在 atrocities中文產品中有4篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過3萬的網紅無待堂,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 【 收合餘燼,背城借一 ──大專學界就白色恐怖時代降臨告港人書 | Resist, however long and hard the road may be - A Letter from Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions to all Hongko...
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過5,640的網紅鍾翔宇 Xiangyu,也在其Youtube影片中提到,我們平常接觸的有關朝鮮的訊息是怎麼來的呢?可以看看這紀錄片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eclCfjP7hLM 關於朝鮮戰爭內幕: https://bit.ly/2I9WzU3 臉書專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ComradeXi...
atrocities中文 在 鍾翔宇 Xiangyu Youtube 的最佳貼文
2018-09-28 23:47:40我們平常接觸的有關朝鮮的訊息是怎麼來的呢?可以看看這紀錄片: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eclCfjP7hLM
關於朝鮮戰爭內幕: https://bit.ly/2I9WzU3
臉書專頁: https://www.facebook.com/ComradeXiangyu
專訪: https://blow.streetvoice.com/41873
編曲: Ransom-Notes https://soundcloud.com/ransom-notes
母帶後期製作工程: Glenn Schick
Follow Xiangyu on Twitter https://instagram.com/notXiangyu
Follow Ransom-Notes on Twitter https://twitter.com/ransom1992
假如互聯網是在 1930 年代的德國發明的,而非 20 世紀下半葉的美國,而德國情報機構能暗中監督和控制一切連上該網路的任何設備(正如斯諾登透露美國國安局所做的那樣),同盟國會讓一般老百姓連上同個互聯網嗎?還是他們會跟朝鮮一樣建設自己的網路?
朝鮮是個小國家。雖然它從 1953 年一直呼籲正式停戰,但它從 1950 年到現在一直與大部分西方國家處於戰爭狀態。只要戰爭狀態不變,這些政策不是「反自由」的,而是任何理性的政府(無論是資本主義國家還是社會主義國家)會施行的防禦性措施。
Who are our friends? Who are our enemies?
我們能否 追究這個問題而不自欺欺人
Can we look into this question without lying to ourselves?
Whose allies? Whose profits?
Whose struggle and sacrifice are stirred by righteous indignation?
饒舌的激進份子 被說是憤世
The radical rapper is said to be cynical.
我只想引人深思 和去偽存實
I just want to get people to think, cast aside falsities, and retain the truths,
because througout our lives, too many hypocrites
灌輸錯誤認識 使人愚昧無知
have instilled false understandings, causing us to ignorantly
地無視 顯而易見 的壓迫和暴行
disregard the clearly visible oppression and atrocities,
使人固執己見 而失去批判思考力
causing us to stubbornly cling to our own opinions and lose our ability to think critically.
一旦遇到陌生的意見 認知就失調
When we encounter unfamiliar opinions, we experience cognitive dissonance.
Doubling down on our mistaken views
成為了心理防禦機制 也使我們無意識地
has become a psychological defense mechanism which causes us to unknowingly
become pawns of the system that oppresses us
although we think of ourselves as just and morally courageous people,
it is actually us who are lost in deliberately misinterpreted history.
而敵視 並歧視 被壓迫的各國人民
We vilify and discriminate against the oppressed peoples of all countries;
自以為仁義 卻把壓迫者 奉若神明
we think we are righteous, yet we deify the oppressors.
We don't differentiate between aggression and defense, we simply ask for unprincipled peace,
gaining the approval of slave masters but not their respect.
The country with the highest incarceration rate is considered to be a symbol of freedom;
we call it our friend as it leads in overthrowing democratically elected governments.
We make praises and criticisms based on conclusions made from bad information,
stubbornly refusing to investigate the truths hidden by liars.
別人飢餓 我們說是領導人無人性
When others starve, we say their leaders are devoid of humanity
卻不記得制裁的目的 是經過餓死人民
while failing to remember that the goal of sanctions is to sabotage stability
破壞穩定 以迫使 革命群眾 放棄革命
through starvation in order to extort the revolutionary masses into giving up revolution.
如果這不是恐怖主義 那麼你的定義可能有問題
If this isn't terrorism, then your definition might be flawed.
我問你 唯一動用核武器的到底是誰?
I ask you, who is the only one to have used nuclear weapons?
Why is it considered a crime when (DPR) Korea develops nukes?
