

在 big英文產品中有1761篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3,832的網紅每日幣研,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【幣圈術語進階篇Part2 走跳Twitter必備】 這次來介紹更進階的幣圈術語給大家,Twitter 一直都是老韭菜最愛的一個獲取新資訊的管道,但是平常較少接觸英文的讀者可能會看得很頭痛,再加上幣圈有許多專業用語,可能需要一段時間才能適應,所以我們這次整理了一些外國人常用的幣圈術語給大家,如果全部...

 同時也有356部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過0的網紅ezManager,也在其Youtube影片中提到,別人稱讚你的時候,你常常覺得很羞愧嗎?害怕停下來,總覺得不做什麼,就會被大家給遺忘嗎?面對成就,卻總是覺得自己僅是僥倖嗎?國外研究顯示,70%的人曾有冒牌者症候群(Imposter Syndrome)在工作職場上相當普遍,不只是員工,甚至是一級高管、企業家都受此困擾。在一項研究中,冒牌者症候群(Im...

big英文 在 Dena 張粹方 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-24 01:13:55

如果慢冷是一首英文流行歌!這首真的有夠挑戰🥺中文詞寫的太美了~能夠用短短的幾句就可以藏著這麼滿的情緒~真的很佩服我們的語言💛我一樣無法完全直翻~只能用我理解的角度去用英文盡量自然詮釋!以下囉 tell me how could you just let it go to ice While I j...

big英文 在 WUWOW 趣味英文┃走到哪學到哪 Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-09-24 17:26:56

#職場英文wu就棒 #跟wow編一起學英文 👉我喜歡 除了「I like it.」還可以這樣說! 全英文面試,除了表達個人魅力,讓主管留下好印象之外 更重要的是 ✅善用換句話說,讓你的表達力更多元 不再只用同一招「I like...」闖天下! 今天 WOW編為大家整理出✨喜歡的 5 種不同用...

  • big英文 在 每日幣研 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-30 18:05:27
    有 5 人按讚

    【幣圈術語進階篇Part2 走跳Twitter必備】
    這次來介紹更進階的幣圈術語給大家,Twitter 一直都是老韭菜最愛的一個獲取新資訊的管道,但是平常較少接觸英文的讀者可能會看得很頭痛,再加上幣圈有許多專業用語,可能需要一段時間才能適應,所以我們這次整理了一些外國人常用的幣圈術語給大家,如果全部都看懂恭喜你已經晉升為更高等級的老韭菜了 😆


    🟡 #SHILL


    🟡 #Get Rekt

    源自於英式英語,字面上為輸了一切,通常指遇到買了 SCAM 的 ICO、代幣破發或是玩 DeFi 慘遭被駭等事件

    🟡 #Big Holder

    持有一個正在失去其價值的 token,但不願承認其錯誤出售該 token 的加密貨幣投資者

    👀 V神曾說過,Coinmarketcap 上 90% 的 ERC20 token 完全沒用

    🟡 Weak Hands


    🟡 Diamond Hands

    鑽石手,與 weak hands 完全相反,意指對該 token 極為有信心的投資人,就算被套牢也在所不惜(?),直到達成目標價才甘願出場
    🥳Avalanche 香港交流群上線了!🥳
    想知道AVAX最新空投幣、AMA等市場動態及最新優惠?立刻加入 Avalanche 香港交流群,與一眾用家互相討論見解,Desmond也會不定期在這裡優先分享DeFi生態的項目分析,不想錯過的話就按這裡加入

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    想了解更多加密貨幣最新市場資訊及優惠的話,歡迎追蹤我們「每日幣研|幣市分析&最新優惠」TG Channel,我們會在群內發佈幣圈第一手消息及分享投資小技巧!馬上加入頻道和我們一起發掘幣圈隱藏商機吧!

