
為什麼這篇biatch意思鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在biatch意思這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者Jingjingin (帶米)看板EAseries標題[閒聊] 追完劇後學會哪個洗腦單字時間Fr...

好奇大家追完劇後 有沒有學到原本不會的單字呢 雖然每次追劇 都用可以學到英文的理由 合理化自己三天三夜廢寢忘食的行為 但...通常只記了一兩個單字 因此好奇大家學到什麼單字呢XD 《The Big Bang theory 生活大爆炸》 謝爾頓超常說的 Sarcasm 諷刺 《Westworld 西方極樂園》 Maze 迷宮 出現機率超高 《Breaking bad 絕命毒師》 Bitch 逼~呀去 雖然本來就會 但算是很清楚學到發音? 《Game of thrones 權力遊戲》 Chaos 混亂 小指頭名言中的單字 莫名記憶點很高 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/EAseries/M.1530807176.A.59C.html
Refauth: It07/06 00:14
sheng2003: cool07/06 00:18
YUZISAGIL: Suit up07/06 00:21
DiMammaMia: https://youtu.be/0c8cl0U7hao07/06 00:25
學到了 好洗腦啊
windcanblow: seriously?07/06 00:25
yeti00: sarcasm超有聲音XDDD07/06 00:28
iverson88: Winter07/06 00:29
Is coming?
ZNDL: Seriously?07/06 00:31
bonjacquline: blessed be the fruit....
07/06 00:31 使女
LukaDoncic: Hold the door07/06 00:31
CodefarmerX: 豪斯 hypocrite, lupus, lumbar puncture (一些平常07/06 00:35
CodefarmerX: 用不到的XD07/06 00:35
maydayholic: hijo de puta07/06 00:35
maydayholic: pendejo07/06 00:37
順便學西班牙文XD ※ 編輯: Jingjingin (, 07/06/2018 00:45:26
sylviehsiang: 樓上罵髒話,進水桶吧 07/06 00:41
ilove0618: Slut聽超多的 07/06 00:42
Lemming: 最近被個人造字洗 Beltalowda! Beltalowda! Beltalowda!07/06 00:44
spiderman022: seriously?(Jimmy McGill) 07/06 00:49
crywolfer: 中文也可以研究一下 權利和權力意思差很多 07/06 01:02
哈哈哈 權利遊戲 氣氛完全變調了XD 竟然沒發現打錯真是鬼遮眼
jason0906: Game of thrones. Incest 亂倫07/06 01:03
stranger0301: These violent delights have violent ends. 07/06 01:08
astya: You are being watched07/06 01:10
deikhalil422: John Doe XDDD 07/06 01:22
yoshihuang8: https://youtu.be/v2aKb9YLjD807/06 01:30
Jotarun: coitus XD07/06 01:37
mimihop1: Samaritan07/06 01:40
catxfish: 最近開始看himym 所以是legendary07/06 01:52
andythe30: legendary~~ 07/06 02:00
SilverBullet: Legen-"wait for it"-dary!07/06 02:13
positMIT: Ay Caramba! 07/06 02:14
gray820: 看權力遊戲學到usurper 篡位者 07/06 02:16
gray820: 其實還有很多哈哈一時想到這個而已07/06 02:16
purpose: B99: perp, precinct, sarge, ci, da, jerk, nemesis 07/06 02:21
London2017: 權力遊戲是aye XD 07/06 02:44
Teddy9546: fidelity07/06 02:46
peacesignv: 之前看怪醫豪斯幾乎每一集都有tumor跟stroke哈哈07/06 02:48
peacesignv: 對還有什麼提到 lupus哈哈哈 07/06 02:49
peacesignv: *上面 07/06 02:49
schwarzswan: Crap ...(遮臉07/06 02:51
Wang90046: better call saul 07/06 02:53
goi78125: Ross: paleontology 07/06 02:58
alvin830331: U know nothing07/06 02:58
divinemonkey: Sheldon超愛講intercourse 07/06 03:13
divinemonkey: 還有coitus07/06 03:14
Woolf: My Lord、My Lady、Your Majesty 07/06 03:16
joey0602: TBBT印象最深的是Bazinga!07/06 03:36
hopeandl: exhausted07/06 03:36
TheLastSong: Previously on...07/06 03:38
greate504125: Praise be、May the lord poen、Under his eye.07/06 03:52
greate504125: 超級洗腦......XD 07/06 03:53
blissnicole: ridiculous07/06 04:26
BHviolin88: Pivot, pivot, pivot, pivot, PIVOT, PIVOOOOOOOT!!!! 07/06 04:47
ghjkl1993: 法律劇必備 objection!!(反對/異議 07/06 05:00
