

在 because符號產品中有32篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過874的網紅多益達人 林立英文,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, Asian-Americans Are Being Attacked. Why Are Hate Crime Charges So Rare? On a cold evening last month, a Chinese man was walking home near Manhattan...

 同時也有11部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過8萬的網紅與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts,也在其Youtube影片中提到,? Patreon 每月學習計劃 ► https://bit.ly/3fZcjID ?【成人英語再起步】網上課程 ► http://bit.ly/2We1n2Q ? 訂閱電郵通訊,收取學習資源、心得和課程最新消息 ► http://bit.ly/fla-nl ? 收聽 Learning E...

because符號 在 仙弟的潮流英文 Instagram 的精選貼文

2021-09-10 21:55:18

.⁣ 英文標點符號到底怎麼用?⁣ ⁣ 寫作文的時候⁣ 我們常常會用逗號把句子隔開⁣ 但是在英文作文裡⁣ 標點符號卻不是這樣用⁣ 有些符號有它特殊的規則⁣ 今天就來介紹一些逗號、句號、跟分號的用法⁣ 稍微複雜一點的不多說⁣ 今天來說說它們的幾個基本規則⁣ ⁣ ⁣ ➡️句號⁣ ⁣ 句號用在結束一段句子的...

because符號 在 Ru味春捲 Ru’s Piano Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-07-05 14:51:24

【YouTube頻道會員🌟福利調整公告】 非常感謝各位會員們持續支持RuRu!有你們的幫助才能讓我繼續創作音樂作品~ (´ω`ʃ♡ƪ) 從7月份開始,會員福利將會增加「周邊抽獎活動」及「周邊商品折扣代碼」,任何階級的會員都可享有此兩項福利唷!其中「自在極意滷粉」階級再添加「限定拍立得抽獎活動」,...

because符號 在 火力創新|創新實驗室 FIL? Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-09-03 21:27:47

#你得知道 【02.22~02.26科技新聞】 --------------------------- 1️⃣Z世代與千禧世代網民的表情符號革命 😂(Face with Tears of joy )表情符號在Z世代已經被逐漸淘汰,用😂的人在Z世代的眼中已被視為老人。過去這幾周,TikTok上爆發了...

  • because符號 在 多益達人 林立英文 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2021-07-25 23:16:06
    有 2 人按讚

    Asian-Americans Are Being Attacked. Why Are Hate Crime Charges So Rare?

    On a cold evening last month, a Chinese man was walking home near Manhattan’s Chinatown neighborhood when a stranger suddenly ran up behind him and plunged ( ) a knife into his back.

    For many Asian-Americans, the stabbing ( ) was horrifying, but not surprising. It was widely seen as just the latest example of racially targeted violence against Asians during the pandemic.

    But the perpetrator ( ), a 23-year-old man from Yemen, had not said a word to the victim before the attack, investigators ( ) said. Prosecutors ( ) determined they lacked enough evidence to prove a racist ( ) motive ( ). The attacker was charged with attempted murder, but not as a hate crime ( ).

    The announcement outraged ( ) Asian-American leaders in New York City. Many of them protested ( ) outside the Manhattan district attorney’s office, demanding that the stabbing be prosecuted as a hate crime. They were tired of what they saw as racist assaults being overlooked ( ) by the authorities ( ).

    The rally ( ) reflected the tortured ( ) public conversation over how to confront ( ) a rise in reports of violence against Asian-Americans, who have felt increasingly vulnerable ( ) with each new attack. Many incidents have either not led to arrests or have not been charged as hate crimes, making it difficult to capture with reliable data the extent to which Asian-Americans are being targeted.

    That frustration erupted on a national scale ( ) this week after Robert Aaron Long, a white man, was charged with fatally shooting eight people, including six women of Asian descent ( ), at spas in the Atlanta area on Tuesday night.

    Other incidents that clearly seemed racially motivated have not resulted in arrests. The police are still searching for a man who called an Asian-American mother the “Chinese virus” and spat ( ) at her child in Queens last week.

    In New York State, to charge ( ) such attacks as hate crimes, prosecutors would need to show that the victims were targeted because of their race.

    But proving a racist motive can be particularly difficult with attacks against Asians, experts say. There is no widely recognized symbol of anti-Asian hate comparable to a noose ( ) or a swastika ( ). Historically, many Asian crime victims around the country were small-business owners who were robbed, complicating ( ) the question of motive.

