

在 campaign中文廣告產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅小威的ㄧ生,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [Xiao Wei X Balenciaga] I'm so thrilled to be able to work with Balenciaga to launch this exquisite visual campaign. These new bags crafted just for ...

 同時也有20部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅五哥頻道,也在其Youtube影片中提到,今集應網友要求,講下我上一條片https://youtu.be/RvKJOD07nqI 點樣做兩個月就做到$11,617美元生意,Facebook廣告策略係點?2021年如果你唔識這個策略你一定使多好多廣告費。 2020年全世界都飽受COVID-19的影響,香港也不能幸免,好多網友留言或私訊話我知他...

campaign中文廣告 在 簡立喆Liza Chien Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-04-21 13:15:14

有人批評這篇紐約時報頭版的集資刊登廣告不能代表全台灣人民的聲音,也許是,但它還是代表了26,980位捐款人的聲音,字這麼小看不清楚,不能讓這些錢白捐,所以我幫忙轉發....😅 言論自由誠可貴,善良的心更珍貴,慈悲的人最有力量💗💪#thislovecomesfromtaiwan 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝 WHO...

campaign中文廣告 在 傑哥 |只要有人聽就好 Instagram 的最佳解答

2020-05-09 18:50:45

【招募!只要有人社群顧問 專案經理】 我們需要一名 #即戰力正職 參與 marketing campaign、strategy、creative!將會直接參與大型專案管理,但同時有 #廣告投放 專業經驗對我們來說會是大加分。  去年我們拿下了 DSA 奇點獎 社群與影響者行銷類 類別大獎、最佳...

campaign中文廣告 在 ADer Lab ∣ 廣告實驗室 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-08-02 18:58:50

UTM是什麼?UTM怎麼設定?今天來跟大家介紹行銷人必懂的UTM,讓你清楚了解流量來源,找出最有成效的來源管道😏 ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ 🔎#什麼是UTM? ﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋﹋ UTM的全稱是Urchin Tracking Module,是透過在網址後方加入參數的方式為來源做記號,讓你可以在Google A...

  • campaign中文廣告 在 小威的ㄧ生 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-08-12 09:14:56
    有 2,760 人按讚

    [Xiao Wei X Balenciaga]

    I'm so thrilled to be able to work with Balenciaga to launch this exquisite visual campaign. These new bags crafted just for the Chinese Valentine's day, "Chi Xi", is a mix of whimsical graffiti and the Chinese language. The bags perfectly embody the brand's respect for the Chinese market. (Obviously because how would a Chinese customer not fall in love with a bag with Chinese writing on it? the same way a product would appeal to an American consumer if there are English written on it)

    These campaign photos that I modeled for also continue to embrace the "Chinese elderly greeting card" concept used in the previous set of ads. I hope you guys like it!

    很高興可以和Balenciaga(巴黎世家)合作拍出新的這一組宣傳大片 ٩(^ᴗ^)۶ 這幾款為了七夕情人節推出的手拿包,融合了俏皮的塗鴉字體和中文,完全可以看得出來品牌對中國客群的重視(畢竟華人消費者怎麼會不愛包包上有中文呢!就像如果要打美國市場就在產品上面寫一些英文美國人一定會很愛是一樣的道理)

    我幫Balenciaga model的這幾張宣傳照也是延續上一組廣告以長輩問候圖為靈感的概念,希望大家喜歡!

    #巴黎世家 #七夕 #balenciaga #長輩圖 #小威的一生 #國際名模

  • campaign中文廣告 在 翁琬柔 Joyce Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-04-16 00:05:33
    有 1,153 人按讚





    Hello everybody, My name is Joyce, and I am from Taiwan
    大家好我是琬柔 我來自台灣。

    For those of you who don’t already know, Today’s New York Times has a full page ad that features Taiwan.

    For me, I really hope that it’s an effective ad with the message that Taiwan can and is trying it’s best to help with the global COVID-19 pandemic.

    And if you are wondering about the background for why it’s here, let me walk you through it.

    So we all know that Taiwan has been excluded from international organizations for years. In normal times, this is big missed opportunity since Taiwan has a lot to offer the international community. But this has been really bad during the coronavirus outbreak since Taiwan has been one of the most effective countries in containing the COVID-19 cases through early and aggressive quarantine and contact tracing policies.


    In fact Taiwan was warning of the potential for a global pandemic emerging from China as early as last December. And while Taiwan has been eager to offer helping hand to the world during this time of crisis and share best practices, it has been shut out of the discussions at the WHO.
    事實上 台灣早在去年12月就曾經警告過這個病毒恐將在全球造成大流行,就在台灣渴望對國際做出貢獻的時候,台灣被排除在WHO的各項討論之外。

    So for me, I see this ad as a message to the world that Taiwan is here to help. Let me read some parts of it for you。
    對我來說 我覺得這個廣告傳遞的訊息是,台灣在這裡想要幫忙。讓我分享其中幾段文字。

    “You are not alone. Taiwan is with you.”

    “In the past weeks, Taiwan has provided more than 16 million medical masks to support medical professionals around the world and has worked together with the US and the EU on the most advanced rapid tests and vaccines for COVID-19.”

    “Who can isolate Taiwan? No one.”

    “Because we are here to help.”

    I know there has been news coverage of some controversy with the WHO, but I can tell you that the goal of this AD is not to pick a fight with the WHO. Because Taiwan is trying its best to stop the spread of COVID-19 and is truly looking to help

    Lastly, For those of you who can’t see the small print, the ad was crowdfunded by the contributions of over 25,000 average Taiwanese people who just want to voice that Taiwan is here to help. In fact, a good portion of the proceeds from the crowdfunding campaign will be donated to fight against COVID-19 internationally. 如果你們看不到這行小字,這個廣告的群眾募資計畫,代表超過2萬5000個台灣民眾的聲音,他們想告訴世界「台灣能幫上忙」。事實上,部分募得的款項,會被捐助於國際間對抗疫情之用。

    I think It’s really a beautiful message and I’m glad I can share this with you. And of course I want you guys to know that Taiwan can help and Taiwan is helping. Thank you for your listening.

    世界卫生组织 Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus #Taiwancanhelp #Taiwanishelping

  • campaign中文廣告 在 簡立喆Liza Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-14 21:05:48
    有 474 人按讚


    WHO can help?
    In a time of isolation, we choose solidarity
    You are not alone. Taiwan is with you.
    We know what you are going through. We know how hard it is.
    Taiwan, having been devastated by the SARS epidemic in 2003, knows.
    Taiwan, having been isolated from the World Health Organization, knows.
    That is why we are contributing to international efforts by sharing how we contained the outbreak, kept our schools and businesses open, and ensured masks for all.
    In the past weeks, Taiwan has provided more than 16 million medical masks to support medical workers around the world and have worked together with the US and the EU on the most advanced rapid tests and vaccines for COVID-19.
    Who can isolate Taiwan? No one.
    Because we are here to help.

    26,980 contributors participated in the crowdfunding campaign to bring you this message.
    Their donations will be used to fight COVID-19 internationally alongside our global partners.



    (圖由聶永真 Aaron Nieh設計)