

在 challenging翻譯產品中有18篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅張之豪,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「台灣在我們患難時相助,我們美國人,是會記得這種事的...這就是來自美國的愛。」 美國參議員蘇利文(Dan Sullivan, R-AK) 2021/6/6 9:30 訪台記者會 (聽打、翻譯,基隆市議員 張之豪) 感謝大家,回來台灣真好。首先我要再次強調,雖然眾所週知,但實在很重要,值得我再度...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過93萬的網紅Eric周興哲,也在其Youtube影片中提到,📌 繁/简/English/한글/อักษรไทย/Bahasa Indonesia/Tiếng Việt subtitles available. Please turn on YouTube CC to view. 🎧 Stream/Download here : https://...

challenging翻譯 在 啾尼爾?? PersonalTrainer Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-07-03 01:58:02

🛡Online Coaching 學生十二週成果🇯🇵 體重:58KG⬇️54KG 體脂:25%⬇️20% - 學生回饋(想看中文請自行翻譯) Never Get Your Body use To The Same Thing Over & Over. Challenging It.That’s H...

challenging翻譯 在 睿秋 Rachel Li Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-05-09 03:14:39

Last week, I had the great privilege of meeting @martinnutrition and listening to him speak in Cardiff. ⁠ .⁠ Martin is one of the few people that has ...

challenging翻譯 在 蔡宗祐 美食|健康|曲線管理 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-03-31 03:10:05

不知道為什麼,突然想起來那個時候staff說的「set up for success.」那個時候聽起來覺得沒有什麼深刻的感覺,但現在聽起來就覺得很有道理,感覺做任何事你的事前工作都要為了「成功」這個條件而準備。 WGI賽季過了,而DCI賽季又要來了,開始有點想念三四月的時候還有tour,每天就是發...

  • challenging翻譯 在 張之豪 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-06 12:53:23
    有 1,414 人按讚


    美國參議員蘇利文(Dan Sullivan, R-AK)
    2021/6/6 9:30 訪台記者會
    (聽打、翻譯,基隆市議員 張之豪)






    Landing speech 2021/6/6
    (Taipei International Airport)

    Dan Sullivan, R-AK

    Thank you everybody, it’s great to be back in Taiwan. I want to begin by mentioning something that, I think most people know but it’s always important to reiterate. The United States has a long history of advancing security, prosperity and democracy in the Indo Pacific Area. We are an Asia-Pacific Nation. We have been in this critical region of the world for centuries, and will be here in the future for centuries to come.

    Over 25 years ago, I was deployed to this region as part of the United States Marine Corps Amphibious Task force, specifically to the Taiwan Strait, during a very challenging and critical time for Taiwan’s democracy on the eve of Taiwan’s first presidential election. That was an important demonstration of American resolve and commitment to Taiwan’s security, prosperity, and democracy.

    And now I am honored to be back in Taiwan with a strong bipartisan delegation of United States Senators. Under our constitution, the Senate has a critical role in American Foreign Policy. And the Taiwan Relations Act is an important demonstration of this senatorial role. That Act makes it the United States’s policy to provide assistance to Taiwan, to enable it to resist all kinds of coercion. American support for Taiwan’s prosperity democracy and security remains rock solid and is very bipartisan as you can see from this delegation of United States Senators, Republican and Democrats. This support also extends to the help of people of Taiwan.

    Last year, a global pandemic from Wuhan China, that was characterized by a lack of transparency, and a lack of international cooperation, by the Chinese Communist Party. Today, in dramatic contrast, the United States is leading International relief effort, in an open and cooperative spirit with our friends and partners and allies to bring relief from this global pandemic with tens and millions of highly effective vaccines, many developed with American ingenuity to all parts of the world, including Taiwan. And we are doing this in close coordination, with our partners and friends, and allies, like Japan, who also recently announced significant vaccines to the people of Taiwan. Let me conclude by emphasizing the point that Senator Duckworth already mentioned, This is a two way street with regards to friends and partners who look out for each other. And We in the United States remember these things. Look at my mask, there is over 10 million masks that came from Taiwan to the United States at the early stages of this pandemic. This is one of them. By the way if you can see it, it says love from Taiwan. Nice flags representing both of our peoples. So now I say, this is love from America, in return. And we are very please to be here. Making this important announcement on vaccines. Thank you.

