

在 basting中文產品中有1篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過19萬的網紅煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 好多謝大家尋晚抽時間陪我鳩噏,見到你哋咁踴躍留言係精神嘅。但係有啲留言去得太快我睇唔切,所以抽啲出嚟喺度回應吓: CatherineCatCat:Celebrity Edge 下年年尾先行,未咁快plan喎哈哈。不過我九成九會上呢架船,過多排等我知道啲時間再話你知啦 (或者你留言提提我)。放心...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過6,100的網紅Chris Wong Private Kitchen Cooking Channel,也在其Youtube影片中提到,Thyme, Butter Seared Sirloin Steak With Red Wine Balsamic Vinegar Sauce Thyme...... A sprig Garlic..... 2 Cloves Butter......2 Tbsp Onion ....... 2 ...

  • basting中文 在 煮家男人 Bob's Your Uncle Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2017-04-22 13:33:06
    有 908 人按讚


    CatherineCatCat:Celebrity Edge 下年年尾先行,未咁快plan喎哈哈。不過我九成九會上呢架船,過多排等我知道啲時間再話你知啦 (或者你留言提提我)。放心,如果同船嘅話我實請你哋飲返幾杯。
    Siu Chung Fai 香港都有Nandos sauce,但係佢唔喺醃sauce嚟,極其量都喺用嚟做basting;啲雞要事前醃定brine定,焗到差唔多熟之後先擺上個grill度再baste,所以喺屋企整嘅話係有啲麻煩。
    Lee Agnes:有三隻新船 (盛世公主號,挪威喜悅號,雲頂夢號,遲啲仲有隻World Dream世界夢號)都會用中文溝通。船上面會有多啲華人員工,水牌餐牌都會有中文,老人家應該會覺得舒服啲。當然啦,麗星都可以,但係搭船緊係搭啲新啲正啲嘅好。
    Kin Leung:撩鼻屎係人生一大樂事,我揸車嘅時候成日都撩鼻屎跟住彈過去馮小姐度。隻眼開隻眼閉啦。
    Lau Ling Hin:佢尋晚四點先返屋企,無得同佢玩switch。做廣告就係咁㗎喇,啲客放工前先話要改嘢,改完又要等佢覆,一味等等等。不過佢依家情況都好咗㗎喇
    Jonathan Chow:希臘我好過幾次,有去雅典同啲島仔。其實玩島仔嘅話搭郵輪係一個好好嘅選擇。幾個島行勻晒Mykonos,Santorini, Rhodes... 好多郵輪公司都會有Greek Isles同埋東地中海嘅航線,你可以參考吓皇家公主號(Royal Princess),佢仲會去埋黑山科托爾,嗰度又係靚度抽筋。

    仲有其他留言我遲啲開片答。尋晚嗰live又破咗紀錄,所以要再一次多謝大家支持,陪我一齊癲。下次馮小姐要OT我再同大家玩live。Cheers guys

  • basting中文 在 Chris Wong Private Kitchen Cooking Channel Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2017-02-11 14:59:49

    Thyme, Butter Seared Sirloin Steak With Red Wine Balsamic Vinegar Sauce

    Thyme...... A sprig
    Garlic..... 2 Cloves
    Butter......2 Tbsp

    Onion ....... 2 small cloves
    Carrot ..... 3Pcs
    Tenderstem Broccoli ....... 2 Pcs
    Sea Salt and Black Pepper
    Capers..... 1/2 tsp
    Lemon Zest ..... Few

    Onion (sliced) .... 1/3 Pcs
    Red Wine ...... 1/3 Cup
    Balsamic Vinegar ..... 1 Tbsp


    1. Take out the steak from the fridge and put in room temperature for 30 minutes before cooking.

    2. Season the steak with sea salt and black pepper on both sides just before cooking.

    3. Heat up the pan to smoking hot before adding oil.

    4. Add the steak to the pan and leave it to cook for 1 to 1.5 minutes depends on the thickness of steak.

    5. Flip the steak. Add thyme, garlic and butter. Cook for another 1 to 1.5 minutes. Keep basting the melted butter over the steak.

    6. Keep flipping the steak every 30 seconds until the way you want it to be served. Remember keep basting during the process.

    7. Take out the steak and cover with foil loosely for 8-10 minutes then sliced and plate.

    Veggies Side:

    1. Heat up the pan and add oil in.

    2. Add carrot, onion and tenderstem broccoli into the pan, seasoning with sea salt and black pepper. Stir fry and mix well. Add capers and lemon zest to finish.

    Red wine balsamic Sauce:

    1. Use the same pan that seared the steak, heat it up and add oil in.

    2. Add sliced onion, stir fry until coloring around the edges.

    3. Add red wine and balsamic vinegar, reduce and thicken the sauce.

    中文食譜 :


