在 booklet意思產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4,466的網紅嗶凹防彈代購,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 💜【商品預購】💜 #BTS_MEMORIES_OF_2019 🍀小提醒: 1. 開放填寫表單:7/22(三)晚上6點 代購金額會在6點前更新在本篇貼文中 2. 因DVD和藍光發行時間相隔一個月 若有合併需要,請選擇事先付款 無法貨到付款唷!不好意思>< 3.根據18年回憶錄的經...
booklet意思 在 彭秀慧 Kearen Pang Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-04-21 12:20:27
今天終於在National Theatre 看了Robert Lepage在1994年首演的 “The Seven Streams of the River Ota”,今晚也是這次在倫敦演出的首演。 七個小時的演出,講述1945年廣島原子彈爆炸後,一個日本女人,一個美軍,一張相片出發橫跨五十年的故...
booklet意思 在 Ashton Chung 郑源隆 Instagram 的最讚貼文
2020-05-03 21:47:21
临出门前突然很想录一首偶像 @wangleehom 的歌再去看演唱会,所以就从门口跑回房里唱,有点喘不好意思。记载一下这一个moment。📸 7岁开始听王力宏的歌到现在,永远的偶像。外界开始浮现越来越多对他的作品的种种意见,但我心中的王力宏永远是那位认真做音乐,朴实的superstar,写歌很rea...
booklet意思 在 月巴氏~ Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-05-13 02:13:13
浪漫月巴睇90s(29) 為何沒意思我偏偏說起? 某年初秋晚上,我擘大喉嚨在新亞書院圓形廣場向住梁詠琪大嗌—— 1.「Gigi我好鍾意你吖!!!!!」(真係好大聲,所以激情地動用五個感歎號) 2.這應該是我自從小三嗰年參加校際朗誦比賽後嗌得最Q大聲的一次。分別是,參加朗誦,是搣時order,冇得sa...
booklet意思 在 嗶凹防彈代購 Facebook 的最讚貼文
1. 開放填寫表單:7/22(三)晚上6點
2. 因DVD和藍光發行時間相隔一個月
【DVD】➡️ https://forms.gle/LWNmJCL6JNbjHtxS6
【藍光】➡️ https://forms.gle/nteDJFmC4xX2vRAd6
但一切還是要Weverse Shop準時出貨才行~
屆時將不會回應詢問出貨進度之訊息,抱歉 🙏
⚠️外觀狀況較好的會優先給填單順序靠前的買家 🙏
1. 事前轉帳或無摺/7-11 或 全家
2. 貨到付款/7-11 或 全家
1份 2120元
2份 4180元
3份 6240元
4份 8300元
1份 2660元
2份 5260元
3份 7860元
4份 10460元
💐 Ring Binder Cover & Photobook
224*272*47mm / 214P
💐 6 Discs
💐 Paper Frame & Postcard
170*120mm / 雙面設計 / 隨機1款
💐 Photo Index
💐 2019 今日的防彈 Book
137^182mm / 48P
💐 Folding Mini Booklet
100*150mm / 1張
💐 Photo Card
54*86mm / 隨機1款
💐 Photo Frame(預購禮)
💐 Out Box
💐 6 Discs
💐 4x6 Photo Set
152*102mm / 7張1組
💐 Paper Photocard Frame
💐 Photocard
54*86mm / 隨機1款
💐 Jigsaw Puzzle(預購禮)
⚠️外觀狀況較好的會優先給填單順序靠前的買家 🙏
booklet意思 在 Campus TV, HKUSU 香港大學學生會校園電視 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【專題訪問 Interview Feature】2019年度香港大學學生會周年大選中央幹事會候選内閣蒼傲訪問(外務篇) | Interview with Prism, the Proposed Cabinet of Executive Committee, The Hong Kong University Students’ Union of Annual Election 2019 (External Affairs)
(Please scroll down for English version.)
1. 你們的政治光譜/政治立場是甚麼?
2. 你們是否支持香港獨立?
3. 你們覺得香港獨立是否合法?
4. 你們是否同意香港政府取締香港民族黨?
5. 你們是否同意香港政府DQ議員?
6. 你們是否支持人大釋法?
7. 你們是否同意一國兩制?
8. 你們是否支持國歌法和23條立法?
9. 你們對違法達義有何看法?
10. 你們對初一事件有何看法?
11. 你們是否同意政府以暴動罪控告參與者?