  • challenging翻譯 在 張之豪 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-06 11:39:17
    有 5,381 人按讚


    美國參議員達克沃絲(Tammy Duckworth, D-IL)
    2021/6/6 9:30 訪台記者會
    (聽打、翻譯,基隆市議員 張之豪)





    Landing speech 2021/6/6
    (Taipei International Airport)

    Tammy Duckworth, D-IL

    Thank you. I’m so honored to be here today. And we are here to underscore the bipartisan support for Taiwan and the strength of our partnership. This pandemic has been a global challenge and too many of us have lost loved ones and have their livelihoods taken away. And for the past year and half, we’ve seen how covid-19 knows no borders. It spreads quickly and without hesitation. And it doesn’t care about race, religion, or political preferences. Even if some nations seek to use the response to covid-19 to coerce others. We are here as friends, because we know that Taiwan is experiencing a challenging time right now. Which is why it’s especially important for the three of us to be here in a bipartisan way. Friends come to each other’s aid. The Biden administration has announced its framework of showing at least 80 million vaccines, uh, US vaccine doses globally and the plan is for the first 25 million doses. After several weeks of conversations between each of the three of us, and the White House officials, I am please to say that Taiwan will receiving 750,000 doses of the vaccines as part of the first bunch of doses. It was critical for United States that Taiwan be included in the first group to receive vaccines because we recognize your urgent need and we value this partnership. We’ll be meeting Taiwan’s leadership this morning to better understand Taiwan’s needs and carry those messages back to Washington. I know in the days ahead that Biden Administration will work to make sure Taiwan receives its shipment in as safe and effective its vaccines as soon as possible. This helps save lives and brings us closer to ending this pandemic once and for all.

    Because ending this pandemic means that all of us in international community must work together to get shot in the arms of as many people as possible because truly ending this pandemic means ending it everywhere. And it also reflects our gratitude to Taiwan’s support for the American people in our time of need. In the early days of the pandemic, Taiwan came to our aid, with supply of PPE and other donations that help to save American lives. And on behalf of American people, we want to thank you for that. This is yet another example of how democracies work together to help one another.

    You know I especially wanna be here because my family, most of you may know, my father’s family has served in the American military going back to the revolution, fighting for freedom and democracy. But most of you don’t know that my mother’s family is actually from Chaochiu from Guangdong who walked out of China seeking freedom to escape communism. And my mother was born in Thailand in the early 1940s. So it’s especially important to me to be here to support another democracy in the region. My family and I know the price of freedom. And I am here to tell you, that the United States will not let you stand alone. We will be by your side to make sure the people of Taiwan have what they need to get to the other side of this pandemic and beyond, Thank you.

  • challenging翻譯 在 李問 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-05 20:40:12
    有 1,368 人按讚

    🌏前陣子我以系列英文投書,投稿外媒 #9DASHLINE (九段線),這是一個討論亞洲時事與外交事務的網站。





    Challenging Ethno-nationalism from the Matsu Islands




    【註:ethno-nationalism 指傳統的國族主義觀念,主張基於共同的血統與文化,由單一族群建立統一國家。】



































    Edge of Democracy: China’s Influence on Taiwan’s ‘Frontline’ Islands

  • challenging翻譯 在 Eric周興哲 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-03-03 17:00:18

    📌 繁/简/English/한글/อักษรไทย/Bahasa Indonesia/Tiếng Việt subtitles available.
    Please turn on YouTube CC to view.
    🎧 Stream/Download here : https://smet.lnk.to/FB_AllforOne
    🔔 Subscribe To My YouTube Channel : https://sonymusic.pse.is/ericyoutube

    Sony Music artists across Asia have united to create a stunning rendition of Taiwanese superstar Eric Chou’s original track “Forever Beautiful.” The new collaborative version titled “Forever Beautiful: All for One Version” features Eric Chou alongside 14 artists from nine regions across Asia singing in both Chinese and English.

    In “Forever Beautiful: All for One Version”, the 14 collaborating artists joined Eric Chou by recording their parts remotely across the Asia region, to convey an important message through these touching lyrics: we may speak and sing in different languages and represent the many ethnicities and cultures of Asia, but we are all united with solidarity and support. In these challenging times, music can bring hope and peace along with the message of love and compassion.

