

在 assess英文產品中有22篇Facebook貼文,粉絲數超過1,913的網紅椪皮仔,也在其Facebook貼文中提到, 「每日英文閱讀分享#019」​ ​ 週六就是每週最忙碌的一天,到了此刻才來寫貼文,​ 今天送大家一張熱騰騰的火鍋照! (ps. 八週實戰辣醬組的小慶功!) 今天的文章:3 Ways to Improve Sales Forecasts When the Future Is Unclear​ ​ 在...

 同時也有2部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過4萬的網紅李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享,也在其Youtube影片中提到,《我在哈佛學的領袖技能》工作坊 : Invitation - 2020年2月8日或15日 (星期六)《Leadership Workshop》9am to 1pm 我曾經在哈佛讀過三年(2012/13/14)教授 Robert Steven Kaplan 的領袖課程。Changed my lif...

assess英文 在 ?Holly?K☄ Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-18 12:17:15

社會在走,英語要有!但如何讓孩子自動自發的學習及練習就成為了重中之重的課題! 由於前一段時間只能在家自學,因緣際會下我們認識了超級有趣的伴讀Lingumi @toby_lingumi !這是一款專為1.5-6歲的小朋友設計的英語學習系統;無論你身在何處,隨時都有專業的英國老師及有趣的互動式讀本陪伴左...

assess英文 在 Rita_English learning Instagram 的最讚貼文

2021-08-19 01:18:56

居家防疫過了一周了,和大家分享這一周我做了什麼:  *每天8點起床、11點睡覺,而且我在家也會化妝,還會戴隱形眼鏡.. *餐餐自己下廚,解鎖了義大利麵、燉飯、煎魚等等的料理 *新訂了一本全英文的書,在探討「網路影響語言的使用方式」 *把房間整理成更適合工作的環境 *繼續編輯IG帳號的教學...

  • assess英文 在 椪皮仔 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-13 01:30:42
    有 28 人按讚


    (ps. 八週實戰辣醬組的小慶功!)

    今天的文章:3 Ways to Improve Sales Forecasts When the Future Is Unclear​


    1. Increase the granularity of your analysis.:是去分析你客戶所處產業的報告​
    2. Leverage your senior executives.:讓你的資深主管幫助你與團隊了解客戶的商業策略,以便觀察自身公司與產品的潛在機會​
    3. Honestly assess customer urgency.:藉由提出問題,讓業務人員了解現況,轉變他們「想要有業績」大於「觀察消費者需求」的心態。​



    sth paint with a broad brushstroke​

    brushstroke的原意是:the way in which something, especially paint, is put on to a surface with a brush:​

    然而另一個意思是:the way in which a plan or idea is explained:​
    例句:She described the project in very broad brushstrokes (= without any details).—​
    Cambridge Dictionary ​

    例句:Sales reps will often paint with a broad brushstroke: “The whole industry is in shambles,” or “No one is selling anything.” Insist on a more rigorous analysis to spot opportunities.​


  • assess英文 在 椪皮仔 Facebook 的最佳解答

    2020-09-08 23:29:17
    有 32 人按讚


    今天的文章標題:Learn when to say no​
    1. assess the ask:藉由更加了解需求,去判定是不是需要或值得做這件事。​
    2. deliver a well-reasoned no:說明哪些情況應該說不,以及要怎麼說​
    3. give a yes that sets you up for success:說「YES」還是得要綜合評估​


    1. 「釐清現況」:並不是多問就代表你要答應,
    2. 「學會婉轉」:學習溝通也是我最近非常有興趣也覺得超級難的課題了​

    v. to take care of or respond to (something, such as a telephone call or a request)—Merriam Webster​
    例句:She has been fielding offers from potential buyers. —Merriam Webster​

    還有一個意思v. to give an impromptu answer or solution to​
    例句:the senator fielded the reporters' questions—Merriam Webster​

    本文:All day every day, most of us are fielding requests. The asks are formal and informal, large and small.​


