

在 badly用法產品中有5篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7萬的網紅Eric's English Lounge,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, [詞彙區別] constitute, compose, consist of, comprise, account for, make up 的區別 ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 詞彙區別: http://wp.me/p44l9b-16B ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ 在寫作的時...

 同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過11萬的網紅吉娜英文,也在其Youtube影片中提到,hurt, ache, sore, pain 疼痛用字 hurt 的痛是特定位置的描述方式,ache 比較大範圍隱隱作痛。sore 是酸痛,是痛的一種型態,pain 也是比較特定位置的痛,但痛感是很強烈的,pain 本身的意思就是痛苦的意思。大概就是這樣的用法,還是要慢慢學習,或許還有很多細節用法,...

badly用法 在 Cindy Sung Instagram 的最佳解答

2021-02-19 11:16:56

今天要介紹arrears,這個字指的是已到期且尚未付清的款項,也就是「欠款」,它多以複數呈現,例如 “ His arrears have piled up. ” 意思就是「他拖欠的款項已堆積如山。」,或是 “I finally paid off my rent arrears.” 就是「我付清了租金...

badly用法 在 吸管英語?跟著蘇蘇學英文 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-04 16:41:33

點開閱讀歌詞詳細說明 & 單字解析✨ 【All Falls Down 分崩離析】Alan Walker ft. Noah Cyrus 📌 so done with (something) 受夠了某事。這是很口語化的說法,當你說 so done with... 就代表你真的受夠了這個人事物 📌 ...

  • badly用法 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-09-06 20:00:00
    有 144 人按讚

    [詞彙區別] constitute, compose, consist of, comprise, account for, make up 的區別


    詞彙區別: http://wp.me/p44l9b-16B



    為了幫助同學增加詞彙量並且精確地在口說和寫作上使用這些字,我建議同學們不要一開始的時候就死記硬背一群同義詞彙 (e.g. decline, decrease, diminish, dwindle, reduce, alleviate) 。雖然如此做會快速幫同學累積對這些詞的認知,可是認知都會停留在模糊階段。建議同學先熟悉其中一兩個單詞以後在開始累積相關的同義詞彙,也應該用搭配詞跟片語加上完整的例句和短文來輔助自己對單詞的理解。同時同學們也應該在使用這些單詞之前先查查字典,更進一步了解這些詞彙的使用方式。


    1. constitute: to constitute something is to form a whole, especially of dissimilar components: Love and hate can constitute a balanced relationship.

    constitute 所“構成”的事物在屬性和特徵上,亦或在組織上,與組成成分是一致的。

    -Seven days constitutes a week (七天構成一個星期。).


    2. Compose: to compose means the same as to constitute, but implies that the components have something in common: Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.


    -Concrete is composed of cement, sand and gravel mixed with water. (混凝土由水泥、砂、石子與水摻和而構成。 )

    -Mere facts, when badly stated, do not compose a good book. (僅僅有資料,如果陳述得很糟糕,並不能組成一本好書)


    3. account for: 說明(原因、理由等); 導致,引起; (在數量、比例上); 占 (e.g. This group accounted for 60% of the population.)


    These products, in total, account for about 80% of all our sales (這些產品總共約占我們全部銷售額的80%。).


    4. make up: 組成 to combine together to form something [= constitute]:

    -Women make up only a small proportion of the prison population. 女人只佔監獄人口的一小部分。

    -The committee is made up of representatives from every state (委員會由每個州的代表組成的。).

    -Children makes up only 10% of the population (兒童只佔人口的10%。).


    5. consist of: to consist of something is to be made up of it: A lethal dose of nerve agent VX consists of only 10 milligrams.

    consist of 的含義與被動語態的 compose 相同

    -Though the costume consists only of a sheet, it was very effective. (雖然那件化裝服裝僅由一條床單組成,但效果很好。)

    -This group consists of men, women, and children.


    6. comprise: to comprise something has the same meaning as to consist, often implying that the whole is regarded from the point of view of its individual parts: The chain is comprised of many links, and is only as strong as its weakest.

    comprise 在表示“構成”時,其內涵是“包括”或“覆蓋”*

    -The committee comprises men of widely different views (這個委員會由見解甚為懸殊的人組成。).


    從這些動詞的意思來看,若要表示數個個體或項目組成一個整體時,我們可用 compose 或 constitute。

    England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland compose/constitute the United Kingdom.



    若要表示一個整體是由個數個體或項目所組成時,我們可用 comprise* 或 consist of / be composed of 。

    (compose 經常用於被動態,而以 be composed of 的型式出現,意思和用法跟 consist of 完全一樣。)

    -The United Kingdom comprises*/consists of/is composed of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.



