[爆卦]burden pronunciation是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇burden pronunciation鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在burden pronunciation這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 burden產品中有1095篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅MyCrystal and Jade Live Shop,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 🎉🎊MCJ Beauty 新产品推出,今晚@9pm直播见!MCJ Beauty launching new product, see you tonight @9pm Live😍 每天坚持护肤,可是都看不见效果?不知道什么原因,脸上的闭口粉刺、粗大毛孔问题越来越严重!😥 . 原来这些都是因为清...

 同時也有87部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過995的網紅Ray Shen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,"有時候,內心的聲音是一種激勵,呼喚著你繼續跑完最後的幾里路,你就要抵達終點了,繼續前進,最後一切都會好起來的。" ------- "Mirror" "這首歌講的是我內心的批判聲音,還有它對我有多麼大的影響。我體認到自己內心有這些魔鬼,可能是 Twitter 某人對我說的最難聽的話,或是樂評可能...

burden 在 蔡奇儒 | MedEx 醫適能 Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-16 02:43:41

- 高血壓 運動指引 特殊族群訓練 —————————————————— ✨高血壓簡介✨ 高血壓是心血管疾病、腦中風、糖尿病、腎臟病等重大慢性病的共同危險因子,也是目前全球疾病負擔 (global burden of disease) 排名的首位。 血壓是指血液由心臟送出時在動脈血管內產生...

burden 在 牛 Niu Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-17 18:01:28

. 為了避免疫情的擴張,外出活動的時間大幅減少,補償到居家隔離上,這使原本安身立命的公寓變成了最熟悉的牢籠,人們開始發覺自己未曾如此地渴望戶外空間,無法去往城市或是山中,長時間宅在家成了一種心理折磨。為了符合社會期待與當個不添麻煩的好市民,外送服務變成了卸責的疏通管道,藉由他人賣命的職業正當性與風險...

  • burden 在 MyCrystal and Jade Live Shop Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 17:23:10
    有 14 人按讚

    🎉🎊MCJ Beauty 新产品推出,今晚@9pm直播见!MCJ Beauty launching new product, see you tonight @9pm Live😍

    原来这些都是因为清洁做得不够好! 如果你跟小编一样,觉得 【❌不化妆就不需要卸妆】、【❌卸妆很麻烦】,那你就大错特错了💦
    卸妆不彻底等于自毁颜值。😣 白天的彩妆没卸干净的话,就会吸附在毛孔上,皮肤无法呼吸最后引发痘痘、黑头、色素沉淀、快速老化等。
    直到我尝试了 【MCJ 卸妆慕斯 + 眼唇&脸部卸妆液】 🍀 才了解到卸妆很重要,肤质真的会越来越好!😍
    👍👍这2款能养肤的【MCJ 卸妆慕斯+眼唇脸部卸妆液】我保证所有肤质都会爱!92%的顾客都说非常温和、卸妆力很好,连草莓鼻和万年黑头都慢慢揉没了~ 😍
    记住‼️ 眼唇妆一定要用卸妆液卸‼️ 这是因为大部分眼唇妆自带超强防油防水不晕染的特性,若没有彻底清洁,就会导致嘴唇原来越干燥起皮,唇纹越来越深。
    卸妆后再洗脸,毛孔变得超干净✌️ 这时候再涂抹护肤品,才能被真正吸收哦~ 皮肤就自然越来越好啦~

    Taking care of your skin properly yet see no results? Instead all you get is blemishes and enlarged pores!😥
    The reason could be you did not remove your make up properly! If you think there is 【❌ not necessary to use a make up removal on bare face】 OR 【❌too lazy to remove makeup】… you’re making a huge mistake💦
    Inappropriate make up removing will ruin your face. 😣The makeup dirt will accumulate causing pores clogging and lead to acne, blackhead, discoloration, aging and etc.
    Until the day I tried the 【MCJ Make Up Remover Mousse + Eye & Face Make Up Remover】🍀 I started to see improvement on my skin of using a makeup removal properly.😍
    👍👍These 2 *【MCJ Make Up Remover Mousse + Eye & Face Make Up Remover】*are an all time favourite for all skin types! 92% of customers feedback that it is so mild and effective in cleansing to reduce blackheads😍
    ✅Deep cleansing effect to remove make up and dirt effortlessly.
    ✅Refreshing botanical formula that cause zero burden on skin.
    ✅No dry out and tighten skin, leaving skin supple and soft.
    *Always remember to remove make up on the eyes and lips‼️ * The eyes and lips makeup are usually oilproof, waterproof and smudge-proof. Inappropriate cleansing without using a make up remover will cause dryness on lips and visible lip wrinkles.
    After using a make up remover and cleanser, I can feel my pores are clearer and this enhances the absorption of my skincare products. My skin is getting better day by day✌️