  • big英文 在 SJE 。 閱讀紀錄 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-09-30 01:03:47
    有 151 人按讚

    (此圖不包含同myON的『Kaite Woo』和『Dino』系列)
    卻增加了 #myON電子書 的量!
    延伸上一篇文 ‧ 傳送門https://www.facebook.com/ingrid.ing.1024/photos/a.1661247717465782/3058233677767172
    #SJE閱讀記錄 #Eugene6Y7M #英文閱讀 #英文有聲書

    ◆ The Elves Help Puss in Boots
    ◆ Quest for the Unicorn's Horn
    ◆ Medea Tells All: A Mad, Magical Love
    ◆ Medusa Tells All: Beauty Missing, Hair Hissing
    ◆ Three Blind Mice Team Up with the Three Little Pigs
    ◆ The Tooth Fairy
    ◆ Seriously, Snow White Was SO Forgetful!
    ◆ Trust Me, Hansel and Gretel Are Sweet!
    ◆ Snow White and the Seven Robots: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Red Riding Hood Meets the Three Bears
    ◆ Red Riding Hood Meets the Three Bears
    ◆ The Robo-battle of Mega Tortoise vs. Hazard Hare: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Medea Tells All: A Mad, Magical Love
    ◆ Helen of Troy Tells All
    ◆ Pandora Tells All: Not the Curious Kind
    ◆ Robin Hood, Time Traveler
    ◆ The Ugly Dino Hatchling: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Keep It Simple, Rapunzel!
    ◆ Mermaid Midfielders
    ◆ Hansel and Gretel
    ◆ Say "Cheese"!
    ◆ Big Pig
    ◆ Cass the Monkey
    ◆ Rapunzel
    ◆ Honestly, Our Music Stole the Show!: The Story of the Bremen Town Musicians as Told by the Donkey
    ◆ The Recess Bully
    ◆ The Runaway Robot
    ◆ Alice, Secret Agent of Wonderland
    ◆ Frankly, I'd Rather Spin Myself a New Name!
    ◆ Sleeping Beauty, Magic Master
    ◆ Quest for the Unicorn's Horn
    ◆ Secret Matter
    ◆ Truthfully, Something Smelled Fishy!: The Story of the Fisherman and His Wife as Told by the Wife
    ◆ Pandarella
    ◆ Hansel and Gretel Stories Around the World
    ◆ Red Riding Hood, Superhero: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Beauty and the Beast Stories Around the World
    ◆ Goldiclucks and the Three Bears
    ◆ Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks!
    ◆ Believe Me, I Never Felt a Pea!
    ◆ Poodle and the Pea
    ◆ Kitten Who Cried Dog
    ◆ Ack's New Pet
    ◆ Pandarella
    ◆ Goldilocks and the Three Vampires
    ◆ The Silver Spurs of Oz
    ◆ Rapunzel vs. Frankenstein
    ◆ Peter Pan in Mummy Land
    ◆ Mouse Says "Sorry"
    ◆ Mouse Says "Sorry"
    ◆ Hippo Says "Excuse Me"
    ◆ Monster Knows Table Manners
    ◆ Monster Knows Excuse Me
    ◆ Party Problems
    ◆ Miles McHale, Tattletale
    ◆ Yasmin the Chef
    ◆ Truthfully, Something Smelled Fishy!: The Story of the Fisherman and His Wife as Told by the Wife
    ◆ The Robo-battle of Mega Tortoise vs. Hazard Hare: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Max Goes to the Dentist
    ◆ Listen, My Bridge Is SO Cool!: The Story of the Three Billy Goats ◆ Gruff as Told by the Troll
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Speed Secret
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Growing Goo
    ◆ Marconi the Wizard
    ◆ Hair-pocalypse
    ◆ Little Tiger Picks Up
    ◆ Penguin Says "Please"
    ◆ Little Dinos Don't Push
    ◆ Little Dinos Don't Hit
    ◆ Dino Hunt
    ◆ Prize Inside
    ◆ Pizza Palace
    ◆ What's That Sound, Cinderella?
    ◆ Pet Costume Party
    ◆ Even Fairies Bake Mistakes
    ◆ Counting Money!
    ◆ Maybe When I'm Bigger
    ◆ Traveling Shoes
    ◆ When Thomas Edison Fed Someone Worms
    ◆ The Swim Race
    ◆ Ruth's Pink Pajamas
    ◆ Me and My Cat
    ◆ Boo Bat
    ◆ Incredible Rockhead and the Spectacular Scissorlegz
    ◆ Truly, We Both Loved Beauty Dearly!
    ◆ Poodle and the Pea
    ◆ Marshmallow Mermaid
