

在 cameron演員產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2,867的網紅SJKen的美食與旅行手札,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 2017.08.25 在台上映「魔鬼終結者2 3D」--- 終結者穿越時空犧牲救少主母子,3D效果觀影更具震撼力! http://petermurphey.pixnet.net/blog/post/223484786 現在的你的幾歲? 1991年的你幾歲? 如果能穿越時空甬道回到過去,你最想改...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅Meimeiwawa Multimedia 妹妹娃娃多媒體,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Find out where to listen to all versions of 'Where Do We Go': http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoAllVersions KKBOX: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalKKBOX Spot...

cameron演員 在 美劇癮 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-05-26 09:39:01

#華納CW #飛天小女警真人版 #推到重來 CW 『飛天小女警The Powerpuff Girls』計劃 據報 ~推到重來~ CW3月公報改編華納名下知名動畫 『飛天小女警The Powerpuff Girls』 成為真人劇集續寫後斷故事,並公報主要演員包括Chloe Bennet (Skye ...

cameron演員 在 GirlStyle 女生日常 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-20 18:15:51

【@girlstyle.mag 】《飛天小女警》真人版定妝照曝光! . 動畫《飛天小女警》相信是不少人的童年回憶,而真人版劇集的定妝照最近曝光,由汪可盈Chloe Bennet、Dove Cameron及Yana Perrault分別飾演花花、泡泡和毛毛三位小女警,但網民卻認為又是毀童年系列?
. ...

  • cameron演員 在 SJKen的美食與旅行手札 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-08-23 10:41:05
    有 1 人按讚

    2017.08.25 在台上映「魔鬼終結者2 3D」--- 終結者穿越時空犧牲救少主母子,3D效果觀影更具震撼力!


    現在的你的幾歲? 1991年的你幾歲?


    1991年,26年前的7月3日,由導演詹姆斯‧卡麥隆(James Cameron)執導的電影「魔鬼終結者 2 : 審判日」(Terminator 2: Judgement Day)在全球上映,該片是《魔鬼終結者》系列電影的第二部,1984年上映的科幻動作片《魔鬼終結者》的續集。

    電影由阿諾‧史瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)、琳達‧漢密爾頓( Linda Hamilton)、勞勃‧派屈克(Robert Patrick)與童星艾德華‧福隆(Edward Furlong)共同領銜主演,故事說的是一段穿越時光隧道,從過去回到1995年,機器人軍團Vs 人類未來領袖母子之間的生死對決過程,電影有很多關於未來的預想,有些離2017年的人類也已不遠,不管1991年你有沒有機會看到當年這部耗資 9400 萬美金,充滿科幻寓言的電影,2017年導演詹姆斯‧卡麥隆(James Cameron)以3D的成熟電腦科技,賦予了現今從出生即成長於電腦時代的觀眾,更有臨場感寫實逼真的體驗!

    電影本身藉由穿梭時空的正邪機器人對戰,細細描摩了母子親情、人類與機器人之間的愛恨情仇,片中也透過阿諾‧史瓦辛格扮演的T-800機器人,透露出人類一心發展科技與人工智慧技術,最後卻在1997年8月初正式上線的「天網」反噬,在審判日(Judgement day)當天通過向俄羅斯發射核彈來引發核戰爭,導致全世界近30億人死亡,這樣的情節跟現今美韓之間隨時可能引爆的核子戰爭如出一轍,讓人看得心有戚戚焉。

    魔鬼終結者2 3D Terminator 2 3D

    類 型:動作/科幻


    片  長:2時17分

    分 級:輔導級

    語 言:英語

    監 製:James Cameron, Gale Anne Hurd, Mario Kassar

    導 演:詹姆士‧柯麥隆(James Cameron)

    編 劇: William Wisher Jr. 與 James Cameron

    演 員:

    阿諾‧史瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger)飾演T-800型終結者

    琳達‧漢彌頓(Linda Hamilton)飾演莎拉‧康納(Sarah Connor)

