

在 cargo意思產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 《還沒開始就殞落》 躲疫情躲到...需要找消基會質詢事情? 幾個禮拜沒有寫些篇文章,第一篇就寫一篇非常負面的文字。 當初大家或許都猜到我為什麼買下了一台cargo餐車,對,是一台行動咖啡車,我希望能製作一杯咖啡送給台灣的執勤警察和醫護人員,當我想起這份企劃時,熱血非常澎拜。 騎車回台北騎到一半...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅Elaine Hau,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Please check out my business Luxury Fashion Rentals, a luxury handbag rental e-commerce website: https://luxuryfashionrentals.com 無剪手指甲同手好乾? Product...

cargo意思 在 孤僻君株式會社 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-11-02 16:00:48

- Item. Grn Outdoor - Tebura Vest21 Item. 4DIMENSION - Multi-Fabric Cargo Pants Item. Dublin - Pocket Hat - 來自日本高円寺的 Grn Outdoor 是由 Grn 於2018年所延伸的支線品牌...

cargo意思 在 孤僻君株式會社 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-11-02 16:00:50

細節賞析 Item. Grn Outdoor - Tebura Vest21 Item. 4DIMENSION - Multi-Fabric Cargo Pants Item. Dublin - Pocket Hat - 來自日本高円寺的 Grn Outdoor 是由 Grn 於2018年所延伸的支...

  • cargo意思 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-16 08:05:05
    有 174 人按讚






    我向朋友詢問誰有沒有認識在賣lilet 咖啡機,











  • cargo意思 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-05-23 14:18:21
    有 282 人按讚






    最近疫情再次高升,駐台灣的Bloomberg 記者寫了一篇文章:

    Complacency Let Covid Erode Taiwan’s Only Line of Defense

    自滿讓 COVID 侵蝕了台灣唯一的防線




    📌 結構:當調查故事寫


    1. Opening line: 戲劇性開場,不要無聊
    2. Background: 然後再給簡短背景
    3. Key moment: 影響後續發展最關鍵的事件
    4. Outcome: 這個決定的後果
    5. What to do: 國際專家建議應該怎麼做
    6. But.....: 可惜,可能做不到
    7. Details: 後面的部分,再進入細節


    📌 最好的開頭 = 簡短有力、抓住注意力、又可以做結論


    All the virus had to do was get through the border.

    Until this week, Taiwan’s Covid-19 containment appeared to be so effective that virtually no other defenses were put in place: few tests, no local surveillance to pick up undetected infection and close to zero vaccination.

    Lauded as one of most successful places in the world at containment, a high level of complacency about the risks had set in among both the public and authorities. Covid-19 seemed to be something happening only in the outside world.


    All the virus had to do was get through the border.





    📌 給一點背景後,馬上提到關鍵一個決定

    記者們解釋背景的篇幅,就只有三段。他們很快就鎖定關鍵的一個 (錯誤) 決定:

    The virus’s opening was an ill-fated decision on April 15 to shorten quarantine for airline crew to just three days, as carriers struggled to operate their cargo lines with staff undergoing 14-day isolation periods. Infected pilots introduced a more transmissible U.K. variant, whose spread was then accelerated through a network of “hostess bars” -- places both staff and patrons were reluctant to be associated with, making contact tracing more difficult.

    如果他們再花 1-2 段解釋背景,文章就會變得有點無聊,會流失讀者。


    📌 Note:寫作語氣相對正式

    這幾位記者,也許是受 Bloomberg 整體風格影響,還算正式。


    The virus's opening was an ill-fated decision...

    輕鬆口語化的文章,絕對不會用 "ill-fated" (ill 就是生病/不好嘛,fate 就是命運,所以就是「之後的命運不好」的一個決定。這是一個很不錯的字就是了。


    Infected pilots introduced a more transmissible U.K. variant, whose spread was then accelerated through a network of “hostess bars” -- places both staff and patrons were reluctant to be associated with, making contact tracing more difficult.

    哇噻,尤其 "reluctant to be associated with",好。。。委婉啊


    Infected pilots carried a more transmissible U.K. variant, which then spread quickly through a network of "hostess bars". This also made contact tracing harder — because staff and customers didn't want to admit that they worked at or visited these bars.



    📌 強調嚴重性


    Taiwan reported 267 new infections Wednesday, bringing the total over the past few days to 1,291 -- a small number in global terms but an astonishing one in a place that, before May 1, had posted just 1,132 cases during the entire pandemic.

    The surge from zero to quadruple digits signals that undetected spread has been occurring for months, and concern is now growing that Taiwan will go the way of other cautionary tales, from the outbreak last year in Australia’s Victoria state that took a brutal three-month lockdown to quell, to Thailand’s ongoing surge driven by prison clusters.

