[爆卦]awayuki ffxiv是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

雖然這篇awayuki ffxiv鄉民發文沒有被收入到精華區:在awayuki ffxiv這個話題中,我們另外找到其它相關的精選爆讚文章

在 awayuki產品中有9篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過7,257的網紅InZtyle.hk.zacky,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 週末好去處~~🍵 淡雪草莓日式下午茶 櫻田日本餐廳採用由日本佐賀縣直送的夢幻「淡雪草莓」及時令草莓,巧製甜蜜粉嫩的果漾甜點,首推日本淡雪草莓伴紅寶石朱古力醬,以淡雪草苺蘸上稀有而珍貴、被譽為是「世界上第四種朱古力」的紅寶石朱古力醬,視覺上粉嫩可人,而味覺上加倍提升淡雪的果香氣,打卡呃like 之餘...

 同時也有7部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過70萬的網紅てぬキッチン/Tenu Kitchen,也在其Youtube影片中提到,▽詳しいレシピはこちらのブログから♪ 『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2019/01/02/195933 【抹茶の淡雪かん】 今回は、『抹茶の淡雪かん』を作りました。 ふわふわの食感で口に入れた瞬間に溶けてなくなる淡雪、上品な味わいで...

awayuki 在 Foodie Lei Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-02-19 22:13:32

📍🏠 #foodieleikitchen · 喺呢個連空氣都充滿糖分嘅日子,嗜甜如命嘅我梗係唔可以放過任何嚐甜嘅機會,哼!適逢士多啤梨當造,小弟買咗人生第一盒淡雪🍓返嚟品嚐品嚐,嗚味道就似少女嘅可愛咁,十分清甜但點到即止,係初戀嘅味道啊(浮誇鬼)一於整返個雞蛋布丁出嚟襯下佢☺️ 可惜買第二盒已經...

  • awayuki 在 InZtyle.hk.zacky Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-01-23 11:29:21
    有 36 人按讚


    櫻田日本餐廳採用由日本佐賀縣直送的夢幻「淡雪草莓」及時令草莓,巧製甜蜜粉嫩的果漾甜點,首推日本淡雪草莓伴紅寶石朱古力醬,以淡雪草苺蘸上稀有而珍貴、被譽為是「世界上第四種朱古力」的紅寶石朱古力醬,視覺上粉嫩可人,而味覺上加倍提升淡雪的果香氣,打卡呃like 之餘,一抹馥郁果香在舌尖上綻放,名符其實的色香味全。
    而精選鹹點則以草莓帆立貝軍艦壽司作主打,肉質飽滿的帆立貝刺身加上甜絲絲的草莓果肉,醞釀出嶄新的滋味驚喜。下午茶附送兩杯手調製作的蒸餾咖啡或抺茶鮮奶,同時亦可以優惠價HK$198享用Clarence Hill汽酒一枝 (原價:HK$460),盡情享受豐盛甜蜜的下午。

    Royal Park Hotel Sakurada Japanese Restaurant’s brand new Awayuki Strawberry Japanese Afternoon Tea offers dazzling desserts crafted by premium light pink “Awayuki Strawberry” from Sagashi and fresh strawberries, as well an assortment of Japanese delights for your perfect tea time. Cheers to your besties with a bottle of Clarence Hill sparkling wine at a special price of HK$198 (Original Price: HK$460) upon patronage of the tea set.

    推廣價 : 淨價HK$588 (兩位用)
    供應日期: 1/1-31/3/2021
    供應時間: 星期六、日及公眾假期 15:00-16:00

    #日本 #佐賀縣 #淡雪 #草莓 #味道爽甜清新
    #紅寶石朱古力醬 #世界上第四種朱古力
    #japanese #afternoontea #RoyalKOL
    #沙田 #帝都酒店 #royalparkhotel #櫻田日本餐廳 #期間限定 #週末限定 #下午茶 #RoyalParkHotelHK #HongKongHotel #Shatin #TeaSet #AwayukiStrawberry #淡雪草莓
    Royal Park Hotel Biamka Tse

  • awayuki 在 Kitty Yuen Siu Yee 阮小儀 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-01-23 21:42:52
    有 697 人按讚

    1)Pearl White
    2) Awayuki 淡雪
    3)Kotoka 古都華

  • awayuki 在 Kitty Yuen Siu Yee 阮小儀 Facebook 的精選貼文

    2020-01-23 21:33:42
    有 667 人按讚


  • awayuki 在 てぬキッチン/Tenu Kitchen Youtube 的最佳解答

    2019-01-02 18:58:27

    『てぬキッチンのブログ』⇒ https://www.tenukitchen.com/entry/2019/01/02/195933


    卵白 2個
    ☆抹茶パウダー 大さじ1〜2
    ☆水 150cc
    ☆砂糖 45g
    ☆粉寒天 4g


    【Japanese matcha awayuki-kan】
    This time, I made "Japanese matcha awayuki-kan".
    It is a perfect Japanese sweet for hospitality with sophisticated snowflakes that melt away at the moment you put it in your mouth with fluffy texture and elegant flavor.
    Because it is very light in taste, it is also recommended for people who do not like sweets. If you like sweet things, it is also recommended to match with anko and black nectar etc!
    You can do it quite easily if you use the range, so please try by all means when egg whites remain.