    勞勃‧派屈克(Robert Patrick)飾演T-1000機器人

    愛德華‧福隆(Edward Furlong)飾演約翰‧康納(John Connor)

    厄爾‧波恩(Earl Boen)飾演精神病理專家彼得‧西爾伯曼(Peter Silberman)

  • cameron演員 在 梁妍熙Esther Veronin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2016-12-30 15:22:24
    有 23 人按讚

    (小編)英文版的「Where Do We Go」 MV, 大家看過了沒?
    (Admin) Who's seen the official music video for the English version of #WhereDeWeGo? Doesn't it remind you of The Hunger Games or Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials?

    大家看過我們禮拜一分享的Where Do We Go中文版MV了嗎?今天希望你們也能夠一起來欣賞英文的版本,絕對會有不一樣的觀影體驗。說不定在你看完之後,會聯想起<移動迷宮>、或者是<飢餓遊戲>等電影的氛圍喔!雖然說是英文版,但我們的作詞人 Lara梁心頤重新用她的文字,描繪出跟其他敘述愛情的歌不一樣的維度,期待你們用心聆聽後,從中可以感受到這特別的詮釋。

    Monday was the music video release of #WhereDoWeGo's Chinese version, now it's time for the English version! By the way, does the music video remind anyone of the Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials or The Hunger Games too? But in all seriousness, Lara梁心頤's English lyrics add a whole new dimension to the song's meaning that set it apart from all the other love songs. Hit 'play' and you'll see what we mean...

    Produced by Meimeiwawa Multimedia
    MV導演Music Video Director: Esther Veronin梁妍熙
    調色師Colorist: Luke Cameron
    演員Cast: Lara梁心頤,Fanny Hsu許雅蓁, Julie Biscayart畢竹俐, Jenna Robinette林珍珍, Rachel Ling, Estelle Yang 楊蔚庭, Esther Veronin梁妍熙
    攝影Cinematographer: Roland Lazarte 賴羅蘭
    穩定器操作Steadicam: Fishbone
    創意顧問Creative Consultant: An Rong Xu 許安榮
    空拍攝影Drone Operator: Doulos Kun
    燈光Gaffer: David Yu 尤泰偉
    製作助理Production Assistants: Fanny Hsu許雅蓁, Nga Bui Hoang
    美術Art Direction: Edmund McGowan
    服裝Stylist: Jenna Robinette 珍珍
    髮型Hair: Jenna Robinette 珍珍
    化妝Makeup: Arial Ping平羽媜
    器材協力Rentals provided by 旋轉牧馬Merry Go round
    BTS Photos provided by: Claywell Blake

  • cameron演員 在 梁妍熙Esther Veronin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2016-12-27 00:29:50
    有 20 人按讚

    (小編)妍熙導演的影音作品從來沒讓我們失望過,這次擔任 #WhereDoWeGo MV 導演也不例外。MV大家喜歡嗎?
    (Admin) Esther never fails to deliver on her visual works, and her apocalyptic/feminist take on #WhereDoWeGo leaves us more impressed than ever! What does everyone think of the music video?

    這次的新歌「Where Do We Go」發行大家應該知道來得不易。歌曲終於發行了,導演梁妍熙Esther Veronin當然會為妹妹Lara梁心頤大力相挺,量身打造一個末日環境,說著一群迷惘的女強人的故事。「Where Do We Go」意思有很多種,但Esther一聽到就想透過這支MV讓觀眾更了解女性權這個議題。在人生的旅程上,你們是否也認識了一些堅強卻有魅力的女性朋友呢?請分享這支MV給她們/標記她們,讓她們知道她們對你是多麼的重要。

    Everyone should know by now that this single did not come easy for any member on the Meiwa team, especially Lara herself. The song's finally out, and to show her support, our director Esther Veronin has put her 110% into creating a music video which does Lara's masterpiece justice. 'Where Do We Go' has many meanings, but Esther was inspired by the song to raise awareness for feminism in the video. On your journey, have YOU met any strong and beautiful women? Please share/tag them in this music video, and let them know how much they mean to you.

