

在 attend中文產品中有61篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過39萬的網紅換日線 Crossing,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【Let music belong to everyone】#Empowering​ ​ As a social worker, Kitty has witnessed first-hand, a plethora of social issues pervading Hong Kong socie...

 同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過7萬的網紅FABIO GRANGEON 法比歐,也在其Youtube影片中提到,INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/fabiograngeon FACEBOOK ➤ https://www.facebook.com/fabiograngeonofficiel TIKTOK ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@fabi...

attend中文 在 文科太太的日常 Instagram 的最佳貼文

2021-04-04 20:25:12

: 有點浮誇的花癡系早餐。 今天的烏魚子飯糰是屁孩們都上學後補拍的,因為太陽出來啦!正當我在哀悼蘭花一日掉六朵時,院子裡的酢醬草、九層塔都開花了,叫我如何不欣喜呢?不把她們的可愛身影留下紀錄實在太對不起春天。 心情超好,當然不只是因為春日爛漫,好喜歡的感覺要趁現在說出來:政赫西,撒拉嘿唷。 說...

attend中文 在 Tina Lee | Content Creator Instagram 的最讚貼文

2020-05-03 17:32:23

[以下有中文] After yesterday’s self introduction, many of you seem curious about what content creators do for a living. Basically, we have a blog and/or so...

  • attend中文 在 換日線 Crossing Facebook 的精選貼文

    2021-07-03 22:00:22
    有 11 人按讚

    【Let music belong to everyone】#Empowering​

    As a social worker, Kitty has witnessed first-hand, a plethora of social issues pervading Hong Kong society, and in particular, children and the elderly. ​

    Concurrently, as a music producer, Bryan is passionate about fostering music talents in young adults and children.​

    Hoping to solve the problems, Kitty and Bryan had co-founded Addoilmusic, aiming to achieve the social purpose of allowing everyone to enjoy music and to encourage young musicians to keep making music.​

    ●這裡看中文版:窮人家的孩子玩不起音樂?香港夫妻攜手創業,要讓音樂屬於每個人 >> https://bit.ly/2SISZJt​

    ▍Email 訂閱《全球事件簿》接收世界消息 >> bit.ly/2PfOGnb​
    ▍新刊上市《走進真實矽谷》>> bit.ly/3uLqf0q​
    ▍2021 全年份季刊一次訂 >> bit.ly/3bfZJEW

  • attend中文 在 國立陽明交通大學電子工程學系及電子研究所 Facebook 的最讚貼文

    2020-11-02 10:06:37
    有 0 人按讚

    Information Session for AY21/22 Outbound Student Exchange Program (1st Intake)

    日期 Date: 2020/11/11 (Wed)
    時間 Time: 12:30-14:00
    地點 Venue: 人社三館1樓演講廳 Lecture Hall, 1F, Humanities & Social Sciences Building 3
    報名網址 Registration Link: https://forms.gle/JWZmuVUxBooHSxoz8

    說明會內容與時程 Contents & Schedule:
    1. 12:30-12:45 香港中文大學暑期實習經驗分享-戴瑋妡同學 (CUHK Summer Internship)
    2. 12:45-13:15 出國交換管道與申請方式說明-交大國際處周小姐 (Outbound Exchange Programs for NCTU students)
    3. 13:15-13:30 台灣聯大交換學生計畫說明會-台聯大李小姐 (UST Exchange Programs)
    4. 13:30-13:45 香港中文大學學期交換經驗分享-梁詠欽同學 (CUHK Semester Exchange)
    5. 13:45-14:00 美國加州大學聖地牙哥分校暑期實習經驗分享-許勛豪同學 (UCSD Summer Internship)

    ※現場提供簡易餐點,發完為止 Light meal will be provided on a first-come-first-serve basis.
    ※出席完整說明會者,將獲得「出國交換說明會參加證明」,申請本校110學年度校內甄選時可加分。 Students who attend the entire information session will be provided with the Certificate of Participation, which will be counted towards bonus mark when applying for the internal selection for AY21/22 NCTU outbound exchange program.