Tomoyui: You are being watched.你正在被做成錶 (不對)07/06 06:01
MadCaro: duh? 07/06 06:02
Nikon610: enemy 07/06 06:03
liao18: Valar Morghulis07/06 06:20
ix9999: bloody hell07/06 06:26
cacado: cool, cool, cool 07/06 06:57
ravager: sasa ke 07/06 07:14
goldseed: Hale Hydra07/06 07:34
richard1003: intercourse... Sheldon超常在說 07/06 07:48
chriscorgi: 醜女貝蒂 心機女傭...之類拉丁人為主的劇 Mija(好像 07/06 07:48
chriscorgi: 是孩子)07/06 07:48
betty31431: Phoebe: phalange 07/06 07:53
kouta: intercourse, coitus07/06 08:19
kouta: eleven 07/06 08:20
widec: 冰與火不是shame shame shame嗎07/06 08:24
sdyy: Nothing07/06 08:27
pillmedicine: 正要說Sarcasm!!!07/06 08:35
fungzi1114: 推一下objection XDDD07/06 08:36
waspie: coitus 07/06 08:36
Marat: Geronimo !07/06 08:54
yowhatsupsli: Balls 07/06 08:55
kouta: no one 07/06 08:55
vul35858: POT除了你被做成錶(?)以外還有perpetrator這個詞!07/06 08:57
vul35858: POI 打錯XD vigilance這個單字也很常用 07/06 08:58
LoveJxJ: guilty 07/06 09:12
alex0421: Urinate07/06 09:13
LlewynDavis: 權利和權力分不清楚真他媽低能兒07/06 09:34
為了錯字這麼激動喔 真可愛
LoveJxJ: Your Honor 07/06 09:35
horse175: Sheldon: Bazinga! 07/06 09:35
ray130340: suits thats bullshit!07/06 09:38
scandi: douchebag 07/06 09:38
nash3000: Tie tie tie 07/06 09:43
nana12momo: Aye!!!!!!!07/06 09:46
painttt: BELTALOWDA 07/06 09:51
Caninee: Objection !!! ... (愛看法庭戲07/06 09:52
locka: serendipity, bazinga! praised be, may the lord open… 07/06 09:52
pig18888: diaper vagina (捂臉)07/06 10:02
Adama: Bazinga!!07/06 10:03
有聲音XD ※ 編輯: Jingjingin (, 07/06/2018 10:28:20
munun: 句子可以嗎XD Impossible just means TRY AGAIN. 07/06 10:19
IceSword: 神盾局 hail hydra 07/06 10:20
mtrainier: HIMYM的假德文算不算?XD Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz 07/06 10:20
checkmarx: expanse 07/06 10:22
feather0911: Suit up! 07/06 10:28
feather0911: Bojack: ironic 07/06 10:28
vlee66: 13 reasons why: rape tape 07/06 10:30
vlee66: AoS: psychopath 07/06 10:30
lydia910485: AKA , I nailed it (Brooklyn 99) 不過本來就很常見 07/06 10:32
IceSword: Previously on AMC the walking dead 07/06 10:33
CYPan: fascinating (Spock?) 07/06 10:44
kouta: well, well, well 07/06 11:08
lisaonlisa2: House真得很常有lupus xdd 07/06 11:11
melody5323: 看完實習醫生學到超多器官跟手術用具的名字XDD 07/06 11:17
ms0354758: Breaking bad 不是 cook最常聽到嗎 07/06 11:28
lance8537: You know nothing 07/06 11:37
nana12momo: 實習醫生的醫療單字!MRI 、suction、CT... 07/06 11:37
coqsportif: TBBT的bazinga!!GOT的cunt 07/06 11:43
a31415926: Nine nine! 07/06 11:50
Murasakibara: aye 07/06 11:57
weichuanfang: Suit up! 07/06 12:07
b000555513: narcos ficking 07/06 12:09
chou3321: Tight!Tight!TIGHHHHHHT! 07/06 12:12
willgo: objection, your honor, sustain, overrule, 07/06 12:12
nananinoohno: brobdingnagian 07/06 12:14
njlo: 我印象最深的也是suit up! 07/06 12:21
mike3378: Coitus 07/06 12:23
sixx: 在許多美劇裡學會大腸鏡怎麼說 colonoscopy 07/06 12:24
xenorick: Shiiiiiiiiiit~ 07/06 12:27
HansonShen: 綠箭俠 complicated 07/06 12:40
adwowcuthand: BB bit~~~~~~~~ch 07/06 12:41
ijklmncc: we cool 07/06 12:41
Reconce: hey, bitches 07/06 12:44