    ◆ Green Queen of Mean
    ◆ Evil Echo
    ◆ Yum!
    ◆ My Body
    ◆ My Day
    ◆ My Neighborhood
    ◆ Marvelous Me
    ◆ Paid to Game
    ◆ Mr. Bones
    ◆ Little Dinos Don't Yell
    ◆ Do Not Let Your Dragon Spread Germs
    ◆ Friends All Day
    ◆ Field Day Rules!
    ◆ The Goose that Laid the Rotten Egg: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Plans Gone Wrong
    ◆ The Ants and the Grasshopper
    ◆ The Boy Who Cried Wolf
    ◆ The Boy Who Cried Vampire: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Frankly, I'd Rather Spin Myself a New Name!
    ◆ Little Red Riding Hood Stories Around the World
    ◆ Rapunzel Stories Around the World
    ◆ Hansel and Gretel Stories Around the World
    ◆ Beauty and the Beast Stories Around the World
    ◆ Little Red Riding Duck
    ◆ Goldiclucks and the Three Bears
    ◆ Kitten Who Cried Dog
    ◆ Princess Harper Gets Happy
    ◆ Pandarella
    ◆ How Do We Stay on Earth?
    ◆ Scary Night
    ◆ Aliens and Energy
    ◆ The Big Mistake
    ◆ The Black Hole Report
    ◆ Ack's New Pet
    ◆ Ooze Slingers from Outer Space
    ◆ Eek Discovers Earth
    ◆ Tap Dance Troubles
    ◆ First Base Blues
    ◆ Soccer Switch
    ◆ Snow Dance
    ◆ Jack and the Beanstalk
    ◆ Lacey Walker, Nonstop Talker
    ◆ Crabby Pants
    ◆ Eleanore Won't Share
    ◆ Clara's Crazy Curls
    ◆ The Perfect Birthday Recipe
    ◆ The Little Bully
    ◆ You Get What You Get
    ◆ Zombies and Meatballs
    ◆ Boy Under the Bed
    ◆ Welcome to Third Grade, Gus!
    ◆ Going on a Field Trip
    ◆ Honestly, Red Riding Hood Was Rotten!
    ◆ No Lie, Pigs (and Their Houses) Can Fly!
    ◆ Seriously, Snow White Was SO Forgetful!
    ◆ Really, Rapunzel Needed a Haircut!
    ◆ Ninja-rella: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Farms
    ◆ A Nature Walk on the Farm
    ◆ Bree's Bike Jump
    ◆ The Lion and the Mouse and the Invaders from Zurg: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Lucille Gets Jealous
    ◆ Terrible, Awful, Horrible Manners!
    ◆ First Day of Unicorn School
    ◆ Trust Me, Hansel and Gretel Are Sweet!
    ◆ Clara's Crazy Curls
    ◆ Cat That Disappeared
    ◆ Super Billy Goats Gruff: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Day of the Field Trip Zombies
    ◆ Shark in the Library!
    ◆ Sleeping Beauty
    ◆ Robin Hood, Time Traveler
    ◆ Red Riding Hood
    ◆ Rapunzel
    ◆ Puss in Boots
    ◆ Medusa Tells All: Beauty Missing, Hair Hissing
    ◆ Freestyle Fun
    ◆ Pandora Tells All: Not the Curious Kind
    ◆ Punk Rock Mouse and Country Mouse: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Hansel and Gretel
    ◆ Chicken Little Saves the Moon Base: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Johnny Slimeseed and the Freaky Forest
    ◆ The Goose that Laid the Rotten Egg: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Believe Me, Goldilocks Rocks!
    ◆ No Lie, I Acted Like a Beast!
    ◆ Morning Mystery
    ◆ Johnny Slimeseed and the Freaky Forest
    ◆ Curse of the Red Scorpion
    ◆ Rapunzel
    ◆ Jak and the Magic Nano-beans: A Graphic Novel
    ◆ Goldilocks and the Three Vampires
    ◆ The Silver Spurs of Oz
    ◆ Peter Pan in Mummy Land
    ◆ Hansel and Gretel
    ◆ Rapunzel vs. Frankenstein
    ◆ Private Eye Princess and the Emerald Pea
    ◆ First Day, No Way!
    ◆ Beauty and the Dreaded Sea Beast
    ◆ Cinderella Stories Around the World
    ◆ Frog Prince
    ◆ Do Not Bring Your Dragon to Recess
    ◆ For Real, I Paraded in My Underpants!
    ◆ Olivia Bitter, Spooked-Out Sitter!
    ◆ Willy the Worm
    ◆ My Home
    ◆ Three Princesses
    ◆ The Frog Prince Saves Sleeping Beauty
