

在 authored中文產品中有3篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1萬的網紅McKinsey Taiwan,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, We’re very pleased to announce the publication of the traditional Chinese character edition of “Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick: People, Probabilitie...

  • authored中文 在 McKinsey Taiwan Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-04-28 22:27:31
    有 270 人按讚

    We’re very pleased to announce the publication of the traditional Chinese character edition of “Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick: People, Probabilities, and Big Moves to Beat the Odds.”

    “Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick”explores in depth the social dynamics that undermine strategic dialogue and breed incrementalism. It also underscores the real, and very challenging, odds of crafting strategies that will lead to dramatic performance improvement.

    For example, over a decade, only 8 percent of companies manage to jump from the middle of the pack—the roughly 60 percent of the world’s largest corporations that barely eke out any economic profit—to the top quintile, where almost all the economic profit accrues.

    Underpinning many of those successful strategies are big moves such as dramatic resource reallocation, disciplined M&A, and radical productivity improvement.

    The Chinese edition of “Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick” is published by Business Today Publishing and is authored by Martin Hirt, Sven Smit, and Chris Bradley, Senior Partners with McKinsey’s global Strategy Practice.

    Martin Hirt leads the practice worldwide and has been based in Taiwan for nearly 24 years.

    Albert Chang, Senior Partner and Managing Partner of McKinsey’s Taipei office, wrote the foreword to this global bestseller.

    Order your copy here: https://reurl.cc/E2Nr7m

    麥肯錫的官方作品《曲棍球桿效應》(繁體中文版) 4/29在各大書店隆重上市了!
    而且台灣分公司總經理 #章錦華 也特別專文推薦喔!

    這本書在台灣出版深具意義,因為其中一位作者 #賀睦廷 就是常駐台灣24年、服務多家台灣最重要企業的,同時也是麥肯錫全球策略與企業併購業務負責人。本書是他與另外兩位合夥人耗時5年,針對全球兩千多家公司所作的分析,首度解鎖企業穩健經營的關鍵,對於許多公司的主管、經理人、執行長和企業負責人,將會很實用。

    為什麼在麥肯錫顧問眼中,#微軟 #納德拉 是位優秀的執行長,#台積電 是家優質好公司?



    #今書坊 #今周刊出版
    #斯文斯密特 #克里斯布萊德利
    #謝金河 #朱文儀
    #萬豪敦 #魏文德
    #劉熾平 #珍弗雷澤
    #理查魯梅特 #羅伯特凱根
    #麥肯錫 #mckinsey

  • authored中文 在 Z9 的看板 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-07 00:09:03
    有 12 人按讚

    I'm happy to share the good news that my Facebook colleagues Maximilian Iju Chen, Aidan Hoy, and I have co-authored a 21-pages report on Taiwan election. The paper, titled "Defending Election Integrity in Taiwan", is the first public policy paper we have done for Taiwan, following its 2020 general elections.

    There are a lot of learning points for us, as we at Facebook take election integrity very seriously. There are many great Facebook colleagues and partners, including Minister Lo Ping-cheng (who also wrote the foreword for our report), Central Election Commission (中央選舉委員會) and TFC 台灣事實查核中心 behind tremendous efforts to make the Taiwan election a success. Thank you! And I like the report cover very much: "Power to the people" -- That is what democracy is all about.

    Download the full report (PDF):
    https://www.tca.org.tw/…/Facebook%20Taiwan%20Election%20Rep… (English)

    https://www.tca.org.tw/…/Facebook%20Taiwan%20Election%20Rep… (繁體中文 Traditional Chinese)

    Media coverage:
    https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/202010060127.aspx (中央社 Central News Agency)

  • authored中文 在 魏如昀 Queen Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2018-11-17 17:02:34
    有 138 人按讚


    克里斯・蘇科(1979 -)成長時期深受英國與美國文化薰陶,爾後投身音樂創作與巡迴表演。他於2009年獲格奧爾格·赫羅爾德(Georg Herold)頒發德國杜塞道夫藝術學院榮譽學位,於2012年畢業於英國皇家藝術學院。除了藝術創作以外,同時身兼詩人與音樂家,且至今創作不懈。蘇科於世界各地皆有展出,而其作品也受諸多公共與私人館藏青睞典藏。2015年,蘇科與保羅·沃瑟曼共同撰寫詩集《為了不孤獨死,你所付出的代價》,中文翻譯版本於2018年由白石畫廊出版。克里斯・蘇科目前工作與居住於德國杜塞道夫。

    《狂歡畫》系列作品來自於藝術家對清晨陽光的感受與觀察,尤其當他整夜在外,於破曉時分慢慢走回家時所看到的景色,蘇科描述:「黑夜逐漸退去,萬物在日夜之間顯得特別寧靜。那是一種堅不可摧與相異的交點,所有顏色生動而綻放。」 此充滿詩意的系列作品傳達了年輕藝術家在一天中最曖昧時刻蠢蠢欲動的心情。

    展名|克里斯・蘇科 :作品2012-2017
    展期|2018年11月17日 (六) – 12月30日 (日)
    開幕|2018年11月17日 (六) 4-7 pm *藝術家將出席開幕
    地點|白石畫廊 · 台北 內湖空間 〈台北市內湖區基湖路1號1樓〉

    Chris Succo (*1979) lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany. He attended the attended the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf, where he was awarded Meisterschüler by Prof. Georg Herold and the Royal College of Art, London, graduating from the latter in 2012. Major influences for the German-born artist are his early experiences of British and American culture through his family ties in the respective countries, his involvement in the music recording and touring industry in his formative years and his continuing work as writer and musician. Succo has exhibited internationally, and his work is featured in many public and private collections, he also sourced many of his artwork titles from the poetry book ‘The Price You Pay For Not Being Alone With Your Dying’ which he co-authored with his writer-friend Paul Wasserman in 2015; the Chinese translation version is published in 2018 by Whitestone Gallery.

    Binge Paintings are from the artist’s observation of morning light, especially when walking back home in the early morning from a late night out in the summer time. Succo describes it “just as the night breaks, things seem to be in-between and calm. They are about this feeling of invincibility and different, more vibrant reception of colour.” This poetic series delivers the artist’s young and unsettling feelings from the most vulnerable and mysterious time of a day.

    Title|Chris Succo: Works 2012 – 2017
    Date|17th November - 30th December, 2018
    Opening|17th November, 2018 4-7 pm *Artist will be present
    Venue|Whitestone Gallery Taipei Neihu : 1/F, No.1, Jihu Road, Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan

    圖說 Caption
    1. 洛杉磯 7AM L.A. 7AM / 2015 / 油彩於麻布 oil on linen / 233 x 175.5 cm
    2. 克里斯・蘇科 Chris Succo Portrait

