

在 bead作用產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過29萬的網紅CheckCheckCin,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【食材百科】天氣濕且熱,人也會濕熱  ⭐️宜多吃有清熱祛濕功效的蔬菜 ⭐️少吃薑蔥蒜韭菜芫茜等溫熱性食物 #星期四食材  濕熱人夏天買菜攻略 夏天是吃瓜的季節,大部分瓜類都有消暑功效,適量食用有助紓緩夏天感受的暑熱,尤其濕熱體質的人,多吃具有清熱利水功效的冬瓜、青瓜及老黃瓜,有助調節濕...

bead作用 在 CheckCheckCin Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-05-09 02:22:13

有暗瘡?CheckCheckCin喇! #暗瘡有好多款 #龜苓膏唔係甜品 #CheckCheckCin CheckCheckMail:我每次爆暗瘡阿媽都會叫我食龜苓膏,但食完都唔覺得有幫助,點解呢? CheckCheckCin: 龜苓膏中常見的成分龜板、夏枯草、雞骨草等,都是苦寒食材,較適合脾...

  • bead作用 在 CheckCheckCin Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-05-21 19:03:12
    有 319 人按讚

    冬瓜 — 性涼,有清熱祛暑、利水消痰功效,尤其適合夏天食用,對水腫、腳臭、暑熱煩悶十分有幫助。注意陽虛體質、脾腎虛弱及易有腹瀉者不宜。
    青瓜 / 老黃瓜 — 老黃瓜為成熟版青瓜,兩者功效相約,同樣性涼,具清熱解毒、生津止渴和利尿消腫的功效,適合濕熱、陰虛體質、痛風、高血壓、高血脂人士食用。要注意脾胃虛寒者容易腹痛、泄瀉等不宜服用。
    莧菜 — 性涼,有清熱明目、通利二便的功效,適合大便乾結、小便赤澀者(尿色偏黃、小便時尿道疼痛或有灼熱感)食用。平素脾胃虛寒便溏者勿吃。
    大豆芽 / 芽菜 — 大豆芽來自黃豆,芽菜來自綠豆,兩者均性涼,有消暑解渴、清熱解毒、利水消腫的功效,尤其適合悶熱天氣或中暑引致的煩躁、無胃口時服用。注意脾胃虛寒、容易腹瀉者不宜多吃。
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    Vegetables to relieve damp heat symptoms 
    Summer is the season for gourds. Most of the guords can clear summer heat. They can relieve summer heat when consumed in moderation. For those with damp heat condition, it is good to have more winter melon, cucumber and old cucumber that can clear heat and promote diuresis. They can relieve damp heat symptoms. Besides melon, amaranth, soybean sprout, mung bean sprout can also clear summer heat, promote diuresis and clear phlegm. Want to know if you have a damp heat body condition? See if you have experienced the following symptoms within the last month?
    ☐Aversion to heat, easily sweat
    ☐Dry and red eyes
    ☐Bitter or dry mouth
    ☐Bad breath
    ☐Oily face, prone to acne and pimple
    ☐Yellow sweat stains in your armpit positions with heavy odor
    ☐Feet odor
    ☐Prone to chest tightness and abdominal bloating
    ☐Feeling of heaviness throughout the body and limbs, feel tired despite sleeping adequately
    ☐Low volume of urination that is yellowish in color
    ☐Soft and sticky stool that is smelly with burning sensation near anus
    ☐For ladies, increased vaginal discharge that is yellowish with strong odor
    If you have 0-2 of above symptoms. Your body condition is fine. You can condition your body according to your symptoms.
    If you have 3-6 of the above symptoms, you have a typical damp heat body condition. Eat a light diet and avoid spicy, fried and tonic food. Strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness to conditio the body.
    If you have 7-12 of above symptoms, avoid alcohol, coffee, milk tea, oily and fried foods. And eat more ingredients that can clear heat and dispel dampness such as winter melon, cucumber and amaranth. Consult your registered Chinese medicine practitioner to regulate your body!
    Winter melon - cool in nature, clears summer heat, promotes diuresis and clears phlegm. It is suitable to eat during the summer, and can relieve edema, feet odor, and irritability due to summer heat. Note that it is not suitable for those with yang deficiency body constitution and those with asthenic spleen and kidneys and those prone to diarrhea.
    Cucumber / old cucumber - Old cucumber is the mature vegetable of a cucumber plant. They have similar healing effects, and both are cool in nature. They can clear heat and detoxify, promote fluid production to relieve thirst, and promote diuresis to relieve bloating. Suitable for those with damp heat and yin deficient body constitutions, as well as those with gout, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Note it is not suitable for those with asthenic spleen and stomach and those prone to diarrhea and loose stool.
    Amaranth - Cool in nature, can clear heat and improve vision, promote relieve constipation. Suitable for those with hard and dry stool, yellowish urine, urinary tract pain or burning sensation when urinating. Note that it is not suitable for those with asthenic weak spleen and stomach and loose stool. 
    Soybean sprout / mung bean sprout - Soybean sprouts are made from yellow larger-grained soybean and mung bean sprout is made from green-capped mung beans. They are both cold in nature, can dispel summer heat and relieve thirst, clear heat and remove toxins, promote diuresis and relieve bloating. It is especially suitable to have in this hot and stuffy weather, particularly for those suffering from heat stroke and accompanying symptoms such as irritability and lack of appetite. Note that those with asthenic weak stomach and prone to diarrhea should eat less.
    ✔Recommendation: Very ‘Hot’ (Qi) Healing tea
    Ingredients: Plumeria, chrysanthemum, buds, Chinese prayer bead grass
    Effects: Clears heat and detoxifies
    Suitable for: Bad breath, frequent eye discharge, red and dry eyes, frequent loss of temper, scanty or yellowish urine
    Price: $79/5 packs
    Note: Pregnant women should consume based on body 
    ✔Recommendation: ’Healthy lungs’ herbal tea (Suitable for heat related body types)
    Ingredients: Radix pseudostellariae, corn silk, chrysanthemum, dried pear
    Effects: Clears heat, nourishes the lungs and dispels dampness
    Suitable for: Aversion to heat, dry mouth, irritability and insonmia, constipation, canker sore, pimples
    Price: $79/5 packs
    *Note: Not recommended for those recovering from flu. Pregnant women should consult a Chinese medicine practitioner before consuming.
    🛒Inbox our Facebook page or WhatsApp us to place order:
    WhatsApp: +852-9347 4374
    Comment below or like 👍🏻 this post to support us. ❤️ Follow us for more healthy living tips.
    #男 #女 #我疲憊 #濕熱

