
為什麼這篇better詞性鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在better詞性這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者tucson (tucson)看板TOEIC標題[其他] 徐微廣告中的英文錯誤時間Tue May...

better詞性 在 LeedsMayi Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-09-24 17:18:55

Guys, I'm a bloody English teacher, not a motivational speaker. Read and "like” my English teaching posts, pleeease? 😝 雖然我認真寫的英語教學系列貼文老是表現沒有那些風花雪月的人生...

最近電視上看到徐微英文的廣告 其中她說了句 " I can teach you better."
這句英文有點問題. 因為teach 後接雙受詞 所以better之後必須有名詞才對,
如果better當副詞 也因該說成I can better teach you .( 我可以更用心更好地教導你.)
因為如果beter位置不改則離teach 太遠,不容意讓人意思它要當adv.反而讓人覺得
better是當adj.後面卻沒名詞, better的位置放錯意義就可能稿錯了.

嘉義免費Toeic試聽 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/alclctw

免費Toeic視訊 http://www.youtube.com/user/allinternet#grid/uploads

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
criky :新聞、廣告為了效果都不一定完全正確~至少文法沒錯吧 05/18 10:38
hsiaopai :明明文法就有錯阿:P 05/18 10:41
priv :teach you well是很平常會看到的句子 05/18 10:59
priv :teach you better..不常聽到但是也不至於是錯吧 05/18 10:59
tucson :well本身只當副詞所以比較不會被誤解 05/18 11:09
tucson :但是better本身可以當副詞與形容詞雙詞性因此放句尾 05/18 11:10
tucson :並不很適當 05/18 11:10
tucson :若是用I can teach you to learn better. 則會比較好 05/18 11:15
ashurali :不能說「可能」被誤解就說它錯吧,雖然我覺得不會誤 05/18 12:29
ashurali :解呀,難道每個句子都必須明確讓你知道詞性是什麼? 05/18 12:30
bibo9901 :說"錯"也太誇張 05/18 12:38
tucson :這句子的語意與文法都有問題因此不是因為有可能才說 05/18 12:46
ashurali :語意和文法上皆沒問題吧,就是用了比較級的用法呀 05/18 12:48
ashurali :誤解應該是指正確理解句子,但想的意思不一樣吧 05/18 12:50
tucson :語意與文法句搆都有問題,你可以深思一下下 05/18 12:52
ashurali :問你個問題好了,你提到better換到前面就沒問題吧? 05/18 12:54
ashurali :那放在後面會有文法書說這樣不行嗎? 05/18 12:55
jkljkl999 :其實老外的文法有時候也很奇怪~ 05/18 12:55
ashurali :在某些狀況或許前後有差,但在這至少以文法上我覺得 05/18 12:56
ashurali :沒差 05/18 12:56
ashurali :對不起,我回錯了,前面幾句刪去 05/18 12:57
ashurali :應該說我不確定置前可以不以,但放在後面應該是對的 05/18 12:58
tucson :你看出來其中的差異了是嗎? 那就不錯喔 05/18 12:59
tucson :adv可以放句尾但所修釋的字要明顯本句是better雙詞性 05/18 13:03
tucson :且teach又是雙受詞 故這是不妥的因為會產生誤解的 05/18 13:04
bibo9901 :請問會誤解成什麼? 05/18 13:07
ga045213 :are you grammar police?? 05/18 13:09
bibo9901 :我會較好地教你? 較好的我會教你? 我會教較好的你? 05/18 13:09
laechan :可能把 better "than others" 的 ""部份省掉了XD 05/18 13:09
ga045213 :可以去google一下teach better 或是問歪果人 05/18 13:14
ga045213 :我並不覺得原句有啥錯 05/18 13:16
ga045213 :而且你那句I can better teach you我才覺得怪= = 05/18 13:17
tucson :我也是英文老師這問我也已經確認過所以才點出來 05/18 13:21
ga045213 :英文老師也是會有錯的時後= =建議多問問 05/18 13:22
tucson :你覺得我的說法有問題可是我這是經過求證外籍老師過 05/18 13:24
ga045213 :這跟do something better我覺的差不多 05/18 13:24
tucson :我已經問過我們的外籍顧問了 我說的沒錯 05/18 13:24
ga045213 :多問問= =~我發現外籍老師也是會有錯的 05/18 13:24
ga045213 :我也是在懷疑~但是我目前覺得無不妥~~語意上抓的到 05/18 13:25
