5 天前 — breathe的例句. breathe. The infant was subsequendy weaned easilyfromventilation and was breathing spontaneously in air. 來自Cambridge English ...
#2breathe - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果
breathe · vi. 呼吸;呼氣;吸氣;通氣,透氣 · vt. 呼吸;呼出;吸入[(+in/out)];使喘息 ...
#4breath 的中文翻釋|影音字典- VoiceTube 看影片學英語
例句. I'm going outside for a breath of fresh air. I'm a bit out of breath after my run. His breath came in short gasps.
#5abdominal breathing - 腹式呼吸 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
以abdominal breathing 進行詞彙精確檢索結果. 出處/學術領域, 英文詞彙, 中文詞彙. 學術名詞 獸醫學 ... 腹式呼吸, abdominal breathing. 學術名詞 電機工程
#6HE LIVES AND BREATHES 中文是什么意思- 翻译 - Tr-ex
HE LIVES AND BREATHES”的语境翻译在英语-中文。以下是许多翻译的例句,其中包含“HE LIVES AND BREATHES” - 英语-中文翻译和搜索引擎英语翻译。
#7我要為你呼吸 - 维基百科
《我要為你呼吸》(英語:Breathe)是一部2017年英國傳記劇情片,由安迪·瑟克斯執導,威廉·尼柯 ... 您现在使用的中文变体可能会影响一些词语繁简转换的效果。
使用Reverso Context: breathed a sigh of relief, breathed his last, breathed out,在英语-中文情境中翻译"breathed"
#9breathes中文, breathes是什麼意思:v. 呼吸( b… - 英語翻譯
breathes中文 :v. 呼吸( breathe的第三人稱單數); 輕聲說話;…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋breathes的中文翻譯,breathes的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#10agonal breathing 終末頻死呼吸 - 學術英文編修、學術論文修改
agonal breathing 終末頻死呼吸,是什麽意思,英文怎麽說,中文意思,麻醉專業名詞-詞匯翻譯,美國LetPub 論文編輯.
#11中文歌詞翻譯Astrid S - Breathe
圖片來源同歌詞建議大家用電腦版瀏覽.排版比較流暢也方便閱讀是說這張封面Cover的Astrid S有種ANTM23 Courtney的感覺(但Courtney還是更美了幾酥 ...
#12龍之吐息(中文版) Dragon's Breath HABA - PChome 24h購物
龍之吐息(中文版) Dragon's Breath HABA. GoKids 推薦原因: △3D立體配件與可愛的故事背景,吸引孩子們的注意。 △能夠培養孩子的觀察力,包括了顏色辨識與空間概念。
#13中文歌詞翻譯Jax Jones - Breathe ft. Ina Wroldsen - 凱莫的小天地
去年以一首”You Don't Know Me”爆紅的Jax Jones 最近又推出了和Ina Wroldsen合作的洗腦新單曲”Breathe” 這首歌真的有夠洗腦又好聽的電音的部分也令人 ...
#14'breathe' 的简体中文Translation | 柯林斯英语- 汉语词典
'breathe' 的简体中文Translation of | 官方柯林斯英语- 汉语词典网上词典。10 万条英语单词和短语的简体中文翻译。
#15Emergency Escape Breathing Device (EEBD) - 繁體中文
Flag, Technical information (No.) or instructions by flag administrations on special requirements of each flag. Bahamas.
#16Breathing exercise 靠「吹的」就能改善新陳代謝?
#17順暢呼吸複方精油dōTERRA Breathe® Oil Respiratory Blend
Three Ways to Use Breathe.jpg. Breathe Aromatic.jpg ... 順暢呼吸複方精油dōTERRA Breathe® Oil Respiratory Blend. 作為一我們極受歡迎的精油複方 ... 美国- 中文.
#18Breathes 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典
Breathes 的中文翻譯| 英漢字典. ... 沒有發現關於[Breathes] 的資料相似字(pydict): breathe breather breathed 相似字(moecomp): breather 相似字(xdict): breathe ...
#19breathes的中文翻譯和情景例句- VERB呼吸
breathes 的中文意思翻譯:v. 呼吸( breathe的第三人稱單數); 輕聲說話; 低語; 低聲說。breathes的中文翻譯、breathes的發音、柯林斯釋義、用法、breathes的近義詞、 ...