  • assess英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Facebook 的最佳貼文

    2020-04-14 20:30:18
    有 466 人按讚

    [時事英文] 世界衛生組織為何被批為「CHO」?
    閱讀時,請務必檢視所有行為背後的動機,並探索其它觀點。同學們可以在這裡找到不同的觀點: https://bit.ly/39Z1y5v(影片63分鐘後有分析動機)
    President Trump unleashed a tirade against the World Health Organization on Tuesday, accusing it of acting too slowly to sound the alarm about the coronavirus. It was not the first time in this pandemic that the global health body has faced such criticism. In Japan, Taro Aso, the deputy prime minister and finance minister, recently noted that some people have started referring to the World Health Organization as the “Chinese Health Organization” because of what he described as its close ties to Beijing. Taiwanese officials say the W.H.O. ignored its early warnings about the virus because China refuses to allow Taiwan, a self-governing island it claims as its territory, to become a member.
    1、unleash 突然釋放;使爆發
    2、tirade 長篇的抨擊性演說
    3、face criticisms 面臨批評
    4、deputy prime minister 副首相
    5、note (v.) that… 提及⋯⋯;注意到⋯⋯
    6、refer to (sb/sth) as (sb/sth) 將⋯⋯稱作*
    7、sound the alarm 敲響警鐘;發出危險的訊號;引起警覺
    8、close ties with 與⋯⋯的密切關係
    9、self-governing 自治
    *refer to:
    Critics say the W.H.O. has been too trusting of the Chinese government, which initially tried to conceal the outbreak in Wuhan. Others have faulted the organization and its leader, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, for moving too slowly in declaring a global health emergency.
    10、conceal 隱蔽;隱瞞
    11、fault (v.) 指責;挑……毛病;找……的缺點
    12、a global health emergency 全球衛生緊急事件
    The W.H.O., a United Nations agency, has defended its response, saying on Wednesday it alerted the world to the threat posed by the virus in a timely manner and that it was “committed to ensuring all member states are able to respond effectively to this pandemic.” The agency’s defenders say its powers over any individual government are limited, and that it has done the best it can in dealing with a public health threat with few precedents in history. There will be time later to assess successes and failings, “this virus and its shattering consequences.”
    13、be posed by 由……所構成
    14、in a timely manner 及時;在適當的時間內
    15、be committed to 致力於;投入
    16、have power over sb/sth 對⋯⋯有影響力(或操控力)
    17、precedent 先例;慣例;判例
    18、there will be time later to 之後將有……的時候
    19、assess success and failings 評判成敗
    20、shattering consequence 破壞性後果
    When cases of a mysterious viral pneumonia first appeared in Wuhan in December, Chinese health officials silenced whistle-blowers and repeatedly played down the severity of the outbreak. Even as late as mid-January, as the virus spread beyond China’s borders, Chinese officials described it as “preventable and controllable” and said there was no evidence it could be transmitted between humans on a broad scale. The W.H.O. endorsed the government’s claims, saying in mid-January, for example, that human-to-human transmission had not been proven.
    21、viral pneumonia 病毒性肺炎
    22、silence (v.) 使噤聲;使沉默
    23、play down 對……作低調處理;淡化……的重要性(或糟糕程度)
    24、severity (n.) 嚴重性
    25、preventable and controllable 可防止的與可控制的(可防可控)
    26、on a broad scale 廣泛地
    27、endorse (v.)(公開)認可,支持;宣傳,吹捧
    28、human-to-human transmission 人傳人
    Critics say the organization’s repeated deference to Beijing exacerbated the spread of the disease. A group of international experts was not allowed to visit Wuhan until mid-February. W.H.O. officials were slow to declare a public health emergency, critics say. Even as the virus spread to more than half a dozen countries and forced China to place parts of Hubei Province under lockdown in late January, the W.H.O. was reluctant to declare it a global health emergency. W.H.O. officials said at the time that a committee that discussed the epidemic was divided on the question of whether to call it an emergency, but concluded that it was too early. One official added that they weighed the impact such a declaration might have on the people of China.
    29、deference (n.) to 服從;遵從
    30、exacerbate 使惡化;使加劇
    31、place (v.) …under lockdown 將……置於封鎖之中
    32、reluctant 不情願的
    33、conclude 斷定;作出結論
    34、add 補充說;繼續說
    35、weigh the impact 權衡此一衝擊
    China’s leader, Xi Jinping, has made it a priority to strengthen Beijing’s clout at international institutions, including the W.H.O., seeing the American-dominated global order as an impediment to his country’s rise as a superpower. China contributes only a small fraction of the W.H.O.’s $6 billion budget, while the United States is one of its main benefactors. But in recent years, Beijing has worked in other ways to expand its influence at the organization. The government has lobbied the W.H.O. to promote traditional Chinese medicine, which Mr. Xi has worked to harness as a source of national pride and deployed as a soft-power tool in developing countries, despite skepticism from some scientists about its effectiveness.
    36、clout 權勢;影響力
    37、the American-dominated global order 美國主導的全球秩序
    38、impediment 阻礙;障礙物
    39、superpower 霸權
    40、benefactor 捐助者;贊助者
    41、lobby (v.) 遊說
    42、traditional Chinese medicine 中藥
    43、harness 控制;利用……的動力
    44、soft-power 軟實力
    45、national pride 民族自豪感;民族自尊
    46、skepticism 懷疑論;懷疑的態度
    Last year, the W.H.O. offered an endorsement of traditional Chinese medicine, including it in its influential medical compendium. China has sought to promote traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of symptoms of the coronavirus both at home and abroad. Last month, the W.H.O. was criticized after it removed a warning against taking traditional herbal remedies to treat the coronavirus from its websites in mainland China. China’s role at the W.H.O. will probably continue to grow in the coming years, especially if Western governments retreat from the organization, as Mr. Trump has threatened.
    47、endorsement 支持;簽署
    48、compendium 綱要
    49、at home and abroad 國內外(在國內與國外)
    50、herbal remedy 草藥療法*
    51、treat (v.) the coronavirus 治療冠狀病毒
    *按《劍橋詞典》,「herb」之定義為「a type of plant whose leaves are used in cooking to give flavour to particular dishes or in making medicine」,意即以植物的「葉子」製作藥材;其形容詞作「herbal」。再按《教育部重編國語辭典修訂本》,「藥草」意為「可供治病的草本植物」,而「草本植物」即「草質莖植物的總稱,屬開花植物」,故「herb」當譯作「藥草」,「herbal」則為「藥草的」。惟「草藥」係「取自植物界的藥材」,慮及中醫的藥材並非僅限於「草本植物」,此處遂將「herbal remedy」譯作「草藥療法」容較妥切。
    時事英文講義: https://bit.ly/2XmRYXc