    ◆ Sleeping Beauty
    ◆ Princess Bella's Birthday Cake
    ◆ Princess Addison Gets Angry
    ◆ The Tortoise and the Hare
    ◆ The Voice in the Boys' Room
    ◆ Servant and the Water Princess
    ◆ Because I Stubbed My Toe
    ◆ Yasmin the Builder
    ◆ New Kid from Planet Glorf
    ◆ Monster of Lake Lobo
    ◆ Golden Goose
    ◆ Dozer Strikes!
    ◆ Incredible Rockhead vs Papercut!
    ◆ Super-Powered Sneeze
    ◆ Up the President's Nose
    ◆ Blastoff to the Secret Side of the Moon!
    ◆ Hercules and the Pooper-Scooper Peril
    ◆ Witch's Brew
    ◆ Princess and Her Pony
    ◆ Day Mom Finally Snapped
    ◆ Boy Who Burped Too Much
    ◆ Secret of the Summer School Zombies
    ◆ Peek-a-Boo Dinosaurs
    ◆ My Little Bro-Bot
    ◆ Night of the Homework Zombies
    ◆ Max and Buddy Go to the Vet
    ◆ Invasion of the Gym Class Zombies
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Putt-Putt Contest
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Cave Creatures
    ◆ Lost Lunch
    ◆ Good, the Bad, and the Monkeys
    ◆ Frank 'n' Beans
    ◆ Little Lizard's New Baby
    ◆ Missing Monster Card
    ◆ Bus Ride Bully
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Cool Caps
    ◆ Eek and Ack vs the Wolfman
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Outer Space Trip
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Super Fast Car
    ◆ Snorkeling with Sea-Bots
    ◆ Buzz Beaker and the Race to School
    ◆ Jimmy Sniffles vs the Mummy
    ◆ Wright Brothers
    ◆ Double Trouble
    ◆ Dognapped!
    ◆ Fuchsia Fierce
    ◆ Do Not Bring Your Dragon to the Library
    ◆ My First Guide to Paper Airplanes
    ◆ Nose for Danger
    ◆ Helen Keller
    ◆ Thomas Edison: Physicist and Inventor
    ◆ People of the World
    ◆ Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong
    ◆ When Neil Armstrong Built a Wind Tunnel
    ◆ Jane Goodall
    ◆ Malala Yousafzai's Story
    ◆ Going to School: Comparing Past and Present
    ◆ Dinosaurs for Breakfast
    ◆ What Do You Think, Katie?
    ◆ Too Much RainRain
    ◆ A Is for Albatross
    ◆ Tricky Tooth
    ◆ The Best Baker
    ◆ Big Lie
    ◆ Jay-Z
    ◆ You Can Work in Music
    ◆ Spiders
    ◆ The Best Club
    ◆ I Can Reuse and Recycle
    ◆ How Effective Is Recycling?
    ◆ No Valentines for Katie
    ◆ Pony Party
    ◆ Piggy Bank Problems
    ◆ No More Teasing
    ◆ Moving Day
    ◆ Katie's Vet Loves Pets
    ◆ Drawing and Learning About Cats
    ◆ Moo, Katie Woo!
    ◆ Keep Dancing, Katie
    ◆ Katie's Spooky Sleepover
    ◆ Katie's Noisy Music
    ◆ Katie's New Shoes
    ◆ Katie Woo, Super Scout
    ◆ Katie Woo's Crazy Critter Jokes
    ◆ Katie Woo Has the Flu
    ◆ Katie Saves the Earth
    ◆ Katie Saves Thanksgiving
    ◆ Katie in the Kitchen
    ◆ Katie Goes Camping
    ◆ Mystery Coins
    ◆ Missing Trumpet
    ◆ Slime Attack
    ◆ Beach Bandit
    ◆ Crazy Clues
    ◆ Surprise Prize
    ◆ Ghost Sounds
    ◆ Katie Finds a Job
    ◆ Katie Blows Her Top
    ◆ Haunted House
    ◆ Alice in Wonderland
    ◆ Katie and the Haunted Museum
    ◆ Katie and the Fancy Substitute
    ◆ The Story of Ursa Major and Ursa Minor: A Roman Constellation Myth
    ◆ Katie and the Class Pet
    ◆ It Doesn't Need to Rhyme, Katie
    ◆ Helping Mayor Patty
    ◆ Goodbye to Goldie
    ◆ Nervous Night
    ◆ Good Morning, Farmer Carmen!
    ◆ Friends in the Mail
    ◆ Fly High, Katie
    ◆ Flower Girl Katie
    ◆ Daddy Can't Dance
    ◆ Cowgirl Katie
    ◆ Cartwheel Katie
    ◆ Boss of the World
    ◆ Boo, Katie Woo!
    ◆ Best Season Ever
    ◆ Happy Day
    ◆ Underworld Clash
    ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ ◆