#20【GoKids 玩樂小子】龍之吐息Dragons Breath 中文版
#21Breathe Time 沖繩中文潛水專門店- 潛水課程・FUN DIVE
Breathe Time位於沖繩本島,支援廣東話及普通話。著重於潛水員的教育和安全,主要開辦PADI各類潛水課程、FUN DIVE。亦有開辦離島的潛水旅遊。來與我們一起探索沖繩的 ...
#22breathing中文什么意思- 头条搜索
deep breathing 深呼吸breathing apparatus 呼吸器;呼吸机;呼吸面具;通气设备breathing space 喘气机会;休息时间或空间... 德语助手 · breath什么意思及同义词_ ...
#23你知道"take your breath away"的中文是什麼嗎? - TalxFun
你知道"take your breath away"的中文是什麼嗎? 讓我們看些簡單對話進而更了解該片語的意思吧: Anthony: The main character was so talented and ...
#24the machine that BREATHES - Steam
不支援繁體中文. 本產品尚不支援您的目前所在地 ... the machine that BREATHES is a 2D Survival Horror game with a focus on situational combat and exploration.
#25Mackenzie Ziegler - Breathe 深呼吸中文歌詞翻譯介紹
Mackenzie Ziegler - Breathe 深呼吸中文歌詞翻譯介紹 ... 緊張的時候,大吸一口氣吧!放輕鬆,成功就是你的!
#26GoKids】龍之吐息(中文版) Dragon's Breath HABA - 博客來
線上中文規則書線上影片規則Gokids推薦原因:榮獲2018KinderspieldesJahres兒童年度最佳遊戲獎! ... 【GoKids】龍之吐息(中文版) Dragon's Breath HABA ...
#27breathing - WordReference.com 英汉词典
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. breathe⇒ vi, (person, animal), SCSimplified Chinese 呼吸hū xī. TCTraditional Chinese 呼吸. The kitten slept soundly, breathing softly ...
#28Breathe-Lauv(lyrics中文歌詞) - YouTube
絕對會愛上的歌曲#5以上不專業翻譯,有錯的話,不要客氣請提出。這首 Breathe 最近一直都在loop,推薦給大家。Lauv是94年出生的一位美國歌手, ...
#29薩爾達傳說曠野之息中文版BREATH IN THE WILD | 蝦皮購物
1片100%全新朋友收購1片99%新(女朋友連第一個任務都解不開,看到會生氣...= =...賣了!為了和平!!!)誰來救救我購買薩爾達傳說曠野之息中文版BREATH IN THE WILD.
#30breath中文意思 - 看影片不用背單字
breath 的中文意思是什麼呢?2022年最常見的用法,有385影片中用到這個單字,並且可一鍵全部播放,快速聆聽各種外國人(真人),講述這個單字,不再是死死的機器發音。
#31C-13 Urea Breath Test-檢驗項目內容 - 長庚醫院
檢驗代號, L72-475 ; 中文名稱, 碳13呼氣試驗 ; 檢驗方法, 紅外線光譜分析 ; 檢體別, BTH (請參閱檢體縮寫對照表) · C InfraRed Isotope Analysis ; 採檢容器, 幽門螺旋菌測試集 ...
#32Breath Cafe - 新宿/咖啡店[食べログ](繁體中文)
在食べログ確認Breath Cafe (新宿/咖啡店)的店鋪資訊!有感想、評價與照片等,有來自使用者的真實資訊!也有關於地圖及餐點菜單的詳細資訊。(繁體中文)
#33Sara Bareilles - Breathe Again:歌詞+中文翻譯 - FLiPER
Sara Bareilles – Breathe Again:歌詞+中文翻譯. 收錄在《Kaleidoscope Heart》專輯內,為美國知名影集《The Vampire Diaries》中的插曲,Sara ...
#34AeroEclipse- Breath Actuated Nebulizer | 台灣胸腔暨重症加護 ...
AeroEclipse- Breath Actuated Nebulizer. 長度: 02:38, 瀏覽: 1901, 最近修訂: 2020-04-10. Responsive image.
#35"breathe fire"用中文(繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說? | HiNative
breathe fire 用中文(繁體,臺灣) 要怎麼說? ... the specific sentence I wanted to translate was "I don't remember him breathing fire.