    2 egg white
    ☆ 2 tbsp Match powder
    ☆ 150 cc water
    ☆ Sugar 45g
    ☆ Powdered agar 4 g

    ▽Subscribe to my channel♪

    楽曲提供:フリーBGM DOVA-SYNDROME by http://dova-s.jp/

  • awayuki 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的最佳解答

    2018-06-07 04:45:57

    #Summer #BlueSky #Jelly
    青空に湧き上がった雲をイメージしたゼリー作りました。以前、売っていた高島屋限定 とらや『雲の峰』を思い出して作ってみました。
    *レシピ*(18.5×9.5×5.5センチ 満水で500mlの容器)
    1.鍋にブルーハワイシロップ 28g(23ml)、透明のみぞれシロップ 50g(42ml)、水 335ml、粉寒天 1.5gを入れ、火にかけ、沸騰したら1分ほど煮立てる。

    5.水 250gに粉寒天 3.5gをふり入れ、かき混ぜる。
    7.火から下ろし、砂糖 60g、はちみつ 20gを入れ溶かす。
    8.卵白 1個分をツノが立つまで泡立てる。
    9.7が人肌に冷めたら、レモン汁 15gを加え混ぜる。

    We made a jelly designed after clouds forming in the blue sky. We were inspired by Toraya's "Kumo no Mine" that used to be sold exclusively by Takashimaya.


    We used shaved ice syrup for the blue sky and awayuki kanten (white agar) for the clouds. The blue sky jelly turned out too dark. We failed once. But that's OK, because this is Mosogourmet.

    *Recipe* (18.5 x 9.5 x 5.5 cm container with 500ml capacity)
    Make the blue sky jelly.
    1. Heat 28g (23ml) blue Hawaii syrup, 50g (42ml) clear mizore syrup, 335ml water, 1.5g kanten powder in a saucepan and boil for 1 minute.
    2. Lightly wet the container with water and pour in 1.
    3. Chill until firm.
    4. When firm, scoop out with a scoop spoon.

    Make the cloud jelly.
    5. Sprinkle 3.5g kanten powder into 250g water and mix.
    6. Heat and boil for 1 minute.
    7. Remove from heat and melt in 60g sugar and 20g honey.
    8. Whisk 1 egg white to stiff peaks.
    9. When 7 is cooled to body temperature, mix in 15g lemon juice.
    10. Slowly add 9 to 8, mixing all the time. Mix until it starts to harden and the egg white is mixed thoroughly.
    11. Pour 10 into 4.
    12. Chill until firm.
    13. Done. Enjoy how the appearance of the clouds change depending on where you cut and how thick you cut them.

  • awayuki 在 MosoGourmet 妄想グルメ Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2018-05-03 05:46:31

    #TrickRecipes #Wagashi #Cake #Recipe #ASMR #OddlySatisfying #音フェチ #なんちゃって
    We made a dessert that looks like a strawberry shortcake with ample amounts of cream on top. We used awayuki, a technique used in making traditional Japanese treats. Just as strawberry goes well with sponge, the lemon really brings out the flavor of the yokan jelly. It tastes very good so you should definitely try it out!

    *Recipe* (diameter: 11.5cm x 5.5cm round shape)

    1. Add the sponge dough in the bottom of the mold. Since the finished product may not look very good with the agar mixture oozing out, try to spread out the sponge dough a little wider without leaving any gaps.
    2. Remove the calyxes from the strawberries, and line them on top of 1.
    3. Sift 7g of agar powder into 500g of water and mix well.
    4. Melt agar powder with heat. Once boiled, mix for a minute until it foams.
    5. Remove from heat.
    6. Add 120g of sugar and 40g of honey into 5, and mix well.
    7. Whip two egg whites until they stiffen.
    8. Add 30g of lemon juice to 6 that has been cooled to 60 degrees Celsius, and mix.
    9. Gradually stir 7 into 8.
    10. Pour 9 into 2.
    11. Cool in the refrigerator.
    12. Complete. The cut sections of strawberries look so pretty.

    Because it was difficult to whip just one egg white into a meringue, we had to use two egg whites instead to make the agar mixture. In this recipe, we had about 2/3rd left over. Pour it into a mold that has been dipped in water to let it solidify and enjoy.

    If you pour it into the mold after the agar mixture cools down, it will not form two layers. Please be careful!


    *レシピ*(直径 11.5センチ✕5.5センチ セルクル型)
    3.水 500gに粉寒天 7gをふり入れ、かき混ぜる。
    6.5に砂糖 120g、はちみつ 40gを入れ溶かす。
    7.卵白 2個分をツノが立つまで泡立てる。
    8.60度に冷ました6にレモン汁 30gを加え混ぜる。

    卵白 1個分でのメレンゲの泡立てが難しかったので、卵白 2個分を使って寒天液を作りました。今回のレシピでは2/3ほど余ってしまいます。サッと水にくぐらせた型に入れ、固めて楽しんでください。