  • big英文 在 越煮越好 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-29 17:59:38
    有 104 人按讚

    ⬇️⬇️English recipe follows⬇️⬇️


    1. 大火煲滾1鑊水,放上海麪,水再滾起時,冚蓋,熄火,浸30分鐘。
    2. 牛腱,清水解凍。
    3. 牛腱解凍大約3分鐘,打橫切薄片,再用清水解凍。
    4. 上海麪已浸了30分鐘,檢查一下是否已軟身,擎乾水,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水。
    5. 牛腱已完全解凍,清水沖洗乾淨,擎乾水,廚紙索乾。
    6. 牛腱調味:
    a. 生粉1湯匙
    b. 油1湯匙
    c. 胡椒粉半茶匙
    d. 蠔油1湯匙
    e. 糖半湯匙
    7. 蕃茄,去椗,1開4。

    1. 白鑊,大火,加入蕃茄爆香1分鐘,加入清水2湯碗(約800毫升)。
    2. 加入調味料:
    a. 雞粉1茶匙
    b. 糖1茶匙
    c. 茄汁100毫升
    3. 加入上海麪。
    4. 另一邊鑊,大火燒熱油2湯匙。
    5. 倒入蛋漿,四面推至凝固,放上碟。
    6. 麪已滾起,加入牛腱,再大火滾1分鐘。
    7. 夾起麪,放入湯碗內。
    8. 放好蕃茄及牛肉,加入滑蛋。
    9. 注入蕃茄濃湯。
    10. 放上蔥粒。
    11. 完成,可享用。

    Beef Shanghainese noodles with tomatoes and eggs

    Tomatoes (large) 4 Nos.
    Frozen golden coin muscle half No.
    Shanghainese noodles (thick) 2 Nos.
    Eggs 6 Nos.
    Green onion 1 No.

    1. Heat up a wok of water at high flame. Put noodles. Wait for boiling up. Cover up the wok. Turn off fire. Soak for 30 minutes.
    2. The beef, defrost in tap water.
    3. The beef has been defrosted for 3 minutes, thinly slice it horizontally. Defrost in tap water again.
    4. The noodles have been soaked for 30 minutes, check if it is soft. Drain. Rinse thoroughly. Drain.
    5. The beef has been totally defrosted, rinse thoroughly. Drain. Dry with kitchen towel.
    6. Season the beef:
    a. Tapioca starch 1 tbsp
    b. Oil 1 tbsp
    c. Pepper 0.5 tsp
    d. Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
    e. Sugar 0.5 tbsp
    Mix well.
    7. Tomatoes, remove anchors, divide each into 4 shares.
    Eggs, break in a bowl. Beat well.
    Green onion, get it rinsed and diced.