    Under New York State law, certain offenses can be upgraded to hate crimes, increasing the potential prison sentence ( ). As evidence, prosecutors often point to hateful verbal statements or social media posts by the defendant ( ).

    In the past month alone, several assaults ( ) on Asian victims have been reported to the police, including an attack on an older woman who was pushed outside a bakery in Queens. None of the incidents has been charged as a hate crime.

    In fact, the only person who has been prosecuted for an anti-Asian hate crime in New York City this year is Taiwanese. He was accused of writing anti-Chinese graffiti outside several businesses in Queens.

    Wayne Ho, president of the Chinese-American Planning Council, a social services agency, said many of his Asian colleagues were verbally harassed ( ) during the pandemic but chose not to alert law enforcement because they worried the perpetrators, who were often people of color, could be mistreated ( ) by the police.

    “I asked myself, do I want this person in jail?” said Alice Wong, one of Mr. Ho’s colleagues. “Just because you put someone in jail doesn’t make them not hate anyone anymore.”

    Recognizing ( ) this challenge, some law enforcement officials have called for people who commit hate crimes to attend antiracism classes as an alternative ( ) to prison.







    在白人男子羅伯特•亞倫•朗(Robert Aaron Long)被控週二晚在亞特蘭大地區的水療中心開槍打死八人(其中包括六名亞裔女性)後,這種不滿情緒本週在全國範圍內爆發。







    社會服務機構華裔美國人規劃委員會(Chinese-American Planning Council)主席韋恩•何(Wayne Ho)表示,他的許多亞裔同事在疫情大流行期間受到了口頭騷擾,但他們選擇不向執法部門報告,因為他們擔心騷擾者(通常是有色人種)可能會受到警方的虐待。

    「我問自己,我想讓這個人進監獄嗎?」韋恩•何的同事愛麗絲•黃(Alice Wong)說。「把一個人關進監獄並不會讓他們不再憎恨任何人。」


    #高雄人 #學習英文 #多益達人林立英文
    #高中英文 #成人英文
    #多益家教班 #商用英文

  • because符號 在 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2021-06-21 19:41:16
    有 4,098 人按讚


    非常感謝各位會員們持續支持RuRu!有你們的幫助才能讓我繼續創作音樂作品~ (´ω`ʃ♡ƪ)

    從7月份開始,會員福利將會增加「周邊抽獎活動」及「周邊商品折扣代碼」,任何階級的會員都可享有此兩項福利唷!其中「自在極意滷粉」階級再添加「限定拍立得抽獎活動」,抽中的自在極意粉將獲得一張RuRu拍立得簽名照~( ゚∀゚) ノ♡



    會員階級1 - 滷粉 Ru Fan:
    1. 專屬會員貓掌徽章
    2. 專屬會員表情符號
    3. 每個月作品的MP3音樂檔
    4. 每個月作品的PDF檔鋼琴樂譜
    5. 頻道會員專屬影片
    6. 參加每月周邊商品抽獎活動
    7. Ru味春捲 x Fandora周邊商品折扣代碼(期間限定)
    會員階級2 - 超級滷粉 Super Ru Fan:
    1. 上述滷粉的所有專屬福利
    2. 每個月作品的WAV音樂檔
    3. 超級滷粉限定的照片、音樂討論與投票活動
    4. 專屬Discord聊天群組
    會員階級3 - 自在極意滷粉 Ultra Ru Fan
    1. 上述滷粉及超級滷粉的所有專屬福利
    2. 參加限量版RuRu拍立得簽名照抽獎活動


    【YouTube Channel Member🌟Announcement of Adjusting Benefits】

    Thank you very much for your continued support! With your help, I can keep creating music works~ (´ω`ʃ♡ƪ)

    In July, member benefits will be increased with "Merchandise Prize Draw" and "Merchandise Discount Code". Members of any class can enjoy these two benefits! And "Ultra Ru fan" can participate "Limited Polaroid Prize Draw", the winners will get RuRu Polaroid autographed photo~( ゚∀゚) ノ♡

    The original benefits of "Ru Fan" will also be adjusted next month. Because my music is often stolen by pirates this year, I decided to change the Ru Fan’s WAV files to MP3 files. The original WAV files benefit are provided to "Super Ru Fan” and above to get them. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please leave a comment in the member-only post next month.

