 道盡了他的前半生 07/07 20:06
harkhunt: Cersie: "Power is power." 07/07 20:07
abccbaandy: 龍女阿,每次都要報那一大串名號XD 07/07 20:07
HeyGod: I drink and I know things. 07/07 20:12
rocfrank: 小剝皮 :I'm inside you 07/07 20:12
XiYu: You know nothing,Jon Snow 07/07 20:13
charking: shame-shame-shame 07/07 20:13
HeyGod: Promise me, Ned. 07/07 20:15
b7991859ccc: When you play game of thrones 07/07 20:16
Kingisland: If you want ,you can fuck 07/07 20:16
ps20012001: 找到了 All dwarfs may be regarded as illegitimate 07/07 20:19
dogmimi: 當然是這段https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4Uq8O5ZhUA 07/07 20:19
zanns: You know nothing 07/07 20:23
HeyGod: Winter is coming. 07/07 20:23
HeyGod: When you play a game of thrones you win or you die. 07/07 20:23
darkdixen: 熊蘿派的站出來! 07/07 20:24
Kulan: 當然是 你懂個屁 ! 07/07 20:24
AxelSergei: fuck the king 07/07 20:24
cjy0321: we know no king but the king in the north whose name 07/07 20:27
cjy0321: is Stark 07/07 20:27
HeyGod: A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell and I'm going home. 07/07 20:28
kyouya: 小剝皮:do u love me, reek? 07/07 20:38
lovespre: I demand trial by combat 07/07 20:38
MeowMarch: chaos is ladder 07/07 20:44
asd1: 最喜歡的很多 最洗腦的是shame shame shame XDD 07/07 20:50
snowone: 龍女說break the wheel那ㄧ段 07/07 21:02
liao18: s06e10洋蔥:the only for what?they all died anyway! 07/07 21:02
loveletter: 最喜歡結婚的誓詞 守夜人的誓詞 07/07 21:02
earthrise: I choose violence 07/07 21:02
liao18: 超愛這段,洋蔥真的很愛小公主 07/07 21:02
yasopp: 洋蔥還喊到哭腔都出來了 07/07 21:04
FishZoe: Shame shame shame 07/07 21:04
liao18: 對阿,看完這段超愛洋蔥,演員眼技太棒了 07/07 21:05
liao18: 演 07/07 21:08
yasopp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsHmkqUJfd8 這比較完整 07/07 21:12
nvlsvee: Lannisters shit gold 07/07 21:12
yasopp: 看完我是兩個都蠻愛的,兩個演員很很棒,很投入很有感情 07/07 21:12
special1990: Arya對老佛雷講話 復仇超爽快 07/07 21:14
tone0913: Chaos isnt a pit. Chaos is a ladder. 07/07 21:26
GAtely: 老玫瑰和泰溫的晤談,小指頭和瓦里斯王座前對話 07/07 21:28
isAfra: I will be your champion. By 紅毒蛇 (小惡魔飆淚) 07/07 21:33
GAtely: 前幾季小惡魔台詞都很棒 07/07 21:36
isAfra: Keeps this one safe. He means the world to me. By 女 07/07 21:44
isAfra: 野人 07/07 21:44
DexterMorgan: 龍媽:They can live in my new world or they can 07/07 21:45
DexterMorgan: die in their old one. 07/07 21:45
yasopp: 瑟曦:What? now? today? you're not going to die today. 07/07 21:52
kikijuice: 當然是imp受審的那一段,沒有別的可以超越。 07/07 21:56
s09930921: U know nothing, Jon Snow 07/07 21:56
CycleEnergy: I'm your FATHER! (誤 07/07 21:57
earthrise: TELLING YOU! 07/07 22:01
widec: shame! shame! shame!!! 07/07 22:04
betty22558: When you play the game of thrones, you win or you 07/07 22:10
betty22558: die. There is no middle ground. 07/07 22:10
noneQ: Lady Sansa is a Bolton - or is she a Lannister? 07/07 22:13
yasopp: e大那句小玫瑰爆氣台詞也好棒,後面還有看熱鬧的嚇到XDD 07/07 22:16
jjimmy: 波頓那句會讓小說的詹姆很慘嗎? 07/07 22:26
swhacker: 龍女名號 07/07 22:35
john631313: U know nothing, Jon Snow! 07/07 22:41
rainsleep: The King in the North 07/07 22:45
sorrow2430: shame shame shame 07/07 22:54
Oldwood: Dracarys 07/07 22:56