    1. Plain wok, with high flame. Put tomatoes, fry for a minute at high flame. Add in 2 big bowls of water (about 800ml).
    2. Add seasoning:
    a. Chicken powder 1 tsp
    b. Sugar 1 tsp
    c. Tomato ketchup 100ml
    Heat up at high flame.
    3. Add in noodles.
    4. On the other side, heat up oil 2 tbsp at high flame in wok.
    5. Add in egg syrup, push to the centre of wok until it gets condensed. Put on plate.
    6. Noodles have been boiled up, add in beef. Heat up at high flame for a minute.
    7. Pick up noodles and put in a big bowl.
    8. Put tomatoes and beef on plate in good order, add in scrambled eggs.
    9. Pour in tomato thick soup.
    10. Put green onion cubes on top.
    11. Complete. Serve.



    🌿蔬菜/ 瓜類🥕🥒🌱🌳🍀🍆系列)

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  • big英文 在 ezManager Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2021-09-07 15:51:06

    別人稱讚你的時候,你常常覺得很羞愧嗎?害怕停下來,總覺得不做什麼,就會被大家給遺忘嗎?面對成就,卻總是覺得自己僅是僥倖嗎?國外研究顯示,70%的人曾有冒牌者症候群(Imposter Syndrome)在工作職場上相當普遍,不只是員工,甚至是一級高管、企業家都受此困擾。在一項研究中,冒牌者症候群(Imposter Syndrome)被認為是全球高階主管最常擔心的事情,60% 的高管表示這個問題對他們的自信與領導能力產生負面影響,甚至有九成的女性主管都受此情結所苦。

    ★冒牌者症候群測試量表 (EN英文網頁) https://testyourself.psychtests.com/testid/3803
    也歡迎您到FB私密社團 分享你的量表分數!

    ★ 優惠方案:
    2.ezManager五種超值方案:現在就幫自己加分,讓你Level Up!
    以上詳見 MixerBox報名 bit.ly/3xFWX4M

    ★ 本集分點章節:
    (00:00:45) 感謝康r 家柔 Sandy Felix 參加ezManager超值贊助方案
    (00:01:00) 語速問題回答
    (00:01:25) 本集開始,你有這幾點冒牌者症候群嗎?
    (00:02:16) 什麼是冒牌者症候群?Imposter Syndrome
    (00:04:23) 讀書會:每個人偶爾都有冒牌者症候群
    (00:10:05) 未來延續四大主題
    (00:10:57) 一分鐘商業英文: Struggle

    #國外商管類 讀書會,Great Managers are made, not born.

    ★ 本集導讀書籍:《the making of a manager: what to do when everyone looks to you》(暫譯:優秀管理者的後天養成之路) 亞馬遜去年最佳商業書第一名、華爾街日報暢銷書。原文書 9折購 https://lihi1.cc/dnwIH
    作者:Facebook 產品設計副總 Julie Zhuo 的十年管理心法。

    ★ 本集重點摘錄:
    冒牌者症候群(Imposter Syndrome亦稱冒名頂替現象、冒名頂替綜合症、騙子症候群)是心理學家在 1970 年代創造的術語。會影響從運動員和科學家到辦公室工作人員的每個人,患此症狀的人即使有充足外部證據證明他們的能力,仍然深信自己「不配」、甚至覺得自己是個騙子、很怕被拆穿。此症狀在出色的女性當中特別普遍。一直到最近幾年才被正式承認,但還不被列入正式疾病,是疾病的前身,冒名頂替綜合症是一種普遍現象,在大多數人的一生中至少會影響一次。如果嚴重的話,尋求心理諮商會有幫助。

    為什麼冒牌者症候群 對管理者的打擊如此之大?
    有兩個 原因。
    2. 你經常被放到 你以前沒有做過的事情的位置。

    根據專家Valerie Young 博士的個人研究,發現了冒牌者情節的幾種典型的“能力類型”

