在 blocked意思產品中有16篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,330的網紅賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, #你沒時間讀英文 #沒空看新聞嗎 #趁週末補血一下��你這週忙嗎?認真過生活的你,辛苦了~讀這篇貼文,讓你快速補血,掌握新聞又學新單字!不想錯過這些輕鬆補血的機會嗎?可以到 @bingobilingual_bb 主頁打開貼文通知喔!��【coping mechanism 心理機制】�🎈Novel l...
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅Coolgang,也在其Youtube影片中提到,🎊聖嬰節是菲律賓宿霧的年度盛事,為期一週🎊 在每年一月的第三個星期舉行,有許多活動(舞蹈、藝術展覽、選美比賽、煙火等)重頭戲是在最後一天市區會封街舉辦花車遊行,全部街上的朝聖者也會一起跳舞,Sinulog的舞步是前進兩步再退後一步的節奏,你也會同時看見許多造型獨特的花車表演。當地人也會帶著家中的小耶...
blocked意思 在 賓狗 Instagram 的最佳貼文
2020-07-09 17:06:47
#你沒時間讀英文 #沒空看新聞嗎 #趁週末補血一下 你這週忙嗎?認真過生活的你,辛苦了~讀這篇貼文,讓你快速補血,掌握新聞又學新單字!不想錯過這些輕鬆補血的機會嗎?可以到 @bingobilingual_bb 主頁打開貼文通知喔! 【coping mechanism 心理機制】 🎈Nove...
blocked意思 在 聖傑 藍 Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-05-03 20:49:35
People were rushing to office, while I was pushing a baby stroller hurriedly. In the rush hour, we often ran over someone's foot with the stroller, or...
blocked意思 在 Kenneth’s Team ✎ Instagram 的精選貼文
2020-05-10 17:07:09
/ January 2, 2018 Illegally Parked Benz Angers Crowd . Summary: A Mercedes-Benz vehicle outside Edinburgh Place in Central rose to fame overnight as a...
blocked意思 在 Coolgang Youtube 的最佳解答
2019-02-13 21:09:32🎊聖嬰節是菲律賓宿霧的年度盛事,為期一週🎊
我發現年輕人的慶祝活動更好玩,會聚集在另一條街上,將五彩繽紛的顏料互相塗抹在彼此臉上,也會對觀光客進行熱烈歡迎的見面禮,口中大喊著“Pit Senyor”就是代表著“聖嬰萬歲”的意思👼
Sinulog Festival is an annual event in Cebu, Philippines, for a week
In the third week of January each year, there are many events (dance, art exhibitions, beauty contests, fireworks, etc.). The highlight is that on the last day, the city will hold a parade on the street, and all the pilgrims on the street will dance together. Sinulog's dance steps are a step forward in two steps, and you will also see many unique float shows. The locals will also take to the streets with the little Jesus in their homes. It is actually a religious ritual of Taiwan's Mazu. Two days after the parade, the entire cell phone signal network will be blocked in Cebu City to prevent terrorist attacks.
I found that the celebrations of young people are more fun. They will gather on another street, smearing colorful paints on each other's faces, and will also give a warm welcome to the tourists. The mouth yells "Pit Senyor" as the representative. The meaning of "Long live the Holy Baby"
This is the way Filipinos celebrate the Sinulog Festival. Friends who plan to travel next year will remember to make a reservation first. It is actually a restaurant in the Fuente Osmena Circle, which allows you to easily watch the parade in the room.
Check out 🤘
酷奇王 FB https://goo.gl/vYfSEk
酷奇王 IG @afropopcorn
blocked意思 在 賓狗單字 Bingo Bilingual Facebook 的最佳解答
#你沒時間讀英文 #沒空看新聞嗎 #趁週末補血一下��你這週忙嗎?認真過生活的你,辛苦了~讀這篇貼文,讓你快速補血,掌握新聞又學新單字!不想錯過這些輕鬆補血的機會嗎?可以到 @bingobilingual_bb 主頁打開貼文通知喔!��【coping mechanism 心理機制】�🎈Novel language can serve as a coping mechanism.��我們有一種心理機制,很妙。在遇到危機的時候,我們會創造新的詞,讓自己變勇敢一點。
像是有人不乖乖隔離,我們就說他是「防疫豬隊友」;有人不聽陳時中部長的話,我們批評他不該「逆時中」。這些新詞都能幫助我們稍微放鬆一點。很有趣的心理機制吧!心理機制是 coping mechanism。
【caremonger 關懷互助的人】�🎈Caremongers India has helped connect volunteers with the people who most need their help.
