

在 cashier收銀台產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過6萬的網紅謙預 Qianyu.sg,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【一念桃花開】(English writing below) The Peach Blossom Blooms In a Single Thought 我年少時就有暗瘡的問題, 因為使用藥物,後來皮膚就變過敏。 無論是開架或專櫃,不是很多護膚品牌適合我,,而很慶幸的,Innisfree對我的肌膚...

  • cashier收銀台 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2019-10-19 23:26:58
    有 6 人按讚

    【一念桃花開】(English writing below)
    The Peach Blossom Blooms In a Single Thought

    我年少時就有暗瘡的問題, 因為使用藥物,後來皮膚就變過敏。











    這是明智之舉 - 給予客人她會用的產品,而不是一些她可能不會使用的產品。



    這真是暖心之舉 - 記得客人在尋找的護膚品。











    媽媽嫌女兒沒大沒小, 女兒嫌媽媽規矩多。










    p.s. 若不知何謂桃花,可觀看我這影片:https://youtu.be/ECUW9F8Cybg


    I have acne skin as a teenager, and somewhere along the way, my skin turned sensitive.

    Not many skincare brands, drugstore or over-the-counter, work for me, and Innisfree, to my delight, is one that works

    So just now, I dropped by Innisfree to return my empty bottles (in my Stories)

    I then browsed the shelves, looking for the Jeju Orchid Sleeping Mask. It was not there. I turned to ask the enthusiastic salesgirl beside me.

    She went off to ask the more senior staff, who was behind the cashier counter.

    No luck, it was out of stock and they had no idea when it would be back.

    I ended up buying the Green Tea Sleeping Mask, having read great reviews online.

    As the cashier passed me my purchase, she told me to wait for she wished to give me some samples to try, the de-facto practice of many Korean skincare and makeup brands.

    When I left the store with the samples in hand, it dawned on me what the cashier had done.

    I bought a sleeping mask.

    She gave me two other sleeping mask varieties.

    That’s smart - giving what the customer uses, and not some product that that customer may not use.

    Not every girl plaster a million products on her face.

    One of the samples was the Jeju Orchid Sleeping Mask!

    That’s heartwarming - to remember that the customer was looking for.

    I could either be keen in that mask, or a repeat buyer. But the key is, not only did she remember my inquiry, she gave me a sample that would not make this trip a wasted one.

    This small act of consideration from the sales person is what we called Giving, in Buddhism.

    The more thought you put in your giving, the more good fortune you are planting for yourself. When you give with happiness, then the love and respect you receive in future will be vast and boundless.

    Many people mistook that the word Giving is to be used on outsiders. They are unaware that the people around us also need our giving to nourish their hearts.

    There are many such examples in my clients:

    The husband feels that his wife is too occupied with the children. She does not make time to listen to him or support his dream.

    The wife rants about her husband having a change of heart and does not care for her, or love the family as before.

    The father finds fault with the son's constant gaming, and scolds him for not being hardworking.

    The son thinks the father does not care about what he likes, and always forces him to do things that he does not like.

    The mother says her daughter is rude to her, while the daughter complains that her mother has too many rules.

    The boss sees that his employees are not doing their best, while the employees sees their boss as a stingy man.

    All these problems arise from two persons being calculative in giving, or unwilling to give. Given the principle of "Birds of the same feather flock together", you inevitably attract a person who is similar to yourself.

    In the confines of our home, we do need Peach Blossom Luck, so that there will be love and harmony among our family.

    Beyond our home, Peach Blossom Luck is definitely a must, for that will help us to get things done easier.

    The amount of our Peach Blossom Luck is dependant on how much love you give out. The attitude you have when giving will decide the size of your good fortune.

    There are plenty of opportunities for us to give, so there is no such thing as no chance to give.

    Small acts of giving starts from home.

    As you step out of your home door, there are even more giving opportunities surrounding you, no matter which degree of direction you turn.

    It is up to you to grasp the opportunity. Like the Innisfree sales person who sees hundreds of people weekly, do your job well, and do it very well every day. That is massive giving, which will sow many seeds of favourable Peach Blossom Luck.

    So there is no such thing as to why your Destiny isn't great. It was you who did not make the smart decision to do the right thing.