#36嬰兒摒息症(Breath holding attacks)_新生兒科_兒童時期常見疾病
有些小嬰孩在哭得非常激動的時候,會摒住呼吸一直到臉色鐵青才放鬆,但有些小小孩摒息的十分厲害,以致於腦部暫時性的缺氧,臉部發紫然後暫時昏了過去,有時還會伴隨 ...
#37Breath(呼吸)(中文版) 歌詞張力尹※ Mojim.com
Breath (呼吸)(中文版) Chen&張力尹我壓抑不住思念著你撥通了電話想你多久沒見過你遠去的窒息憂傷又繫在我的心上當初的放手一個人嘆息後悔讓你走是突然襲來那個問候心都 ...
#38呼吸(Breath) (Sung by CHEN<EXO> & 張力尹) –中文版-歌詞
2014年2月20日 — 呼吸(Breath) (Sung by CHEN & 張力尹) –中文版-歌詞- 我壓抑不住思念著你撥通了電話想你多久沒見過你遠去的窒息憂傷又繫在我的心上當初的放手一.
#39Harder to Breath-Maroon 5 (中文歌詞) - 三分鐘熱度- 痞客邦
Harder to Breath-Maroon 5 (中文歌詞) ... 這首歌和Heart 的Burracuda起源相似。都是在樂團走紅之後,與唱片公司因為錢的事情喬不攏。平日若是心情緊張、 ...
#40沖繩中文潛水專門店Breathe Time - Home | Facebook
沖繩本島的中文潛水專門店。支援廣東話及普通話。 位於沖繩縣最大型潛水設施-宜野灣海洋支援中心內。 主要開辦PADI各類潛水課程、FUN DIVE(持牌潛水)。
#41黏土人換裝系列初音未來Breathe With You裝
為你獻上祝福SEGA feat. HATSUNE MIKU Project 『初音未來-Project DIVA- F 2nd 』中登場的人氣服裝模組「Breathe With You」,於黏土人換裝系列立體化!
#42Bea Miller - I can't breathe 中文歌詞翻譯
又是一首YT推薦我的好歌XD 稍微逛了一下Bea Miller 的頻道後發現原來我以前聽過她的Fire N Gold! Bea Miller - Fire N Gold (Official.
#43英语-汉语breathe翻译 - bab.la在线词典
He started suffering labored breathing, oxygen deprivation, swelling in the lower body, and bouts of unconsciousness. English 如何在句子中使用"breath".
#44breath of the wild 完整報導- Engadget 中文版
breath of the wild articles, stories, news and information.
#45靜坐的初步介紹-呼吸(第一課,中文錄音 ... - AudioDharma
靜坐的初步介紹-呼吸(第一課,中文錄音) (Introduction to Meditation - Breath; Chinese recording Part 1). Gil Fronsdal. By: Gil Fronsdal.
#46龍之吐息中文版Dragon's Breath CNT
龍之吐息中文版Dragon's Breath CNT ... 龍寶寶米拉、費奧、盧娜和迪亞哥在一次探險中發現了一件發光的寶物: 一個大冰柱,裡面冰封了許多發光的寶石。他們希望將這些寶貝帶進 ...
#47breathing翻譯及用法- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
breathing中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:v. 呼吸(breathe的現在分詞)adj. 呼吸的;逼真的n. 呼吸;瞬間;微風。英漢詞典提供【breathing】的詳盡中文翻譯、用法、例句等.
#48"Breathe" 和"Breath" 的分別
“Breathe” 是一個動詞(Verb),它是「呼吸」、「通風」的意思。 (1) Humans can't breathe in water. 人類不能在水中呼吸 ...
#49breathes 中文的測驗範本和範例,YOUTUBE ... - 創業求職面試學習指南
breathes中文 :v. 呼吸( breathe的第三人稱單數); 輕聲說話; 低語; 低聲說…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋breathes的中文翻譯,breathes的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
#50breathe是什么意思? breathe翻译(中文英文) - 抓鸟
breathe 的解释是:呼吸, 发出… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:breathe的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#51Pursed Lip Breathing [video] - American Lung Association
Learn how to use pursed lip breathing to help with shortness of breath from COPD, asthma or other lung diseases with the American Lung ...