�印度有個臉書社群,叫做 Caremongers India,意思是「關懷互助的印度人」。這個社群非常大愛,封城會帶來很多問題,比如說老人家很難取得食物跟藥品,而這個臉書社群就彼此互助、解決問題。
這些關懷互助的人,就是 caremonger,而這種散播關懷、散播愛的善良舉動,就是 caremongering。��【impunity 犯罪但完全不受懲罰】�🎈There has been near impunity for such violations.
或許還會有人說,壞人就該殺啊!但其實很多人可能是無辜被殺:在這個掃毒政策下,已經有 73 個小孩喪命,最年輕的死者,才 5 個月大。5 個月大的孩子,難不成會販毒嗎?太荒謬!
這些警察濫殺無辜,他們犯了罪,但是幾乎不會受到懲罰,這樣的狀況,就是 impunity。��【vigil 守夜】�🎈Hong Kong has blocked the annual vigil for victims of the Tiananmen Square massacre.
�每年 6 月 4 日,香港人會舉辦守夜活動,哀悼天安門事件的受害者。他們會在夜晚舉蠟燭,聚集在一塊。��今年,香港政府說,不准辦。香港的自由果然開始限縮了。天安門事件是個抗議活動,當時中國人向政府喊話,希望中國變得民主一點,結果政府用子彈跟坦克回應,血腥鎮壓抗議的人。守夜活動,就是 vigil。
�不過,香港精神不死,舉辦了線上 vigil,可以查 #6431truth 看看相關貼文喔!��* vigil 的目的,可能是為了照顧生病的人,也可能是政治抗議。
�【recreate 重現】
🎈The Studio Ghibli Theme park will focus on recreating the movie’s scenes and nature trails.
�喜歡龍貓、神隱少女等電影嗎?好消息~吉卜力樂園要來了!��樂園的地點在日本名古屋附近,將重現電影場景,讓你重溫電影中的感動。目前是說 2022 年完工啦,不過... 武漢肺炎還在亂,也不知能不能如期完成,所以我們先耐心等候、好好期待吧!重現電影場景,就是 recreate。��Photo credit: Chi-Hung Lin on Flickr; picture cropped to fit on Instagram. ��🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
台灣媒體都不報... 真希望這些新聞,能讓親友聽到... 很簡單!把這篇貼文分享到限動,一起點亮台灣的夜空~
單字背了就忘,怎麼辦?把貼文儲存起來,改天再複習一次吧 ❤️
練習表達自己的意見吧!想要發揮影響力,從多留言開始~ 賓狗會跟你交流意見喔~回想一下,台灣重大事件中,曾經出現哪些新詞彙,那些新詞彙又是如何安撫我們的情緒呢?
#賓狗 #5個單字系列 #單字卡 #時事英文 #學英文 #英文學習 #英文單字 #國際新聞 #翻譯 #英文 #吉卜力 #吉卜力工作室 #吉卜力的動畫世界
blocked意思 在 Goodbye HK, Hello UK Facebook 的最佳解答
戴返個頭盔先:頭呢段係《AFP》呢個黃媒同佢個黑記「抹黑」㗎,之後英國《Daily Mail》加好多圖全文照用,緊係要指正錯誤啦!嗱,防暴警察响母親節嗰時响商場追民主示威者係啱嘅,不過示威者嘅訴求就錯晒喇!
//Riot police chased protesters through Hong Kong's shopping malls and streets on Sunday as democracy activists launched Mother's Day flash mob rallies calling for independence and for the city's unpopular leader to resign.//
係「五大訴求,缺一不可」("Five Demands Not One Less")同埋「光複香港,時代革命」(Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time)喎。應該唔係"independence",唔係㗎,唔係囉,唔係卦(講咗三次喇,唔係人地肚裡面條蟲,點知呢?)。同時估計無乜人要求特首下台,佢辭職有咩意思呢?
