

在 blocking中文產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過0的網紅,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [關於反芻動物全身麻醉的風險,反芻動物中,全身麻醉的弊大於利。] 有興趣的朋友可以多了解一下喔! (中文翻譯的部分為Google翻譯的,能夠閱讀英文的朋友建議看原文會比較清楚喔) 還有很多很多相關的學術發表,就不貼那麼多出來啦! Cooper結紮的日期是4月26日,他現在很健康很調皮。 (德叔...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅Lukas Engström,也在其Youtube影片中提到,NordVPN: 🔥Black Friday deal: 68% off 2 year plans plus 4 months for free! 👉 https://nordvpn.com/lukas 👉Code: lukas Do you want to see MORE videos ...

blocking中文 在 Beauty Review | Bullet Journal Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 08:49:22

2019回顧&2020展望 . 話咁快又一年,返工之後好容易變得營營役役,無動力增值同進步,所以每年都會訂立小小嘅目標提醒自己要把握時間,努力生活。小小心得係訂立目標一定要specific啲,最好係可以量化嘅,例如set一個明確嘅次數/金額/磅數咁,如果唔係好難審視自己嘅進度~ . 下面係其中一啲2...

  • blocking中文 在 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-06-06 20:59:06
    有 811 人按讚

    [關於反芻動物全身麻醉的風險,反芻動物中,全身麻醉的弊大於利。] 有興趣的朋友可以多了解一下喔! (中文翻譯的部分為Google翻譯的,能夠閱讀英文的朋友建議看原文會比較清楚喔)




    General anaesthesia is an essential component of modern medicine. It is a drug induced reversible condition that includes specific behavioral and physiological traits unconsciousness, amnesia, analgesia, and akinesia- with concomitant stability of the autonomic, cardiovascular, respiratory, and thermoregulatory systems.
    [General anesthesia in ruminants has inherent risks such as regurgitation of ruminal contents, excessive salivation and the possibility of pulmonary aspiration; therefore it is not always recommended and local or regional techniques may be used instead. Epidural anaesthesia is a central neuraxial block technique which is used regularly in veterinary practice for treatment of different obstetrical and surgical interferences in the perineal, sacral, lumbar, and caudal parts of the thoracic region of domestic animals. There have been several scientific researches on the use of epidural anesthesia in ruminants and other species for various surgical and laboratory procedures. In conclusion, the disadvantages of general anaesthesia outweigh the advantages especially in ruminant specie. Therefore, epidural anaesthesia is the most preferred.

    Ruminal tympany, bloat, regurgitation, and aspiration pneumonia are common problems associated with general anesthesia in farm animal species that should be anticipated and addressed with proper precautions and the necessary preanesthetic considerations. Regurgitation and aspiration of stomach content can occur in farm animal species during anesthesia, especially in nonfasted animals. Ruminants normally salivate profusely during anesthesia. The triggering agents of malignant hyperthermia include stress (e.g., excitement, transportation, or preanesthetic handling), halogenated inhalation anesthetics (e.g., halothane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, and desflurane), and depolarizing neuro-muscular blocking drugs (e.g., succinylcholine). Similarly, halothane appears to be the most potent and most frequently reported trigger of malignant hyperthermia in pigs. Preanesthetic fasting may not completely prevent regurgitation, but it will decrease the amount of solid matter in the rumen content. Veterinarians should incorporate the knowledge with proper preanesthetic preparations and appropriate perioperative management to ensure successful outcome of anesthesia in these animals.

  • blocking中文 在 文茜的世界周報 Sisy's World News Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-05-31 09:59:52
    有 1,800 人按讚



    明尼蘇達即將進入第五個騷動的夜晚。市長表示此抗議的激烈方式,已經超越了白人警察執法過當的合法界線。George Floyd death: Minnesota governor decries violent protests https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-52863506

    * Thousands of demonstrators protesting the death of George Floyd took to the streets of New York City for a third day on Saturday, blocking traffic, setting fire to police vehicles and scuffling with officers at simultaneous marches that raged through all five boroughs and briefly stopped outside of Trump Tower in Midtown Manhattan.

    * In a third day of demonstrations, protesters also blocked the West Side Highway and scuffled with the police in Brooklyn.

    * Standoffs intensified across the country on Saturday. In Minneapolis, officials were anticipating a fifth night of unrest.

    * As protests escalated, mayors ordered people off the streets in some of America’s largest cities, including Los Angeles, Chicago, Atlanta, Miami and Philadelphia.



  • blocking中文 在 賭Sir(杜氏數學) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2019-11-27 15:49:52
    有 60 人按讚

    【💰$100 = 7個願望🎈!?】

    近排,社會紛亂,我個腦都紛亂,好多idea想實踐,幫吓受影響嘅大眾。又咁啱,知道咗 #傳真社 唔夠經費,要縮減人手。於是,我把心一橫,不如將所有idea組合埋一齊,溝埋做瀨尿牛丸—— #2019數學福袋 ——$100滿足你7個願望❤️:

    1️⃣我同Ken寫嘅《5**數學男人嫁得過》——由於有唔少學生都話想買嚟 #studyleave 影相,但又唔想幫襯主流書店(你懂的)所以我同出版商反映之後,都同意拎啲返嚟自己賣。

    2️⃣#DSE 通識科技巧之輪大海報 + 45分鐘課程影片——由 #通識 online補習始祖 #HenrySir 提供。

    3️⃣中文作文嘅5集videos試睇——由小說家 #常威 提供。常威只係佢嘅其中一個筆名,佢除咗寫小說,仲寫過好多劇本,包括漫畫嘅劇本,所以我 #好肯定 任何一位香港人都必定睇過佢嘅作品。

    4️⃣RFID Blocking #防盜卡套 2個,將 #八達通、#信用卡 放入去,就可以防止被不法之徒,用高科技儀器,隔空偷咗你嘅錢同資料。

    5️⃣HKSMA歷屆 #數學 比賽試題集嘅95折優惠券。

    6️⃣🔥機率100題 + 詳細答案 + 100條語音教學,由賭Sir喺年頭嘅時候精心製作,原意係計嚟畀 #零數學知識嘅賭徒,由擲公字機率5050,學到DSE最複雜嘅 #排列組合,依家決定伴隨福袋,畀有心人先睹為快。過咗今次之後,未決定會唔會再發售,所以今次好可能係唯一機會。🔥

    7️⃣作者版稅【全數每本8蚊】會捐畀非牟利嘅新聞機構「傳真社(#FactWire)」,香港人最中意Fact Check,要撐啦!


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