reader2714: 熊蘿熊蘿得第一 07/07 22:59
frank840925: The man who passes the sentence, should swing the 07/07 23:01
frank840925: sword. 07/07 23:01
frank840925: A mad man sees what he sees. 07/07 23:02
HeyGod: My watch is ended. 07/07 23:16
athran: I wish you good fortune in the wars to come, 07/07 23:20
athran: and now it begins 07/07 23:20
killeryuan: He is my king. From this day, until his last day. 07/07 23:32
dans: 海怪:What is dead may never die 07/07 23:34
HOTHOTSNAKE: 熊蘿熊蘿得第一 07/07 23:38
Alulae: Dany: I'm going to break to wheel. 07/07 23:39
ahw12000: 中文版的 "你懂個屁!" 07/07 23:40
holoman: Wun Wun to the sea! 07/07 23:49
henrygod: 最喜歡騎士講的誓約內容 07/07 23:51
yogi: Imp受審真的是經典啊。 07/07 23:58
async: 'I'm not going to stop the wheel. I'm going to break th 07/08 00:10
async: e wheel.' 07/08 00:10
yuese970523: Not today 07/08 00:21
feather0911: Imp受審 沒有之一 07/08 00:23
dororofei: 龍媽: Where are my dragons! 07/08 00:28
BigDay: My reign has just begun 07/08 00:31
smile4416: Shame-shame-shame 07/08 00:35
ali: Imp's trial!!! 07/08 00:36
star0504: 龍母那串名號超洗腦... 07/08 00:36
ilovetaylor: 喜歡imp受審+1,求集數,想重看 07/08 00:50
pinkygiveme: 我覺得GOT的台詞有力的很少,相較其他HBO劇 07/08 01:09
ruffryders: Promise me Ned ! 07/08 01:16
auroraxxx: watching ur vicious bastard die, gave me more relie 07/08 01:30
auroraxxx: f than a thousands lying whores. 07/08 01:30
kavingarnett: You know nothing,Jon Snow 07/08 01:32
just1love: 色吸Power is power 超震撼 07/08 01:42
catherine81: The thing I do for love (把布蘭推下去) 07/08 01:42
catherine81: Confess 07/08 01:42
kavingarnett: 最心痛 Lannister send their regard 07/08 01:46
yaes111: 龍女名字 07/08 01:47
ss13285566: A girl is ready 07/08 01:52
earthrise: 我覺得詹米推布蘭超無厘頭的 亂倫根本傳遍七國 07/08 02:10
loadingN: You raped her, You murdered her. You killed her 07/08 02:11
loadingN: children. 07/08 02:11
Ossicino: You know nothing, Jon Snow. 07/08 02:23
Ossicino: I do know something. I know I love you. 07/08 02:23
Ossicino: https://youtu.be/eMUtOhRR_tY 07/08 02:27
QvvQ: Not today 07/08 02:45
julyjerry: 龍媽自我介紹 07/08 03:12
legofun0914: hodor!hodor! 07/08 03:42
Sherryjhh: http://youtu.be/tiIFtQOJ_tI 07/08 04:17
XJI4DK4: Shame. Shame. Shame. 07/08 04:33
littleyuan: 有力的台詞是All men must die. 但更有力的是龍媽補 07/08 06:54
littleyuan: ㄧ句 但我們不是男人 07/08 06:54
dustree: stormborn用英文講聽起來很威 用中文是不是該翻成 颱風 07/08 08:23
dustree: 天出生? XD 07/08 08:23
easyleeful: 小惡魔受審那段,第一次看超震憾 07/08 08:27
Rivera42: Jamie亂倫是後來Ned寫信給Stannis才揭發出來的,在那之 07/08 08:38
Rivera42: 前根本沒啥人知道 07/08 08:38
chen31: 小龍女: 他不是真龍 真龍不怕火 07/08 08:43
chen31: 還有Snow在新訓太拿俏而被其他新兵白眼,小惡魔開導他 07/08 08:44
chen31: 出身跟訓練都跟普通人有差,希望他能發揮同理心幫助同梯 07/08 08:45
chen31: 另外惡搞的台詞推小惡魔&詹米牢房懷舊:甲蟲終結者 07/08 08:46
chen31: 兩個人在那邊 Kuku! Kuku! Kukukukukkuku~超好笑 07/08 08:47
TripleEight: Valar Dohaeris 07/08 10:03
larryrock: IMP受審我看了五次 07/08 10:29
ginchacha: I drink, and I know things 07/08 10:34
ryanhome: winter is coming 07/08 10:42
tomho1202: Next time i have an idea like that, punch me in the 07/08 11:01
tomho1202: face 07/08 11:01
