

在 buckwheat功效產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【睡眠健康】有人經常渴睡,有人卻晚晚失眠 💤 ⭐️睡覺時間每人都不同 ⭐️最重要是睡醒沒有疲倦感 #星期一踢走BlueMonday 你屬於易失眠一族嗎? 睡眠是正常生理需求,成年人每日需要睡約六至八小時,時間長短因人而異,有些人可以秒速入睡,有些人卻輾轉反側難以入眠,原來和身體狀況有關,...

buckwheat功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的精選貼文

2020-07-02 18:58:16

【穀物減肥法】聽說吃押麥飯三星期減11公斤  ⭐覺得押麥的樣子似曾相識嗎? ⭐我有在腐竹白果洋薏米糖水見過它呢 #星期三CheckCheckMail  解構神奇日本押麥 小肥:「朋友介紹我吃日本押麥,聽說能減肥、降低膽固醇和通血管,是真的嗎?」  CheckCheckCin:日本押...

buckwheat功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 02:19:48

【成晚發夢】睡覺時要應酬夢境,睡醒後恍如無睡過一樣 #發噩夢睡醒仍猶有餘悸心慌慌 #有時夢境雜亂無章個腦好攰 #星期二正能量 多夢易醒心驚驚? 睡覺發夢是正常不過的事,但如果頻頻發夢,睡醒後依然疲累不堪,就與身體臟腑健康及陰陽氣血的狀況有關。根據中醫理論,多夢屬「不寐」的一種,常見的多夢會伴隨被...

buckwheat功效 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 02:20:54

【新年急救脾胃】食滯了可以吃一碗蕎麥麵! #星期四食材 #粗糧是最好的 中國人過新年,最重要是豐衣足食,可是飽享口福之後,受苦的卻是脾胃,當你以為少吃幾餐就能夠消滯,其實節食這個方法反而會令脾胃更受傷害。這時候反而應該反璞歸真以粗糧代餐,不但味美又能飽足,更可養脾胃!其實現代人平日已經吃得如此豐...

  • buckwheat功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-08-03 22:10:00
    有 427 人按讚

    【睡眠健康】有人經常渴睡,有人卻晚晚失眠 💤



    陰虛失眠 — 雪梨麥冬雪耳糖水 功效:滋陰清熱,紓緩虛熱以致失眠等症狀。
    1. 洗淨材料,雪耳泡水至發大,剪去蒂並撕成小塊;雪梨去皮去芯切塊備用。
    2. 雪耳、麥冬及雪耳放入鍋中,加水至蓋過所有材料,武火煮至水滾,改文火加蓋煮30-40分鐘,加入適量冰糖調味煮至溶化即可。

    血虛失眠 —龍眼百合棗仁茶
    1. 所有材料洗淨,新鮮百合剝開清洗乾淨。
    2. 鍋內加入約800毫升水,放入所有材料,以武火煮至水滾,調文火煮約40分鐘即可。

    推介茶療:難入眠 功效:寧心安神,適合常思慮過度及難以入眠
    推介米水:紅豆米水 功效:紅潤面色、安神助眠、補血養胃 歡迎 Facebook inbox 或 WhatsApp 訂購: Facebook: http://bit.ly/CCC-FB WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374 https://api.whatsapp.com/send?phone=85293474374

    留言或按讚👍🏻支持一下我們吧!❤️ 歡迎 Follow 我們獲得更多養生資訊。

    Are you part of the insomnia gang?
    Sleep is important as it is a biological need. An adult typically requires six to eight hours of sleep daily, and the length varies for each individual. Some would fall asleep at lightning speed, and others have a very hard time. This may be affected by our body condition.

    From Chinese medicine’s perspective, individuals with trouble sleeping, often awakened easily, or those with difficulty to sleep again once they are awake, these groups of people belong to the sleep deprivation category known as “Bu Mei” in Mandarin. High level of stress and emotional instability are among the common causes, which in turn lead to the accumulation of excessive heat on the liver, hence disrupting our sleep.

    Individuals with yin deficiency and blood astehnia are especially prone to insomnia. Those with yin deficiency usually do not have sufficient body fluids and have excessive yang energy, these lead to asthenic heat in the body and disrupts sleep. due to them not having enough body fluid at the same time retaining excessive Yang energy. All these lead them to develop deficiency-related heat in the body. It would be beneficial for individuals to consume foods that will replenish the “Yin” energy, such as lily, ladybell root, snow fungus and American ginseng.

    Those with blood asthenia have insufficient blood and qi, which is usually accompanied by fatigue, dizziness, heart palpitations, forgetfulness and may wake up easily due to dreams. They need to replenish qi and blood, appropriately consume ingredients such as red bean, longan, red kidney beans, lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) and dangshen (Codonopsis pilosula). This will help alleviate problems with sleep deprivation.

