Out of respect to the victims and their families of the incident at Formosa Fun Coast in Taipei, Sigma Production is announcing the postponement of ou...
Out of respect to the victims and their families of the incident at Formosa Fun Coast in Taipei, Sigma Production is announcing the postponement of our upcoming event, LIFE IN COLOR “WORLD’S LARGEST PAINT PARTY” 2015 at AsiaWorld-Expo on 25 July 2015, to summer 2016. New date information will be made available within the coming days at www.facebook.com/lifeincolorhongkong. We will also be hosting a question and answer session online in the coming days to address any concerns or comments our fans may have. Sigma Production is regretful to postponing the event under great pressure; however, this is the best solution at this point in time under all circumstances. Moreover, it is confirmed that the water-based paint for Life in Color is non-toxic and not harmful to the human body. It is also approved and allowed to be used at the event by the Fire Department of the HKSAR.
Sigma Production 對近日發生的八仙水上樂園粉塵爆炸意外深感遺,為了尊重意外的死傷者及其家屬,我們決定將原定於2015年7月25日於亞洲國際博覽館舉行的 Life In Color 2015 延期至二零一六年夏天。有關日期及詳細資料請瀏覽以下Facebook專頁(www.facebook.com/lifeincolorhongkong). 我們亦會於數日內在專頁舉辦問答環節,回應各界的意見及提問。本公司近日受到多方面的壓力,對派對延期感到抱歉,希望各位諒解。亦重申派對所使用的液態顏料不易燃且無毒,消防處亦不反對有關活動使用的顏料。
At the same time, Sigma Production would like to announce that our party on 25 July 2015 will still go on as the HOPE CHARITY PARTY 2015, which 100% of ticketing profits will be donated to the Hong Kong victims of the Taipei tragedy. To all of our fans that have purchased tickets to Life in Color 2015, you are more than welcome to come support our HOPE CHARITY PARTY 2015 with the following DJs lineup
此外,原定於2015年7月25日舉行的派對將會改為慈善性質的 HOPE CHARITY PARTY 2015,全部門票收益撥捐於八仙水上樂園粉塵爆炸意外的香港傷者。我們歡迎已購票的 Life In Color 支持者參加此次 HOPE CHARITY PARTY 2015。現場表演DJ 如下: - TJR - Danny Avila - 2 Faced Funks - more to be announced 更多有待公佈
To the others who would like to refund their tickets, please check out the attached “Refund Notice” document.
attached附件 在 Facebook 的精選貼文
雖然因為疫情很多演出取消了, 綠光劇團 趁這時間推出人間條件系列線上限時播放,今晚七點半將推出第一集,免費觀賞時間只有48小時喔。在此同時,也請多多支持綠光 #雨天撐傘 計畫,幫助劇團度過這波衝擊。詳情請參考附件。
Due to ongoing outbreak in Taiwan, performances scheduled for the next few months had been cancelled. Nevertheless, Greenray Theater Company plans to take this time to share online the famous plays 人間條件, episode 1~7.
Episode 1 will be up for free at 7:30 tonite, for 48 hours only. In the meantime, please support Greenray with donation to help get them through. Details can be found attached.
attached附件 在 經理人月刊MANAGERtoday Facebook 的最讚貼文
寫 email 給外國客戶,「請看附件」的英文怎麼說?不是Attached please find……
attached附件 在 經理人月刊MANAGERtoday Facebook 的精選貼文
寫 email 給外國客戶,「請看附件」的英文怎麼說?不是Attached please find 而是⋯⋯,小編覺得很實用......
+ 經理人 LINE@ 搶先讀好文 goo.gl/wacmt1
+ 給自己一份禮物!訂影音說書,送知識年曆 bit.ly/2K4SWD2