    These are the detailed benefits of each level:

    Member level 1 - Ru Fan:
    1. Exclusive member cat paw badge
    2. Exclusive member emojis
    3. Mp3 audio files per month
    4. Piano sheet PDF files per month
    5. Member exclusive videos
    6. Merchandise Prize Draw monthly
    7. Ru’s Piano x Fandora discount code (Limited time)
    Member level 2 - Super Ru Fan:
    1. All of the above Ru Fan exclusive benefits.
    2. Super Ru fan-only photos, music discussion and voting events
    3. High quality WAV audio files per month
    4. Exclusive Discord chat group
    Member level 3 - Ultra Ru fan:
    1. All of the above Ru Fan and Super Ru Fan exclusive benefits
    2. Limited RuRu Autographed Polaroid Photo Prize Draw monthly

    *The price in the images is in Taiwan dollars (NTD)

    #Ru味春捲 #RUsPiano
    #YouTube頻道會員 #福利調整 #新增福利
    #YouTubeMember #AdjustingBenefits

  • because符號 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-06-16 20:02:06
    有 199 人按讚

    There’s rhythm in writing! 🎶









    你可能會說 ok,以英文為母語的人比較會用短的句子,那又怎樣?句子的長短,跟我寫作的好壞,有關嗎?



    Well actually,你應該可以想像,這些就是要幫助我們睡眠的。






    📌 台灣案例:Taipei Times Opinion

    1. The TAIEX last month rose above 17,000 points as rallies in steel, shipping and some non-tech stocks offset a weakness in semiconductor and electronics stocks.

    2. While news about a cluster of local COVID-19 infections connected with China Airlines cargo pilots and a hotel in Taoyuan fueled selling pressure early this month and pushed the local stock market into consolidation mode, the daily market turnover in the first two trading sessions of this month hit fresh highs.

    3. Moreover, Taiwan’s stock trading volume last month began to surpass that of Hong Kong for the first time in 15 years, which was beyond most market participants’ expectations.

    4. Taiwan’s daily market turnover exceeding Hong Kong’s might gradually become a new normal from this year, and there are good reasons for this.

    5. First, Hong Kong’s stock market has lost its appeal to foreign investors since China last year imposed national security legislation on the territory, triggering a potential flight of capital and talent.

    6. Second, many wealthy Taiwanese tend to park their overseas funds in Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Switzerland and the US, but government statistics showed that more than 80 percent of funds repatriated by wealthy individuals last year were from Hong Kong, as they saw the political situation in the territory worsen after its self-governance, human rights and freedom of speech were further suppressed.

    7. Third, China’s new NASDAQ-style stock board — the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s STAR board — has emerged as a fast-growing capital markets center for Chinese companies at a time when rising China-US tensions have triggered concerns about their prospects of listing in New York, posing a growing challenge to the Hong Kong stock exchange.

    8. On the other hand, Taiwan’s economic fundamentals, the central bank’s adoption of extraordinary monetary easing and the government’s fiscal policies have fueled continued rallies in the nation’s stock market since last year.

    9. It might be too early to tell how long the consolidation trend might last, as a resurgent COVID-19 outbreak is coloring the global economic outlook, but some insight can be drawn from the stock market:

    10. Taiwan’s GDP grew a larger-than-expected 8.16 percent in the first quarter, as exports and private investment remained healthy.

    都是一堆很長的句子對不對?我們來看美國人寫的句子,也是一個主流媒體的 opinion 文。


    📌 美國案例:New York Times Opinion

    1. I miss torturing Liz Cheney.

    2. But it must be said that the petite blonde from Wyoming suddenly seems like a Valkyrie amid halflings.

    3. She is willing to sacrifice her leadership post — and risk her political career — to continue calling out Donald Trump’s Big Lie.

    4. She has decided that, if the price of her job is being as unctuous to Trump as Kevin McCarthy is, it isn’t worth it, because McCarthy is totally disgracing himself.

    5. It has been a dizzying fall for the scion of one of the most powerful political families in the land, a conservative chip off the old block who was once talked about as a comer, someone who could be the first woman president.

    6. How naïve I was to think that Republicans would be eager to change the channel after Trump cost them the Senate and the White House and unleashed a mob on them.

    7. I thought the Donald would evaporate in a poof of orange smoke, ending a supremely screwed-up period of history.

    8. But the loudest mouth is not shutting up.

    9. And Republicans continue to listen, clinging to the idea that the dinosaur is the future.

    10. “We can’t grow without him,” Lindsey Graham said.

    📌 Note: 即使是比較長的句子,這位作者也會用標點符號拆散它:She is willing to sacrifice her leadership post — and risk her political career — to continue calling out Donald Trump’s Big Lie. 這就好比用句點一樣,讓我們讀起來有點停頓休息的時間。


    📌 注意到了嗎?



