

在 beforehand用法產品中有2篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過4萬的網紅Tommy Cheung 張秀賢,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 眾籌支付誹謗案相關費用 還原721襲擊真相 Crowdfunding Campaign for paying fees in the defamation case Restore the truth of 721 Yuen Long Attack 2019年7月21日,相信不少人對當晚元朗所...


  • beforehand用法 在 Tommy Cheung 張秀賢 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-05 12:57:34
    有 634 人按讚

    Crowdfunding Campaign for paying fees in the defamation case
    Restore the truth of 721 Yuen Long Attack





    A lot of us still relive what happened in Yuen Long on July 21, 2019, as it changed the lives of countless. After witnessing what happened there that evening via live streams on my phone and television, I chose to step forward and, again, devote myself to the political orbit. I thus participated in the district council election and committed to the eradication of the pro-establishment evil forces in the legislature. However, political repression still exists in the district council and hurdles our work - I just received the summons of the defamation suit filed by my former opponent in the election.

    My only way out in this time of adversity is to present the facts in court, where I can make use of the court trial as a fact verification platform to state the truth of July 21. I will also seize the opportunity in the process of subpoena and testimony to expose the qualms of July 21, including the authenticity of the information circulated beforehand, the network of the white-shirted thugs, and the complex business-government relationships.

    As an independent democrat, I do not have any organizational support, nor do I have vast financial resources as my late opponent does. Besides, since the legal aid scheme does not cover defamation cases, I must pay the legal expenses, including the cost of hiring lawyers and barristers and court fees, on my own. In the face of tremendous financial pressure, I must plead for help by raising funds for litigation from you to meet the legal expenses. I will use the funds for the legal services required and hiring an agent to collect evidence and review media clips of July 21 to help court trials and other private investigations concerning the incident.

    If there is a surplus in the final reimbursement of litigation costs, I will donate the remaining balance to the organisation or fund supporting activists.




    Crowdfunding Target: HKD 800,000

    Solicitor and Counsel Fee: HKD 500,000
    Crowdfunding Platform Fee: Around HKD 50,000
    Employ a staff to follow the documentaries and records on 721 attack: HKD 250,000

    I will announce the financial report of this fundraising project every three months to explain the expenditure of the funding.




  • beforehand用法 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2015-09-16 07:39:19
    有 126 人按讚

    【玳瑚師父佛學論】 《夢不到妳你》
    Can't Dream of You (English version below)

    人間為何是人間,因還有罣念,有罣念就始終離不開一個情字。依此因緣,就跳不出紅塵,繼續被滾滾紅塵掩埋佛性,虛度光陰,塵勞混成團,想透出頭來也是難。 如此這般狀況,「死睡」者多過於「活睡」者。就算妳你想夢見的對象想給妳你夢,試問妳你又如何夢得到她他呢?









    The human realm exists because of clinging attachments, and most of it got to do with matters of the heart. As a result of these affinities, you are trapped in this never-ending cycle of sufferings, burying your Buddha nature. Your time is wasted and it is hard to break out of the drudgery of life. Under such circumstances, many are just "sleeping dead", and very few are really "awake while sleeping". How would you then be able to dream of the person on your mind even if the other party wishes to enter your dreams?

    In the past, many people had complained to me that they could not dream of their deceased relatives. They mostly wanted to know how their deceased relatives were doing, and at which realm they were, etc. Some went to the shamans but not everybody were satisfied with the answers while some consulted the "rice ladies" (mediums) and went away clueless too. Does the problem lie with the shamans, the mediums or...? There are times that such answers are inaccurate and there are times the problem is not due to the shamans or the mediums but the person asking for answers.

    Many years ago, there was a young lady who came to me for help. She had a deep karmic debt owed to her deceased pet dog. She wanted to see her pet in her dream and asked me to teach her how. I had a brief affinity with the dog, thus my decision to teach her. The technique was taught by the Buddha and should have worked well. I asked her to bring me a five-coloured thread. After cleansing it, I empowered it with Tantric mantras and taught her how to use it. However, not only did she not dream of her pet, she had nightmares. When I came to know of it, I made a logical deduction. Here are 3 main reasons why the young lady did not get her wish fulfilled.

    Firstly, the merits of that person are insufficient. I had known this fact beforehand and it was evident to her family members too.

    Secondly, her faith is not enough.

    Thirdly, and an important one, the steps in the ritual were not adhered to.

    I can offer another proof when I said that the problem lies with the girl. Her father once came to me to ask for a protective charm for her brother who was going overseas for army training. I used a similar technique to assist him. When the son returned home, he told his father that many of comrades had troubles during the mission but he himself managed to return safely. His parents happily thanked me. This is no mere coincidence. The moral conduct of the answer-seeker is a major contributing factor here. That is the reason why I relentlessly and painstakingly explaining to you, hoping that everyone can be auspicious.

    There are certainly ways to dream of anyone that you wishes. However you would need to fulfill the three prerequisites as stated earlier in this article. Otherwise, the energy frequencies of the deceased and yourself shall determine the chance of him or her appearing in your dream. Put in the effort to learn and you will no longer be lamenting "I can't dream of you!"


    Photo credit: Wallcoo.com

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