    Alongside Eric Chou, the artists featured in “Forever Beautiful: All for One Version” represent the vibrant and diverse roster of Sony Music Asia, including Eric Chou (the original singer/songwriter) and singer Kelly Cheng from Taiwan, Wafa, a member from Bahiyya Haneesa (an acapella group from Malaysia), R&B-pop singer NYK, Singaporean artists Benjamin Kheng, Narelle and Sezairi, HÀ LÊ, a vocalist from Vietnam, popular indie-folk-pop band Ben&Ben from the Philippines, singer-songwriter and producer E.viewz from South Korea, singer Fatin from Indonesia, singer-songwriter Jocelyn C from Beijing, and Hong Kong artists Phil Lam, Jason Chan, and Cath Wong.

    The video for “Forever Beautiful: All for One Version” features a montage of footage featuring all 15 artists singing their parts, along with images that reflect the current situation across the Asian region.

    ・Song Credit・
    詞Lyricists:Eric周興哲 Eric Chou、吳易緯 I-Wei Wu
    曲Composer:Eric周興哲 Eric Chou
    翻譯詞English Lyrics:符國文 Kevin Foo
    演唱Vocals (以演唱順序In Order of Appearance):Eric周興哲 Eric Chou、黃妍 Cath Wong、林奕匡 Phil Lam、E.viewz、Sezairi、陳柏宇 Jason Chan、Benjamin Kheng、Ben&Ben、鄭心慈 Kelly Cheng、Narelle、陳明憙 Jocelyn C、NYK、Ha Le、Wafa (Bahiyya Haneesa)、Fatin

    製作人Producer:于京延 Agwen Yu (眼鏡俠 Glasses-Men)
    編曲Music Arranger:于京延 Agwen Yu
    製作協力Production Coordinators:古皓宇 Google Gu (眼鏡俠 Glasses-Men)、黃婉婷 Wendy Huang (Sony Music Taiwan A&R)、李百罡 Li Bai-Gang (Sony Music Taiwan A&R)
    製作行政Production Assistant:李凡萱 Ocean Lee (動靜音樂)

    人聲編寫Vocal Arrangement:于京延 Agwen Yu
    和聲編寫Backing Vocals Arrangement:于京延 Agwen Yu、Eric周興哲 Eric Chou、黃妍 Cath Wong
    和聲Backing Vocals:古皓宇 Google Gu、李百罡 Li Bai-Gang、Eric周興哲Eric Chou、鄭心慈 Kelly Cheng、黃妍Cath Wong、于京延 Agwen Yu

    弦樂編寫Strings Arrangement:于京延 Agwen Yu
    弦樂監製String Producers:于京延 Agwen Yu、蔡曜宇 Shuon Tsai
    弦樂Strings:曜爆甘音樂工作室 Just Busy Music Studio
    第一小提琴First Violin:蔡曜宇 Shuon Tsai
    第二小提琴Second Violin:陳奕勇 YiYung Chen
    中提琴Viola:甘威鵬 Weapon Gan
    大提琴Cello:劉涵 Hang Liu (隱分子 Infancy Band)

    錄音師Recording Engineer:于京延 Agwen Yu
    錄音助理Assistant Engineers:徐振程 Jason Hsu、林于天 Shizoku Lin
    錄音室Recording Studios:玉成戲院錄音室 YuChen Cinema Studio、楊大緯錄音工作室 Dave Yang Recording Studio
    混音師Mixing Engineer:楊大緯 Dave Yang
    混音助理Mixing Assistant:林于天 Shizoku Lin
    混音錄音室Mixing Studio:楊大緯錄音工作室 Dave Yang Recording Studio
    母帶後期處理製作人Mastering Producer:于京延 Agwen Yu
    母帶後期處理工程師Mastering Engineer:楊大緯 Dave Yang
    母帶後期處理錄音室Mastering Studio:楊大緯錄音工作室 Dave Yang Recording Studio



    索尼音樂 Sony Music Taiwan Instagram
    索尼音樂 Sony Music Taiwan CPOP

    #EricChou #ForeverBeautiful #一樣美麗

  • challenging翻譯 在 吳鳳Rifat Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2018-02-23 20:31:41


    Renting a house is a challenging thing most of the time,in this video you can see how foreigners rent house in Taiwan。We were lucky to meet a nice landlord,so it was much easier to make the deal。❤️