#52breathes 中文- 英文词典
在中文里面,我们如何解释breathes这个英文词呢? breathes这个英文词,中文意思如下:吐气。 Meaning of breathes for the defined word.
#53Asthma - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
This can make breathing difficult and trigger coughing, a whistling sound (wheezing) when you breathe out and shortness of breath.
#54Breathes定義; 什麼是breathes? Breathes有1種意思
breathier · breathiest · breathing · breathless · breathlessly · 字典百科中文版 · 英文字典 ...
#55breathes翻译为:呼吸( breath - 听力课堂在线翻译
breathes 的中文意思:呼吸( breath,点击查看详细解释:breathes的中文翻译、breathes的发音、音标、用法和双语例句等,让你有效掌握breathes这个单词。
#56Breathwrk Inc. - LinkedIn
The Breathwrk app, which has over 1,200,000 users worldwide, offers guided breathing exercises backed by science that are shown to alleviate anxiety, promote ...
#57Family selected to live for a year in a restored '1 euro' Sicilian ...
Key Takeaways. Sambuca Mayor Ciaccio speaks of “great joy” to welcome new temporary residents and help “breathe new life into the village”.
#58Breathe | Software That Puts People First
Low cost & intuitive cloud-based HR software ideal for growing businesses: Offering many useful features & simple price options - FULL FREE TRIAL.
#59breathe在線翻譯- 英語 - 海词词典
breathe 的用法和樣例:. 例句. 用作不及物動詞 (vi.) Fish cannot breathe out of water. 魚 ...
#60Symptoms of COVID-19 | CDC
Fever or chills; Cough; Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; Fatigue; Muscle or body aches; Headache; New loss of taste or smell; Sore throat ...
#61COVID-19 Symptoms and Risks Q&A
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. Fatigue (tiredness). Muscle or body aches. Headache. New loss of taste or smell. Sore throat.
#62Advice for the public: Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Wear a mask properly · If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention immediately. · Know the full range of symptoms of COVID-19.
#63flute的用法_是什么意思_怎么读_例句_考研 - Altis 油電
同时,该页为英语学习者提供:flute的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线 ... which the breath is blown + 动词: 4 fluit play (v 1 "fluted bar"中文翻译凹面方 ...
#64Service Canada - Canada.ca
have symptoms of fever, cough or difficulty breathing; have had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days ...
影子計畫/《TAKE A BREATH》 恐龍的皮/《Millions of Tears Apart》. 金曲獎33最佳作曲人:HUSH〈衣櫃歌手〉/相信音樂國際股份有限公司﹙演唱 ...
#66【歌詞翻譯】H.E.R. - I Can't Breathe 中英文歌詞Lyrics - 拉里拉雜
H.E.R. - I Can't Breathe的歌詞翻譯,翻譯儘量忠實呈現,內容有錯漏歡迎留言告知,內嵌影片來自Youtube,如遭移除請見諒。[Intro] Oh, oh, oh Oh, ...
#67breathing 中文意思是什麼
breathing 中文 意思是什麼 ... adj. 形容詞 1. 呼吸的,活的。 2. (畫像等)栩栩如生的。 n. 名詞 1. 呼吸;通氣,供氧。 2. 空氣的微微流動,微風;(香氣的)飄溢。 3.
#68More dengue cases reported in Philippines - Xinhua
In severe cases, dengue can cause joint pain, nausea, vomiting, rashes, breathing problems, hemorrhaging and organ failure.
#69Respiratory Motion and Airflow Estimation during Sleep | NSS
The amplitude of the estimated airflow was then adjusted by the tracheal sound envelope in segments with unstable breathing.
#70Nataša Bekvalac on Instagram: “...go where you breathe free... ”
... Português (Portugal), Русский, Svenska, ภาษาไทย, Filipino, Türkçe, 中文(简体), 中文(台灣), বাংলা, ગુજરાતી, हिन्दी ...
#71COVID-19 Q&A - 厚生労働省
-You have a severe symptoms such as breathing difficulty, intense tiredness (fatigue), or high fever: Symptoms vary from person to person.
#72Not Taking a Breath for Granted: Mikey's Story at FAC Grand ...
Mikey Catapano, 2, bounced and babbled his way around the O'Keeffe Auditorium at Massachusetts General Hospital in suspenders and ...
