

在 but奶油餅乾產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 我們家4個男生是標準宅男,放假只想在家裡打電動,小男孩打電動還會被限制時間,爸爸是打上一整天(兒子表示羨慕) 宅在家第二天被我抓出去爬山,四位大爺心不甘情不願,拜託你們覺得我很喜歡爬山嗎?我的姐妹們都知道我最怕曬太陽了,媽媽心是苦口婆心好嗎! 爬山前就先煮好一鍋香菇雞湯,煮好後放在蒸爐裡設...

 同時也有9部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過85萬的網紅77老大,也在其Youtube影片中提到,10大夢幻甜點老大幫大家整理在這裡!! La Bon 布隆雪磚(李梅/蔓越梅)必買9.5顆★ https://shopee.tw/labonofficial?smtt=0.0.9 1% bakery 鮮綠檸檬蛋糕禮 必買9.5顆★ https://www.1percentbakery.com/p...

but奶油餅乾 在 Goris ??‍♂️ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-03-13 12:31:55

🍑🍸😍💕天這CP值好高~我真的是有眼不識泰山COSTCO這好好喝喔咬得到一點水蜜桃果肉喝起來酸酸甜甜的,但還是不能一次喝太多會醉!!! - 前陣子朋友送來這瓶とろこく桃姬梅酒我還想說這什麼啦,1800ml是礦泉水喔一直擺在酒櫃旁邊沒管它(因為太大罐太大支酒櫃還放不下很好笑😂),我朋友跟我說什麼COS...

but奶油餅乾 在 賴家瑩 뢰가영 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-02 15:20:56

. 登愣登愣!星宇箱登場!! 星宇箱1.0的發布的時候,我真的是乖乖在電腦前秒搶,那個時候就被星宇箱精緻集裝箱外型給驚艷到,然後還認識了好吃的奶油餅乾,我還一直說服自己不可以馬上吃光光,要留著慢慢吃! 然後一瞬間就來到星宇箱2.0了,哈哈哈,謝謝星宇最甜美公關(對, @joyforever11...

  • but奶油餅乾 在 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-19 20:31:57
    有 303 人按讚




  • but奶油餅乾 在 Taster 美食加 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-08-19 12:05:10
    有 16 人按讚

    / #美食加選物 / #but聯名知果堂奶油餅乾 /

    We love butter, what’s your love?
    You must love… #but奶油餅乾, right?

    錯不了的,#but奶油甜點 這款新品奶油餅乾,你一定愛!

    今年中秋,but. 與 #知果堂 聯手合作,推出兩款全新風味的奶油餅乾。由香濃的奶油餅乾當主角,選用日曬霜鹽,以及來自法國的 AOC Echire 手工發酵奶油製作而成,接著俐落地穿上酸甜晴朗的 #金鑽鳳梨,披上 #柴燻台灣桂圓香,外餅內餡裡應外合,這一款擁有雙重驚喜的奶油餅乾,每吃一口,就讓人讚不絕口。

    📸 #點圖看but與知果堂聯名甜點介紹

    🔹but. 奶油甜點 x 品牌簡介
    一句「We love butter」,道盡 but. 對奶油甜點的講究與喜愛。but. 的店面位於台北民生社區,一塊香氣純粹的奶油圓餅,食材用料皆細心揀選,口感與心情則是量身訂製,隱身於風格之中,藏匿於驚喜之後,結合台灣與國際當代設計新銳的包裝,品嚐一口生活的美好,but. 備受顧客的喜愛。

    2021中秋,but. 與知果堂聯名推出使用「金鑽鳳梨」與「台灣柴燒桂圓」製作的奶油餅乾,一個包裝同時擄獲兩款台灣經典食材與世界頂級奶油。以此饋贈親友,心意滿滿地傳遞中秋祝福。

    現在就加入 #美食加的口袋名單,來一塊but. 聯名知果堂的奶油餅乾。

  • but奶油餅乾 在 77老大 Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-14 19:00:23


    La Bon 布隆雪磚(李梅/蔓越梅)必買9.5顆★

    1% bakery 鮮綠檸檬蛋糕禮 必買9.5顆★

    LADY M 經典原味千層蛋糕 9顆★

    but. we love butter濃厚奶油餅乾 9顆★

    WA! COOKIES 9顆★

    Sugar Miss黑白大理石乳酪蛋糕 7.5顆★

    拿破崙黃金流沙蛋塔 7.5顆★

    Miss V 焦糖黏黏包肉桂捲 7顆★

    簡單李 焦糖奶油夾心餅 6.128顆★

    木匠手作拉麵布丁 3顆★

    5分鐘瘦臉按摩術!讓你年輕10歲!緊緻輪廓、消雙下巴、提升蘋果肌!【女神養成術EP 1】


    追蹤facebook : https://goo.gl/VjUcJa
    追蹤instagram : https://www.instagram.com/basil_77777

  • but奶油餅乾 在 LadyMoko Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-02-05 20:00:13

    Subscribe LadyMoko👉 https://bit.ly/2JUIR6m
    I love all the desserts which are in red velvet !
    The version traditional of a red velvet cake or cookie needs some special ingredients. But actually we can make it with the ingredients more simple !
    And also, normally, red velvet combine with cream cheese. As a matchaholic, I made my red velvet cookies with matcha cream cheese !

