

在 bah國家產品中有15篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過10萬的網紅國發會,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【#推薦臺灣美食:滷(魯)肉飯/肉燥飯 (՞•Ꙫ•՞) 】 層次分明的五花肉,切成細丁狀,經過川燙、爆香、燉煮,在醬油、水及時間的浸潤下,細肉丁最終黝黑油亮,肉香四溢_(:⑧」∠)_ 澆淋在氤氳稻香的晶瑩米飯上,黑白無間的搭配,這是專屬臺灣每個人的味覺印記- #魯肉飯 Lóo-bah-pn̄g 樸...

  • bah國家 在 國發會 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-09-12 10:00:47
    有 37 人按讚

    【#推薦臺灣美食:滷(魯)肉飯/肉燥飯 (՞•Ꙫ•՞) 】
    澆淋在氤氳稻香的晶瑩米飯上,黑白無間的搭配,這是專屬臺灣每個人的味覺印記- #魯肉飯 Lóo-bah-pn̄g

    樸實無華卻充足飽滿🐖 🐖 🐖 (你餓了嗎)
    美食底加😋 https://reurl.cc/AgZ02Z

    【Taiwan Food Special: Minced Pork Rice (Stewed Pork Rice / Lóo-bah-pn̄g )】
    Cut pork belly into cubes, then blanche sautée and stew, and the diced meat will become dark yet shiny and with a mouthwatering smell.
    Add the cooked meat to a bowl with soft, white rice and you have a perfect match of pork stew with rice. It is a simple and satisfying dish, and just like Taiwanese people, it is humble and warm.

    #守護臺灣滷肉飯 🐖

  • bah國家 在 外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-08-26 18:58:52
    有 14,934 人按讚






    中國對立陶宛的脅迫不僅 #明確違反國際外交準則,更是對立陶宛主權明目張膽的攻擊。立陶宛所面臨的難民潮及來自中、俄等國的假訊息等複合式威脅,#正是威權政權打擊民主國家的縮影。


    這封由 #歐洲福爾摩沙俱樂部 (包含歐洲26國、歐洲議會及加拿大) 共同主席及核心國會議員所寫的信件,#強力聲援立陶宛與台灣發展關係,同時 #籲請歐盟積極力挺,並 #請北約就立陶宛遭受來自中國及俄羅斯的複合式威脅表達聲援與支持。



    MOFA would like to thank the co-chairs and members of the #FormosaClub in the #EuropeanParliament and national parliaments for their joint letter to the leadership of the #EuropeanUnion and #NATO expressing their solidarity with Lithuania, in light of the campaign of political and economic pressure targeting the country over its decision to allow the establishment of a Taiwanese Representative Office there.

    The letter highlighted the PRC’s recall of its Ambassador to Lithuania and its demand that the country’s ambassador to Beijing also be recalled, along with what it referred to as “blatant economic coercion.” This includes an announcement halting all direct freight trains to #Vilnius, and a bar on exports of key raw materials to the country. The letter also noted attempts in Chinese state media to rally Russia and Belarus to “punish” Lithuania.

    The co-chairs expressed their support for Lithuania’s right, as a sovereign nation, to develop economic and cultural ties with Taiwan and called China’s retaliatory actions “a flagrant violation of international diplomatic norms” and a “brazen attack on Lithuania’s sovereignty,” adding that Taiwan is a #LikeMindedPartner of the EU and a global leader in public health.

    Michael Gahler Klaus-Peter Willsch #LordRogan Bob Stewart Georges Dallemagne Samuel Cogolati Julien Uyttendaele Marek Benda Michael Aastrup Jensen Jüri Jaanson Mikko Kärnä John McGuinness TD Lucio Malan Matas Maldeikis #JānisVucāns Waldemar Andzel Poseł na Sejm RP Paulo Rios Peter Osuský Boriana Åberg Eloy Suárez Lamata Andrey Kovatchev #StefanSchennach Gerald Loacker Ralph Schallmeiner Fiona Fiedler Senator Michael D. MacDonald Željko Pavić Pia Kjærsgaard Eric Bothorel Député Dr. Bősz Anett Smári McCarthy Enver Hoxhaj Sven Clement #RaymonddeRoon Wybren van Haga - BVNL Gábor Grendel Anja Bah Žibert Andreas Glarner-Seite

  • bah國家 在 張士佳 - Sky Sir Facebook 的最佳解答

    2021-08-11 08:56:35
    有 521 人按讚

    【#士佳說 】張士佳:四大

    昨天全靠A股反覆走高,加上科技股中止連跌,ATMX為升市功臣,資金有重返科網股跡象尤其是北水昨日流入54億, 主要是買入科網股,騰訊再獲超過30億加倉,美團也有超過18億。

    小米雷軍在年度演講上表示,最新目標是3年內做到全球第一大手機品牌。他稱,Bah-Bah-Bah…..大家都聽慣聽熟,唔使我敍述,小米今天或上試28蚊阻力(但冇乜意思), 能否企穩則要睇市場資金是否積極投入

    注意一下新能源汽車,據統計,中國新能源汽車在全球的影響力會愈來愈大。電動車三寶昨日試一試低位支持並反彈倒升, 反彈力度以#1211比亞迪為首。

    內地鼓勵發電企業自建儲能或調峰能力增加併網規模,帶挈信義儲電#8328抽高超過8%應再能爆上,不過都唔係全部新能源股都有得升,因同時間國家能源局開展電力中長期交易市場秩序專項監管工作,龍頭電力能源股繼續調整, 炒起的可能是二三線股。



    #SKYSIR #張士佳 11.8.2021