  • burden 在 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-29 07:58:00
    有 160 人按讚

    昨天有官員指出會將MPF轉做年金派比大家。我借用股神巴菲特係2017年CNBC的訪問,他指出「30年按揭是最好的投資工具」。30年按揭就是1991年你用40萬買間三房之後月供2千,用Present Value借近40萬然後只應承還Future Value的2000蚊。雖之後面對加息期P+1%供到死死下。不過美國印銀紙令內含值大幅下滑,所以Future Value的2000蚊,其實好少錢。


    諗sir細個街邊篤魚蛋一串只係1蚊或者個半,所以只要係低息環境下定額供,拎左間樓同租客既租值先,你基本上穩贏仲賺成間樓係手,因此"debt burden will be inflated away"。

    「年金」就是「30年按揭工具」的反轉。既然我支持「30年按揭」,咁年金我自己唔做既。今時用Present value拎左你筆MPF,然後定額咁用Future Value去比$8000你。政府幫你諗埋,你做一隻專心食糧既豬,那很酷呢~

    ► whatsapp應徵POWERTEAM全職/兼職代理(未有牌都可應徵)
    ► whatsapp查詢powerteam手把手買樓服務

  • burden 在 Milton Goh Blog and Sermon Notes Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-26 09:20:29
    有 232 人按讚

    Receive Divine, Sinless Life Through the Lord’s Supper

    “For the life of the flesh is in the blood; and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that makes atonement by reason of the life. Therefore I have said to the children of Israel, “No person among you may eat blood, nor may any stranger who lives as a foreigner among you eat blood.”” (Leviticus‬ ‭17:11-12‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Even under the New Covenant, according to the letter that the apostles wrote to the ex-Gentile believers, we are instructed by the Holy Spirit to abstain from eating blood.

    “For it seemed good to the Holy Spirit, and to us, to lay no greater burden on you than these necessary things: that you abstain from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality, from which if you keep yourselves, it will be well with you. Farewell.”” (Acts‬ ‭15:28-29‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    God does not want us to feed on life that has been stained by sin.

    There is only one person’s blood that we are told to drink:

    “Jesus therefore said to them, “Most certainly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you don’t have life in yourselves. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me, and I in him. As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father; so he who feeds on me, he will also live because of me. This is the bread which came down out of heaven—not as our fathers ate the manna, and died. He who eats this bread will live forever.”” (John‬ ‭6:53-58‬ ‭WEB‬‬)

    Many of Jesus’ ‘disciples’ left Him after hearing the words in the passage above. The Law said that the children of Israel were forbidden from eating blood. No wonder they found it difficult to believe that drinking Jesus’ blood was actually a godly thing to do.

    The blood of Jesus is full of His divine, sinless life. Every time you partake of the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of His death at the cross, you receive a fresh infusion of His life.

    The more you receive His blood this way, the more your soul and body will live.

    This is not just heavenly food like manna—it is the very life of God.

    Don’t rush through the Lord’s Supper. It is not like popping a pill, a mathematical formula, or a magical incantation.

    The Lord’s Supper is a token of Jesus’ love for you. He has designed it such that every time you partake of it in a worthy manner, you receive His life. Enjoy the moment.

    How much do you want to live and be full of life? Receive the blood of Jesus every day through the Lord’s Supper, and watch as health and healing springs forth mightily in your soul and body!

    The Holy Spirit taught me about God’s youth renewal promises, and they are compiled in an ebook called “Younger and Younger”. Join me on a 31-day journey to a younger, healthier, fitter, and more beautiful you. People in the Bible like Sarah, Caleb, Moses, and Naaman experienced physical youth renewal in their bodies.

    Readers of the ebook are writing in to share how people around them are noticing the transformation in their looks, and how they are able to do things that they could only do in their teenage days. The ebook is full of rhema words that contain the power to work miracles. The bonus audio included will help to saturate your heart with God’s youth renewal promises. One lady likes it so much that she listens to it a few times each day!