  • assess英文 在 李根興 Edwin商舖創業及投資分享 Youtube 的最讚貼文

    2020-01-18 12:26:52

    《我在哈佛學的領袖技能》工作坊 : Invitation - 2020年2月8日或15日 (星期六)《Leadership Workshop》9am to 1pm

    我曾經在哈佛讀過三年(2012/13/14)教授 Robert Steven Kaplan 的領袖課程。Changed my life!

    農曆新年後,連我自己18年創業經驗,我希望和你分享我在哈佛學到及應用了什麼 (幸運地,我公司過去幾年的同事們 turnover 都是近0),可能令你的領袖能力亦有所啟發。

    題目: 六步提升你的領袖能力 (6 Steps to Become A Better Leader) based on Harvard Professor Robert Steven Kaplan's teaching and his 3 books.
    日期: 2020年2月8日或15日 (星期六)
    時間: 9am to 1pm
    地點: Classified Cafe and My Office at New World Tower, 16 Queens Road Central, HK.
    人數: 每場限20位,
    對象: 免費,但只適合工作經驗5至10年以上的管理人士參與。
    教材: 講廣東話,內容是英文
    (1) Speed dating, self intro and expectations.
    (2) Split into teams of 2 or 3 people.
    (3) Go thru the leadership framework by Prof. Robert Steven Kaplan (現任美國達拉斯 Dallas 聯邦儲備銀行行長卡普蘭)
    (4) Ask those questions and answer in teams.
    (5) 回答你任何對做生意的問題,takeaway value and let's all be friends.

    報名方法: 請WhatsApp你的卡片給Suki/Monica +852 9218 5223

    我之前關於 Prof. Robert Steven Kaplan 的領袖影片:




    Note: 如果之後你覺得此 workshop 有用,希望你可以考慮捐款 support 我 brother-in-law (Derrick Pang) 創立的 Lifewire.hk 慈善組織,幫助患有罕見疾病的兒童。




    Leadership Framework (by Harvard Prof. Robert Steven Kaplan)


    (1) Ownership Mindset (Leadership is not about position, is mindset)
    (2) What Do You Believe In?
    (3) Have You Acted On It?
    (4) Add Value To Others
    (5) Vision (Where? Why? Distinctive?)
    (6) Priorities (3 or 4)
    (7) Alignment
    - People
    - Task
    - Organization
    - You

    With active communication of vision and priorites everyday.