tucson :我們幾個老師都認為它這樣說有問題至於問題點我已說 05/18 13:27
ga045213 :但你那說法只是單純的把他當做數學公式在拆 05/18 13:28
ga045213 :語言學習不該是這樣的 05/18 13:28
ga045213 :邏輯~語意有對~就行了 05/18 13:28
tucson :I can teach you better 我可以教你比較好的... 05/18 13:31
tucson :I can better teach yuo. 我可以以比較好的方式教你 05/18 13:31
ga045213 :那是翻譯問題= = 05/18 13:32
tucson :那是語意與logic不是翻譯問題 = = 秀才遇到兵 05/18 13:33
ga045213 :那do something better你會怎麼解釋? 05/18 13:35
ga045213 :http://ppt.cc/oUzc 這不是我一個人在說喔= = 05/18 13:44
tucson :do不是接雙受詞的動詞, teach,give,buy等的是 05/18 13:52
ga045213 :雙受詞是啥= =我那ㄟ龍無災你勒工瞎 05/18 13:58
ga045213 :而且說真的= =現在很多人都這樣說阿 05/18 14:02
ga045213 :英文不就是這樣~沒有權威這種事~ 05/18 14:02
ga045213 :口語化的東西~就是如此不是嗎= = 05/18 14:02
eleven1018 :一、是徐"薇"!二、看了您的說法我無言了! 05/18 15:20
eleven1018 :請您去查Word Pattern,一個動詞常不只一種句型可套 05/18 15:21
eleven1018 :嗯,我還是安靜點好好加強英文~~!! 05/18 15:21
eleven1018 :還是寫一下。如同中文寫作不會每句都寫"我", 05/18 15:30
eleven1018 :英文也常在某些時刻省略相對不重要的 ! 05/18 15:30
eleven1018 :尤其是廣告、新聞標題更是!! 05/18 15:31
eleven1018 :其他就不多說了!加強我自己的英文比較要緊~! 05/18 15:32
ashurali :英文應該視見到的句子而在腦袋中決定怎樣組合出意思 05/18 17:40
ashurali :並非一見到teach就直接聯想到接兩個受詞,而是能接受 05/18 17:40
ashurali :它接兩個受詞或是一個受詞 05/18 17:40
ashurali :當然要思考better是未寫完的受詞也是行,但這樣子立 05/18 17:41
ashurali :即會出現不合理、不合規則、很怪...等的念頭而丟棄這 05/18 17:42
ashurali :個思考方向,因而不會產生誤會 05/18 17:42
ashurali :另外你推文的那兩句第一句是故意不加逗號嗎?如果是 05/18 17:44
ashurali :的話是可以,不然那句的翻譯會有問題 05/18 17:44
ashurali :廣告中的短句我是不確定是否會想成句子未寫完全,就 05/18 17:44
ashurali :是後面會再加內容使之更完整,當然要開玩笑的用法是 05/18 17:45
ashurali :會有就是了 05/18 17:45
ashurali :打錯了,是不加「句點」 XD 05/18 17:45
ashurali :有些字詞會有直覺連帶出來的字,這是因為常用的用法 05/18 17:47
ashurali :多半數目不多,但更多的情況並不是這樣 05/18 17:48
ashurali :上面的人會回「翻譯問題」,大概是想句子已完結才這 05/18 17:48
ashurali :麼回應吧 05/18 17:49
ashurali :對了,外籍顧問的資歷是怎樣呀?這樣他的意見參考性 05/18 17:50
ashurali :或許會有所不同 05/18 17:51
post91 :爭這個真的沒什麼意義吧..語言本就是一種習慣 又何必 05/18 18:09
post91 :去把英文當作數學"分析"呢? 就好像現在中文會這樣講 05/18 18:10
post91 :"現在是怎樣到底?" 這樣講有沒有錯? 很難說他有錯 只 05/18 18:11
post91 :是不習慣而已 又有誰說他不行這樣講呢? 只是不主流而 05/18 18:11
post91 :已...把語言當作一種"工具" 我覺得真的不必那麼的精 05/18 18:11
post91 :確去分析每句英文的文法...這樣有點本末倒置了.. 05/18 18:12
ashurali :回樓上,其實有其意義在,像是我們有時會覺得奇怪, 05/18 18:29
ashurali :為什麼別人的想法怎麼和我們不一樣,彼此討論後才會 05/18 18:29
ashurali :知道各自是從怎樣的角度出發去看事情 05/18 18:29
ashurali :只是不是在原po的這句話就是了 05/18 18:30
goshfju :我覺得I can better teach you超級不順 = = 05/18 19:00
post91 :我了解有其意義在 當然學語言還是得從文法學起 05/18 19:00
goshfju :I can teach you better至少沒那麼卡.. 吵這蠻無聊的 05/18 19:00
post91 :但是問題是..原PO已經把文法當作一種"分析"的重點 05/18 19:00
post91 :已經失去了學語言最終的目的..我覺得這樣的爭執已經 05/18 19:01
post91 :是本末倒置了.. 05/18 19:01
cuteEvanYo :我只先確定你的中文有錯..."應該"不是"因該"... 05/18 20:21
cs4321 :我覺得原PO是對的 05/18 21:14