    詳細的說明: http://www.learnerhall.org/2012/12/consist-of-compose-contain-comprise.html


    *在這幾個字當中,僅 comprise 兼具其他字的意思,但它也是最麻煩、最讓人困擾的字。英語 評論人士強烈反對 comprise 被用作 constitute 的意思以及 comprise 以被動態形式 be comprised of 來表示 consist of 的意思,所以對於 Fifty states comprise the United States. (五十個州組成了美國) 和 The United States is comprised of fifty states. (美國是由五十個州所組成) 這樣的句子結構,他們期期以為不可,而堅持只有 The United States comprises fifty states. 才是唯一正確的用法。但他們反對的這兩種用法其實早已是不 折不扣的標準英語,一些新版的字典甚至將 be comprised of 堂而皇之地列為片語,如 The course is comprised of ten core modules. (這門課是由 10 個核心單元組成)。然而,在公說公有理,婆說婆有理,各有堅持的情況下,在此建議:若使用 comprise 會讓你覺得心虛或沒把握,那麼不妨使用它的同義詞,也就是沒有爭議的 constitute, consist of 或 be composed of 來代替之。

    *An interesting history of sense development concerning the word comprise has caused confusion, if not hate for the word itself. The most common mistake is confusing consist and comprise with each other. To say A lethal dose of nerve agent VX comprises of only 10 milligrams, is wrong because it is not analyzed from each separate component or milligram, but rather as a whole dose. In fact, there is a lot of skepticism and criticism of the word “comprise” all together. “None of the many neat schemes purporting to describe its correct use seems accurately to describe the way Standard English users actually employ comprise.” (Bartleby) Thus it is suggested to use constitute and/or compose as active verbs, while consists and/or includes as passive. However, if your use of the word can clearly indicate its context, separate from the its other accepted use, choosing a substitute is not necessary.

    Also, ”Comprises” is "better" grammar than ”is comprised of.” “The whole comprises multiple parts” is better than, “The whole is comprised of multiple parts.” Even better though is, “Multiple parts comprise the whole."



    More sentences:
    -The pie chart consists of/comprises of the percentages of four different fuel sources used in electricity production.

    -Electricity (that is) produced with coal composed/constituted/accounted for 50% of the total electricity (that is)produced.


    contain vs. include:
    Contain: Something is considered to be within something else.

    The toy contains many small moving parts. ->The small moving parts are a part of the toy.

    Include: Something is added to something else, possibly containing it, possibly not.

    -This toy includes batteries. -> The batteries are not a part of the toy. They just come with the toy.

  • badly用法 在 喬的英文筆記 Joe's English Learning Notes Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2016-03-07 21:23:01
    有 51 人按讚



    1. affect與effect的混淆
    [1] effect (n.) = a change that is a result or consequence of an action or other cause 「效應」、「影響」
    例1: The radiation leak has had a disastrous effect on/upon the environment.
    例2: I tried taking tablets for the headache but they didn’t have any effect.
    例3: I think I’m suffering from the effects of too little sleep.

    [2] effect (V.) = cause (something) to happen; bring about 「使(某事)發生:導致」切記不是「影響」的意思,許多字典上也會告知讀者不可以跟”affect”混用
    例: The new machines finally effected the transition to computerized accounting last spring.

    [3] affect (V.) = have an affect on; make a difference to 「影響」「侵襲」「感染」「打動」
    例1: Both buildings were badly affected by the fire. 「侵襲」
    例2: The divorce affected every aspect of her life.「影響」
    例3: It’s a disease which affects mainly older people.「侵擾」
    例4: I was deeply affected by the film. (= It caused strong feelings in me). 「打動」

    2. 把than寫成then
    (O) His dog is more adorable than mine.
    (X) His dog is more adorable then mine.

    3. fewer與less的用法搞混
    fewer (adj.) + 可數名詞 He keeps fewer dogs than I do.
    less (adj.) + 不可數名詞 He had less soup than I did.

    * 值得一提的是,如果是想要用”number”這個詞來表達”較少的數目”,可以說”smaller number”,為何用”smaller”呢?根據維基百科( goo.gl/f3vRxA),對於number要使用fewer還是less似乎有不少的爭議,可自行前往該網站觀覽,但是smaller number是不會錯的用法。

    4. 搞混few, a few, little, a little的用法
    few (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 可數名詞
    a few (adj.) = some but not many 很少 + 可數名詞
    little (adj.) = nearly nothing 幾乎沒有 + 不可數名詞
    a little (adj.) = some but not much 很少 + 不可數名詞

    5, 分詞構句前後主詞不一致
    例: (X) Bursting into tears, I tried to comfort Nancy.
    (O) When Nancy burst into tears, I tried to comfort her.