Whose slave mentality's been been dominated to the point where right and wrong are inverted,
使我們把自衛視為威脅 把威脅視為慈悲?
having us believe defense is threatening and threats are benevolent?
Who unknowingly repeats lies written by Goebbels
while at the same time calling others brainwashed,
while unreasonably being hostile towards those who use their iron-firm willpower
to heroically drive out aggressors through rebellion?
#朝鮮 #DPRK #Korea
atrocities中文 在 無待堂 Facebook 的最讚貼文
【 收合餘燼,背城借一 ──大專學界就白色恐怖時代降臨告港人書 | Resist, however long and hard the road may be - A Letter from Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions to all Hongkongers 】
Today, the former founder of Studentlocalism, Tony Chung Hon-lam, the former member, Ho Yan-nok, and the former spokesperson, Ho Nok-hang were arrested in their respective residences by police officers from the National Security Department. Reportedly, they were charged with “inciting secession or undermining national unification”. This is the very first direct home arrest ever since the implementation of the National Security Law on the 30th June.
Hong Kong has fallen into the Era of White Terror. Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions hereby urge Hongkongers not to connive at the atrocities of the communist regime but to stand up against the oppression by any feasible means. To the tyrannical communist puppets, we warn that the world is watching. Any further crimes you commit will not go unseen.
It is crystal clear that more and more Hongkongers would have to endure the Communist terror. But as Samuel Beckett, an Irish poet, said, “I can’t go on. I will go on.” Hongkongers shall uphold the Be-Water spirit and continue to fight on in the darkest times. In the past year, Hongkongers have fought the battle against tyranny as if it was our last, revealing the Chinese communist regime’s true colour and unearthing its malignant nature. The free world has stood with Hongkongers against Communist aggression. Perseverance is vital to winning the war against tyranny. We shall continue defending Hong Kong with hope until widespread of the flames of resistance. May glory be to Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong University Students’ Union
The Provisional Executive Committee, The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Lingnan University Students’ Union
City University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University
The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Open University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
Tung Wah College Students’ Union
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Students’ Union
The Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union Acting-Executive Committee
The Education University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union
atrocities中文 在 大紀元時報(香港) Facebook 的精選貼文
為爭取保護自己城市機會,他們犧牲了自己的工作,據「Hong Kong watch」公佈,從去年6月9號至今,已經有8,934位抗爭者被捕,年齡介乎11到84歲。繼他們後,誰還去抗爭?要犧牲多少個我們年輕人的未來才能換到基本的自由?
Secretary Pompeo,
On behalf of our FREEDOM loving people in HK, I thank you for STANDING WITH HONG KONG.
The coming June 4th is the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre. A pivotal moment in China’s hope for democracy.
Your decision to stand with freedom in Hong Kong shows your true dedication to human rights in today’s watershed moment, with the heroes of Hong Kong.
The millions of everyday Hong Kongers marching for the future of their home.
The nameless lawyers, volunteers, medical staff, journalists, artists doing their part to keep our voices alive.
The youth of Hong Kong daring to stand up for what they know in their heart to be right.
But the fight for freedom has come at great cost.
These warriors are our children and every day Hong Kong kids.
And in the last 12 months, Too many have been arrested, tortured, raped, murdered and many allegedly shipped across the border to secret concentration camps, never to be heard of again.
Giving up their lives for a chance at the preservation of their city.
8934 protestors aged between 11 and 84 years have been arrested since June 9th 2019.
After them, who will be left to fight?
How many of our young will have to sacrifice their futures for basic rights?
They are erasing our language.
Our identity as Hong Kong people.
Our right to speak.
Our rule of law.
Our children.
We need the US to stand up to the CCP, NOW.
Waiting for the National Security Law to be passed in late June is waiting for another Holocaust to begin.
The world has allowed China to commit mass atrocities against human lives under the pretense that one day they will stop.
They will never stop until they control the world, including America.
If it doesn’t stop here now, it will be too late.
We must learn from history that appeasement will NEVER work.
The one country two systems promised Hong Kong in the joint Sino-British Declaration has been obliterated.
Now is the moment for our world leaders to not only stand up, but to fight. If done, history will remember America as a nation that dared, truly, to be a voice for freedom.
Here is what I ask:
Since the PRC has reneged on all its obligations in the Joint Sino British Declaration, HK Sovereignty should revert back to the UK. Please convince your ally UK to do the right thing this time, by transferring the Sovereignty back to the people of HK, on the condition of a genuine referendum in 6 months, supervised by international and independent judges, to choose their own future.