k101646 :那t大 it's better 文法有錯嗎? 語意又為何? 05/19 00:04
madgina :這句 怎麼看 語法語意文法通通正確 不知道你是怎學的 05/19 04:30
madgina :better明明修飾you = =a 05/19 04:34
tucson :樓上的 你的英文才怎麼學的better修飾you???? 05/19 08:00
tucson :你要不要考慮再review一遍文法呢? 05/19 08:02
yangmilk :還蠻常這樣講的阿@@ 原po會不會太認真了一點XD 05/19 08:34
yangmilk :如果要這麼嚴格的話...美國的影集大概要被批到爆了 05/19 08:34
yangmilk :語言跟文字本來標準就不同吧 不用太苛刻@@ 05/19 08:36
post91 :語言在使用跟文學上面兩者的標準本來就是不同的.. 05/19 08:44
post91 :我真的不太懂原PO如此想要"說明"給大家這句是"錯"的 05/19 08:45
post91 :這種的心態 不太懂是什麼耶.. 05/19 08:45
post91 :以前的英文老師也沒有這麼的想要證明某句語法是錯還 05/19 08:46
post91 :是對的..只告訴我們 語言是溝通用的 除非是要寫作文 05/19 08:47
post91 :不然只要依照一般的習慣用法 基本上就很夠了.. 05/19 08:47
post91 :今天我可以說 I kill這句是"對"的 05/19 08:48
post91 :依文法來講 kill是及物動詞 所以要加上受詞整句才完 05/19 08:48
post91 :整..但是翻譯成中文不行嗎? 大家知道我做了殺這個動 05/19 08:49
post91 :作 只是不知道我到底殺了什麼 這樣說有錯嗎? 05/19 08:49
post91 :而且原PO一直說是母語老師證明這句是錯的 可是為什麼 05/19 08:51
post91 :很多外國網站也常常這樣寫? 不就代表不是"錯"的 只是 05/19 08:51
post91 :可能是非文法允許 但是是習慣用法 這跟我們中文不是 05/19 08:52
post91 :一樣嗎? 有人說這句對 有人說這句錯 但是大家都了解 05/19 08:52
post91 :意思就好了 又不是要參加作文比賽 何必嚴格成這樣? 05/19 08:52
ga045213 :其實最基本來講news headline是最常見的= = 05/19 10:01
Asaly :Mariah Carey 有一首歌叫 I wish you well 05/19 14:33
Asaly :那你要寫一下信給她....... 05/19 14:34
fbikgb:轉錄至看板 Eng-Class 05/19 16:33
madgina :S V O OC 的句型 沒學過喔? 至少徐薇名氣大過你 05/20 04:10
madgina :光這點 人家徐英文老師 就比你這英文老師賺的多啦 05/20 04:14
chenzhishun1:i totally agree with post91. i wonder why some 05/20 15:17
chenzhishun1:like to 咬文嚼字so much. by the way,i don't see 05/20 15:18
chenzhishun1:the problem with "i can teach you better" 05/20 15:18
chenzhishun1:at all, and i really think this "analysis" is 05/20 15:19
chenzhishun1:silly, if you can call it THAT. 05/20 15:20
chenzhishun1:english is not just a bunch of formulas, 05/20 15:20
chenzhishun1:we are humans; formulas are for machines!! 05/20 15:20
chenzhishun1:we should stop seeing this world in a simplistic 05/20 15:44
chenzhishun1:frame of mind.What's true in a high school 05/20 15:45
chenzhishun1:text book may not be adequate on the colleage 05/20 15:46
chenzhishun1:, graduate,even post graduate level. 05/20 15:47
chenzhishun1:if you are teaching english for living, 05/20 15:49
chenzhishun1:i suggest you to constantly improve yourself on 05/20 15:49
chenzhishun1:your knowledge of English. 05/20 15:50
chenzhishun1:so that your students will benefit more 05/20 15:50
chenzhishun1:from your teaching. good luck! 05/20 15:50
ashurali :But post91 gives learners too much flexibility in 05/20 19:23
ashurali :using English. 05/20 19:24
chenzhishun1:post91 doesn't make English more difficult. 05/21 01:01
chenzhishun1:English is either complicated or simple, only 05/21 01:03