Campus TV has interviewed with Prism, the Proposed Cabinet of Executive Committee, The Hong Kong University Students’ Union, Session 2019, with regards to their treatment of external affairs. Prism has expressed their stance and opinions on various external issues, which include: their not opposing the Hong Kong government’s banning of the Hong Kong National Party, believing in the government’s legitimacy for the disqualification of legislators, believing in the involvement of gangs in the Mong Kok Incident of 2016, and expressing their confidence in the current legal system.
The interview excerpts are as follows:
1. Where do you stand on the political spectrum? / How would you define your political stance?
We believe the current word items are unable to express our Cabinet’s political stance. For example, if you consider the term localism or Hong Kong independence, these groups have not a clear boundary or universal definition given by the society. Whether it be the political spectrum or political stance, us who are Hong Kong-ers or who have been educated in Hong Kong, have a tendency to think from the standpoint of Hong Kong. If we consider the benefits from the standpoint of Hong Kong, we also need to consider the timeline. This (the timeline) means, that we should consider if these benefits are of short term or long term. Therefore, when considering Hong Kong’s benefits, we should also consider the policies and bills of neighbouring countries. Therefore, if we had to define our political stance in terms, it would be “international perspective that comes from a local standpoint”. The former is a consideration to the benefits, the latter is a consideration to the execution.
2. Do you support Hong Kong independence?
Firstly, we think this matter could be discussed freely, especially within the premises of the University. In terms of agreeing with Hong Kong independence, we think that Hong Kong independence is currently not the best option to be executed in Hong Kong, because there are still many other options to consider and discuss about. In addition, I think that Hong Kong’s internal affairs are very severe, like the external affairs that are mentioned in our campaign booklet, for example, students’ suicides, rising property prices, the severely outdated innovation and technology. These are problems that our internal department has to confront and resolve, therefore we put these internal affairs as our priority.
3. Do you think that Hong Kong independence is legal?
We believe any discussion that is in compliance with the law is acceptable. Therefore, we think that under the current, comprehensive legal system, with no breaching of the law, a person or group should be allowed to speak their thoughts on different issues.
4. Do you agree with Hong Kong government’s banning of the Hong Kong National Party?
Firstly, we believe that Hong Kong’s rule of law is still quite comprehensive. Therefore, we do not have much hesitation nor opposition for a judgment that is based on what we consider to be an intact judicial system of Hong Kong. In terms of the banning of the Hong Kong National Party, the society has different voices, but we believe we ought to obey the judgment that comes from what the majority of Hong Kong considers to be a comprehensive legal system.
5. Do you agree with Hong Kong government’s disqualification of legislators?
Actually, we have since the very beginning believed in Hong Kong’s rule of law as quite a frontrunner in the world; this has been backed by some survey organisations within the community too, so we believe that this rule of law can bring out a fair trial. Therefore, in regards to the disqualification of some legislators, we willingly believe that the entirety of the judgment process has been fair, with sufficient arguments to back up the government’s verdict. We do not express any special opinions towards this incident.
6. Do you support the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress’ Interpretation of the Basic Law (SCNPC's Interpretation of BL, or Interpretation of the Basic Law by the SCNPC)?
For the enactment of every legislation, it starts from a small portion of elites that begin to build its (the legislation’s) framework, it then continues to be improved as society grows. For this reason, the law is not a printed book, it allows us to continually amend, better, and complete items that are left neglected or faulted by predecessors. This applies for the SCNPC's Interpretation of BL, I believe the most important thing is, we hope to gain more Hong Kong-ers’ support under these fine-tunings (by the SCNPC's Interpretation of BL), we think this is what counts as a successful re-interpretation of the law.
7. Do you agree with the constitutional principle of “one country, two systems”?
We support all the terms that were signed in the Handover of Hong Kong, and this definitely includes the principle of “one country, two systems”.
8. Do you support the National Anthem Bill and the enactment of Article 23?
Due to the many controversies on this matter, we do not wish to comment on any legislation that has yet to be implemented or stipulated in explicit terms. This would be a prejudice on the said bill(s). These bills still have a lot of room for negotiation, so we believe the government should consider different voices, so as to introduce a legislation that is accepted by the majority of Hong Kong-ers.
9. What are your views on the idea of achieving justice by violating the law?
Hong Kong is a city with a comprehensive legal system; anyone has the right to express their own appeal or action. We advocate that everyone has the freedom to decide for their own deeds and express their own thoughts, but everyone should also be responsible to bear the consequences of their actions. Needless to say, we definitely believe that our legal system is perfect and fair.
