Phrase: Berates [somebody] for [something]
例句:The government official was berated for corruption.
Phrase: Berates [somebody] for [something]
例句:The government official was berated for corruption.
例句:The child feared that his mother would berate him for his low score in the test.
同學做Reading卷時唔識得好多vocab,係咪就覺得一定會低分?英文底子固然非常重要,平時日積月累學生詞打好基本功係必須嘅,但底子同考試技巧其實缺一不可!Melody 已經推出《HKDSE英文:Reading全方位神技精讀》及《IELTS Reading: 全方位精讀攻略》,為同學系統性分析常見的閱讀題型,無論底子好、底子差,都必定在這些精讀找到有用的地方!另外亦會提醒同學做卷前的必知事項,講述找答案的基本原則,減少同學在準備過程中所走的冤枉路,更附送像真度極高的模擬試卷,分別參照多年DSE及IELTS歷屆試題精心炮製,讓同學有實戰經驗之餘亦能從實例題目明白技巧,不同於坊間許多線上課程只會空談技巧而忽略實用性!
全港唯一雙料狀元線上補習平台 – 免費試讀!
1) 5**濃縮精華筆記:狀元Melody Tam親撰濃縮精華筆記,絕對不拖時間,真正去蕪存菁,適合想於短時間內升Grade的你
2) 30年操卷祕技傾囊相授:Melody Tam應考前曾多次操練各科30年的Past Paper,將心得精華、試題備註傾囊相授,伏位、失分位一應俱全
3) 無限次重溫教學:安坐家中便能無限次重溫高質素教學影片,隨時隨地學習狀元考試秘技—— 你還願意到大型補習社上video class嗎?
早註冊 = 早享受
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berated中文 在 黃大煒 (Huang Dawei) Facebook 的最讚貼文
請尊重演藝人士, 我以身為演藝人士為傲!!❤️
What I don’t understand is why and how it has been skewed this far from the truth… This whole “thing”, (because I don’t know what else to call it), cannot be considered “work” because we were not issued work permits. In order to fill the requirements of applying for work permits, a company or organization must have the proper license to do so. In addition, I never signed any release forms allowing any of my audio or visuals to be used. Why does this judge keep push me to break the law?
It seems as though this judge doesn’t realize the severity of the case at hand, and has her own agenda and personal preferences that are not associated to the law. I am very shocked to witness it firsthand, and am very disappointed in Taiwan’s judicial system. I don’t know if it is because I am a U.S. Citizen, or if it is my line of work, but it just does not seem reasonable. I believe in and support what Vicky and POLO have said and done, and trust that we all can make an impact, regardless of how others view it. The main thing is to set the standard that should have already been there.
Although I have previously used Lee and Li Attorneys, I am very thankful to have Foresight Law’s Mark Wang and especially Vivian Huang as my lawyers and most importantly, friends. I trust them both, and value their professionalism, morals and character. I am very proud and admire how they conducted themselves during the April 25th, 2018 court date. Even though they were unreasonably belittled and berated by the Judge, they still continued with much class and respect.
I can understand people categorizing or stereotyping me and my line of work when they don’t know me; but I feel that people should keep an open mind, especially when they get a chance understand where I come from and what my beliefs are. There is no right or wrong with your view of me or my line of work; however I wish to be respected for my decisions and my process! It may not be for everyone, the way my team and I do things, but it is the only way we believe in.
Thank you again for all your support! We will never give up, as we have the responsibility to protect ourselves and the people around us, along with standing up for what is right!
Vicky MeiMei Chao
POLO Wang-Lau
黃珊珊議員 - 律師服務處
#CleanHsieh #歐潔