    Try to let go of your resistance, and go embrace a more loving you, a more loving way of living. When you can bring happiness to more people, you will discover the limitless potential in your life and fall in love with yourself all over again. That will be one of the greatest love and respect and Peach Blossom Luck you can give yourself.

    p.s. if you do not know what Peach Blossom Luck is, watch my video over here: https://youtu.be/ECUW9F8Cybg

  • cashier收銀台 在 辣媽英文天后 林俐 Carol Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-04-15 22:15:23
    有 113 人按讚



    和朋友出去吃飯、逛街時,聽到這句 “Hey! I will Venmo you later!”是什麼意思?


    其實在幾年前Venmo就開始在歐美國家流行,因為順應著行動支付的發展,許多人出門不帶用皮夾(wallet),只需要帶一台手機(mobile phone)就可以完成一整天的支付(payment),甚至很多人的個性是非常拒絕零錢(coin/penny)的😵
    所以當跟朋友出去吃飯想要各付各(go Dutch)的時候,用這個程式就非常方便喲!

    👉🏼 I’ll Venmo you the money. 我等等轉錢給你。
    💰 欒哥&俐媽英文教室—支付篇:
    📲 mobile payment (n.) 行動支付
    📲 transaction (n.) 交易
    📲 Near Field Communication 短距離高頻無線通訊技術(簡稱NFC)
    📲 antenna (n.) 天線
    📲 merchant (n.) 商家
    📲 purchase (v.)(n.) 購買
    📲 electronic commerce = e-commerce (n.) 電子商務
    📲 checkout (n.) 結帳
    📲 decimal (n.) 小數點
    📲 default (a.) 預設的
    📲 fee (n.) 費用
    📲 installment (n.) 分期付款
    📲 cashier (n.) 收銀台;收銀員
    📲 go Dutch 各付各的
    📲 Dutch party 各自付費的聚餐
    📲 apiece (adv.) 各個;每個;每人;每樣
    📲 per (perp.) 每
    📲 shipping (n.) 運費
    📲 cart (n.) 購物車(美式)
    cf. trolley (n.) 購物車(英式)
    📲 subtotal (n.) 小計
    📲 total (n.) 總費用
    📲 browse (v.) (n.) 瀏覽
    📲 swipe (v.) 滑
    📲 reader (n.) 感應器
    📲 pending (a.) 未定的;待定的(-pend: hang)
    📲 register (v.) 註冊
    📲 verify (v.) 驗證、認證
    📲 via (prep.😞 through 透過
    📲 authorized (a.) 經授權的;經批准的
    📲 eligible (a.) 法律上合格的(leg/lig-: law)
    📲 recipient (n.) 接受者
    📲 sync (v.) 同步(sim/sym-: the same)
    📲 feature (n.) 功能;特色
    📲 withdraw (v.) 提款
    📲 deposit (v.) 存款
    📲 vary (v.) 變化;使多樣化
    📲 validity (n.) 有效性;合法性(val-: strong)
    📲 fraudulent (a.) 詐欺的
    —> fraud (n.) 詐騙
    📲 facilitate (v.) 促進
    📲 jurisdiction (n.) 管轄範圍
    📲 infringe (v.) 違反
    📲 defamatory (a.) 破壞名譽的;誹謗的
    —> fame (n.) 名聲
    📲 third party (a.) 第三方的
    📲 respectively (adv.) 分別地;各別地;各自地
    欒哥 @luarnwei 好棒!
    #俐媽英文教室 #俐媽英文教室行動支付篇 #venmo #venmomemoney

  • cashier收銀台 在 空姐摸摸Holymollieee Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-01-15 18:52:16
    有 20 人按讚

    A thought of the day:
    Every time when you’re about to pay at the cashier there’s always some SLOTHS appear in front of you, using every possible way to slow down every move including taking out the cash from the deepest hole in their bags and slowly using the most possible slowest way one by one taking away those stuff occupying the whole desk after paid and BLOCK YOUR WAY !!

    請看view the example:

    #今日一字樹懶=sloth (不負責發音:死辣ㄙ)其實th發音要把舌頭放在門牙後方然後發出氣音唷)
    #wordofthedaysloth=樹懶 (pronounce: SHU LAN)