  • bead作用 在 吳文傑醫師的健康筆記 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2017-07-29 22:53:30
    有 93 人按讚

    *肝癌病患治療到心力交瘁, 都是因為發現得太晚!!*

    (歡迎分享. 嚴禁轉貼,好就按讚)

    這一篇文章獻給我所有肝癌的病患, 你們辛苦了!只要你願意,我都會為你拚下去, 但一切的發生都是最好的安排, ~ 面對, 接受~然後放下, 最後才能圓滿無憾! 也希望這樣的故事可以讓更多肝癌高危險族群注重每半年定期檢查以及追蹤.不可以省,不可以嫌麻煩.拜託!

    有一位60多歲的阿姨, 她知道自己有B型肝炎, 想說公司每年都有一次員工體檢,都會做超音波抽血, 每次做都說沒事, 所以他也就沒來醫院做定期半年一次的檢查, 直到最近這次的健檢被發現突然有一顆快9公分的肝癌, 才來門診做確認以及治療.

    阿姨的肝功能還好,也沒有肝硬化, 是標準B肝的特色,就是不一定會照癌症三部曲( 肝炎->肝硬化->肝癌)走,她是直接由正常的肝臟直接長出癌細胞, 但因為腫瘤已經很大了, 因此根據嚴重度已經被分到第二期的(BCLC B) , 這樣的情形原則是建議做栓塞.

    但是參考了多家醫院後,外科醫師建議開刀,有機會治癒, 但手術當然也有風險,然爾阿姨堅決拒絕開刀,因為她的朋友就是有肝癌去開刀後, 因為肝衰竭走的.醫師的角色也是告知但也不能幫她決定,畢竟所有的風險是病人承擔的. 至於另一個治療熱射頻治療(RFA) 也因為腫瘤較大且多顆,所以也不建議.

    *肝癌不做手術, 無法電燒, 那下一步呢?經導管動脈化學藥物栓塞治療. (T.A.C.E)

    目前經導管動脈化學藥物栓塞治療是無法手術以及電燒時的首選. 這些病人一般是肝癌大於5公分以上,以及肝硬化中期以上. 但病患是不能夠有所謂的主要門脈靜脈阻塞或侵犯,或肝外轉移.否則也不行做經導管動脈化學藥物栓塞治療.

    1. 當肝癌太大,無法開刀或是太多顆, 無法做熱射頻治療 (RFA) 治療

    2. 當肝癌雖然小顆, 但做熱射頻治療可能會造成併發症時, 例如腫瘤很靠近膽囊或是橫膈膜等, 可能會造成膽囊破裂或是氣胸肺炎

    3. 在做栓塞的時候, 盡量選靠近腫瘤的血管, 越近越好,否則可能會傷害到正常的肝細胞, 這一點在有肝硬化的病人更是重要.發生嚴重副作用的機會是低於5%,包括可能會肝衰竭,肝化膿,急性膽囊炎甚至胃腸出血等等.

    4. 經導管動脈化學藥物栓塞治療若搭配載藥微球,相對於傳統的方法可以有效降低化學藥物全身性的副作用,包括做完栓塞後的發燒以及腹痛. 但是目前健保不給付, 需要自費種類包括Hepa Sphere載藥微球(大小有吸藥膨脹後120至240μm以及200至400μm), 另一種是DC Bead微珠藥物傳遞栓塞系統(大小有300至500μm以及500至700μm).

