

在 bursting中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,853的網紅玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【玳瑚師父公告】《#33: 不漏財的錢包餐會》 #33 Meal Session: THE WALLET THAT NEVER LEAK (English version below) 玳瑚師父今晚就解決妳你,多年来錢包的傷痛,讓妳你嘗一嘗,錢包满满的实感。 ************* 日期及時...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅Andy Dark,也在其Youtube影片中提到,【Super Fluffy Souffle Omelette】 〚CHI VIDEO 中文版〛 舒芙蕾歐姆蛋/ 梳乎厘奄列 ▶▶▶ https://youtu.be/gZj0kpolXiI After the craze for Dalgona Coffee, these two weeks a...

  • bursting中文 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-07-28 21:02:03
    有 146 人按讚

    【玳瑚師父公告】《#33: 不漏財的錢包餐會》
    #33 Meal Session: THE WALLET THAT NEVER LEAK (English version below)


    日期及時間: 815pm-1030pm,星期日, 30 July 2017
    地點:Melt Cafe, Mandarin Oriental, Marina Square

    想🉐️吾補助者,請聯絡吾之助理,可發短訊至: +65 90212098,以便留位。這將是小型的活動。爲了表達個人誠意,玳瑚師父一概不接受透過別人代傳的簡訊報名。








    In tonight's session, Master Dai Hu shall help you solve the woes of your wallet, and let you discover what it feels like to have a wallet bursting with cash!


    Date & time: 815pm-1030pm, Sunday, 30 July 2017
    Venue: Melt Cafe, Mandarin Oriental, Marina Square


    To reserve a slot at the Dinner Session, kindly send a text message personally to my assistant at +65 90212098.

    Requests sent on behalf of other people will not be accepted.

    Information required:
    1) Your Chinese name,
    2) Your birth detail,

    so that Master Dai Hu can advise you, based on your elemental needs.

    On the night of the meal session, please bring photos of your living room and bedroom, for Master Dai Hu to give you personalised Feng Shui pointers on how to grow and accumulate wealth in your home.

    Master Dai Hu is definitely able to solve your woes. However, there are universal laws about changing one's fate for the better. One must first be willing to accept virtuous knowledge, and share them with others.

    If you wish to obtain help from Master Dai Hu, and attend his events, please read all his articles on his FB page, and hit the LIKE button. This is to let him know that you wish to take the first step in transforming your life. Of course, it would be a tall order to LIKE all his articles in one day, but you can register for his event first then continue to read and LIKE his articles diligently.

    I welcome people who are eager to learn and willing to put in the effort to turn life around for themselves and their loved ones. This will be a small-scale event. Do register early to avoid disappointment!

  • bursting中文 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2016-03-07 21:23:01
    有 51 人按讚



    1. affect與effect的混淆
    [1] effect (n.) = a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause 「效應」、「影響」
    例1: The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.
    例2: I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn’t have any effect.
    例3: I think I’m suffering from the effects of too little sleep.

    [2] effect (V.) = cause (something) to happen; bring about 「使(某事)發生:導致」切記不是「影響」的意思,許多字典上也會告知讀者不可以跟”affect”混用
    例: The new machines finally effected the transition to computerized accounting last spring.

    [3] affect (V.) = have an affect on; make a difference to 「影響」「侵襲」「感染」「打動」
    例1: Both buildings were badly affected by the fire. 「侵襲」
    例2: The divorce affected every aspect of her life.「影響」
    例3: It’s a disease which affects mainly older people.「侵擾」
    例4: I was deeply affected by the film. (= It caused strong feelings in me). 「打動」

    2. 把than寫成then
    (O) His dog is more adorable than mine.
    (X) His dog is more adorable then mine.

    3. fewer與less的用法搞混
    fewer (adj.) + 可數名詞 He keeps fewer dogs than I do.
    less (adj.) + 不可數名詞 He had less soup than I did.

    * 值得一提的是,如果是想要用”number”這個詞來表達”較少的數目”,可以說”smaller number”,為何用”smaller”呢?根據維基百科( goo.gl/f3vRxA),對於number要使用fewer還是less似乎有不少的爭議,可自行前往該網站觀覽,但是smaller number是不會錯的用法。

    4. 搞混few, a few, little, a little的用法
    few (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 可數名詞
    a few (adj.) = some but not many 很少 + 可數名詞
    little (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 不可數名詞
    a little (adj.) = some but not much 很少 + 不可數名詞

    5, 分詞構句前後主詞不一致
    例: (X) Bursting into tears, I tried to comfort Nancy.
    (O) When Nancy burst into tears, I tried to comfort her.

    6. 常常會把lie與lay搞混了,其實很多美國人也會搞混,所以多注意吧!
    lie (V.) 說謊
    lay (V.) 放置; 鋪設

    "說謊": lie-lied-lied (現在分詞:lying)
    "躺": lie-lay-lain (現在分詞:lying)
    "放置": lay-laid-laid (現在分詞:laying)

    7. 使用雙引號的時候,句號逗錯地方,逗號要逗在雙引號裡面:
    (X) “You are fabulous”.
    (O) “You are fabulous.”