    所以想到這裡,我從我的書架上,隨便挑了兩本跟科技有關的書出來。左邊的,是美國人,矽谷知名投資人 Peter Thiel。右邊的是德國人,但注意了,是一個英文非常好的德國人。他不但是世界經濟論壇的創辦人,研究所也是在哈佛大學唸的。


    📌 兩本書 Introduction 是怎麼寫的?

    Klaus Schwab (德國):

    Of the many diverse and fascinating challenges we face today, the most intense and important is how to understand and shape the new technology revolution, which entails nothing less than a transformation of humankind.

    We are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work, and relate to one another.
    In its scale, scope and complexity, what I consider to be the fourth industrial revolution is unlike anything humankind has experienced before.

    Peter Thiel (美國):

    Whenever I interview someone for a job, I like to ask this question: "What important truth do very few people agree with you on?"

    The question sounds easy because it's straightforward.
    Actually, it's very hard to answer.

    It's intellectually difficult because the knowledge that everyone is taught in school is by definition agreed upon.

    See the difference?


    📌 如何變換節奏呢?

    需要Andrew的完整分享請留言「There’s rhythm in writing~」。

    Follow Presentality for more!

  • because符號 在 與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2020-11-16 08:41:58

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  • because符號 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的最佳解答

    2020-04-29 23:00:11


    #WEGOJapaneseStore #日本潮店 #日本旅行 #osakamustbuy #日本wego必買 #大阪必買 #大阪心齋橋 #wego分店 #日本潮牌

    Hello大家好, 我叫阿Tsar Hello, everyone.

    今日帶大家去到大阪心齋橋一間潮店shopping Today I will take you to shopping in Shinsaibashi, Osaka

    去日本旅行對這個品牌一點都不陌生WEGO Japanese Store U will find this brand WEGO familiar in Japan

    如果講日本街頭潮流文化, 大家都會想起Supreme If u talk about Japanese street fashion, everyone will think of Supreme

    Supreme在1994年出於倫敦的設計師James Jebbia在紐約SOHO創立出來的 Supreme was founded in 1994 in SOHO of New York by British designer James Jebbia

    Supreme買得那麼貴的原因, 就是因為本身設計師好有性格, 設計好多限量版的時裝 The reason Supreme bought so expensive is because the designer has designed a lot of limited-edition fashions.

    懂得利用Hunger Marketing飢餓行銷, 即是好多限量版, He made use of Hunger Marketing which has a lot of limited editions,

    製造供不應求的.的「假象」, Manufacturing in short supply for making a scence of shortage

    加上又講得跟名牌好像Louis Vuitton還有好多名牌玩crossover Plus crossover with the famous brands like Louis Vuitton n many other famous brands

    所以買到普通一件T恤都要過千元HKD, So that a simple T-shirt is selling more than a thousand HKD,

    而我今日介紹的WEGO Japanese Store, 它是日本一個好出色的街頭文化品牌 The WEGO Japanese Store that I introduce today, it is a famous street culture brand in Japan

    但是它的價錢就便宜好多好多,價格非常親民,而且男女裝都有 But its price is a lot cheaper n affordable for men and women.

    在日本的年青人由15歲至到25歲, 最少擁有一件WEGO Young people in Japan from 15 to 25 years old, own at least one WEGO

    WEGO比 Supreme更平價, 但是比起平價的UNIQLO色彩款式更豐富 WEGO is more affordable than Supreme, but more details n colorful than the cheap UNIQLO

    你可能認為WEGO, 只會適合年青人啦?! You might think that WEGO is only suitable for young people ?!
    我不同意這個講法! 因為年齡只是一個數字 I disagree with this! Because age is just a number

    而穿衣只會顯示你當時的心情, 好像現在的社會氣氛 Dressing will only show your mood at that moment, specially for the current social atmosphere

    我認為, 大家應該可以用色彩對你的生命注入一點繽紛元素 I think that everyone should be able to erich your life with colors

    片尾我會介紹幾句日文的潮語給大家, 如果你對這方面有興趣 At the end of the video, I will introduce a few Japanese slangs to u. If u are interested in this,

    記得看到片尾, 看完記得给我表情符號以示支持 Remember to watch till the end, also give me an emoji to show support

    事不宜遲, 快點看看今日的十大必買, are you ready? Let's move on to take a look at today's top 10 best-buy, are you ready?