    ✒Recipe(7 pieces)
    00:00 Intro
    00:23 Cream Cheese 150g
    00:27 Sugar powder 25g
    00:31 Matcha powder 4g

    01:18 Butter 94g
    01:21 Sugar 60g
    01:29 Egg 42g
    01:53 Cocoa Powder 11g + T45 Flour 144g + Baking Powder 1g + Salt1g
    02:14 6 drops Red food colouring

    Thanks for watching, hope you enjoy my video!
    Please give the video a thumbs up and subscribe my channel:)

    *Other recipe videos you may be interested*
    ✅Matcha Terrine Recipe: https://youtu.be/rxkFTa6zrQM
    ✅Matcha Diamond Cookies Recipe: https://youtu.be/h0MkTT8w_MQ
    ✅Molten Matcha Cheese Tart Recipe: https://youtu.be/hPedI1ntdTg
    ✅Matcha Basque Burnt Cheesecake Recipe: https://youtu.be/2xcK33E6ijk
    ✅BEST Banana Vegan Matcha Cake Gluten-Free Vegan Recipe: https://youtu.be/OFY5_evsuSg
    ✅Matcha Green Tea Caramel Pudding Recipe:https://youtu.be/pRi8jLxveZk

    📌More Moko:
    Blog : https://ladymoko.com/
    FanPage : https://www.facebook.com/lovedach

  • but奶油餅乾 在 糖餃子Sweet Dumpling Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-10-03 20:15:04

    Hello friends! Today we're going to share with you how to make classic meringue nuts dessert: French Dacquoise with coffee French buttercream.

    Dacquoise means “ of Dax” in french, which is a small town in southwestern France. Classic dacquoise is used as a layer of a cake or sandwiched for two layers with a variety of filling. But it can also be a cookie sandwich with buttercream. This French dessert is a light meringue with a sponge texture, it’s meringue-like crisp on the outside, and moist and soft texture like cake on the inside. The flavor is amazing and delicious. It’s a must try French dessert. Hope you like this video.

    This is an #ASMR ver, you can check out the other version that with BGM and Voices in Chinese if you like:
    How to make French Dacquoise Recipe
    French Dacquoise Recipe

    ☞ Dacquoise mold: 6 slots, 7x5x1cm for each slot, if you don’t have dacquoise mold, you can use baking rings.
    ☞ Yields: This recipe can make 3 sets of dacquoise sandwiches for one egg white, you can use two or three egg whites to make 6 or 9 sets as you wish.

    ✎ Ingredients
    ☞ For dacquoise
    powdered sugar 10g
    All purpose flour 8g
    almond flour 30g
    medium egg white 1, 35g
    granulated sugar 20g

    ☞ For French coffee buttercream (Cream au beurre cafe)
    instant coffee granules 1g
    hot water 4g
    medium egg yolk 2, 36g
    granulated sugar 45g
    water 20g
    unsalted butter 80g, softened and cubed

    ✎ Instrcutions
    ☞ For dacquoise
    1. Use a sieve to sift the almond flour, powdered sugar and all purpose flour.
    2. Place the egg whites and a bit of pinch of salt in a clean and dry bowl, beat the egg white with an hand electric mixer on medium speed for 1 minute. Then add the sugar one-third at a time, beat 30 seconds before adding the next.
    3. After adding the rest of sugar, continue beating for 2 more minutes, then switch to low speed to beat for 30 seconds or until stiff peaks.
    4. Add one half of dry ingredients into the meringue, making sure not to mix too much. Then add the rest of dry ingredients and gently fold the mixture until just combined.
    5. Attach a tip to a piping bag and transfer the dacquoise mixture to the piping bag.
    6. Pipe out the batter into the dacquoise slot. Use a scraper or offset spatula to smooth the surface and remove excess batter, and then use a toothpick to dip the water and to smooth out the shape.
    7. Remove the mold carefully. Lightly dust the powdered sugar over the dough for the first time, after the powdered sugar is just absorbed into the batter, dust more powdered sugar over it again. This will create a better crust on the surface.
    8. Preheat the oven to 230°C, reduce to 180°C and bake for 9-10 minutes, when time’s up, leave it in the oven for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven, stay with the baking tray to cool completely.

    ☞ For French coffee buttercream
    1. Dissolve the 1g of  instant coffee in 4g of hot water. Set aside to cool.
    2. Add two egg yolks into the mixing bowl and beat until thick and pale.
    3. Combine 45g sugar and 20g water in a small saucepan, heat over on med-low heat, cook until the sugar has dissolved and the syrup reaches 117°C.
    4. Then immediately remove from heat and slowly drizzle the hot syrup into the bowl with the yolks, keep whisking on high speed  until all syrup is added. Switch to low speed to whisk until the mixture (pâte à bombe) is cooled down to room temperature.
    5. Add in 80g of softened butter one third at a time, allowing each batch to incorporate before adding the next. Mix to smooth.
    6. Add the dissolved coffee and mix well, then pipe in a piping bag.

    ☞ Assembly
    1. Sandwich the dacquoise with the buttercream, and refrigerate until ready to serve