    "The surge from zero to quadruple"

    這邊,寫的非常好,因為雖然不是真正的 rhyme,還是聽起來很近,所以有節奏感。

    "Go the way of other cautionary tales" 又是一個文筆很好的寫法,就是「變得跟那些拿來警惕大家的故事一樣」的意思。


    這邊他們把最壞的可能性帶進來:就是台灣可能變得跟那些 cautionary tales 一樣。


    但因為他們寫 "concern is now growing...",又沒有說「誰的 concern」,所以應該要馬上帶具有可信度的 source 進來:

    “If they have 300 diagnosed cases, they have 3,000 cases in the community -- they just don’t know it.” said Gregory Poland, a virologist and director of the Mayo Clinic’s Vaccine Research Group. “It’s going to require a hard lockdown, what’s called a circuit-breaker approach, and then getting the vaccine out as quickly as they can.”

    這樣就比較有可信度了,也指出一個解決的可能性:lock down,然後疫苗。



    需要完整分析的同學請留言「看 Bloomberg學資深記者如何寫文章」。

    我們每天都在看跟英文溝通/寫作有關的東西,如果想要透過這些「閱讀筆記」跟我們一起看,可在 FB 追蹤我們:https://www.facebook.com/presentality/



    📌 看貝佐斯致亞馬遜股東的最後一封信,學一些英文寫作小撇步

    📌 英文演講實用的結構與技巧

    📌 在演講中的四種敘述角度

    📌 詩人Amanda Gorman的英文演講技巧

    📌 從 Most Dangerous Place 文章,看經濟學人寫作邏輯

    📌 寫作的終極目標是「提供價值」

  • cargo意思 在 Vegesoup Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-23 12:37:05
    有 8 人按讚

    剛剛又發了新文: 大量大量大量Allsaints & Sandro & Maje & Ted Baker特價+ Tory Burch折上七折 + Shopbop只有一天七五折

    光是今天就已經發了4篇全新文, 我要請大家在部落格看文了! 還要在臉書更新上傳所有的照片很費功夫...我真的沒時間


    √ 最新1: (Allsaints & Sandro & Maje & Ted Baker)大量商品特價 + 我的實穿照 https://vegesoup.blogspot.com/2020/11/11222020-allsaints.html


    √ 最新2: (Tory burch全場七折 & 折扣商品折上折超好買啊) http://vegesoup.blogspot.com/2020/11/11222020-tory-burch.html


    √ 重要新文3.因為只有一天shopbop只有一天七五折(可以折上折) + 脫毛儀tripollar特惠組超級Bug價: https://vegesoup.blogspot.com/2020/11/11222020-shopbop.html


    √ 新文4: J Brand必買瘦褲(五五折) + Sezane新品 + 24S黑五折扣偷跑(Maison Margiela 5AC包超好價) + BV皮夾 + Maison Margiela Tabi運動鞋 https://vegesoup.blogspot.com/2020/11/11222020.html


    √ 新文5: Anthro折上對折好便宜毛衣 + 大家在搶的Maje & Sandro是哪件 + Mytheresa童裝私促大家都可買(Fendi 斗篷 & Burberry風衣 & Bonpoint) + Nordstrom挖寶 http://vegesoup.blogspot.com/2020/11/11212020.html


    https://bit.ly/38ZeUlj shopbop這一區單品限時24小時(台灣時間11/23 20:17截止) 用我的獨家碼: VEGE20 可以打七五折 折扣商品可以折上折 買滿100免國際運費 (話說我的獨家碼趕快記起來 這幾天會很好用喔)

    @ https://bit.ly/373UiWk (這件可以折上折耶! 獨家七五折碼: VEGE20 我穿0號 我覺得顏色超美的! 而且優雅又不會太過於正式! 很好看 可以綁皮帶也可以不綁都好看)
    @ https://bit.ly/2IRcdaY (對了這條Acne配色超美的大圍巾, 我之前有買同款料子不癢, 特價一百多不能折上折, 不過單買就有免國際運費喔)
    @ https://bit.ly/2J0h2hu (這件蕾絲上衣可以搭在洋裝裡面 或是你用你自己的蕾絲內搭)


    https://bit.ly/30J0yOe Tory Burch美國官網 全場滿250打七折碼: THANKS
    https://bit.ly/2Ys9UgK 折扣區點這裡 可以折上折
    台灣網友要翻VPN 我朋友用的是VPN Express這個軟體要5美金費用不過速度快又穩