「上年嘅示威期間,阿Lam(即係特首)形容自己係好煩惱嘅老母(an exasperated mother),而香港人就等如任性嘅細路(demanding children),咁講講就等如向公眾嘅火上加油。」
「雖然民望去到歷史新低(record low approval ratings),但係阿林係得到中央好堅定嘅支持(staunchly backed)。佢從來都唔肯(has resisted)推動普選,亦唔願意獨立調查警察處理示威嘅所作所為。」
「新年嗰時佢承諾會修補(vowed to heal)香港嘅分歧,但係佢個政府就無乜和解或者政治嘅解決方法(reconciliation or a political solution)。」
「自從嗰啲辦話對香港管治有話語權引發憲制問題之後,仲加快(apace)咗拘捕同檢控。為咗通過國歌法,搞到上星期五响立法會出現混亂(sparked scuffles)。」
「北京高層話嗰啲用拉布方法阻止立國歌法(blocked the bill with filibustering)嘅議員應該被檢控,順便要求反煽動法(new anti-sedition law)立法。」
《Daily Mail》
blocked意思 在 千田愛紗 Aisa Senda Facebook 的最讚貼文
美人魚最理想的自然生產紀錄片-Water baby
福本幸子|Sachiko Fukumoto
ニュージーランドより 短編ドキュメンタリー
< WATER BABY > ついに届きました!!
海に生きる二人がつむぎだした、命の物語〈WATER BABY〉リリースのお知らせ
本日のNZヘラルド紙の発表をもちまして、短編ドキュメンタリー〈WATER BABY〉の正式リリースとなります。
サポートいただきました、すべてのみなさまに感謝いたします。 本当にありがとうございました!
〈WATER BABY〉は、フリーダイビング世界王者で環境活動家のウィリアム・トゥルーブリッジ William Trubridge と、女優でフリーダイバーの 福本幸子|Sachiko Fukumoto の間に宿った、新しい命の誕生の物語です。
これは、地球上の全ての妊婦が持つべき「産み方の選択の権利(Power of Choice)」と、「母なる海の未来への希望(Power of Ocean)」を、世に伝えるための記録映画です。
監督:Katherine McRae
プロデューサー:小澤 みぎわ (Migiwa Ozawa)
日本語字幕&アソシエイツ・プロデューサー: 四角大輔
インスタグラム @water_baby_short_film
Short documentary from New Zealand
< @[336680456959481:274:WATER BABY] > finally arrived!!
Why couldn't she give birth in Japan...
Strong message in beautiful footage
Please feel it
Her dream of living in the sea is the natural childbirth of mother water. I've been blocked by many walls, and I know the actual situation that pregnant women can't be main, and finally I'm going to New Zealand. What she wanted to tell you through the most precious life of life
The story of life < water baby> release announcement of the two people living in the sea
Today's NZ Herald paper announcement will be the official release of the short documentary < water baby>.
Thank you to all of you for your support. Thank you so much!
< water baby> is the story of the birth of a new life, which lived between the free diving world champion and environmental activist William true bridge @[38243007691:274:William Trubridge] and the actress and the free diver @[284378238305361:274:福本幸子|Sachiko Fukumoto]
Both of them dive into the sea and love the sea with life. Sachiko, born and raised in Okinawa, is determined to give birth underwater in New Zealand, which is also the hometown of William.
Sachiko, who found out that there is a big difference in Japan and New Zealand's midwife system through the experience of childbirth, is to hold a certain determination in the chest......
This is a record movie to convey the world of ′′ the right of the choice of birth (power of choice) ′′ and ′′ hope for the future of the mother sea (power of ocean) ′′ that every pregnant woman on earth should have. Here it is.
The birth scene caught by a team called a mother who has a child, all the shooting staff, and the birth scene is expressing the mystery without a lot.
Please touch the beautiful appearance of one Japanese woman, who pursues the ideal birth, and the strong intention as a mother who trembles the heart of the person who sees it.
Mother Sea and mother giving birth to a child.
Both of them are the greatest existence on earth, and the loving existence to protect.
I would appreciate it if you could watch and share this short documentary that is going to be in these ′′ source of all lives ′′
I am happy and proud to be able to send a piece about the rights of precious pregnant women from ′′ Women's Country New Zealand
Director: @[100012843583972:2048:Katherine McRae]
Producer: @[1247263879:2048:小澤 migiwa (Migiwa Ozawa)]
Japanese subtitles & associates producer: @[100000795062225:2048:四角大輔]
Please follow the documentary movie social media.
Facebook page
Instagram @water_baby_short_filmTranslated