#73COVID Symptoms — Frequently Asked Questions
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; Muscle or body aches; Sore throat; New loss of taste or smell; Diarrhea; Headache; Fatigue; Nausea ...
#74Eventi 、华蓥代试孕如何找【微信38332747】华蓥 ... - Eventbrite
中文 讲座:家庭财富规划讲座Family Wealth Planning Seminar. sab 9 lug 2022 02:00 PDT + 20 altri ... Beyond Breath - An Introduction to SKY Breath Meditation.
#75New Therapy Enables Asthmatics Breathe Easier, Says Study
हिन्दीfrançais Español 中文. ×. Explore MedIndia. Consult Online Doctor · Take Telemedicine course · Doctors Homepage · NGO Homepage ...
#76The Plum Village Tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Français · Español · 繁體中文 · 日本語 · Nederlands ... Français · Español · 繁體中文 · 日本語 · Nederlands ... Breathing in, I know I am breathing in.
Important Notice About Coronavirus · Do you have symptoms of fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache or difficulty breathing? · Have had unprotected close ...
#78【金曲獎】2022 第33 屆金曲獎完整得獎名單一次看!
勇闖歌壇25年蔡健雅四度封「歌后」:唱中文還要翻字典,曾想過放棄。 ... 影子計劃Shadow Project(張奕翔、黃鈺强、許宏池)/TAKE A BREATH/滾石 ...
#79Hong Kong Diaspora Fights from Abroad - NHK WORLD
Breathing New Life into Family Memorabilia · #Japan. 3m 26s Thursday, June 30, 0:16. Breathing New Life into Family Memorabilia.
#80Netflix 7 月份「影集、電影」片單懶人包:怪奇物語、惡靈古堡
All Rights Reserved.HYPEBEAST® is a registered trademark of Hypebeast Hong Kong Ltd.網站聲明|隱私政策|GDPR|Investment Disclaimer. 繁體中文 ...
#81Dizziness | Your COVID Recovery
weakness and fatigue; headaches; poor sleep; chest pain; feeling sick; shortness of breath. Some people notice that a hot environment, eating, ...
#82Cryptoverse: Ether holds its breath for the lean, mean 'merge'
(Reuters) - Investors in ether and its troubled twin stETH are nervously anticipating a crypto milestone: The merge.
#83Types of face masks | Unite against COVID-19
Ideally face masks should also use 2 different types of fabric that still allow easy breathing but provide filtration and a good fit.
#84WA's hospitality sector still facing COVID staff shortages ... - ABC
Restaurant worker sets table. Restaurant supervisor Asher Kapert says there is no time to stop and breathe, and workers are becoming sick from ...
#85Google 學術搜尋
搜尋所有中文網頁 搜尋繁體中文網頁. 站在巨人的肩膀上. 很抱歉,由於您已停用JavaScript,因此部分功能可能無法運作。 想要獲得最佳服務品質,請在瀏覽器中 ...
#86My Drive - Google Drive: Sign-in
ಕನ್ನಡ. മലയാളം. සිංහල. ไทย. ລາວ. မြန်မာ. ខ្មែរ. 한국어. 中文(香港). 日本語. 简体中文. 繁體中文.
#87使用音樂庫中的音樂和音效- YouTube說明
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It was cold, and he gasped, breathing quickly. The water rushed into his lungs instead of the air that had always accompanied his act of breathing.
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目標語言: 繁體中文. 結果(英文) 1: [復制]. 復制成功! Please enter here the translation. 正在翻譯中.. 結果(英文) 2:[復制]. 復制成功!
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Ashley's small even writing leaped up at her as she read, “My dear wife,” and she breathed in relief. He wasn't calling Melanie “Darling” or “Sweetheart” ...
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She breathed easier. He hadn't heard.Thank God,he still respected hericy request that he never put foot in her bedroom again,for if he saw her now,herface ...
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BREATHING DISTANCE SUMMER 17-191 BREATHING DISTANCE SUMMER 77-192 式馆充:动力占 W :使用形状工具動作更日情( 8435 ( 4 RGB / 8 ) * 0 引- 7 .回。
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Only this blotted out her mind, pressed out her very breathing, his silent, stooping back, the back of his head. A terrible voluptuous thrill ran down her ...