[爆卦]bottom up知覺是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇bottom up知覺鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在bottom up知覺這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者AnnBlack (松魂阿黑)看板NCCUPSYstudy標題Re: [考題] 知覺心理學/10...




1) The physiological level of analysis involves the relationship between

a) stimulus-and-physiology
b) physiology-and-perception
c) stimulus-and-perception
d) both stimulus-and-physiology and physiology-and-perception

2) Nelia is riding in a car and notices that stationary objects closer to her
move faster than stationary objects that are further. Nelia is using which
method of measuring perception?

a) detection
b) search
c) phenomenological method
d) magnitude estimation

3) White’s illusion is an example of a perceptual effect that can be
explained by the principle of

a) belongingness
b) lateral inhibition
c) spatial summation
d) convergence

4) An area in the ______ called the ______ is specialized to recognize faces

a) temporal lobe; FFA
b) occipital lobe; RBC
c) parietal lobe; FFA
d) parietal lobe; area 4H

5) Border ownership means that when figure-ground segregation occurs, the
border between the figure and back ground

a) seems to change color
b) is perceived to be associated with the background
c) is perceived to be associated with the figure
d) seems to disappear

6) The theory of unconscious inference

a) was developed by Treisman in the 1990’
b) is closely related to the “likelihood principle”
c) describes the use of algorithms in perception
d) is incompatible with Gestalt psychology

7) People tend to fixated on high contrast and brightly colored objects in a
visual scene.
This is called _____ and is a _____ process.

a) stimulus salience; top-down
b) stimulus salience; bottom-up
c) the spotlight effect; top-down
d) the spotlight effect; bi-directional

8) Posner’s precueing studies demonstrated that attention

a) increases the color perception of objects
b) decreases the color perception of objects
c) eliminates change blindness
d) increases the efficiency of information processing


1-5 D C A A C

6-8 B B D

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◆ From:
AnnBlack:如果還有沒放上來的請大家幫個忙(鞠躬 11/17 12:41
※ 編輯: AnnBlack 來自: (11/17 12:41)
PTTjoker:太強了~不推不行! 11/17 18:49

