
為什麼這篇camouflage歌詞鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在camouflage歌詞這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者biglong73 ( 勇敢 )看板lyrics標題Re: [請益] Bobby C...

※ 引述《biglong73 ( 勇敢 )》之銘言:
: 求 Bobby Caldwell 的 Camouflage 的歌詞
: 還有出自哪張專輯
: 謝謝

出自 Sincerely 聲聲相惜~竹內瑪麗亞之歌【典藏盒】 專輯

8.Camouflage / Bobby Caldwell

I get the feeling now and then,you understand
The way you smile and touch my hand
As long as we've been friends
We really should have know
Love was bound to grow
Now I can't hide this love inside,anymore

You fill my thoughts when I'm alone,I dream of you
You're the only one I see,across a crowed room
We use to talk about
All the loves that never did work out
But now I relize
Love was right before my eyes

*Some other time,maybe some other place,
These words echoed deep in my heart
When you go home and you hold,somebody else, not me
If you were mine I would take every minute
To show you how cherish you are
Let me hold you all night
And show how I love you

A love that cannot be denied is meant to be
And if you need to justify being here with me
Listen to your heart
Take off your camouflage
There's no need to disguise
The love we've held inside

*Repeat X 3

Yes, I confess I love you, won't you give in to the truth
We'll build a life together
Till then I'll hold you in my heart
Take off your camouflage


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