    更多資訊 Further Information:
    1.交換說明會公告 Announcement of the Information Session
    2. 110學年度第一梯次出國交換計畫公告 Announcement of the AY21/22 Outbound Student Exchange Program (1st Intake)
    3.110年度第一梯次台聯大交換學生計畫公告 Announcement of the AY21/22 UST Student Exchange Program (1st Intake)

    主辦單位Organizer:國際事務處 NCTUOIA
    承辦人Contact Person:周秋儀 Cherrie Chow
    cherrie@nctu.edu.tw 校內分機Extension No.:50059

  • attend中文 在 Mylife Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-03-25 08:49:00
    有 336 人按讚

    医生 : 当您来看医生时,请说实话。不要向我们隐瞒


    以下的信息是来自 Dr.Kevin Goh :

    我是一名在Pantai Hospital Laguna Merbok 工作的麻醉师。






    等待结果比等待SPM / STPM放榜更为紧张



    信息来自 Dr.Kevin Goh


    I m an anaesthesiologist working in Pantai Hospital Laguna Merbok PHLM. On the 18/3 (Wednesday), I was woken up from my sleep for an emergency Caesarean section. As quickly as I could, I got myself ready and drove as fast as
    I could to the hospital to attend to the patient. Everything was done for the safety of my patient and baby in my mind. The caesarean was done as per normal and both mother and baby were in good condition.

    After all the work done in the hospital, I went home to my family as usual. I even went to my parents house for a dinner. (For ur info, my dad is a 75 yo man who had undergone bypass surgery).

    At night at about 11pm, the hospital COO messaged me to inform me that the patient’s parents were both tested COVID19 positive. Her father actually went to the tabligh gathering in KL. She lied when she filled up the declaration form during admission. She said she had no contact with anyone who was positive. She decided to disclose the information after she herself developed fever after the op. How selfish was she?

    My heart sank after hearing the news. Not because I would be potentially infected but my family would be in danger because of my work.

    Nothing could be done at 11pm. The whole night was an agony for my wife and me.

    The next morning (19/3) the hospital quickly took the patient’s throat swab and sent it to KL for immediate processing. Waiting for the result was another suffering. Lo and behold, the result came back as POSITIVE. This was another nightmare for my colleagues and me.

    The hospital arranged all my OT staffs, Labour room staffs and almost all consultants to be tested. Thank God, all our results were NEGATIVE. This waiting for the result was worse than waiting for SPM/ STPM results

    Even though the results were negative, some of us still need to be quarantined for 14 days.

    The hospital is closed for 3 days for proper disinfectant and cleaning.

    Because of one single
    Selfish person,

    The surgeon, anaesthesiologist, OT staffs, labour room staffs had to suffer.

    The hospital has to be closed.

    Please tell the truth when u consult us.. Do not hide any information from us. At least if u tell us the truth, we will be more prepared as in wearing proper PPE while doing operation. Not telling us is like ambushing us, asking us to go to war without gun and bullet proof vest.

    #tellthetruth #dontbeselfish #dontbeliar #proudtobeanaesthetist #pantaihospitallagunamerbok

  • attend中文 在 FABIO GRANGEON 法比歐 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-10-07 21:00:12

    INSTAGRAM ➤ https://www.instagram.com/fabiograngeon
    FACEBOOK ➤ https://www.facebook.com/fabiograngeonofficiel
    TIKTOK ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@fabiograngeon

    Please subscribe to support my channel !
    請大家訂閱為了支持我的頻道 !

