

在 blocks太空人產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過2萬的網紅余海峯 David . 物理喵 phycat,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#天文資訊】哺乳動物免疫系統對假想太空細菌的反應 人類一直努力不懈地尋找外星生命,科學家相信太陽系中可能有不止一個天體存在孕育生命不可或缺的液態水,加上在太空隕石中也不時能找到組成生命基本結構單元之一的胺基酸,外星微生物的存在看來也是有可能的。在將來,假如有太空人前往其他天體,甚至採集岩石樣...

  • blocks太空人 在 余海峯 David . 物理喵 phycat Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-09-07 13:18:39
    有 39 人按讚




    【#Astronomyinfo】The Response of Mammalian Immune System to the Imaginary Space Germ

    Humans have been working tirelessly to search for extraterrestrial life. Scientists believe liquid water may exist in more than one celestial body in the solar system. They also found amino acids, one of the basic building blocks of life, in meteorites from time to time. The existence of extraterrestrial microorganisms seems possible. In the future, if an astronaut travel to other celestial bodies, and even bring the collected rocks back to Earth, then it is possible to make contact with the extraterrestrial microorganisms composed of special amino acids. If these microorganisms are ingressive, can the human immune system respond effectively against them?

    Scientists used mice as a test subject to examine the responses of mammalian immune systems to the peptides composed of two amino acids commonly found on meteorites. It was found that when mouse T cells, which are crucial to the immune responses, were exposed to the peptides, the activation level was only 15% and 61%, which was less efficient compared with their responses to peptides composed of common amino acids on Earth. This means that when humans come into contact with extraterrestrial microorganisms, the immune system may not be able to respond effectively, increasing the potential risks of space exploration missions.

    圖片鳴謝Photo credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech

    更多資料More information: http://www.exeter.ac.uk/news/homepage/title_807010_en.html

  • blocks太空人 在 愛小宜的甜蜜小窩 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-10 10:20:41
    有 25 人按讚


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