

在 cascaded中文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過19萬的網紅王薀老師,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【好評如潮 🏆 真心話】 從小我就很容易生病,青春期時我開始對於人際關係、自己的未來以及自我定位感到壓力。這種壓力帶來一連串的症狀,如肩頸僵硬、頭痛,特別是鼻竇炎。我因此對靜坐、瑜珈甚至是一些氣功法門產生興趣。然而是來到台灣學習中文及教英文,而且碰到老師以後,我才覺得有自己有明顯的改善。老師...

  • cascaded中文 在 王薀老師 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-06-14 16:40:00
    有 99 人按讚

    【好評如潮 🏆 真心話】
    ─ 跟隨老師學習五年 
    艾力克斯 中文系學生
     From early childhood, I have been quite prone to sickness. At adolescence, I started having more stressabout interpersonal relations, the future, and my place in things. This stress cascaded into symptoms suchas tight shoulders and neck, and from there on headaches, in particular sinusitis. I got into meditation, yogaandeven some qi gong as a result. But it was only after coming to Taiwan to learn Chinese and teachEnglish and met Teacher that I started feeling considerable improvement. The qi gong he taught helpedme a lot at a physical level, and I daresay it saved me during my first summer in Taipei, when I lived in asmall room with no AC.
     This in combination with his teachings about life and the mind operated a change at adeeper level. I feelmore at peace with the past, less anxious about the future, and I can therefore make themost of the present moment.
    Alex Syed, student of Mandarin Chinese
    《靜坐-這一檔子事》➡ http://goo.gl/9lEfgE
    帶給您心思潮、心觀念 -【薀言堂讀書會】
    #王薀先生 #靜坐這一檔子事 #養生

