為什麼這篇blue英文歌詞鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在blue英文歌詞這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者shluoyi (ly)看板Jay標題青花瓷--英文歌詞"Blue and White ...
青花瓷--英文歌詞"Blue and White Porcelain"
Words by Vincent Fang
Music by Jay Chou
Sung by Jay Chou
Translated by CCTV9
素胚勾勒出青花筆鋒濃轉淡 Blue strokes tailing off
瓶身描繪的牡丹一如你初妝 Peony lying against the vase, like only you.
冉冉檀香透過窗心事我了然 Fragrance of sandalwood seep through window, recall
ing a story untold.
宣紙上走筆至此擱一半 Idle is the brush on the paper, the painting is only ha
釉色渲染仕女圖韻味被私藏 The portrait of the maiden is glazed, and its charm
而你嫣然的一笑如含苞待放 Your shining smile is like a bud in bloom.
你的美一縷飄散去到我去不了的地方 All is gone on the wind to a place I cannot
天青色等煙雨而我在等你 Waiting for you, like the most beautiful porcelain co
lour expecting rain.
炊煙裊裊升起隔江千万里 Smoke dances towards the sky, across the distant rive
在瓶底書漢隸仿前朝的飄逸 The calligraphy records a Han style.
就當我為遇見你伏筆 With a hint of a classic smile, let it serve to foreshado
w an encounter still unknown.
天青色等煙雨而我在等你 Waiting for you, like the most beautiful porcelain co
lour expecting rain.
月色被打撈起暈開了結局 Moon in the water disturbed by a ripple, suggest a po
ssible ending.
如傳世的青花瓷自顧自美麗你眼帶笑意 Your eyes glitter with a smile, like the
narcissist porcelain of ages past.
色白花青的錦鯉躍然於碗底 Blue carp stands out vividly against the white
臨摹宋体落款時卻惦記著你 Of you the Song-style signature is a reminder.
你隱藏在窯燒里千年的秘密 The secret sealed for generation in the kiln,
极細膩猶如繡花針落地 is more delicate than a fallen needle.
帘外芭蕉惹驟雨門環惹銅綠 Mischievous plantain invites a shower and the cunni
ng patina creeps over the knocker
而我路過那江南小鎮惹了你 Dropping in on the town by the river, I catch sight
of innocent you.
在潑墨山水畫里你從墨色深處被隱去 You are fading now, in the heavy ink of a l
andscape painting.
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