    Stay home safely and make these DIY desserts which can soothe insomnia accordingly!
    Yin deficiency insomnia –Snow fungus and radix ophiopogonis sweet soup with pear
    Effects: nourishes yin and clears heat, alleviates asthenic heat insomnia.
    Ingredients: 1 pear, 10g radix ophiopogonis, 1 snow fungus, rock sugar to taste
    Rinse all the ingredients thoroughly. Soak snow fungus until soft. Rinse and cut open the lily bulb. Peel and core pear, cut into pieces.
    2. Combine all ingredients with water to cover, cook on high heat until boiling.Turn to low heat and simmer for 30-40 minutes, add rock sugar to taste.

    Blood asthenia insomnia – Dried longan and lily bulb sweet soup with Chinese date
    Effects: nourishes the heart and calms the mind. Relieves difficulty falling asleep.
    Ingredients: 1 fresh lily bulb, 10g dried longan, 4-6 Chinese dates, 2 walnuts
    1. Rinse all the ingredients thoroughly. Rinse and cut open the lily bulb.
    2. Combine the ingredients with 800ml water and cook on high heat until boiling. Turn to low heat for 40 minutes.

    ✔Healing Tea Recommendation: Poor Sleep
    Effects: Calms the heart and mind. Suitable for over-thinking and difficulty falling asleep.
    Ingredients: Fried Spine Date Seed, Buckwheat, Dried Longan

    ✔ Rice Water Recommendation: Red Bean Rice Water
    Effects: Achieves rosy complexion, calms the mind and improve sleep, replenishes blood and nourish the stomach

    Welcome to order through Facebook inbox or WhatsApp:
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374

    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.

    #男 #女 #我狀態OK #我枯燥 #陰虛 #血虛 #失眠

  • buckwheat功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-06-17 18:23:09
    有 150 人按讚

    CheckCheckCin:日本押麥其實就是大麥,大麥因加工方不同而分為押麥、米粒麥等產品,押麥是將大麥蒸過後壓成扁平狀,其實它就是我們熟悉的洋薏米啊!洋薏米(Pearl Barley)就是磨去殼的大麥,它沒有生薏米的祛濕功效,在中醫角度上沒有多大的食療功效,但含有豐富纖維,所以有助紓緩便秘。如果加入白米一起烹煮食用,可以增加纖維量,坊間的十穀米都有混入洋薏米,它的口感比較有嚼感,需要多咬幾下才能吞嚥,從而減慢進食速度,而且纖維量高容易令人產生飽足感,比單吃精製的白米多了減肥效果。如果想增加攝取纖維量,除了洋薏米,還可以加入糙米、紅米、蕎麥、奇亞籽、燕麥等,但要注意脾胃虛弱、消化能力不佳的人容易造成消化不良,宜慢慢調節進食份量。
    洋薏米 — 又稱珍珠麥,是磨去殼的大麥,有健脾及回乳作用,但作用不大,適合各體質人士服用。
    Understanding pressed barley
    "A friend recommended pressed barley to me. Is it true that it can aid weight loss, lower cholesterol and open blood vessels?"
    CheckCheckCin: Pressed barley (Oshi Mugi) is actually barley. Barley is categorized into pressed barley, rice grain and other products due to different processing methods. Pressed barley first steamed and then pressed into a flat shape. In fact, it is the pearl barley we are familiar with! Pearl barley is the barley that has been polished to remove the bran. It does not have the dampness dispelling effect of coix seed. It does not have much healing effect from the perspective of Chinese medicine, but it is rich in fiber, so it can help relieve constipation. If you add white rice and cook it together, you can increase the amount of fiber. There is pearl barley in ten grain rice, and it's chewy. It takes a few bites to swallow, which slows down the eating speed along with a high fiber content. It can produce satiety and has more weight loss effect than just eating refined white rice. If you want to increase your fiber intake, besides pearl barley, you can add brown rice, red rice, buckwheat, chia seeds, oat, etc.. but it should be noted that those with asthenic weak spleen and stomach and poor digestion ability may have indigestion when eating pearl barley. They should be aware of the servings.
    Pearl Barley- has been polished to remove the bran, suitable for nourishing the spleen and for breastmilk withdrawal. Doesn't have much healing effects, suitable for all body types.
    #男 #女 #我胖了 #減肥

  • buckwheat功效 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的精選貼文

    2018-07-03 16:45:41
    有 160 人按讚




    做法:材料洗淨, 煮30分鐘即可,連渣倒入保溫瓶,可反覆沖泡至味淡。

    Always dreaming and waking up in fear?
    Dreaming is a very normal thing but if you are always dreaming and waking up like you haven’t slept, then it can affect health of your organs as well as your yin, yang, qi and blood. According to Chinese medicine theories, people who dream a lot and wake up from nightmares may usually also experience absent-mindedness, restlessness, prone to being scared, and heart palpitations. This is time time to replenish your heart and spleen, calm your mind and heart!

    Good bye dreams healing tea
    Effects: calms the mind, suitable for those with dreamful sleep and poor sleep quality.
    Ingredients: 6g Polygala, 6g Fried Spine Date Seeds, 10g Buckwheat, 10 raisins
    Preparation: rinse all ingredients thoroughly and cook for 30 minutes. Pour all contents into thermos and this tea can be re-brewed until its flavor weakens.
    *Not suitable for those recovering from cold and flu.

    #男 #女 #我煩躁 #我有壓力 #氣滯 #失眠