    小外套: https://bit.ly/35jccU3 KENDRA FRINGED CARDIGAN (台灣網友要翻牆轉運買, 不過這小外套一定要買! 打對折買滿250額外七折碼: THANKS 相當有質感 有做內裡的喔 顏色好看到翻天啊! 我穿XS已經很合身, 可以當作一件毛衣單穿! 穿S就是當小外套)

    我穿的褲子是 https://bit.ly/2GH6Glw 這一款 要買白色可以https://bit.ly/2SrJU3Y 這裡買 我穿0號

    我戴的帽子是這款 https://bit.ly/33QN06D (參加Tory Burch折扣)

    鞋子: https://bit.ly/3mhO1wv Jimmy Choo

    包包: https://bit.ly/2USm5Du Strathberry


    https://bit.ly/3m07IJu Bloomingdales的牛仔褲區點這裡 特價129, 他們全站買滿200美金免國際運費寄台灣, 可以選擇要不要預付關稅
    全站部分單品買滿125美金折25美金, 可以累計!

    @ https://bit.ly/3kRqn8U (可以寄台灣, 被我發現這條J Brand最火紅的一條黑色高腰瘦褲, 特價之後, 又可以額外折$25, 根本就快要對折了啊! 而且尺碼超級齊耶, 從22腰開始都有! 有一百五十個4.6分好評! 算是非常厲害的了! 我自己買的是24腰)

    https://bit.ly/336JKEF 參考shopbop這裡 也是有四十幾個好評!
    https://slooks.top/4iBs/63 參考NAP這裡 有影片可以看喔


    https://bit.ly/30J0yOe Tory Burch美國官網 全場滿250打七折碼: THANKS
    https://bit.ly/2Ys9UgK 折扣區可以折上折

    https://bit.ly/2UGOZGF (藍色大托特包 這咖的配色很好看)

    https://bit.ly/332IMtk (非常香奈兒感覺的鍊包)

    https://bit.ly/36RXy7i (水桶包也相當多人喜歡)


    請注意 網站上都是英國尺碼UK

    https://bit.ly/2FNsEjz Selfridges的折扣區大量單品悄悄的折扣中
    https://bit.ly/3fowpfT Allsaints
    https://bit.ly/2J1fqEm Maje
    https://bit.ly/35WNU46 Sandro
    https://bit.ly/3lVA9bt Ted Baker

    https://bit.ly/2UQrfjr (附圖就是經典款Balfern有打折 注意尺碼是UK 我穿UK4滿緊的)

    https://bit.ly/2J5Fyy8 (這件是袖子上也有拉鍊的Allsaints皮衣)
    https://bit.ly/3366mFi (Allsaints的Luna我記得之前有個很紅的明星好像穿過)
    https://bit.ly/3lVWsh6 (大家搶翻的大翻領皮衣, 這裡也有碼! 我之前已經買了UK4還沒收到)

    https://bit.ly/35VZHzi (這件比較短版的樣子, 也好好看喔)
    https://bit.ly/3m8YQkR (Allsaints超級經典的大衣)
    https://bit.ly/3fluZTA (非常經典的Cargo皮衣, 皮革質感是仿舊的)

    https://bit.ly/2IZ0A1y (Sandro的長版西裝外套)
    https://bit.ly/3pRKs2l (香奈兒風的Sandro小外套)
    https://bit.ly/2V4btSl (韓國女天團Black Pink有穿過的牛仔布滾邊外套)


    https://bit.ly/38ZeUlj shopbop這一區單品限時24小時 用我的獨家碼: VEGE20 可以打七五折 折扣商品可以折上折 買滿100免國際運費 (話說我的獨家碼趕快記起來 這幾天會很好用喔)

    https://bit.ly/333cvlV (襯衫上面有水鑽, 還真的滿美的)

    https://bit.ly/35OAO8I (半透明的黑色絲襪)
    https://bit.ly/3lTch86 (這件算是內搭褲吧, 是有刷毛內裡的保暖款, 也便宜)
    https://bit.ly/36YvTRV (奧地利Wolford的絲襪)

    https://bit.ly/3kOWLsv (這雙我太喜歡了! 很性感的高跟鞋, 後面的蝴蝶結又有一點可愛)
    https://bit.ly/3kLvM16 (Malone的經典款高跟鞋)

    https://bit.ly/2J1vMN6 (金鞋我早就買了, 很百搭喔! 而且也不難走, 我穿正常碼6號, 我的腳長22.5CM)
    https://bit.ly/2IXrxCx (經典Ferragamo的芭蕾舞鞋 尺碼還滿齊耶)

    https://bit.ly/3lUFIqC (針織貼身洋裝 折扣完非常便宜, 可是評價超好喔)

    https://bit.ly/3pJULpr (這件挺有意思, 是雙色拼接的耶! 看起來很顯瘦, 折扣之後一百有找滿便宜, 天絲棉的材質應該很舒服喔)