Hong Kong belong to HK people.
Before the referendum, we need your troops to keep HK safe as West Berlin, from the Communist’s never ending interferences, infiltrations, cheating and persecution of our youths. Your 85,000 US citizens in HK also need your protection.
Lastly, while you are working to make South China Sea safe again, please include us in your battle plan.
We are also in the South China Sea.
Mr. Secretary, as an ally in the free world, please
make HK safe again.
Thank you.
God Bless USA
God Save HK.
atrocities中文 在 無待堂 Facebook 的精選貼文
【《砥鋒挺鍔 傲雪欺霜》- 大專學界就民主牆爭議之聲明 | “Arming Ourselves in Our Darkest Hour” - Declaration of Students’ Unions of Higher Institutions on the Controversy Surrounding Democracy Wall】
(Please scroll down for English version.)
In the past few days, controversy surrounding students’ use of their democracy wall has broken out and received widespread attention. Communist puppet Lam Cheng Yuet Ngor took the chance and implied that freedom of speech should be limited, and fallacies have been told under the veil of academic freedom and institutional autonomy. Universities are where thoughts and opinions are exchanged, and democracy walls are platforms for students to speak our mind. The regime is now making an explicit effort to limit our freedom of expression through exerting pressure on university authorities to punish those whose speech may have intimidated the people in power. Students’ Unions across the higher institutions condemn such atrocities.
In the Chinese University of Hong Kong, students hanged banner advocating Hong Kong independence at a site managed by Student Union of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Related leaflets were also posted to the democracy wall. Staggeringly, while the students by no means breached the law, the university authorities claimed that such advocacies as illegal and overrode CUSU by sending securities to remove the banner, revealing their complete ignorance to the autonomy of CUSU. Students’ Unions now reiterate that the nature of the Basic Law is similar to that of a constitution, which defines the power of the government and the liberty enjoyed by the citizenry. In other words, while the government is bound by the constitution, the government can never restrict the liberty of the people through the constitution. Thus, neither the government nor the university authorities can restrict the freedom of students to discuss Hong Kong independence under the name of the Basic Law.
Due to the controversy, the Executive Committee of CUSU has been suffering excessive nuisance. Yet, neither has there been any response from nor actions taken by the university authorities to protect the students. The authorities, as educators, should feel shameful for not ensuring the safety of students due to differences in opinions.
Apart from this, there were also two persons posting slogans to ‘congratulate’ Education Undersecretary Choi Yuk Lin’s loss of her son on the democracy wall at the Education University of Hong Kong. The President of EdUHK severely condemned the students as ‘vicious’, and claimed that the university would expose those persons on the internet if they were not students of EdUHK. Related shots of CCTV were then released to the media in the following day. Indeed, students’ unions believe the slogans are inappropriate. Yet, it is also important to acknowledge that the Education Bureau has been introducing malicious policies against students, ranging from TSA to national education, and Choi has been an explicitly pro-government person. With no effective channels to express their discontent, young people may have chosen such emotional and even irrational expression. Thus, while such slogans are inappropriate, we also find them excusable. Albeit their discontent, the university authorities should not have released the shots of CCTV to the media. Such action not only stirs up public emotions and ignites mass criticism against the two persons which would be completely out of proportion, but may also constitute violation of Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Student may also be aware of similar vengeful acts when they criticise the university authorities again in the future. Students’ unions condemn the authorities of EdUHK for creating white terror and request the authorities to give a proper response regarding the leak of CCTV footage.
Under Article 27 of the Basic Law, we as Hong Kong citizens are entitled to the freedom of speech. Our rights must be protected and respected, while academic freedom and institutional autonomy are values that must not be stripped away. Students’ unions stress that everyone enjoys the freedom of speech, and this is the line that we shall never compromise. We are now paying attention to situation across the higher institutions and we are ready to defend our rights and liberty.
10 September 2017
City University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
Hang Seng Management College Students' Union
Hong Kong Baptist University Students’ Union
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students’ Union
Lingnan University Students’ Union
Student Union of Chu Hai College of Higher Education
Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Students' Union
The Education University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Hong Kong University Students’ Union
The Open University of Hong Kong Students’ Union
The Student Union of Hong Kong Shue Yan University
The Student Union of The Chinese University of Hong Kong