    Get “Younger and Younger” here: https://bit.ly/younger-and-younger

  • burden 在 Ray Shen Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-24 20:17:59



    "這首歌講的是我內心的批判聲音,還有它對我有多麼大的影響。我體認到自己內心有這些魔鬼,可能是 Twitter 某人對我說的最難聽的話,或是樂評可能會說的最刻薄的話。它們會進到我的腦袋裡、對我的創作產生影響。因為每次我寫東西時,很容易就會想像到別人在批評它。但如果你想避免別人對你的作品說些過分的話,你就會往這方向想。你會活在恐懼中,為了不要受傷而把自己縮起來。〈Mirror〉就是在講我和內心的那個聲音之間的衝突。"

    "Nurture" is out now: https://porter.fm/nurture​

    ▼ Follow Porter Robinson:

    ▼ Follow Ray Shen:

    作詞/作曲:Porter Robinson

    Well, you were the aftermath

    Of every judgment

    So cold by the sweat that

    You'll waste away

    And you carry your enemies

    But they're so familiar

    I'm sick of the company

    So I cull the shame

    And I know you'll say how I'm a burden
    我知道你會說 我就只是個包袱

    Yeah, do your worst, all at once
    動手吧 一次做盡最糟糕的事

    I know what you want from me, from me

    I know what you're thinking, thinking

    And it's not the voice of all the others

    You've only said it to yourself

    I know what you want from me, from me
    我知道你想從我這得到什麼 東西

    I know what you're thinking

    (They come to feel like things we're saying to ourselves)

    An inch from my ears again

    "You should be sorry"
    說著 "你應該為此感到抱歉"

    A solemn man:

    "A better song could fix my problems"

    I'm tired of your questioning

    You're cut down too easily

    And I don't know what's good for me

    I can't decide

    And I know you'll say how I'm a burden
    我知道你會說 我只是個包袱而已

    Yeah, do your worst, all at once
    放手去做 那些糟糕透頂的事吧

    I know what you want from me, from me
    我知道你想從我這裡得到什麼 東西

    I know what you're thinking, thinking

    And it's not the voice of all the others

    You've only said it to yourself

    I know what you want from me, from me
    我知道你想從我這得到一些 東西

    I know what you're thinking

    "Now these voices have become our own"

    An inch from my ears again

    "You should be sorry"
    說著 "你應該為此感到抱歉"

    A solemn man:

    "A better song could fix my problems"

    I'm tired of your questioning

    You're cut down too easily

    And I don't know what's good for me

    I can't decide

    And I know you'll say how I'm a burden
    我知道你會說 我就只是個包袱

    Yeah, do your worst, all at once
    動手吧 一次做盡最糟糕的事

    I know what you want from me, from me
    我知道你想從我這裡得到什麼 東西

    I know what you're thinking

    And it's not the voice of all the others

    You've only said it to yourself

    I know what you want from me, from me
    我知道你想從我這得到什麼 東西

    I know what you're thinking, thinking
    Thinking, thinking, thinking, think-
    我知道你正在想什麼事情 事情 事情 事情 事情 事情

    And I know you'll say how I'm a burden
    我知道你會說 我只是個包袱而已

    Yeah, do your worst, all at once
    放手去做 那些糟糕透頂的事吧

    I know what you want from me, from me
    我知道你想從我這裡得到什麼 東西

    I know what you're thinking, thinking, thinking
    我知道你正在想著什麼事情 事情 事情

    And it's not the voice of all the others

    You've only said it to yourself

    I know what you want from me, from me
    我知道你想從我這得到一些 東西

    I know what you're thinking, thinking
    Thinking, thinking, thinking, think
    我知道你在思考什麼事情 事情 事情 事情 事情 事情

    Sometimes, the inner voice is encouraging
    有時候 內心的聲音是一種激勵

    Calling for you to run those final few yards

    You're nearly there

    Keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going
    繼續前進 繼續前進 繼續前進 繼續前進

    It will all be OK in the end

    歌詞翻譯by Ray Shen

  • burden 在 Laura Ribeiro Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-06-01 23:00:13

    Official video for 'Now or Never' by Laura Ribeiro
    Listen to 'Now or Never' here: http://streamlink.to/nowornever

    Yeah I’ve been up all night
    Contemplating daily
    I’ve done some things
    that aren’t even worth me saying
    No I’m not ashamed yeah
    I wish that things were different
    The pressure’s high when everybody’s watching

    Do they even know what was going on?
    Do they even care what I really want?
    And their words linger on

    Now or Never you got your dream
    Dont you ever give up on them please
    Don’t you ever back the fuck down now
    Now or Never you got your dream
    Don’t you ever give up on them please
    Don’t you ever back the fuck down now

    Yeah I’ve been up all night
    Contemplating daily
    I know I’m close but I keep on hesitating
    Staying afloat isn’t easy when you’re growing
    But giving ups gonna be a heavy burden

    Do they even know what was going on?
    Do they even care what I really want?
    And their words linger on

    Now or Never you got your dream
    Dont you ever give up on them please
    Don’t you ever back the fuck down now
    Now or Never you got your dream
    Don’t you ever give up on them please
    Don’t you ever back the fuck down now

    Now or Never.....


