

在 bowl動詞產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Hapa Eikaiwa,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, ================================= 日本人に馴染みのない?「最高の幸せ・喜び」を表す英語 ================================= 「すっごい嬉しい!」や「とっても幸せ!」を英語で言うとき、多くの人は「So happy」や「So glad...

bowl動詞 在 Cindy Sung Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-02-19 11:16:56

今天要來看一下mince這個字,它作動詞時意思是「絞碎、剁碎」,例如mince the chicken 就是「剁碎雞肉」;而作名詞時則是「碎肉」,例如mince pie就是一種英式肉餡餅~ 我們本周在新聞英文裡也有提到這個字,但是是它的特殊用法 ─ not mince (one's) words,...

bowl動詞 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-10 00:34:12

/ February 4, 2019 New England Patriots Win Super Bowl . Summary: Relatively unknown outside the US, the annual American football game Super Bowl is...

  • bowl動詞 在 Hapa Eikaiwa Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-10-07 11:30:27
    有 59 人按讚

    「すっごい嬉しい!」や「とっても幸せ!」を英語で言うとき、多くの人は「So happy」や「So glad」と表現していることでしょう。しかし、ネイティブは他にも色々な表現の仕方をしており、中でも日本ではあまり知られていないと思われるフレーズを2つご紹介します。
    1) (be) on cloud nine
    I finally got over a 900 on the TOEIC! I can't believe it! I'm on cloud nine!
    I'm on cloud nine because I landed my dream job.

    A: This is the best day ever. I'm on cloud nine.

    B: What happened? Tell me about it.
    2) (be) in seventh heaven
    直訳すると「7番目の天国(にいる)」ですが、7つある天国の中でも7番目がもっとも極楽とされていることから、幸せの絶頂の意味として用いられている表現です。上記の「be on cloud nine」と同じニュアンスですが、前置詞が「In」なので気をつけましょう。
    I just found out that I'm getting transferred to LA. That was my first choice. I'm in seventh heaven.
    What? She hit the jackpot on the slots? I bet she's in seventh heaven right now.
    (え?彼女スロットで大当たりを出したの? 今、彼女は有頂天になっているんだろうね。)

    A: This was hands down the best bowl of ramen I've ever had. I'm in seventh heaven.

    B: I'm glad you liked it. This is my favorite ramen spot in Japan.

  • bowl動詞 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-31 18:00:31
    有 13 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事
    #redskin #football

    🏈 The Washington Redskins

    1. NFL「美式足球聯盟」:National Football League,是世界最大的職業美式足球聯盟,Super Bowl「超級盃」則是NFL的年度冠軍賽,一般在每年1月最後一個或2月第一個禮拜天舉行,當天也稱為Super Bowl Sunday,觀看超級盃足球賽可以說是全美運動。
    2. criticism「批評」:當名詞,動詞為criticize
    3. activist「社運人士」
    4. settler「殖民者,開拓者」
    5. negative「負面的」
    6. stereotype「刻板印象」
    7. offensive「冒犯的,歧視的」
    8. poll「民意調查」
    9. call on「呼籲,訴求」
    10. merchandise「商品」


    If you’re a fan of American football, you’re sure to be familiar with the Washington Redskins. Since joining the NFL in the early 1930s, the Redskins have won two NFL Championships and three Super Bowls. Only five teams have appeared in more Super Bowls than the Redskins—the New England Patriots, Dallas Cowboys, Pittsburgh Steelers, Denver Broncos and San Francisco 49ers.

    In recent years, however, the Redskins have come under increasing criticism. Although the Redskins’ last Super Bowl appearance was in 1992, this criticism isn’t about their performance on the field, but rather their name.

    Where does the term “redskin” come from? In the 18th century, French settlers in the Mississippi River Valley translated a word used by local Indians to refer to themselves into peau rouge. This was later translated into English as redskin, a term that was used for many years with no negative meaning, even by Indians themselves. But during the civil rights movement of the 1960s, American Indian activists began to feel that words like redskin promoted negative stereotypes about Native Americans.
    「紅皮膚redskin」這個詞是怎麼來的?十八世紀移居到密西西比河流域的法國人,將當地印地安人用來自稱的字翻成peau rouge,這個法文詞後來翻成英文redskin「紅皮膚」,當時這個字並沒有任何負面含意,也這樣相安無事用了許多年,連印地安人自己也在用。不過,到一九六〇年代人權運動時期,美國印第安社運人士開始覺得,這個字會引起大家對美國原住民的負面刻板印象。

    Today, most dictionaries define redskin as an offensive term, but it’s not that simple. A number of polls have shown that the majority of football fans, the general public, and even American Indians, don’t find the word redskin offensive. And Redskins owner Dan Snyder has said the name was chosen back in 1933 to honor Native Americans, including the head coach—who was part Sioux—and four of the team’s players.