chenzhishun1:our thinking makes it so 05/21 01:03
chenzhishun1:the exam questions are only as good as the person 05/21 01:03
chenzhishun1:make them, and having the access to that solution 05/21 01:04
chenzhishun1:sheet and the power to mark our students wrong 05/21 01:06
chenzhishun1:doesn't make us God. 05/21 01:06
forthewill :ma還真跳針...還可以扯到名氣... 05/21 15:16
ashurali :There is the necessity of the existence of 05/21 22:39
ashurali :grammar. You do not need to follow rules all the 05/21 22:39
ashurali :time, but if you cross the border too far away, 05/21 22:39
ashurali :there must be some negative influence on your 05/21 22:39
ashurali :communication. Even though you are a native 05/21 22:40
ashurali :speaker, actually obeying rules with different 05/21 22:40
ashurali :thinking process from English learners, you can 05/21 22:40
ashurali :create new English usage only under limited and 05/21 22:40
ashurali :reasonable conditions. Under these restrictions, 05/21 22:40
ashurali :however, there is still lots of potential of the 05/21 22:40
ashurali :variability in this language. So I think the 05/21 22:40
ashurali :flexibility mentioned by post91 is not that 05/21 22:40
ashurali :appropriate, especially for most of the visitors 05/21 22:40
ashurali :of this board. But I have to say I accept most 05/21 22:40
ashurali :of the post91's ideas. 05/21 22:41
ashurali :This discussion created by tucson was definately 05/21 22:41
ashurali :not related to tests in schools. It was just 05/21 22:41
ashurali :about the grammar, at least in my viewpoint. 05/21 22:41
ashurali :Although I do not agree with the reasons tucson 05/21 22:41
ashurali :has mentioned and I think he/she did not give us 05/21 22:41
ashurali :enough and reasonable explanations, I will not 05/21 22:41
ashurali :regard this discussion as a meaningless one. 05/21 22:41
ashurali :Through discussion like this, with so much 05/21 22:41
ashurali :comments referred by others, sometimes, not 05/21 22:41
ashurali :necessairly, we can find out the blind spot of 05/21 22:42
ashurali :our thinking and learn to use better grammar. 05/21 22:42
chenzhishun1:i understand what you wrote and i have to say 05/22 14:24
chenzhishun1:that i also agree with you =) 05/22 14:24
chenzhishun1:btw,thanks for writing that in English =) 05/22 14:26
eleven1018 :看了他發文記錄,每篇必附上自家網站打廣告, 05/22 22:18
eleven1018 :又故意擺明針對徐薇英語,其心態很明顯!改成嘘! 05/22 22:19
popowww :語言不就是要活用嗎? 口語化有錯嗎? 我已經吃過晚餐 06/22 03:10
popowww :跟晚餐解決了哪一句是正確的文法?有誰看不懂第二句的 06/22 03:12
popowww :想讓自己成為更強的老師是多磨練 不是挑別人的小地方 06/22 03:12