kevin60417: How you doin'? 07/06 12:46
maryj0207: Rick and Morty posteriorXDD每次看到這個字就想起那 07/06 12:46
maryj0207: 首歌 07/06 12:46
ImMango: Surprice mother fucker! 07/06 12:47
eclipse036: 神盾局 cavalry 07/06 12:52
mm7788: Petulant, 從Hannibal. 這劇我學好多新字,pathology 還 07/06 12:56
mm7788: 有其他有的沒的 07/06 12:56
yenyen0403: improvise 07/06 13:26
yenyen0403: 隨機應變,馬蓋先 07/06 13:26
huhthehook: skins: 07/06 13:38
huhthehook: fucking hell,pussy,twat 07/06 13:38
ayanego: coitus,這個單字真的印象深刻XD 07/06 13:40
Naku0818: Nine nine! 07/06 13:54
wheatdog: noice! 07/06 14:14
ab577438: 肯定是coitus 07/06 14:15
route22: Netflix 07/06 14:16
royal1025: Shame shame shame 07/06 14:18
sonatafm2: boner 07/06 14:21
VegasThu: felony -謀殺入門課 07/06 14:23
VegasThu: rapist -13 reasons why 07/06 14:28
hankiwi: 看了babylon berlin學會了Danke 07/06 14:31
pinebox: https://youtu.be/u4D3UdxM3OU 07/06 14:34
scm4ni: shame shame shame 07/06 14:37
ipoytom: Hodor 07/06 14:48
sylviehsiang: Show Rick up up up. You failed this city!!! 07/06 14:53
explorer136: Praised be. May the lord open. 07/06 14:54
parker1913: Brooklyn99: cool cool cool cool cool...... 07/06 14:56
myvoice: MRI 跟CT Scan,看完House MD之後忘不掉的兩個 07/06 15:01
green198809: cool跟nine nine!!! 07/06 15:02
myvoice: Objection! (推 07/06 15:03
myvoice: Legen-wait-for-it-dary! 07/06 15:06
arue: Downton abbey: Precisely 07/06 15:36
irealist: Brothel 07/06 15:36
halfmonster: "Fidelity" from Westworld 07/06 15:49
Krisjenner: Rupaul: shantay 07/06 15:49
cjay1616: your Grace 07/06 15:50
dederek: Joey: How you doing 07/06 16:37
yyhhtt1989: Suction 07/06 16:49
tzukong: 陰屍路:walker;六人行:how u doing?csi:John Doe,Jane 07/06 16:53
tzukong: doe 07/06 16:53
klss2000: 24印象最深刻就是you have my word 07/06 16:53
LoveBeam: 法庭女王裡面的in my opnion哈哈 07/06 17:17
pocketshape: 當然是 Bazinga 07/06 17:18
w30701: ikea 07/06 17:24
icecreamxk: B99 : Sarge跟Detecive 07/06 17:29
NINEVEN: tight! tight! tight! 07/06 17:30
danny3310: tbbt BAZINGA! 07/06 17:32
c246823: Hold the door 07/06 17:44
DarthCod: GCPD! 07/06 17:50
ARinko: 一些髒話XD 07/06 18:28
Kulan: Shame ! Shame ! Shame ! 07/06 18:45
g9xuggf: Son of bi.... 07/06 18:45
wild0522: Lucifer: Detective, manipulate 07/06 19:06
lost0816: 西方聽到都背起來用:Freeze all motor functions 07/06 19:13
pagenotfound: House : biopsy活檢 / lupus狼瘡/ seisure癲癇 07/06 19:14
pagenotfound: lumbar puncture 脊柱穿刺 07/06 19:14
ookami: Brat 07/06 19:15
chenyao0910: mediocre 07/06 19:17
xczh: forensic , 看Flash, Blacklist學的 07/06 20:22
cwl717033: Blessed Day. 07/06 20:22
annaweirdo: Blessed to be the fruit. 07/06 20:40
jay880916: praise be 07/06 20:40
Spade: Bazinga 07/06 20:43
TOUzzz: unsub m.o 07/06 20:47
Kancel: Fidelity 07/06 20:47
xerophil: Mad Men的nostalgia 07/06 20:49
evan619: 瓦雷利亞語算嗎?valar morghulis 07/06 21:19
pccuupway: Say my name 07/06 21:19
bonbon0727: B99:dope TBBT:coitus intercourses molecule 07/06 21:35
kungen: Lupus.... 07/06 21:35
gg7965977: You have my word 07/06 22:39