    所以阿姨她接受了經導管動脈化學藥物栓塞治療. (T.A.C.E).並使用自費的載藥微球來減少副作用,栓塞後沒有發燒腹痛發生, 醫院住了3天後就回去了,但一個月後做斷層掃描追蹤發現還有活的腫瘤, 因此又陸陸續續在教學醫院以及醫學中心接受栓塞治療4次, 發現腫瘤都還沒有乾淨,阿姨她身心都累了.身為醫師的我也有點無力了,因為她是對栓塞治療效果不好的病人,後面能選擇的就有限了,而且越來越貴,還好她很有意志力繼續努力下去.後來呢?

    經導管動脈化學藥物栓塞( TACE ) 也是有可能會失敗. 但定義上仍沒有共識. 日本定義做了兩次栓塞以上, 腫瘤都還是沒有完全壞死或沒有減反而增加,甚至已經侵犯到血管, 代表栓塞本身效果不好.目前台灣健保規範是3次以上失敗,可以定義為失敗.

    栓塞失敗了, 目前標靶藥蕾莎瓦證明可以延長這樣病患的存活時間, 健保可以申請蕾莎瓦治療.但是一旦申請通過,一次可給付兩個月,之後能否接續申請?則要依據病患用藥後的病況有無得到控制而定。


    1.肝硬化等級:Child A。
    3.經導管動脈化學治療藥物栓塞治療失敗的晚期肝癌患者,且肝硬化 Child A級,必須提供患者於6個月內,大於或等於3次局部治療的紀錄。

    我給阿姨根據栓塞失敗的條件申請了健保給付雷莎瓦,吃的過程,阿姨常常會手腳脫皮, 腳底會刺痛,每次回診來看都是麻痛, 嚴重時甚至不太能走,還好這樣的副作用代表著藥物抑制肝癌的效果也會比較好,當中,我也在為她安排了一次的栓塞,後來兩個月到了再評估, 結果還有活的癌細胞, 但沒有變多, 我於是又再申請了一次,然而這次被健保委員打回說吃標靶藥物時不能同時再做其他治療.

    治療的煎熬, 就像是要讀完這一篇肝癌的抗戰故事一樣長以及費神,然而故事還沒有結束...........待續

  • bead作用 在 玳瑚師父 Master Dai Hu Facebook 的精選貼文

    2015-05-02 04:38:28
    有 127 人按讚

    【玳瑚師父佛學論】 《持咒唸佛》
    Recitation Of The Buddha's Name & Mantra (English version below)








    On one weekday night, two weeks ago, I met a male client to give him his newly-minted Chinese name. He saw me chanting the Rebirth in Pureland mantra before I consumed my food. Out of curiosity, he asked me, "Master, doesn't chanting during the night attract many spirits to come?"

    Reciting "Namo Amituofo", "Namo Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa", etc is called recital of Buddha's name, whereas when you chant "Om Amideva Hrih", "Om Mani Pae Me Hom", you are chanting a mantra. Between reciting the Buddha's name and a mantra, do you choose only one? It would be ideal to both recite the Buddha's name and chant the mantra as the former is akin to calling out to a particular Buddha or Bodhisattva, while the latter is akin to touching Their hearts. The Buddha or Bodhisattva would know once you are in need, and would send the Dharma Protectors to your aid. Just like a shirt would not be complete without a collar, your merits would be complete if you recite the Buddha's name and chant His Mantra at the same time.

    When you use mala beads to recite the Buddha's name or chant his Mantra, for every bead that you count, you are planting a Buddha seed deep into your subconsciousness, and these seeds would ripen in the future for you to attain Buddha-hood. To hold your mala beads with both hands symbolises you turning the wheel of Dharma with both your hands. And to hold your mala beads in front of your chest is a reminder for you to be focused when chanting.

    You should not have other thoughts when you are chanting. The sounds of your recitation should ring in your ears and leave an imprint in your heart, and from there, a kind of power will emerge. Recitation of the Buddha's name and mantra is a form of demarcation and sets a boundary, making it impossible for the "third parties" to come in. Hence, there is no reason to think that chanting at night will attract the "invisibles". This is a misconception. When you are chanting, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas will shine Their light on you. When you are surrounded by Their Light, the "invisibles" will not be able to get near you.

    Secondly, when you are chanting or reciting, it would be audible to the other people in your surroundings, and these people would inevitably plant the seeds of salvation for themselves as well. We come with our own karmic debts and debtors. As you chant the mantra, your karmic debtors will hear and might even follow in your footsteps and start chanting for their own salvation too. We could all attain Buddha-hood together. This is great compassion.

    Chanting the mantra is different from reciting the Buddha's name. However, by combining both of them would generate great power to help you overcome the obstacles in life, allowing you a smoother journey ahead. People might set up hurdles to make you fall or harm you. When the frequency of your chanting increases, these obstacles will be removed and you shall pass through them effortlessly.

