Wow! I enjoyed and learned so much from @dangoldfield, the winemaker and partner of @duttongoldfieldwinery today on @sommation_live Ep132.
Dan t...
Wow! I enjoyed and learned so much from @dangoldfield, the winemaker and partner of @duttongoldfieldwinery today on @sommation_live Ep132.
Dan talked about how Dutton-Goldfield Winery started with a handshake in 1998 that Steve Dutton and him share the same vision: producing wines express the quintessence of Russian River Valley.
As Steve, a 5 generations grower, is in charge of the grape growing, managing the vineyard sites and Dan, with 34 years’ experience in winemaking, takes care of the cellar work, Dutton-Goldfield’s goal is to make wine that express the terroir of their cool-climate vineyards, and which they’d enjoy at their own dinner tables.
What I have in my glass is Dutton Ranch Emerald Ridge Vineyard Pinot Noir 2017 from Green Valley of Russian River Valley. The grapes come from an east-facing knoll in the middle of the Green Valley with 4 different Pinot Noir clones planted.
The wine displays seductive aromas of violet, bay leaf, green fig, wild strawberry, blackberry, black plum, with integrated clove, mace, and tobacco notes on the nose. With its high concentration, great intensity, and uplifting acidity, the wine is made to be aged. For immediate enjoyment, decanting is highly recommended.
*Special thanks to @foliofinewine, @duttongoldfieldwinery, @dangoldfield, and @ordinairepierre
*All wine can be purchased directly through @duttongoldfieldwinery
*Treat yourself a proper glassware @gabriel_glasinternational and save some wine for later enjoyment @coravin
*Don’t miss 15 % discount on @gabriel_glas. Link in my bio.
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cellar意思 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文
上个月马来西亚各地掀起了Food Bank 帮助因疫情而断米断粮的居民。我自己能做的力量不多,想要大家的力量一起去帮助!但是,我又很不好意思没有反馈给大家的心意。
后来,我、兰卡威小强假期和 Cellar Bank 商量之后,他们愿意一起配合把手上的啊妹妹明信片和杯垫捐赠出来做义卖,那么我们3方一起来为帮助兰卡威 Pulau Langkawi 因疫情断米断粮的岛民出一份力捐赠给 Langkawi Big Love Food Bank。
🌟 由 蓝天白云数格子联合 Cellar Bank Langkawi 以及 @小强兰卡威旅程 Langkawi Tour 发起 【啊妹妹作品义卖】,所得款项将全数捐赠给 Langkawi Big Love Food Bank 用于帮助因疫情而断米断粮的兰卡威岛民,盼能获得您的小小支持让 Food Bank 活动能支撑得更久让更多陷入困境的岛民们在这么艰难的时刻也能感受到一丝温暖!💞
A – 【啊妹妹游兰卡威明信片】兰卡威景点明信片 - 1套6款 = RM 20 包含基本邮寄费用
B – 【啊妹妹逛网红酒吧CellarBank】 限量版杯垫 – 1套4款 = RM 40 包含基本邮寄费用
💝 支持链接:
活动日期:1/8/2021 - 7/8/2021
#马来西亚朋友,虽然我无法在马来西亚邮寄明信片或杯垫,但有小强假期愿意帮我这个忙来处理邮寄明信片和杯垫,这也是促成我能完成这个心愿。经验部落格和社交媒体,最开心的事情莫过于有你们鼎力支持! 感恩。
#togetherwecare #biglovefoodbanklangkawi
cellar意思 在 都市遊魂 Facebook 的最佳貼文
最近在網上找到一系列日本酒 (,看到其中一瓶使用了來自瀨戶內海檸檬製成的酒,於是訂來試試看
Chugoku Jozo Lemon Rocks 是位於日本廣島的酒廠 Sakurao 的 “Kawaii” 系列美酒。看到名字 “Kawaii” (日文意思是可愛) 及酒瓶外觀就認定是比較適合女生喝,但是喝下去就發現是男女皆宜。如果倒酒出來直接喝,對我來說是很甜的,因此我用 1:1 的比例加進梳打水 (soda water),喝第二杯時我加進的梳打水比重更高,更適合我的口味
這瓶 Lemon Rocks 採用了 Double Fragrance 方法製酒,首先使用檸檬浸泡在酒精內,製成檸檬酒後,再混合檸檬皮及使用蒸餾方法製成的檸檬香油,忠實地把瀨戶內海著名的檸檬的感覺百分百地移植至 Lemon Rocks 內,因為喝到的不只是檸檬汁的味道,亦包括檸檬皮的甘澀及香氣,所以喝這瓶酒需要適應一下。第一口喝下去時,會有點古怪的感覺,因為我們很少會整個檸檬連果皮一起放進咀內吃,但喝過後檸檬的香氣會逗留在口腔內一段頗長的時間,揮之不去,這種感覺是很棒很享受的,是我第一次擁有的感覺。喝這瓶酒不能只喝一杯的,可以每次喝少一點分量,然後一杯接一杯的慢慢喝,盡情享受它的 after taste
在這段不能旅遊的時間,喝著 Chugoku Jozo Lemon Rocks 帶給我不少旅遊回憶,還記得數年前在高松乘船到瀨戶內海的豐島、直島觀看藝術展品,那種與世無爭、彷彿到了另一個國度的感受徐徐勾起,既然不能出外旅遊就靠 Lemon Rocks 來懷念一下吧;未到過瀨戶內海的話,亦可以享受一下未出發先興奮的感覺吧
One Cellar Hong Kong | Sakurao Distillery | 中国醸造
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cellar意思 在 Janis Chan 陳貝兒 Facebook 的精選貼文
Wine can create chemistry between people that transcends boundaries of culture and time. If you’re on the right path, you’ll know wine tasting is a great way to open your mind, push your boundaries and broaden your horizons.
我嘅好朋友 Winston 係一位品酒專家,Winston細細個就開始對葡萄酒有好獨到嘅睇法,年紀輕輕就被邀請加入有八百幾年歷史嘅法國聖埃美隆騎士會,仲一度係個組織最年輕嘅成員添。對品酒嘅熱愛,令佢走勻世界唔同角落嘅酒莊,更重要嘅係,佢搜羅咗好多隱世佳釀,帶到返嚟香港,同大家分享。
Meet my friend Winston Wong, who’s a true wine connoisseur. Winston’s journey into wine began early. He was the youngest man to be inducted into one of the most prestigious French wine brotherhoods - The Jurade of Saint-Émilion. And with a strong passion for wine, he has been travel- ling around the world on a quest for wine that excites his tastebuds, and more importantly, to bring new tastes to people in Hong Kong.
Thank you for inviting 🎈>> Sens Wine Cellar
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ig : chanjanis