背景音樂:影片片尾備註 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Clip Sources: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/ https://medal.tv/league-of-legends Fan contribution music Sources: youtube.com/user/NoCopyrightSounds youtube.com/user/MonstercatMedia youtube.com/user/freemusicwave ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 感謝你的觀看,歡迎分享,也可以訂閱我,隨時追蹤最新影片 剪輯好笑的每周VOD精華及噴笑嗑藥台式翻譯 希望能讓精華更有趣 翻譯並非正統可能有錯或超譯 請見諒 我們也經常剪輯英雄聯盟搞笑爆笑,技術,中文翻譯,實況主選手等的影片,也可以在下方留言,讓我幫你剪輯介紹給大家認識。 諮詢信箱:sgdlolhigh69@gmail.com 投稿信箱:sgdlolhigh69@gmail.com(絕地求生暫時停止投稿,僅接受英雄聯盟) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video and music has the player's permission to feature their clip .was shared by the owner and allowed for use or we purchased. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT ISSUES: We make these videos with the intention of educating LoL players how to increase and improve own skills for better playing in some segments of the game, but to share those in quality compilation with other people. One of our videos was shared by the owner and allowed for use or we purchased. These videos are made as a montage, consist of fragments from several different LoL matches. The content displayed in the video is recorded within the game, If any owner of clips, used in our compilation, has a copyright issue, feel free to contact us by gmail . We will remove the clip, video or come to an agreement. Thank you. Using or sharing our compilations is allowed, so feel free to share it anywhere, but it would be nice, to use direct link of video, not of copies. Thanks !
cassiopeia中文 在 蘭林漢的粉絲 - 猴哥專屬精華頻道 Youtube 的精選貼文
2020-03-21 21:00:21
友情提示:遊戲後有好東西😉😉 ============================================================================= 英雄聯盟斗魚主播 孫悟空 蘭林漢 房間號:475252 BiliBili:蘭林漢的粉絲 新浪微博:孫悟空kingking Youtube:BestLeagueTV_分流 ============================================================================= サウンド利用許可証 魔王魂で公開されているサウンドをYouTubeで利用することを全ユーザーに対して許可します。 魔王魂の音楽素材を使用・編集加工・演奏することを許可します。 著作を偽って使用することは出来ません。(自分が作った曲と言い張ることです) 魔王魂の素材を利用したことによって生じた損害には魔王魂は一切関与しません。 可能な場合は著作表記してください。 (例 音楽:音楽素材/魔王魂 ご不明な点があればお問い合わせ下さい。 Song: Only You by Declan DP Watch: https://youtu.be/II2BQtvki2U Download/Stream: https://hypeddit.com/link/31a5jz
Riot Games Legal:https://www.riotgames.com/en/legal Ad Revenue:We permit individual players to promote their Projects on websites, streams, or videos and passively generate revenue through appropriate advertisements, including pre-roll ads, ad breaks, and sponsor ad overlays. No inappropriate ads—we alone decide what qualifies as inappropriate.
cassiopeia中文 在 SGD LOL - TOP Youtube 的最佳貼文
Video Clip Sources:
Fan contribution
music Sources:
希望能讓精華更有趣 翻譯並非正統可能有錯或超譯 請見諒
Video and music has the player's permission to feature their clip .was shared by the owner and allowed for use or we purchased.
We make these videos with the intention of educating LoL players how to increase and improve own skills for better playing in some segments of the game, but to share those in quality compilation with other people.
One of our videos was shared by the owner and allowed for use or we purchased. These videos are made as a montage, consist of fragments from several different LoL matches. The content displayed in the video is recorded within the game, If any owner of clips, used in our compilation, has a copyright issue, feel free to contact us by gmail . We will remove the clip, video or come to an agreement. Thank you.
Using or sharing our compilations is allowed, so feel free to share it anywhere, but it would be nice, to use direct link of video, not of copies.
Thanks !
cassiopeia中文 在 蘭林漢的粉絲 - 猴哥專屬精華頻道 Youtube 的精選貼文
英雄聯盟斗魚主播 孫悟空 蘭林漢 房間號:475252
(例 音楽:音楽素材/魔王魂 ご不明な点があればお問い合わせ下さい。
Song: Only You by Declan DP
Watch: https://youtu.be/II2BQtvki2U
Download/Stream: https://hypeddit.com/link/31a5jz
Riot Games Legal:https://www.riotgames.com/en/legal
Ad Revenue:We permit individual players to promote their Projects on websites, streams, or videos and passively generate revenue through appropriate advertisements, including pre-roll ads, ad breaks, and sponsor ad overlays. No inappropriate ads—we alone decide what qualifies as inappropriate.
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