gg7965977: Set sail 07/06 22:39
ottffss: Objection 07/06 22:54
shaola: Praised be! Objection! Your Honor! 07/06 23:40
RC8377: Friends don’t lie 07/06 23:42
nvlsvee: Taint kisser 07/06 23:59
KanyeisGod: You are being watched. 07/07 00:23
salutelin: Lengend...wait for it ...dary! 07/07 01:01
may820806: 2 broke girls: come/coming 07/07 01:17
yst28862: Tight tight tight 07/07 01:18
botnet: copy that 07/07 01:28
qq999: legendary 07/07 02:00
fuckingguy: Fidelity! 07/07 02:15
dogi2100: HIMYM :awesome & legen~wait for it~dary 07/07 03:01
kybay: bless the fruit 07/07 03:07
lthee: Exterminate! Doctor Who 07/07 03:56
esgalrond: Damn it! 07/07 04:01
starchao: 你說的逼阿取是biatch,意思跟bitch一樣但沒那麼不文雅 07/07 04:21
starchao: ,而不是你所謂真正的發音 07/07 04:21
wayne80619: a girl is no one 07/07 07:27
qweasd4406: POI detective 跟perpetrator 07/07 08:45
mymars: mi casa su casa 07/07 08:59
william8403: Legen-Wait For It... DARY! 07/07 09:05
iting8568: Legendary 07/07 09:15
chihchuan: encyclo-paedia 07/07 09:21
MinionsBOB: B99:ew~gross 07/07 09:21
chihchuan: New is always better. 07/07 09:21
chihchuan: I only have one rule. That's the dream. 07/07 09:22
hansioux: Jian Yang! Mother fuck... 07/07 09:26
cielcrosss: Legen... wait for it, DARY!!! 07/07 10:02
jim19911126: B99 Terry的Damn還有Jack的cool cool cool cool cool 07/07 10:32
PCSH120: Tight!Tight!Tight! 07/07 10:33
XZJLoser: 片語:Shame on you 07/07 11:17
rodywu: Freak 07/07 11:47
hnhnhahe: you have my word 07/07 11:54
p5341500: Say my name 07/07 11:57
nick0708: Awesome 07/07 12:37
Zack1031F1: betray 07/07 12:49
chiumy: I'm coming(看完破產姐妹花完全無法正視這個單字 07/07 13:13
daihsiaoyuan: dope 07/07 13:20
Ryotaro: Sweet ~ christmas 07/07 13:38
chen31: analysis 07/07 13:44
adrianhhhh: bazinga 07/07 14:51
fabulousWeng: Juice drink, Juice down 07/07 15:07
Adama: Oberstgruppenfuhrer 高堡奇人 07/07 16:11
sam397: Say my name! 07/07 17:29
bluecat5566: COD 07/07 18:18
lars919: Previously on XXXXX 07/07 19:25
mons0330: Hannah Baker 07/07 19:44
a13579430: House: leukemia; Elementary: sabotage 07/07 20:21
bang59487: Whore妓女 權力遊戲 07/07 20:45
aiwheat: 每一集片頭前說的,Previously on XXX 07/07 20:45
sb8888: Mercy 07/07 20:53
leehomeyu: tumor實習醫生 07/07 21:26
oztea: legendary 07/07 22:09
childgod929: how you doing? 07/07 22:33
arebear: fire fighter,call out 07/07 22:36
jg931530: The crown coronation ... 07/07 22:57
DesignXD: TWITCH doctor who馬拉松 in London 1965 07/07 23:05
TS1989: Five-O!! 07/07 23:16
sarsman: yo~必阿取 07/07 23:51
jajoy: puta! 07/08 03:26
nickcool0203: Hold the dooor 07/08 04:42
tree748596: 權力遊戲- Cunt 07/08 08:34
lyunling: Suits: god damn 07/08 08:44
poseidongo: Coolcoolcoolcool 07/08 10:10
mj72: 大推seriously? XDDDD 07/08 11:49
william321w: 推Previously 07/08 11:58
Geoffrey314: GOT:Bustard POI:Finch The Last Ship:what’s your 07/08 13:04
Geoffrey314: whiskey 07/08 13:04
a121726598: Gear up 07/08 13:04
valkylin2: 以侯嗲哺塔 07/08 13:42
jt12099: Suit up !! 07/08 13:52