  • cargo意思 在 Elaine Hau Youtube 的最佳解答

    2015-12-10 19:47:41

    Please check out my business Luxury Fashion Rentals, a luxury handbag rental e-commerce website: https://luxuryfashionrentals.com


    Products Mentioned:
    Lancome - BI-FACIL Double-Action Eye Makeup Remover
    Koh Gen Do - Aqua Foundation (OC-1)
    Urban Decay - All Nighter Long-Lasting Makeup Setting Spray
    Skinn - Olive & Enzyme Makeup Wipes
    Tangle Teezer
    Philips - Soniccare ProResults
    Real Technique - Powder Brush
    Elf - Blush Brush
    Real Technique - Setting Brush
    Real Technique - Expert Face Brush
    Elf - Complexion Brush
    Elf - Mineral Powder Brush
    Lancome - Eyeshadow Palette
    YSL - 'Tuxedo' Couture Variation Ten-Color Expert Eye Palette
    Hourglass - Ambient Lighting Blush Palette
    Too Faced - Primed & Poreless Priming Powder
    Cle de Peau - 'Face Enhancer' Luminizing Powder (Pastel)
    Too Faced - Soleil Matte Bronzer (medium to deep)
    Sulwhasoo - Essential Lipcare (Apricot)
    Urban Decay - Eyeshadow Primer Potion - Anti-Aging
    Cargo - Water Resistant Blush (Los Cabos)
    Chanel - Eyelash Curler
    La Prairie - Skin Caviar Luxe Cream
    La Prairie - Skin Caviar Luxe Eye Lift Cream
    Jesse's Girl Cosmetics - Liquid Eyeliner Waterproof (Black)
    Bye Bye Under Eye Anti-Aging Concealer (Neutral Medium)
    Christian Louboutin - Rouge Louboutin Silky Satin Lip Color (Rouge Louboutin)
    Christian Louboutin - Velvet Matte Lip Color (Bengali)
    Dior - 'Addict Lip Glow' Color Reviver Balm
    Murad - Hydro-Dynamic Ultimate Moisture
    Benefit - Roller Lash Curling & Lifting Mascara
    Chanel - Stylo Eyeshadow (147 Caroube)
    Temptu - Lipstick (Rose Velveteen)
    It Cosmetics - Brow Power Universal Eyebrow Pencil
    Jouer - Jouer Kitten Liner (Black)
    Lancome - Advanced GÉNIFIQUE Youth Activating Serum
    Kracie - 3D mask
    SexyLook - Masks
    DHC - Revitalizing Moisture Strips
    Alterna Haircare - Bamboo Smooth Anti-Frizz Shampoo
    Alterna Haircare - Bamboo Smooth Anti-Frizz Conditioner
    La Prairie - Cellular Refining Lotion
    Macadamia - Healing Oil Spray
    Moroccan oil - Treatment Light

    **This video is not sponsored. I purchased the items with my own money.

    Thank you for watching!!

    記得 follow 我 instagram @littleelainehau
    Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @littleelainehau

    Snapchat: littleelainehau

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/elaine.elaine.hau

    IG Shop: http://instagram.com/jaine_beauty

    Elaine Hau

  • cargo意思 在 Elaine Hau Youtube 的最佳解答

    2015-12-05 18:06:35

    Please check out my business Luxury Fashion Rentals, a luxury handbag rental e-commerce website: https://luxuryfashionrentals.com

    唔好意思因為無用auto setting所以燈光有啲問題?已經較到最好?

    Products Mentioned:
    Hakuhodo - Brush Cleanser
    Tarte - Maracuja Oil
    Lancome - Eye Shadow Palette
    IT Cosmetics - Your Skin But Better CC Cream with SPF 50+ (Medium)
    Derma E - Purifying 2-in-1 Charcoal Mask
    Cargo - Water Resistant Blush (Los Cabos)
    Skin Inc - Hyaluronic Acid Serum (Long-lasting hydration)
    Skin Inc - Licorice Serum (Calms irritated skin)
    Skin Inc - Ceramide Serum (Strengthen & soothe)
    Shiseido - Anessa Mild Face Sunscreen SPF 46 PA+++
    Skinn - Olive & Enzyme Makeup Wipes
    Keratin Complex - Keratin Care Shampoo

    Monocozzi - Lush | Skin Care Bag

    Thank you for watching!!

    記得 follow 我 instagram @littleelainehau
    Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @littleelainehau

    Snapchat: littleelainehau

    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/elaine.elaine.hau

    IG Shop: http://instagram.com/jaine_beauty

    Elaine Hau

