[爆卦]at which意思是什麼?優點缺點精華區懶人包

為什麼這篇at which意思鄉民發文收入到精華區:因為在at which意思這個討論話題中,有許多相關的文章在討論,這篇最有參考價值!作者kenotic (弱智)看板Eng-Class標題Re: [請益] 句中 at which的意思...

※ 引述《kirel (Fly dream)》之銘言:



因此我把原句做以下的簡化 (準備不看的部分先括號起來)

原句: It is essential to reform the system for determining the prices

at which the state purchases and sells grain (and to take further

steps to regulate the stockpiling of grain).

簡化1: It is essential to reform the system for determining the prices

at which the state purchases (and sells) grain.

兩次簡化後的句子: It is essential to reform the system for determining

the prices at which the state purchases grain.

上面這句可拆成兩句: (把which看做是代替the prices的關係代名詞)

1. It is essential to reform the system for determining the prices.

2. The state purchases grain at the prices.





It is essential to reform the system for determining the prices

which the state purchases grain at.

然後將介係詞放到關代前面 (原因為什麼有請高人解釋) 就變成了:

It is essential to reform the system for determining the prices

at which the state purchases grain.


至於你的at which = when 的認知,可能得去將文法書看仔細

並非每次看到at which都能將他想成when

eg1: This is the desk at which I sit.

= This is the desk where I sit.

eg2: The cat at which he is angry is mine.



: 請問以下句中at which的意思:
: it is essential to reform the system for determining the prices at which
: the state purchases and sells grain and to take further steps to regulate
: the stockpiling of grain.
: 我的認知是at which=when
: 因此翻譯為:
: 為了決定國家買賣穀物時的價格,改革體系十分重要……
: 又at which的at是否可省略呢?
: 謝謝大家


※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
hollowable:推 讓我複習了一課 02/20 23:36
abasqoo:推一個 02/21 00:59
hownever:eg2也可以是The cat which he is angry at is mine.嗎@@ 02/21 11:36
kenotic:書上寫可,但似乎有聽過介係詞放句尾會較不正式的說法 02/21 11:59
kenotic:不知道有沒有人看過這樣的說法 02/21 11:59
kenotic:附上網路上的說法: http://0rz.tw/3mkDW 02/21 12:02
kenotic:上方網址第五點: 關係代名詞的受格的位置 02/21 12:02
kirel:謝謝!!推~ 02/24 10:34

