

在 carrots衣服產品中有7篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Sameki,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Today is Taiwan's Winter Solstice ! Do you have some Glutinous rice balls?٩(•ิ˓̭ •ิ )ง Though there are all carrots and furries on the clothing ... Bu...

carrots衣服 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-09 01:34:02

【抗疫生活】媽媽們最近「一秒即著」是發生甚麼事?  #停課大增媽媽工作量日日做到一頭煙 #春天潮濕易煩躁也是季節惹的禍 #星期五湯水  五指毛桃湯疏肝祛濕 今年春天遇上新型肺炎爆發,小朋友復課無期,又不能出街「放電」,父母與孩子每天在家困獸鬥,磨擦難免比平日多,網上流傳一個停課時間表,...

  • carrots衣服 在 Sameki Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-12-21 20:03:51
    有 842 人按讚

    Today is Taiwan's Winter Solstice ! Do you have some Glutinous rice balls?٩(•ิ˓̭ •ิ )ง
    Though there are all carrots and furries on the clothing ...
    But still can have some Glutinous rice balls with you peko!🥕🥕🐰🥕
    Patreon December's Tier.2 rewards , If you like Pekora don't miss it peko!
    Of course VIP also have Pekora's bunny girl ver.!👯
    今天是台灣的冬至!大家都吃湯圓了嗎٩(•ิ˓̭ •ิ )ง
    #hololive #兔田佩克拉 #兔田ぺこら #pekora #usadapekora

  • carrots衣服 在 一起寵物訓練教育 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-05-20 00:15:47
    有 45 人按讚


    中文翻譯:Eric Lee - Clicker Training & Dog Learning

    幼犬出時是生沒有牙齒。 到8周大時他們會長有28顆“臨時”幼犬牙齒(乳齒),它們非常鋒利,可以讓您的幼犬開始吃固體食物。 這些“幼犬牙齒”將從14週開始脫落,從細小的門牙開始……您可能會發現幼犬在與其他狗玩耍時或嚼咬嚼咬物或玩具時把它們吞下。 最後會掉下來是是最大最尖的(也最痛楚)…整個換牙過程大約在30週完成,您的小狗就會擁有42顆恒齒。 好消息是,恒齒長好後並沒有乳齒這樣尖銳。
    當您的小狗開始長出牙齒時,您會發現他嚼咬的慾望越來越大-家具,衣服,鞋子等。在這段時間內,最重要是為您的小狗提供很多可食用的咀嚼物及玩具以便它們嚼咬。 我們的最愛是:
    •Animal Earth No Hide Chews (是一家美國生產嚼咬物公司)
    我們建議是“主動地”準備一些嚼咬物讓他們選擇咀嚼而不是你的鞋子…。 把鞋子,衣服和一些你不想小狗嚼咬的物品收好。 另外請注意,當幼犬用牙齒弄痛你或咬你時,你把玩具拿出來給他玩或玩一些遊戲這有可能會無意間獎勵幼犬用嘴巴的行為。 嘗試在他們開始用嘴巴咬人之前,就給他們一些適合嚼咬的東西。 還請記住,如果您的小狗特別會咬人,是否他很餓? 他需要去洗手間? 是否被過度刺激及需要休息睡覺?


    喜歡Superhounds Diane Kasperowicz的文章。 永遠考慮到行為為何會出現,而不是僅僅改變結果。
    眾所周知,幼兒在長出牙齒時會變得“牙癢”,情緒化,“耐嚼”,脾氣暴躁,悲傷等。 他們會把任何東西放進嘴巴裡,而且經常咬得很用力。 幼犬也是一樣。
    給他們適當的東西來咀嚼-隨個人喜好及狗的品種而異(根據其顎骨的形狀和牙齒強度而異):冷凍的胡蘿蔔,冷凍的麵包片,冷凍的蘋果片或多肉的咀嚼物等。理想的情況是每天幾次,提供時請確定他們有興趣。 6個月以下的幼犬應該多次餵食正餐,以幫助維持血糖水平,從而保持情緒穩定。 確保他們在24小時內最少有16個小時的睡眠-對於大多數幼犬來說,最好的質量睡眠是社交睡眠。
    不要依賴快速運動/遊戲來“令他們疲累”,因為這情況通常會增加大腦和血液中的刺激性化學物質,使挫折和咬的行為可能性更常。 以嗅聞遊戲,適合的社交機會,一些冷靜的獎勵訓練,豐富身體體驗為主要運動。 讓您的小狗常常成功並享受這段特別的時光。

    Love this from Superhounds Diane Kasperowicz. Always consider the drive that creates a behaviour not just how you could change the outcome.
    Young children are also well known to become “bitey”, emotional, “chewy”, grumpy, sad etc when they are teething. They ll put anything in their mouth and will often bite hard too. Puppies are the same.
    Give them appropriate things to chew on - this varies with personal preference and breed (due to jaw shape and tooth strength) : frozen carrots, frozen bread slices, cold apple slices, or meaty chews etc. Ideally a few times a day but definitely when they start to get grabby. Feed puppies under 6 months frequently to help keep sugar levels and therefore emotional tolerance, stable. Make sure they have at least 16 hours sleep across 24 hours - social sleep is best quality for most pups.
    Don’t rely on fast exercise / games to “tire them out” as this typically increases arousal chemicals in brain and blood stream making frustration and biting more likely. Use scent work, social opportunities, calm reward training, physical enrichment experiences as the main exercise. Set your puppy up to succeed and enjoy this special time.


  • carrots衣服 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-03-06 18:16:28
    有 348 人按讚

    材料:五指毛桃80克、紅蘿蔔2根、粉葛1個、 新鮮蓮子80克、南棗4枚、小米(1/2杯米杯)、薑2片
    1. 所有材料洗淨,紅蘿蔔、粉葛去皮切塊備用。
    2. 鍋中加入約2500毫升水,放入全部材料,以武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約1.5小時,最後下鹽調味即可。
    Hairy fig root soup to de-stress and dispel dampness
    This spring we have all been facing the effects of COVID-19. We do not know for sure when children can resume school and they are not go outside to play. Parents and children stay at home every day, and that may cause lore tension than usual. There is a schedule forwarded on the web with busy mothers juggling housework and scolding husbands and children. Although the content of the timetable is exaggerated and hilarious, spring is indeed a season that can make people emotional and irritable. As spring belongs to the wood, which corresponds to the liver. Lack of venting function of livers can easily lead to a poor mood. In addition, it is sunny and rainy in spring, and the wet weather can be upsetting. (Mothers need to worry about drying laundry) This hairy fig root soup can promote qi, strengthen spleen and dispel dampness. Mothers who are often irritated can drink more!
    Tips for soups that strengthen the spleen and nourish qi:
    Appropriately include ingredients such as monkeyhead mushroom, lotus root, fingered citron, lotus seed, dried citrus peel.
    Hairy fig root soup
    Effects: promotes qi, strengthens the spleen, dispels dampness, relieves symptoms such as irritability and feeling of helplessness.
    Ingredients: 80g hairy fig root, 2 carrots, 1 arrowroot, 80g fresh lotus seeds, 4 jujube dates, 0.5 rice cups of millet, 2 slices of ginger
    1. Rinse all ingredients thoroughly. Peel carrot and arrowroot and cut into pieces.
    2. Combine all ingredients with 2500ml of water in a pot and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat and simmer for 1.5 hours. Add salt to taste.

    #男 #女 #我有壓力 #氣滯