    Understanding yourself:
    A. Assess your own strengths and weaknesses
    - Write down your own
    - Find others write on yours too
    B. Finding your passion
    C. Value, ethics, morals
    D. What is your story? Be authentic

    Why leaders fail?
    A. Open to learn?
    B. Ask questions?
    C. Do you listen?
    D. Fight through isolation
    E. Ok feeling vulnerable

    The leader as role model
    A. Do you act as role model?
    B. What are the two to three key messages you want to send to people?
    C. Do your behaviors match your words
    D. How do you plan to improve on your weaknesses, and build on your strengths?

    Tools to become better leader:
    A. Support group
    B. Keep a journal (to do, ideas, knowledge, etc)
    C. Face to face communication
    D. Interview people (how u do it?)
    E. Think one level up.


    (1) Build Relationship
    . Mutual Understanding
    . Mutual Trust
    . Mutual Respect
    (2) Self disclosure
    (3) Inquiry
    (4) Advice seeking

    Build Relationship Exercise:
    A. Write down something about yourself that the other person probably doesn't know. Have the other person do the same.
    B. Write down a question you like to ask the other person that would help you understand him or her better. The other person do the same. Ask them.
    C. Write down an area of deep self doubt. Disclose to other person and ask for advise.



    Giving and getting feedback
    A. Seek feedback and seek coaching .
    B. Actively coach others. Coach up and coach down. Are your advice specific, timely, actionable?
    - Coaching is watching vs mentoring is telling.
    C. Not year end review alone. It will be a verdict. Review frequently.

    Communication with peers:
    A. Ask why do you work here? What's great?
    B. What do you hate about here?
    C. Can you suggest what action to improve above?



    Managing time
    A. Do you know how you spend your time?
    B. Does it match the key priorities?
    C. 1, 2, 3.
    (1) One is related to priorities and must be done by you
    (2) Two is related to priorities but can be done by someone else (at least partly)
    (3) Three is not related to priorities



    A. Design of company still align with vision and priorities?
    B. Blank sheet of paper exercise, what should you / we do? If so, what's stopping you?


  • assess英文 在 Eric's English Lounge Youtube 的最佳貼文

    2019-01-25 22:48:07


    學生的語言能力可分成兩種,一種是基本人際交談能力(Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills丶BICS),另一種則是認知和學術的語言能力(Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency丶CALP) ,意指學生所需擁有的較高層次語言以完成學校的課業,、或是在以學科內容為基礎的環境下,透過較複雜的口語或寫作來傳達對某學科的資訊、概念、分析及論點。


    林偉業、羅燕琴和潘溫文:〈說話能力架構芻議〉,2014 年9月 14 日



    「心智圖詞彙攻略」課程連結: https://bit.ly/2teELDq


    如何加強自己的CALP/How to Improve CALP:
    • Hold book reviews and analyze different viewpoints
    • Hold formal discussions and debates
    • Do group writing for academic essays
    • Teach others academic topics
    • Always read, analyze, and write academic articles

    加強自己英文的步驟/How to Improve Your English:
    1. Have a long-term learning goal and short-term objectives
    2. You can choose to take a standardized assessment to determine your starting point
    3. Find an experienced teacher to help you set up a study plan
    4. Learn, practice, and use all four domains of English (Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing)
    5. Study by yourself and with others
    6. Always seek help and ask for feedback
    7. Periodically assess your progress
    8. Adjust your study plan according to your assessments and feedback from teachers

    提升英文口說能力的五大關鍵: https://goo.gl/usRqGd


    林偉業、羅燕琴和潘溫文:〈說話能力架構芻議〉,2014 年9月 14 日



    學生的語言能力可分成兩種,一種是基本人際交談能力(Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills丶BICS),另一種則是認知和學術的語言能力(Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency丶CALP) ,意指學生所需擁有的較高層次語言以完成學校的課業,、或是在以學科內容為基礎的環境下,透過較複雜的口語或寫作來傳達對某學科的資訊、概念、分析及論點。


    林偉業、羅燕琴和潘溫文:〈說話能力架構芻議〉,2014 年9月 14 日


    「心智圖詞彙攻略」線上課程: https://bit.ly/2teELDq

    「心智圖詞彙攻略」Q&A: https://wp.me/p44l9b-1Wt