    * 中文:
    上禮拜是我第一次參加電影首映會。 很榮幸可以跟監製、導演,還有所有的演員們一起上台,也非常開心可以聽到盧廣仲現場演唱電影主題曲!電影已經上映一個禮拜了,很開心看到票房很好,但是最重要是看到這麼多人被這個故事感動與啟發。

    請大家來支持我的頻道, 別忘記按讚,訂閱 與 分享! 謝謝你們🙏

    * English:
    Hi everyone!
    Last week I was happy to attend my first movie premiere with the cast of “ Your name engraved herein”. It was such a special moment especially seeing Crowd Lu performing live. After one week in theatres, the movie is doing amazing in the box office but more than that, the story is inspiring millions of people! I’m very proud to be part of it.
    Hope you guys enjoy this backstage video, please don't forget to give a LIKE or COMMENT to help with the algorithm and SUBSCRIBE to support me !
    Lots of love to you all :)
    Thanks for being here on my journey.


    Production ➤ Fabio GRANGEON

    #fabiograngeon #fabio #法比歐 #刻在你心底的名字

  • attend中文 在 Brian2Taiwan Youtube 的精選貼文

    2019-10-20 08:00:00

    布萊恩來因為台灣LGBT 同志 大遊行是10/26號,也就是下禮拜六,挑戰五天內學會唱盧學叡的我是誰.

    我一位幕後達人好朋友給我一個挑戰. 他叫我要表演這首歌,雖然知道這首歌的歌名,但是那時候沒看過MV,也沒聽過歌但是幕後達人的挑戰是... 看我能不能在5天的時間從第一次聽,背好,然後自己唱
    👇If you want to watch the music video that made me cry, here it is下面

    這幾天我自己結束一段8年的感情. 所以我想跟大家分享幾句話... 我們每個人都要愛也要記得愛身邊的所有人. 愛家人 愛親朋好友 愛自己 這三個贏得一切. 我希望禮拜六可以看到很多人一起為了愛站出來.

    台灣LGBT同志大遊行是10/26號,也就是下禮拜六! 要看更多可以前往到他們的網站、IG、或FB粉絲團
    👇Links for More Info About Taiwan LGBT Pride👇
    網站 | Website
    Facebook Page

    10/25 星期五晚上 7:30 ***星期五晚上也可以去紅樓北廣場參加一個團體同性婚姻. 今年5/24的時候去參加第一次台北辦的提醒婚姻,想到...我就一直不知不覺想哭出來,看到那麼多人終於得到這新的權利,也終於可以進行一些等很久的計畫跟夢想. 想支持也想看到真心愛,歡迎大家來參加!

    Facebook Event | 活動

    Since Taiwan LGBT Pride will be on October 26, Brian takes on the challenge of learning to sing "Who am I?" by Afalean Lu and perform it in 5 days.

    One of my behind-the -screens wizard friends gave me a challenge. He told me to perform this song, and even though I knew the name of it, I still hadn't watched the music video or heard the actual song. Even though it was completely new, my friend challenged me to go from completely new to performing it in 5 days

    On Friday, October 25 at 7:30 P.M., there will be an LGBT group wedding at Ximen North Plaza. Since I attended the first LGBT group wedding in Taipei on May 24, I still get choked up randomly when I think back to that day. Seeing so many people who just got this new right and the ability to take the first step towards plans and dreams that had in some cases been waiting for a long, long time. If you want to come out and see true love, I welcome all to attend!

    盧學叡 - 我是誰
    Afalean Lu
    製作人 拉維斯.基谷

  • attend中文 在 13N Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-03-17 16:47:00

    在Dainese旗艦店上課也太邪惡了...很多學生默默都敗了裝備,好險我忍住了。原本計畫是來找大師調整Daytona 675R懸吊,結果課沒上成...The plan was to attend a suspension workshop. Class was cancelled so I window shopped around in the store. Was very tempting to buy new gear!

    Bike: Triumph Daytona 675R

    MotoVlog 165 摩托日記第一百六十五篇

    Outro Music: Trixtor - Just This Once
    Music: Isaac Joel - Twoleaf anemone