    第一必買, 如果大家以為腰包是的士司機、小販的專利 1st best buy is belt bag. ........
    今日的分享大致上是這樣, 還記得我跟大家有個約會嗎 This is about what I am sharing for today. Remember we have a date?
    我應承過大家寫一份5日4夜大阪行程規劃, I promise everyone to write a 5-nites 4 days Osaka itinerary plan,

    這個行程規劃將會在我五月尾放完大假之前寫好給大家 This itinerary plan will be written for everyone before the end of May.

    希望可以令到大家planing, 怎樣去大阪可以玩得輕鬆easy I hope that everyone can plan easily n have fun going to Osaka next time

    還可以分享給你們的團友, 不用自己煩 U can also share it with your friends travel together, save a lot of trouble by watching my videos!

    當中會有好多資訊分享, 我的大阪播放清單超過100條影片 There will be a lot of information to share, my Osaka playlist has more than 100 videos

    將會放在google map的行程規劃, 所以大家一定會看得清楚 It will be placed on the google map itinerary plan, so everyone will see it clearly

    另一個同大家的約會, 就會在我五月放完大假之前開live

    已經收到好多網友的提議講鬼故, 之前我會通知大家何時做直播

    不會留底, 所以不會嚇怕其他不想聽鬼故的網友

    如果大家喜歡我的介紹, 記得幫我分享訂閱和like If you like my sharing today, please remember to CLS

    我的下一條片再傾過日本的其他話題, My next video will cover other topics in Japan,

    日文晚安 Oyasumi nasai Good nite in Japanese is "Oyasumi nasai!"

    我們下次再傾過, 88, Oyasumi nasai With that said untill next time, 88.

    みなさん、こんにちは、Ah Tsarです。


    日本への旅行は、このブランドWEGO Japanese Storeに慣れています


    Supremeは1994年にロンドンのSOHOのデザイナーJames Jebbiaによってニューヨークで設立されました。



     供給不足での製造。 "想像力"、


















  • because符號 在 Smart Travel Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-04-15 22:45:12

    #tenjinbashisuji #tenjinbashisujishoppingstreet #天神橋筋 #天神橋筋商店街美食 #大阪必吃 #大阪必買 #

    Hello大家好, 我叫阿Tsar, Hello, everyone

    今日帶大家嚟到全日本最長的商店街,位於大阪的天神橋筋商店街 Today I will show u the longest shopping street in Japan, the Tenjinbashisuji shopping street in Osaka

    香港的彌敦道全長是3.6公里,這裏1丁目至7丁目的長度是2.6公里, The total length of Nathan Road in HK is 3.6 km, here the length from section 1 to7 is 2.6 km

    相等於三分之二的彌敦道那麼長啦, 來這裏吃、買、玩交通相當方便 which is 2/3 long of Nathan Rd, is quite convenient to come eat, buy, and play for transportation

    因為由天神1至7町目,橫跨了三個地鐵站 Because there are 3 subway stations are crossed from Tenjin sections 1 to 7

    分別是「南森町駅」、「扇町駅 」和「天神橋筋六町目駅」,

    有多達800間店鋪,當中包括餐廳、藥妝、衣服、 U to 800 shops including restaurants, cosmeceuticals n clothes,

    雜貨、土產、傳統老店、居酒屋等等,應有盡有, Groceries, traditional old shops n izakaya, etc.U name it,

    最重要是什麼呢, 這裏的吃買玩是街坊價錢! What most important is the food and drink here is charged very low!

    如果你的行程逗留大阪不是那麼久, 我建議你來這條街 If your itinerary is not so long in Osaka, I suggest you come here

    一次過可以滿足你三個願望, 以最平的價錢、最集中的時間,去享受旅遊大阪的真樂趣 It satisfies your 3 wishes in one go, n enjoy the true pleasure of traveling to Osaka at the most affordable price and most concentrated time

    我在google map, cap了張圖, 看看這裏連住三個地鐵站附近的酒店 I captured a photo for budget hotels nearby

    三、四百hkd一晚, 是現在這一刻的價錢 Around 3 to 400hkd per night for the price at this period

    大家如果下次去大阪, 不想住心齋橋、梅田那麼嘈吵的地方 For your next visit to Osaka, if u don't want to live in a noisy area like Shinsaibashi or Umeda................
    這裏都可以是一個幾好的選擇, 比較貼地、接近大阪人的平民生活 U can enjoy the civilian lifestyle of Osaka locals

    由於這條街太長, 所以我今日會介紹這裏的2丁目同埋3丁目 Since this street is too long, I will introduce only sections 2 chome and 3 today

    長度相等於你從金鐘頭行到去灣仔中間的距離啦 The length is equal to the distance from Admiralty to mid Wanchai

    我會重點推介一些值得吃買玩這個段落的地方, I will focus on recommending some places worth eating, buying n playing ..