    8. 否定的”也”,要用”nor”不用”not”
    例: He didn’t go to the party, nor did I.

    9. everyday與every day
    everyday是形容詞,表示每天的;every day是副詞,表示每日、每天
    (O) He wakes up at 8: 00 every day.
    (X) He wakes up at 8:00 everyday.

    10. 搞混Borrow跟lend的用法,兩者的差別其實很好記!
    borrow (V.) take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the intention of returning it 借入
    lend (V.) grant to (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it shall be returned 借出

  • bursting中文 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-10-20 10:09:12
    有 46 人按讚

    【喬的回顧系列: 10個常犯英文文法錯誤】


    1. affect與effect的混淆
    [1] effect (n.) = a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause 「效應」、「影響」
    例1: The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.
    例2: I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn’t have any effect.
    例3: I think I’m suffering from the effects of too little sleep.

    [2] effect (V.) = cause (something) to happen; bring about 「使(某事)發生:導致」切記不是「影響」的意思,許多字典上也會告知讀者不可以跟”affect”混用
    例: The new machines finally effected the transition to computerized accounting last spring.

    [3] affect (V.) = have an affect on; make a difference to 「影響」「侵襲」「感染」「打動」
    例1: Both buildings were badly affected by the fire. 「侵襲」
    例2: The divorce affected every aspect of her life.「影響」
    例3: It’s a disease which affects mainly older people.「侵擾」
    例4: I was deeply affected by the film. (= It caused strong feelings in me). 「打動」

    2. 把than寫成then
    (O) His dog is more adorable than mine.
    (X) His dog is more adorable then mine.

    3. fewer與less的用法搞混
    fewer (adj.) + 可數名詞 He keeps fewer dogs than I do.
    less (adj.) + 不可數名詞 He had less soup than I did.

    * 值得一提的是,如果是想要用”number”這個詞來表達”較少的數目”,可以說”smaller number”,為何用”smaller”呢?根據維基百科( goo.gl/f3vRxA),對於number要使用fewer還是less似乎有不少的爭議,可自行前往該網站觀覽,但是smaller number是不會錯的用法。

    4. 搞混few, a few, little, a little的用法
    few (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 可數名詞
    a few (adj.) = some but not many 很少 + 可數名詞
    little (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 不可數名詞
    a little (adj.) = some but not much 很少 + 不可數名詞

    5, 分詞構句前後主詞不一致
    例: (X) Bursting into tears, I tried to comfort Nancy.
    (O) When Nancy burst into tears, I tried to comfort her.

    6. 常常會把lie與lay搞混了,其實很多美國人也會搞混,所以多注意吧!
    lie (V.) 說謊
    lay (V.) 放置; 鋪設

    "說謊": lie-lied-lied (現在分詞:lying)
    "躺": lie-lay-lain (現在分詞:lying)
    "放置": lay-laid-laid (現在分詞:laying)

    7. 使用雙引號的時候,句號逗錯地方,逗號要逗在雙引號裡面:
    (X) “You are fabulous”.
    (O) “You are fabulous.”

    8. 否定的”也”,要用”nor”不用”not”
    例: He didn’t go to the party, nor did I.

    9. everyday與every day
    everyday是形容詞,表示每天的;every day是副詞,表示每日、每天
    (O) He wakes up at 8: 00 every day.
    (X) He wakes up at 8:00 everyday.

    10. 搞混Borrow跟lend的用法,兩者的差別其實很好記!
    borrow (V.) take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the intention of returning it 借入
    lend (V.) grant to (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it shall be returned 借出

  • bursting中文 在 Andy Dark Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-04-26 21:30:12

    【Super Fluffy Souffle Omelette】

    〚CHI VIDEO 中文版〛 舒芙蕾歐姆蛋/ 梳乎厘奄列 ▶▶▶ https://youtu.be/gZj0kpolXiI

    After the craze for Dalgona Coffee, these two weeks are all about super fluffy souffle omelette! There are many videos on how to make it perfectly, but let me share a few more insider tips with all of you!

    ⭐ Things you need to know about whipping egg white! ⭐
    1. Fat is the biggest enemy of foaming egg white.
    2. Egg whites at room temperature can create bigger volume of foam.
    3. Salt weakens the stability of the structure of foam. Don't put salt with the whites.
    4. Adding sugar too early retards the foaming.
    5. Slightly lower the pH of egg white can fasten foaming. Add half a teaspoon of lemon juice or a pinch of cream of tartare would help.
    6. Sugar slows down air bubbles from bursting.

    Eggs | 4 pcs
    Butter | 2 tsp
    Salt | 1/4 tsp
    Sugar | 1 tbsp


    1. First, seperate the egg yolks and the egg whites. Add the salt to the yolks and beat them for a minute until it becomes pale-yellow colour.
    2. Whip the egg whites with the sugar until soft-peak stage. Then mix with the yolks thoroughly.
    3. Turn on the stove, place the butter in and coat the surface of the pan. Place the egg mixture into the pan and cover with a lid. Cook it over low heat for 4 - 7 minutes.
    4. After 4 -7 minutes, take off the lid. Tilt the pan, roll the souffle omelette down and fold in half! Done!
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