csyang: POI:the machine, breaking bad:right on 07/08 16:36
jing202: Wait for it 07/08 16:49
Dorian929: Aces 07/08 17:53
blackway0226: Upset 07/08 18:01
astrorice: Seriously (greys anatomy) 07/08 18:41
mx91012373: Fire department, call out ! 07/08 19:37
galaxyku: Cool cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt 07/08 21:16
galaxyku: Noice 07/08 21:16
lnc0903: inmate 07/08 21:21
LanceHaHa: Puta 07/08 21:41
galaxyku: https://i.imgur.com/MqUhEy2.gifv 07/08 22:27
celiab: nine nine!! 07/09 01:29
nadoka: Bazinga XD 07/09 09:29
dummykarlush: 這幾個叫單字wwww 07/09 10:03
yayayogo: noise~ 07/09 10:51
TestRole: 陰屍路screw up 07/09 11:54
evelyneliu: Htgawm逍遙法外 學會一堆律政字XD 07/09 14:04
pdsjenny: POI homicide detective irrelevant 07/09 15:20
cmid05: Irrelevant真的超常出現XD 07/09 15:35
GoldSwagger: hail hydra 07/09 21:29
woodoo: Sulfur from超自然檔案 07/09 21:54
tupacshkur: Puta!!!! 07/09 21:55
lorena409: Sherlock: obviously、annoyed、apologize 07/09 22:15
entopd: 謀殺murder 07/09 22:38
shemie: tbbt:coitus 07/10 00:14
mandy8242: Sherlock: It is what it is. 07/10 00:55
MaroonSheran: Flash—we need to talk 07/10 03:02
LydiaC: Blessed day! Praise be! 07/10 06:11
AmyLord: legendary XD 07/10 11:08
deepinheart: PREVIOUSLY on ... 07/10 14:03
hysteriablue: TBBT我是學到coitus 哈哈 07/10 15:43
micbrimac: yo~ 07/10 16:26
micbrimac: My Lord My Lady 07/10 16:27
computer833: B99 what~~~~~ 07/10 20:49
vimeo: torture 07/11 00:01
ayre: It's bigger on the inside. 07/11 00:21
ayre: Victim or perpetrator, if your number's up, 07/11 00:21
ayre: we will find you 07/11 00:21
ayre: Mr. Reese >///////< 07/11 00:22
gannip4: got a cold feet 07/11 00:41
spartaucs896: shame 07/11 00:53
mysmalllamb: Are you hungry? I'm starving. 07/11 02:31
bassonly: SAY MY NAME 07/11 16:40
ym61119: shame 07/11 20:23
spider605228: cliche 07/11 23:11
love121: Clever 07/11 23:12
spider605228: You don't know me 07/11 23:13
top0119: What do you desire? 07/12 01:46
fjtc12: 權力遊戲Shame 跟hold the door 07/12 17:54
fjtc12: 黑帆 you have my word 跟beg your pardon 07/12 18:03
a88649: sun of a beach 07/13 01:51
Jlaig22: NYPD! 07/13 04:01
mmms0121: 居然沒有福爾摩斯的 obvious 07/13 04:54
tzhaoyeh: Okie dokie 07/13 21:42
yangs0618: 冰與火之歌 whore cunt 07/14 02:56
banson88: Wublab dub dub !ㄜ 07/14 10:40
markliao928: 我怎麼覺得Bazinga比Sarcasm更有感覺哈哈 07/14 14:39
zxcyeee: Winter is coming 07/14 17:55
shay001: guilty 07/15 12:30
Isacat: SPN...awesome 07/16 17:34
preferalie: Noice! Smort! 07/16 21:32
bbtk1338: Bastard 07/17 02:48
sodragon: Fantastic ! 07/18 20:52
freeeyes: 看Narcos 會記得 tranquilo(冷靜), cartel 07/18 22:25
freeeyes: 07/18 22:26
SuperBeans: Westworld第二季,fidelity,深印腦海。 07/19 00:57
ray1245741: Sherlock, obviously 07/20 20:33
w2n7ug7un: BURN!!! 07/22 21:23
tabosin: Murder 07/26 16:03
shumanlovee: Get laid XD 破產姐妹的 07/30 09:09
n3196743: demogorgon 08/05 15:53
Mrnavy: House最常有懷疑lupus 但通常都不是lupus XDD不過最喜歡 07/20 14:25
Mrnavy: 的還是house 的口頭禪:everybody lies 07/20 14:25