    Follow Laura Ribeiro:
    Official Website: http://www.laura-ribeiro.com
    Instagram - http://instagram.com/lauraribeiro.x
    Twitter - http://twitter.com/lauraribeiro_x

    Written and performed by Laura Ribeiro
    Produced by Chocoholic
    Guitars by Mat Jr
    Mixed by Yu Sasaki
    Mastered by Wax Alchemy.
    Videographer Alex T Thomas
    Direction and Edited by Laura Ribeiro
    Special Guest appearance in MV: Chocoholic and Mary Louise
    BTS Assistance: Amiide & Shinsuke Yasui

  • burden 在 Sandy H. 黃小玫 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-04-22 20:30:02

    "Dream to Nantou" is an original song written and performed by Sandy H.
    Listen on Spotify / Apple Music ⏩ https://backl.ink/142602169

    More about Nantou ⏩ https://eng.taiwan.net.tw/m1.aspx?sNo=0002114
    "If the central region is the heartland of Taiwan, Nantou is Taiwan's heart: it is the only landlocked county on the island! There are dozens of well-planned recreational farm areas that are perfect for a quiet and leisurely family trip to the countryside. Accommodation choices range from world-class resort hotels to rural B&Bs. Whether you choose to stay at an exotic villa at Qingjing Farm or an elegant room at Puli Tao-Mi Eco-Village, you are never far from nature's scenic embrace. Whenever and wherever you arrive, Nantou is there to welcome you on a relaxing, fun, and eye-opening journey."

    【 Dream to Nantou 】Lyrics:
    Feel the wind and come along with me
    hold my hand as you breathe
    let me treat you some oolong tea

    Feel the sun
    in this landlocked county
    but you could see its beauty
    the waters are crystal clear

    I had a dream of me and you
    stopping by at a wide green tea farm
    you held me when we were
    sitting by the sun moon lake
    don't wanna sleep
    don't wanna leave
    in such a good sensation
    climbing up to the top of the mountains
    sharing a B&B room

    Nantou is where we first met
    a starry night that I will never ever forget
    Nantou is where everything began
    so why don't we make it all happen before summer ends
    so why don't we make it all happen before summer ends

    Hear the trees
    blowing with the breeze
    can't find a better place to be
    a simple but mindful trip

    I had a dream
    of me and you
    hanging out with adorable sheep
    Don't need no creams for face
    living in the lush forests
    don't wanna sleep
    don't wanna leave
    in such a good sensation
    laughing like children with no burden
    crying like the waterfalls

    Nantou is where we first met
    a starry night that I will never ever forget
    Nantou is where everything began
    so why don't we make it all happen before the summer ends
    so why don't we make it all happen before the summer ends

    the heart of my home
    is where we're gonna go
    the heart of my home
    is where we're gonna go
    the heart of my home
    is where we're gonna go
    the heart of my home
    so why don't we make it all happen before the summer ends
    so why don't we make it all happen before the summer ends

    ☀️出品 Presented by |南投縣政府 Nantou County Government & 黃小玫影音工作室 HXM STUDIO

    ☀️Music Production 音樂製作
    演唱/詞/曲 Performed / Lyrics / Composed by | @Sandy H. 黃小玫
    製作 Produced by |黃小玫 Sandy H. & Stelios
    混音 Mixing & Mastering | Romano Erafficci

    ☀️Video Production 影像製作
    監製 Executive Producer |邱于庭 Sunny C.
    導演 Director |黃小玫 Sandy H. & 高偉鳴
    製片|邱于庭 Sunny C.
    後期導演|黃小玫 Sandy H. 邱于庭Sunny C.

    ☀️小玫的其他影片 Other videos by Sandy H. ☀️
    ・【我在南投心自由】 https://youtu.be/khpSzzevhVU
    ・【台湾で会おうね!】我們在台灣見吧! https://youtu.be/MtHwzjZSJxk
    ・【屏東 KEEP GOING!】(2020全中運主題曲) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We7x6WIGS9E

    ☀️Follow me on:
    FACEBOOK PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/Ms.HXM/
    Instagram: sandy.hxm