    我們標記的朋友(Our tags):冼佩瑾 - 小瑾、 劉明湘 Rose Liu、 Diana Wang 王詩安、 Sharon Kwan 關詩敏、 周采詩 - Tracy Chou、 Joanna 王若琳、 張芸京 Jing Chang

    Produced by Meimeiwawa Multimedia
    MV導演Music Video Director: Esther Veronin梁妍熙
    調色師Colorist: Luke Cameron
    演員Cast: Lara梁心頤,Fanny Hsu許雅蓁, Julie Biscayart畢竹俐, Jenna Robinette林珍珍, Rachel Ling, Estelle Yang 楊蔚庭, Esther Veronin梁妍熙
    攝影Cinematographer: Roland Lazarte 賴羅蘭
    穩定器操作Steadicam: Fishbone
    創意顧問Creative Consultant: An Rong Xu 許安榮
    空拍攝影Drone Operator: Doulos Kun
    燈光Gaffer: David Yu 尤泰偉
    製作助理Production Assistants: Fanny Hsu許雅蓁, Nga Bui Hoang
    美術Art Direction: Edmund McGowan
    服裝Stylist: Jenna Robinette 珍珍
    髮型Hair: Jenna Robinette 珍珍
    化妝Makeup: Arial Ping平羽媜
    器材協力Rentals provided by 旋轉牧馬Merry Go round
    BTS Photos provided by: Claywell Blake

  • cameron演員 在 Meimeiwawa Multimedia 妹妹娃娃多媒體 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2016-12-28 18:16:53

    Find out where to listen to all versions of 'Where Do We Go': http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoAllVersions

    KKBOX: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalKKBOX
    Spotify: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalSpotify
    iTunes: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalITunes
    Apple Music: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalAppleMusic
    MyMusic: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalMyMusic
    Omusic: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalOmusic

    作詞:Lara 梁心頤 作曲:Lara 梁心頤, Jason Lu 呂偉誠

    You dealt your cards
    I chose to play
    Then broke your rules
    And won the game

    Whispers of quicksand
    But still I dove
    My heart too open
    And yours like stone

    And there’s no right or wrong
    In love and war
    But I don’t even know what we’re fighting for

    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    When the lights start fading
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    I shouldn’t have asked you to come save me from myself
    So where do we go
    Where do we go from here

    The waves crash down
    Yet still we stay
    Too scared of losing
    Too ruined for grace

    In all our glory
    We’re just two souls
    Searching for those answers that nobody knows

    And there’s no right or wrong
    In love and war
    But I don’t even know what we’re fighting for

    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    When the lights start fading
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    I shouldn’t have asked you to come save me from myself
    So where do we go
    Where do we go from here

    Oh, let go
    We made sure things weren’t possible
    Oh, so let me go

    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    I shouldn’t have asked you to come save me from myself
    So where do we go
    Where do we go from here

    Produced by Meimeiwawa Multimedia
    MV導演Music Video Director: Esther Veronin梁妍熙
    調色師Colorist: Luke Cameron
    演員Cast: Lara梁心頤,Fanny Hsu許雅蓁, Julie Biscayart畢竹俐, Jenna Robinette林珍珍, Rachel Ling, Estelle Yang 楊蔚庭, Esther Veronin梁妍熙
    攝影Cinematographer: Roland Lazarte 賴羅蘭
    穩定器操作Steadicam: Fishbone
    創意顧問Creative Consultant: An Rong Xu 許安榮
    空拍攝影Drone Operator: Doulos Kun
    燈光Gaffer: David Yu 尤泰偉
    製作助理Production Assistants: Fanny Hsu許雅蓁, Nga Bui Hoang
    美術Art Direction: Edmund McGowan
    服裝Stylist: Jenna Robinette 珍珍
    髮型Hair: Jenna Robinette 珍珍
    化妝Makeup: Arial Ping平羽媜
    器材協力Rentals provided by 旋轉牧馬Merry Go round
    BTS Photos provided by: Claywell Blake

    Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos

    Official Website: www.meiwamedia.com

    Like us on Facebook 請按讚~!
    妹妹娃娃多媒體 Meimeiwawa Multimedia



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    妹妹娃娃多媒體 Youtube

    Lara梁心頤 Facebook

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    Esther梁妍熙 Facebook

    Esther梁妍熙 微博 Weibo

  • cameron演員 在 Meimeiwawa Multimedia 妹妹娃娃多媒體 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2016-12-26 19:59:08

    Find out where to listen to all versions of "Where Do We Go": http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoAllVersions

    KKBOX: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalKKBOX
    Spotify: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalSpotify
    iTunes: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalITunes
    Apple Music: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalAppleMusic
    MyMusic: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalMyMusic
    Omusic: http://bit.ly/WhereDoWeGoOriginalOmusic

    這次的新歌「Where Do We Go」發行大家應該知道來得不易。歌曲終於發行了,導演梁妍熙Esther Veronin當然會為妹妹Lara梁心頤大力相挺,量身打造一個末日環境,說著一群迷惘的女強人的故事。「Where Do We Go」意思有很多種,但Esther一聽到就想透過這支MV讓觀眾更了解女性權這個議題。在人生的旅程上,你們是否也認識了一些堅強卻有魅力的女性朋友呢?請分享這支MV給她們/標記她們,讓她們知道她們對你是多麼的重要。
    Everyone should know by now that this single did not come easy for any member on the Meiwa team, especially Lara herself. The song's finally out, and to show her support, our director Esther Veronin has put her 110% into creating a music video which does Lara's masterpiece justice. "Where Do We Go" has many meanings, but Esther was inspired by the song to raise awareness for feminism in the video. On your journey, have YOU met any strong and beautiful women? Please share/tag them in this music video, and let them know how much they mean to you.

    Where Do We Go (中文版)
    詞:Lara梁心頤 /曲:Lara 梁心頤, Jason 呂偉誠
    像一場夢 神秘開頭
    你的言語 完美閃爍
    意向朦朧 形跡衝動
    既然愛上了 何必保留
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    So where do we go
    Where do we go from here?
    像場惡夢 不停重播
    每個舉動 如流沙中
    還要幾次 才真的懂
    再烈的焰 都要氧氣才能活
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    So where do we go
    Where do we go from here?
    Oh 讓我
    Oh 讓我走
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    Where do we go
    Where do we go from here
    So where do we go
    Where do we go from here?

    Produced by Meimeiwawa Multimedia
    MV導演Music Video Director: Esther Veronin梁妍熙
    調色師Colorist: Luke Cameron
    演員Cast: Lara梁心頤,Fanny Hsu許雅蓁, Julie Biscayart畢竹俐, Jenna Robinette林珍珍, Rachel Ling, Estelle Yang 楊蔚庭, Esther Veronin梁妍熙
    攝影Cinematographer: Roland Lazarte 賴羅蘭
    穩定器操作Steadicam: Fishbone
    創意顧問Creative Consultant: An Rong Xu 許安榮
    空拍攝影Drone Operator: Doulos Kun
    燈光Gaffer: David Yu 尤泰偉
    製作助理Production Assistants: Fanny Hsu許雅蓁, Nga Bui Hoang
    美術Art Direction: Edmund McGowan
    服裝Stylist: Jenna Robinette 珍珍
    髮型Hair: Jenna Robinette 珍珍
    化妝Makeup: Arial Ping平羽媜
    器材協力Rentals provided by 旋轉牧馬Merry Go round
    BTS Photos provided by: Claywell Blake

    Subscribe to Our Channel for More Videos

    Official Website: www.meiwamedia.com

    Like us on Facebook 請按讚~!
    妹妹娃娃多媒體 Meimeiwawa Multimedia



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    妹妹娃娃多媒體 Youtube

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    Lara梁心頤 微博 Weibo

    Esther梁妍熙 Facebook

    Esther梁妍熙 微博 Weibo