    6. 常常會把lie與lay搞混了,其實很多美國人也會搞混,所以多注意吧!
    lie (V.) 說謊
    lay (V.) 放置; 鋪設

    "說謊": lie-lied-lied (現在分詞:lying)
    "躺": lie-lay-lain (現在分詞:lying)
    "放置": lay-laid-laid (現在分詞:laying)

    7. 使用雙引號的時候,句號逗錯地方,逗號要逗在雙引號裡面:
    (X) “You are fabulous”.
    (O) “You are fabulous.”

    8. 否定的”也”,要用”nor”不用”not”
    例: He didn’t go to the party, nor did I.

    9. everyday與every day
    everyday是形容詞,表示每天的;every day是副詞,表示每日、每天
    (O) He wakes up at 8: 00 every day.
    (X) He wakes up at 8:00 everyday.

    10. 搞混Borrow跟lend的用法,兩者的差別其實很好記!
    borrow (V.) take and use (something that belongs to someone else) with the intention of returning it 借入
    lend (V.) grant to (someone) the use of (something) on the understanding that it shall be returned 借出

  • badly用法 在 陶傑 Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2015-11-07 21:11:08
    有 1,437 人按讚


    Lost in Translation,是一個翻譯家無法訴說的遺憾。原文含蓄百轉千迴,話中有話,意外別有洞天,他十分清楚,但翻譯的搜索枯腸,確實找不到心心相印的字眼。此中有真意,欲說已無言,翻譯家常常有這樣的痛苦,不是不精通外文,而是翻譯時多方尋覓還是無法搭得上電線。

    例如:中文一句:「捨不得啊」,怎樣英譯呢? Cannot afford?太冰硬了。 Miss it very much?也不是這個意思。中文的「依依不捨」,一硬譯成英文,原文的那股纏綿繾綣的意思就失落了,這就叫 Lost in translation。


    還是英文和法文之間比較易溝通。大量的法語詞彙,直接入侵英文,像 Deja-vu,乾脆用法文原文入英,市場不干預 Laissez-faire,法文最先發明,今天已無國界。連開演唱會,最後一句 Encore,也必定由千萬歌迷狂呼高喊才有地動山搖的震撼,用英語叫 Again,或者 Once more,不行,這就叫 Lost in Translation。

    人世間的溝通,常有百詞莫辯的時候。一個詞彙的精緻,一碟小菜的美味,還有一個女人的溫柔,該怎樣來傳遞而表達呢?花能解語,但語不可詮花,一切的美感都凝聚在舌尖, Lost in Translation,是一種酥在骨子裡的痛苦。惟有經歷過這樣的折磨,才明白這世界,不止翻譯是徒勞,有時溝通也是白費,真情幻意的妙諦,盡在意會之中。


    clip #39 的主題為翻譯文學,以下摘錄自海明威作品《老人與海》的原文選段,並引張愛玲、藍婷和楊照的譯本,希望收集讀者對各譯本的評語,由編輯部整理後刊於專題。



    Original text by Ernest Hemingway:
    “You better be fearless and confident yourself, old man,” he said. “You’re holding him again but you cannot get line. But soon he has to circle.”
    The old man held him with his left hand and his shoulders now and stooped down and scooped up water in his right hand to get the crushed dolphin flesh off of his face. He was afraid that it might nauseate him and he would vomit and lose his strength. When his face was cleaned he washed his right hand in the water over the side and then let it stay in the salt water while he watched the first light come before the sunrise. He’s headed almost east, he thought. That means he is tired and going with the current. Soon he will have to circle. Then our true work begins.
    After he judged that his right hand had been in the water long enough he took it out and looked at it.
    “It is not bad,” he said. “And pain does not matter to a man.”
    He took hold of the line carefully so that it did not fit into any of the fresh line cuts and shifted his weight so that he could put his left hand into the sea on the other side of the skiff.
    “You did not do so badly for something worthless,” he said to his left hand. “But there was a moment when I could not find you.”




  • badly用法 在 吉娜英文 Youtube 的精選貼文

    2020-04-17 20:00:01

    hurt, ache, sore, pain 疼痛用字
    hurt 的痛是特定位置的描述方式,ache 比較大範圍隱隱作痛。sore 是酸痛,是痛的一種型態,pain 也是比較特定位置的痛,但痛感是很強烈的,pain 本身的意思就是痛苦的意思。大概就是這樣的用法,還是要慢慢學習,或許還有很多細節用法,這是大致上的不同。(sore throat 喉嚨痛是固定的用法,是感冒的一種症狀)

    My back hurts. I feels sore in the lower part.
    我背痛。我的腰感覺很酸。(back 指肩膀到腰部,腰要用 lower back)

    I twisted my ankle. It's in a lot of pain.

    It really hurts. (真的很痛)
    It hurts a lot. (真的很痛)
    It hurts pretty bad. (真的很痛 這是口語的方式,不會用 pretty badly)
    It hurts badly. (很少這樣的用法)

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    # 疼痛英文 hurt vs. ache
    # 疼痛英文 sore vs. pain