    But following the police killing of George Floyd, a group of investors wrote letters to Redskins sponsors like FedEx, Nike and PepsiCo urging them to put pressure on the team to change its name. On July 2, FedEx publically called on the team to change its name, and Nike removed all Redskins merchandise from its website. The next day, the team announced that it would be reviewing its name, and on July 13 made an official statement that they would retire the Redskins name and logo.
    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • bowl動詞 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-03-13 19:00:32
    有 24 人按讚

    #EZTALK #你不知道的美國大小事

    美國生活用語:cheese起司與 cream 鮮奶油

    1⃣ big cheese
    2⃣ cut the cheese
    3⃣ say cheese
    4⃣ have more holes than Swiss cheese
    5⃣ cream of the crop
    6⃣ the cream always rises to the top

    Last time we talked about milk and butter, but what about other dairy products? Are there idioms related to things like cheese and cream? Of course!

    Cheese is an important source of protein, 1⃣ and the “big cheese” is an important person, i.e. the boss. Ex: If you want a raise, you have to talk to the big cheese. Some cheeses, like Limburger and Camembert, have strong, unpleasant smells. 2⃣ So can you guess what “cut the cheese” means? If you guessed “to fart,” you’re right! Ex: All right—who cut the cheese?
    起司是很重要的蛋白質來源,而big cheese可以指「大人物」,也就是老闆。如:If you want a raise, you have to talk to the big cheese.(如果你想加薪,就要跟老大談。)有些如林堡起司或康門貝爾起司,具有強烈的臭味,所以你大概就能猜到cut the cheese的意思了吧?如果你猜的是「放屁」,恭喜你猜對了!All right—who cut the cheese? (好吧──這屁誰放的?)

    3⃣ Have you ever noticed that your mouth curves upward when you say “cheese”? This is why photographers tell people to “say cheese” before they take their photo. Ex: OK, everybody, say cheese! And you’ve probably noticed how Swiss cheese is full of holes. 4⃣ But what does the phrase “have more holes than Swiss cheese” mean? It means something has lots of problems, or lacks many things. Ex: The plot of that movie has more holes than Swiss cheese.
    你有注意過當你說cheese的時候嘴角會上揚嗎?這是為什麼拍照時攝影者都會要你say cheese。如:OK, everybody, say cheese!(好,各位說cheese!)你或許也發現了,瑞士起司總是一堆洞,所以片語have more holes than Swiss cheese(比瑞士起司還更多洞)到底是什麼意思?它指「有很多問題或缺陷」。如:The plot of that movie has more holes than Swiss cheese.(這部電影的劇情缺陷比瑞士起司上的洞還多。)

    And how about cream? Cream is the richest part of milk, and it rises to the top. So when you say something is the 5⃣ “cream of the crop,” it means it’s the very best of a group of people or things. Ex: The professors at Harvard are the cream of the crop. 6⃣ We also say, “the cream always rises to the top,” which means that the most competent person wins or succeeds in the end. Ex: I’m sure our team will win the Super Bowl, because the cream always rises to the top.
    那鮮奶油呢?鮮奶油是牛奶中最為濃郁的部份,浮在上方,所以當你說某東西是cream of the crop,就是指該事物是「群體中最精華的部份」或「菁英」,如:The professors at Harvard are the cream of the crop.(哈佛教授都是菁英。)我們也會講the cream always rises to the top,指「有能力的人最終會獲得勝利」。如:I’m sure our team will win the Super Bowl, because the cream always rises to the top.(我相信我們球隊最後會贏得超級杯,因為我們是菁英中的菁英。)

    1. raise「加薪」:當名詞時指「加薪」。當動詞有許多意思,如「養育(孩子或動物),種植」:The kid was raised by her grandparents. ;「募款」:raise funds;「增加、提高」:raise taxes、raise my voice、raise your hand。
    2. rise「上升,升起;上漲」:當動詞,為不及物動詞。

    🔔 按下「搶先看」,每週五【美國大小事】,由 Judd 編審分享最即時美國新鮮事!想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