10. What are your views on the Mong Kok Incident in 2016?
With regards to the Mong Kok unrest, many media sources have reported about the involvement of many illegal parties, and even that of gangs or triads. So, are the demonstrators in the Mong Kok unrest really with pure intentions to speak up, for the sake of expressing themselves as Hong Kong citizens?
11. Do you agree with the government’s decision to charge participants (of the Mong Kok Incident in 2016) with the offence of rioting?
With regards to the arrest of those participants, we hope that the Hong Kong government has had solid evidence to support (their arrest), and that the trial process has been fair. I hope they receive a fair trial.
Other candidates for the Annual Election 2019 include the Proposed General Secretary Mak Ka Chun Eugene, the Proposed Cabinet of Campus TV, the Proposed Editorial Board of Undergrad, and the Proposed Popularly Elected Union Councillor.
The Central Campaign for Annual Election 2019 will be held from the 21st to 25th of January at the Sun Yat-sen Place, from 12:30 to 14:30.
booklet意思 在 不然你來當小寶 Facebook 的最讚貼文
參加了由 語言共事 Batonic Projects 於 了了空間 liáu liáu Art Space 所辦的第三屆《意象萎縮》「獨立出版聯合展覽」,以為只能報名一項作品,因此推出了印了500本還有一堆庫存的"夢裡相見"做展覽,現場還有超過40位國內外創作者的作品,名單相當豪華,人在南部有事無法北上的我捶心肝推薦!!
另在3/24(六)、3/25(日)會有"促進貨品銷路"的活動,意思是可以面對面跟創作者買到作品,而我的少量作品會委託好友 嚷嚷 賴舒勤在3/25(日)販售喔!!!
地點丨了了空間 1F
- 促進貨品銷路 -
地點丨了了空間 2F
第三屆《意象萎縮》「獨立出版聯合展覽」將在3\\17(六)~3\\25(日),每天下午三時至晚間八時半於 了了空間 liáu liáu Art Space 一樓舉行。此次聯展特別邀請本地與海外,超過40個印刷品相關出版者共同參與。
The 3rd Edition of Spectacular Atrophy features an Independent Publishing Exhibition with printed matter projects by over 40 artists and DIY publishers from Taipei, Taichung, Naha, Tokyo, Tainan, Hong Kong, Auckland, Beijing, and Athens.
第三回《意象萎縮》「独立系出版展覧会」—— 今回は海外からも40あまりのzineを取り寄せている。日時:3\\17(土)~3\\25(日)午後 15時~夜20時半
Newester \ #Zineforest (薄簿仔 A Thin Booklet) \ 然仙 Bryan & 國強 Ralph \ #三生 #SANSEI \ Ë The Author(小一) \ 盧悅 LU Yueh \ Pam Pam LIU \ Mariana Bisti \ Hole in the Wall Collective \ 荒謬 RidiCulous \ 破土 New Bloom \ 劉思妤 LIU Szuyu \ #毒草 Toxic Weeds \ #否国民 Hikokumin \ 鍾弦 ZHONG Xian \ 朱詠安 Amos CHU \ 散落 Les Morceaux \ 賴舒勤 LAI Shu Qin (嚷嚷) \ 郭以寬 KUO I-Kuan (解結好生) \ Dr. Riles Jay Bilgo \ 白木耳 White Fungus \ 石田祐規 Yuki Ishida \ 夢境放送 KUO Ting Yu \ 邱元男 CHIU Yuan Nan \ 何宇倫 Alan Ho Yu Lun \ 楊雨樵 Somanana RAIN \ TheVolcano 火山販賣舖 \ 黃煌智 (Von Vonchi) & 楊蕓瑄 Yunxuan Yang \ Solomon Mortimer & Zahra Killeen-Chance \ 陳家頡 CHEN Chia Chieh (Angus柒Photography) \ 手塚太加丸 Takamaru Tetsuka \ 森ジャム映画館 Morijam Theater \ 岡田真太郎 Shintaro Okada & 齋藤恵汰 Keita Saito & 川口正貴 Masaki KAWAGUCHI \ 宇宙通訊 Space Communications \ #ITWST (I Think We're Still Thinking) \ 鑽石水溝蓋 Diamond Drain Cover編輯部 \ 過去 x 未來 多提無用 No Future x No Past \ 臥龍二九。 磚刊團隊 Brick Publishing Group \ 気流舎 Quiriusha & #ハーポプロダクション Harpo Productions \ 不然你來當小寶 nobody can become Siao Bow \ 年刊ナハウス製作委員会 Nahause Yearbook Partnership