    2. 女超人/男超人:經常會強迫自己超負荷的工作
    3. 天生的天才
    4. Soloist獨奏者
    5. 專家

    ★ 本集補充資料
    :: 冒牌者症候群:面對肯定、讚賞與幸福,為什麼總是覺得「我不配」?https://shoppingfun.co/2ry7o (博客來)
    :: 為什麼我無法坦率地擁抱成功? — 冒牌者症候群 https://reurl.cc/dG644D
    (by Jasmine Lin)

    ★ 一分鐘商業英文 Struggle (by Zach)
    "Struggle" is both used as a noun and as a verb.
    當名詞時As a noun, struggle means= a very difficult thing
    Making updates to the software was a big struggle for the company. They could only release one update every 3 months, which was not fast enough to keep up with the market.

    當動詞時 as a verb, we usually say, “struggled to do something” or “struggled with something”__(had trouble to do something)
    The company struggled to provide timely updates to its software. They could only release one update every 3 months, which was not fast enough to keep up with the market.
    The new intern struggled with time management. He was late to every meeting last month.

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    📚 一對一線上諮詢六大主題:
    1. 好履歷健檢|2. 團隊管理類
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    @合作接洽 ezmanagerGo@gmail.com (不分大小寫)

  • big英文 在 時事英文 Podcast by ssyingwen Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2021-09-05 18:08:21

    首位 MCU 漫威電影宇宙亞裔超級英雄來了!《尚氣與十環傳奇》是第一部以亞裔演員為主的漫威電影,除了挑大樑的劉思慕,陣容包括梁朝偉、楊紫瓊等巨星。但《尚氣》至今未獲得中國上映許可,萬一因失去中國票房導致收入不如預期,漫威是否還會留下這個角色?

    📝 講義 & 朗讀稿 (只要 $88 /月):https://bit.ly/ssyingwen_notes
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    本集 timestamps
    0:00 Intro
    0:51 第一遍英文朗讀
    3:17 新聞 & 相關單字解說
    15:10 額外單字片語
    20:41 第二遍英文朗讀


    臉書社團 (朗讀文字):https://www.facebook.com/groups/ssyingwen/posts/296940938858819

    BBC: https://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-58361669

    Vox: https://www.vox.com/22638536/shang-chi-review-representation-simu-liu-awkwafina

    CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/style/article/shang-chi-destin-daniel-cretton-interview-marvel-hyphenated-spc-intl/index.html

    CNBC: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/09/02/shang-chi-doesnt-have-a-release-date-in-china-why-thats-a-big-deal.html

    Ground rules 基本規則
    Spoilers 劇透
    Trailer 預告片
    Marvel 漫威
    Marvel Comics 漫威漫畫
    Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) 漫威電影宇宙
    The big screen
    Cinema 電影院
    Captain Marvel 驚奇隊長
    Black Panther 黑豹
    Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings
    Tony Leung 梁朝偉
    Michelle Yeoh 楊紫瓊
    Awkwafina 奧卡菲娜
    Director 導演
    Screenwriter 編劇
    Asian American 亞裔美國人
    Cultural identity
    Diverse casting 多樣化的選角
    Crazy Rich Asians 瘋狂亞洲富豪
    Box office 票房
    Box office hit 賣座電影
    Box office bomb / flop 賠錢電影 / 票房毒藥
    China market 中國市場
    The Avengers 《復仇者聯盟》
    Iron Man 《鋼鐵人》
    Avengers: Endgame 《復仇者聯盟:終局之戰》
    Rampant 猖獗的 
    Piracy 盜版情況
    Controversial 有爭議性的
    Reductive 過度簡化的
    Stereotypes 刻板印象
    Anti-Asian hate crimes 反亞裔的仇恨犯罪
    Positivity 積極正面的能量
    Joy 歡樂
    Celebration 慶祝
    Homage 尊敬、敬意
    Pay homage to 致敬
    Labor Day 美國勞動節
    Memorial Day 陣亡將士紀念日

    ♥️ 喜歡時事英文 podcast 嗎?♥️
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  • big英文 在 豆皮哥潮流Real talk Youtube 的最佳解答

    2021-08-31 03:16:33

    "Loop" in sneaker game?!


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