vicklin: shame不能只有 shame,應該是shame~(ding ding) 07/08 12:49
willgo: 喜歡Shame +1 (搭配叮叮叮) 07/08 12:53
kamadevas: Hash yeri m’anhoon, ma jinne m’ayyeyaan?! 07/08 13:10
kamadevas: Are you with me, now and always?! 07/08 13:11
ys1995: 紅明顯 小惡魔受審那段是第四季第六集 大約32分鐘開始 07/08 15:34
ys1995: 晚點推回來 07/08 15:35
ys1995: 鷹城那次的受審是在第一季第六集 大約23分開始 07/08 15:56
QoiiwWe: stormborn是風暴降生吧?不得不說翻得蠻好的信雅達 07/08 16:36
AgitoLeon: I am Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the 07/08 17:03
AgitoLeon: First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, 07/08 17:04
AgitoLeon: Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First 07/08 17:04
AgitoLeon: Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, 07/08 17:04
AgitoLeon: Breaker of Chains and Mother of Dragons!! 07/08 17:04
HeyGod: Winter is coming. 爆 07/08 17:53
ddtclon: I prefer chicken! 07/08 18:31
svince88: shame shame shane 07/08 18:57
WytheGao: you refused the call 07/08 21:18
redwaygg: 風暴降生丹妮莉絲不焚者鐐銬破除者龍之母大草原上卡莉西 07/08 21:26
Ruruto49: 谷米奶茶去冰半糖 07/08 21:29
indietaiwan: Petyer那句後面應該補個'推'字 07/08 22:18
Beckcloud: 被樓上上戳到笑點XD 07/08 22:46
zergling3511: Ramsay: what!? no...pork sausage XDDDD 07/09 00:23
ccc19650: 樓上上上上XDD 07/09 01:04
cRossdaRk: i春秋學院 07/09 01:45
cataphrast: IMP:她可以提供她的陰道 她最好的部分換我最好的部分 07/09 02:12
rawulf: Cersei: I do things because they feel good. (後略 07/09 02:30
victor33: U know nothing 07/09 02:51
nid0407: you know nothing 07/09 03:42
hogger: you're in the great game now,and the great game's terr 07/09 08:59
hogger: ifying. 07/09 08:59
joe0112joe: you shall not pass 07/09 11:49
chchch: Aye 07/09 12:35
rock61816: Kill the boy, and let the man be bound. 07/09 14:49
tupacshkur: I don't care if he's a bastard. Ned Stark's blood 07/09 16:29
tupacshkur: runs through his vein!! He's my king from this day 07/09 16:30
tupacshkur: until his last day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 07/09 16:30
foryou168: I demand a trial by combat!" ─Tyrion Lannister. 07/09 19:32
foryou168: https://youtu.be/BZ_bUIFwHJI 07/09 19:34
asroma: IMP審判說自己的身為侏儒的原罪那段真的會讓人起雞皮疙瘩 07/09 20:23
Seinfeld: The Hound:以前的我 為了殺這三隻 會連你們七個都殺 07/09 20:56
felgher: imp在judgement那一段永遠聽幾次都讓我感動 07/09 22:35
josephv: https://youtu.be/CkuSem8KJP4 07/09 23:34
josephv: 這個也不錯 07/09 23:34
linnoc: burn'em all !!! 07/10 01:51
kixer2005: shame shame shame 叮叮叮 07/10 09:09
Innes: I feel good 07/10 12:52
aaa15386: Shae: I am yours and your are mine 07/10 14:27
big3yen: Shame真的太洗腦啦~XD 07/10 16:15
berserkman: 洋蔥和紅姨那段真的讓人震撼...兩股執著情感的衝擊 07/10 19:45
QiSHi: I am yours as you are mine! 07/10 22:57
miq: winter is coming 07/10 23:52
bbq123: 守夜人的誓詞 07/11 10:49
ga2080: You know nothing,Jon Snow 07/11 21:55
lanadelrey22: 噢樓上我超愛ygri的聲音 超性感 07/18 00:45
sj210444: Shame shame shame Ding! Ding! 07/20 09:59
jerry810113: Hold the door 08/04 11:48
steraldioead: 老三眼烏鴨叫布蘭離開過去 It's beautiful deep in 12/09 00:15
steraldioead: the sea,but if you stay too long you would drow 12/09 00:15
steraldioead: n. 12/09 00:15
Yatta: Hodor 09/09 20:24

