

在 batter棒球產品中有8篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過8,451的網紅林言熹觀點,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 昨天系際盃冠軍賽途中發生一個小插曲,雲科電機棒球隊在5局上投手不穩掉了5分,雲科捕手抗議海科運休打者似乎有踏出擊球區外地面擊球的嫌疑,後來裁判認定沒有,比賽繼續進行,那個打席有拍到幾張照片,沒辦法代表真實狀況,只能說打擊時真的還是要注意一些,別因為這樣造成任何遺憾了!!! 規則6.03 球員違規行...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過10萬的網紅Vamos Sports翊起運動,也在其Youtube影片中提到,狗吠火車本周邀請的來賓包括波哥王雲慶回來囉! 另外本集將有新兵報到,分別是首位棒球女主審劉柏君以及媒體從業人員BATTER MAN 本周討論話題包括 頭條新聞:運送器材學問多 真的有那麼容易嗎? Vamos討論區:輔助判決到底應不應該讓現場和電視機前觀眾看重播? 棒球人踹共:U12少棒在臺灣 你...

batter棒球 在 林言熹 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2020-08-10 22:16:15

昨天系際盃冠軍賽途中發生一個小插曲,雲科電機棒球隊在5局上投手不穩掉了5分,雲科捕手抗議海科運休打者似乎有踏出擊球區外地面擊球的嫌疑,後來裁判認定沒有,比賽繼續進行,那個打席有拍到幾張照片,沒辦法代表真實狀況,只能說打擊時真的還是要注意一些,別因為這樣造成任何遺憾了!!! 規則6.03 球員違規行...

  • batter棒球 在 林言熹觀點 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-07-28 01:13:54
    有 211 人按讚


    規則6.03 球員違規行為 Batter Illegal Action



  • batter棒球 在 美國在台協會 AIT Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-06-13 18:00:00
    有 1,328 人按讚

    今天 #AmericanEnglish 要介紹的棒球用語是 throw someone a curve ball。Curveball(曲球)是一種變化球,會在最後一秒變換路徑誤導打者。當有人做出意料之外的事情,便可以用throw someone a curve ball這個說法來形容。曾經有人 thrown you a curve ball嗎?#Baseball

    - The students who studied were upset when the teacher threw them a curveball and canceled the test.(老師突然取消考試,讓已備考的學生大失所望。)
    - The judges on the TV show American Idol threw the audience a curveball by eliminating a popular contestant.(在《美國偶像》電視節目中,評審竟然讓一位熱門選手出局,讓觀眾大感意外。)

    Today’s #AmericanEnglish baseball idiom is “throw someone a curve ball.” In baseball, a curveball is a type of pitch that changes direction at the last second in an attempt to confuse the batter. Use this expression when someone does something unexpected. Has someone ever thrown you a curveball?

    - The students who studied were upset when the teacher threw them a curveball and canceled the test.
    - The judges on the TV show American Idol threw the audience a curveball by eliminating a popular contestant.

  • batter棒球 在 EZ Talk Facebook 的最佳解答

    2019-09-20 15:00:00
    有 10 人按讚

    #EZTalk #你不知道的美國大小事 #新專欄上線
    🇺🇸全美瘋棒球:Baseball Idioms 棒球用語 Part 2📣

    有關棒球的諺語一集實在介紹不完,本週繼續聊與球棒╱球⚾有關的片語 :

    1. play hardball
    2. throw sb. a curve (ball)
    3. right off the bat

    Baseball is sometimes called “hardball” because it’s played with a small, hard ball, unlike softball, which is played with a bigger, softer ball. Because hardball is more challenging than softball, 📍“play hardball” means “to be aggressive and do whatever is necessary to achieve a goal.” Ex: If you want a good deal on a new car, you need to play hardball with the dealer.

    A curve ball is one of the hardest pitches to hit—it looks like it’s moving in a straight line, and then curves right before the batter tries to hit it. So 📍“throw sb. a curve (ball)” has come to mean “to do sth. unexpected that surprises or confuses sb.” Ex: I hope they don’t throw me any curve balls during the job interview.

    As soon as the ball leaves the bat, the batter needs to start running to first base right away. For this reason, 📍“right off the bat” means “right away, immediately.” Ex: I knew right off the bat that Mark and I would be best friends.

    棒球也稱hardball,因為棒球所使用的球,跟壘球相比較小又偏硬,也因棒球比壘球更為激烈困難,故📍 play hardball 在商場或政治上使用時,有『採強硬手段;為達目的不擇手段』之意。如:if you want a good deal on a new car, you need to play hardball with the dealer.(如果你要用好價錢買到新車,就得跟車商採強硬手段。)
    曲球是投手所投出的一種最難打的球──球像直線飛出去,但在打者要打擊時突然轉彎。因此📍 throw sb. a curve (ball)可指『出其不意刁難某人、給某人出難題』。如:I hope they don’t throw me any curve balls during the job interview.(我希望他們不要在面試的時候出突擊問題。)
    當球被打擊出去,打者必須立刻跑向一壘,因此📍right off the bat(球一離開球棒)有『立刻、馬上』的意思,如:I knew right off the bat that Mark and I would be best friends.(我當時馬上知道馬克會成為我的好麻吉。)

    1. related:「相關的」,baseball-related「跟棒球相關」。
    2. softball:「壘球」,比起棒球(hardball)壘球較大偏軟。
    3. dealer:「經銷商、商人」。
    4. curve ball:「曲球」,棒球術語,前大聯盟投手王建明除了使用伸卡球,也會搭配曲球使用。
    5. pitch:「投球」,可當動詞與名詞,pitcher為「投手」。
    6. base:「壘」。

    圖片取自:Aspen Photo / Shutterstock.com
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    🔔 按下「搶先看」,不錯過最新美國大小事。想知道更多美國文化,請看 👉 http://bit.ly/EZTalk嚴選

  • batter棒球 在 Vamos Sports翊起運動 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2015-08-03 23:57:25

    另外本集將有新兵報到,分別是首位棒球女主審劉柏君以及媒體從業人員BATTER MAN

    頭條新聞:運送器材學問多 真的有那麼容易嗎?
    棒球人踹共:U12少棒在臺灣 你們最愛哪一個


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