    這裏還可以有免費wi-fi上網, 速度都不錯㗎, They have free speedy wi-fi Internet access

    邊行邊打卡給你啲friend啦, 快啲跟我一齊行啦, Are u ready? U can selfie n share with friends along. Are u ready?

    嚟到2丁目, 你一定不可以錯過這間人龍排隊小店 When u come to section 2, u shouldn't miss this long queue store

    它就是鼎鼎大名的 『中村屋』可樂餅啦, It is the famous croquette,

    剛剛炸好的可樂餅, 金黃酥脆,外酥內軟,炸得香氣撲鼻, The freshly fried croquette, golden crispy on the outside and soft on the inside n fragrant,

    被稱為是全大阪最好食的可樂餅! Known as the best croquette in Osaka!

    日本一個好權威的飲食網頁Tabelog攞到3.51分 It scored 3.53 in an authoritative food webpage in Japan called Tabelog

    通常如果攞到3.4分已經是好好食, 所以你可想而知啦 Usually it's already delicious if you hit 3.4 points, so you can imagine

    為何Tabelog的可信性是好高呢, Why is Tabelog's credibility so high?

    因為Tabelog的收入不來源於餐廳的廣告,Because Tabelog's income does not come from restaurant advertisements,

    而是來源於給用戶的增值服務。 It comes from value-added services to users.

    這裏的烏龍麵出名滑溜又Q彈,吃的時候一定要加一些炸小魚乾 The udon here are famous for being smooth n chewy.

    炸小魚乾可以讓烏龍麵多了一種風味, Deep-fried dried fish can add a flavor to the udon

    看看這幾位姐姐, 可以尋回學生時代迷過的偶像呀 What are they searching? Maybe searching for their idols in their childhood

    CD只賣200yen(14hkd)一隻, 可能有啲是絕版呢 The CD only sells 200yen (14hkd), maybe some are out-of-print

    這裏有好幾間理髮店喎, 我建議男士可以嚟試下 There are several barber shops here, I suggest bros to try

    大家知道否為何全世界的理髮店門前都有一條三色柱呢 Do u know why there is a tri-color column in front of barber shops all over the world?

    在1789年, 法國爆發大革命, 有一位革命的領袖被人追捕 In 1789, the French Revolution broke out and a revolutionary leader was pursued

    走了入一間理髮店, 店裏面的員工成功地為這一位領袖擺脫了他的敵人 He hid into a barber shop, the employees in the shop successfully got rid of his enemy for this leader

    在法國大革命勝利之後, 為了表揚這位理髮店工人的貢獻和支持 After the victory of the French Revolution, in order to praise this barber shop worker for his contribution and support

    這位領袖就在理髮店門前放一個玻璃圓筒 The leader put a glass column in front of the barber shop

    裏面裝上象徵著法國國旗的紅白藍三色柱, 不停轉動 It is filled with red, white and blue in column that symbolize the French flag and keeps turning

    其後世界各地的理髮店都紛紛裝上這個三色柱 Since then, barber shops around the world have installed this three-color column

    作為招攬客人的裝飾, 一直沿用至今 As a decoration to attract customers, it has been used until today

    來這裏鋸扒餐都是800幾yen, Tabalog3.28分都過得去啦 The steak meal here is 800 yen, Tabalog 3.28 is rated

    行一行這間妝藥店先, Akaran.........

    ....到3丁目一定要是這一間鳴門鯛燒本舖鯛魚燒連鎖店 This taiyaki sea bream cake chain shop is a must to come.

    外面的皮用頂級小麥製作,口感偏脆, The outer layer is made of top-grade wheat, super crispy

    皮薄而香噴噴,內餡有北海道十胜紅豆、宇治金時番薯、 The out layer is thin and fragrant, filled with Hokkaido Tokachi red beans, Uji Jinshi sweet potatoes,

    亦有紅豆和蕃薯嘅雪糕夾餅,在日本好多分店,而且相當出名。 There are also red bean and sweet potato ice cream sandwiches, which are well-known in Japan w/many branches.


    我的youtube頻道大阪自由行的播放清單 Pls visit the playlist of my youtube channel for osaka travel

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    幫我分享訂閱和like,我們下一條片再傾過,拜拜 CLS n with that said until next time, 88.


